Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Trump Made Laura Ingraham Cringe!

Trump fumbles even a softball interview with Laura Ingraham.

Donald J. Trump's rhetoric has sparked unrest across the nation. He can't blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the world's problems when he's the President of the United States. The responsibility of the country lies on the feet of Trump, period.

The coronavirus hasn't disappeared. It hasn't went away in the summer. The infection rate has soared over 6.8 million cases. The death count is over 225,000. The "miracles" that Trump and the FDA are throwing out are not tested well. States are sending students back to school and it's backfiring big time. Face masks are now a political issue.

People are acting foolish when asked to wear facial masks in facilities. Trust me, I've dealt with it multiple times with people who refuse to wear face mask at my job.

Far-right agitator Laura Ingraham interviews Trump and he had said some of the most disturbing word vomit in this interview. It was cringe-worthy. It was pure Trump and Fox News at worst.

His supporters will love it. It's pure Trump and he's desperate. The Republican National Convention didn't have a specific platform going in. They ran on a white nationalist platform.

The agitator did a sit-down interview at The White House. On Monday, Trump detailed the unrest in Portland, the shooting of Jacob Blake, Black Lives Matter, his agenda, Biden and Democrats.

He made a ridiculous accusation against Biden and Ingraham tried to stop him from pushing it.

Ingraham tried to save him from digging himself a grave. Because he compared the shooting of Jacob Blake to golf. It was amazing that even a softball interview with a Trump loyalist can go wrong.

In the interview, he said that Portland, Oregon was burning for decades. He said that Ted Wheeler was nearly killed by protesters. He's wrong on that one. Federal agents had tear gassed and shoved Wheeler when he walked with protesters.

Trump condemned the shooting in Portland that killed a far-right extremist. This left-wing extremist killed him at point blank range. Trump said that Biden and Democrats are rooting for violence in the country. Trump claims that Wheeler is "sick" for not acting for federal troops.

He also claimed he ordered the national guard to Kenosha, Wisconsin. This was false. Gov. Tony Evers has issued the guard and Kenosha city and county officials have ordered a curfew. He is expected to head to the city.
Laura Ingraham did a softball interview with Trump. Even Trump fumbled that.
He also rambled about how the junk food media protected Biden. He said that Biden will crash the economy and destroy the world.

He resorting on that old canard about Biden "being stuck in the basement."

Trump also made a ridiculous assertion about "thugs" in "dark uniforms" flying into Washington and also compared police brutality against African Americans to golfers cracking under pressure.

Ingraham interjected: "What does that mean? That sounds like a conspiracy theory. Dark shadows. What is that?"

Trump insisted: "There are people that are on the streets, there are people that are controlling the streets."

The conversation then took an even stranger turn. "We had somebody get on a plane from a certain city this weekend," Trump said. "And in the plane, it was almost completely loaded with thugs, wearing these dark uniforms, black uniforms, with gear and this and that."

A puzzled Ingraham pressed for details. Trump deflected cryptically: "I'll tell you some time. It's under investigation right now."

But he added that his witness, heading to the Republican national convention, had reported seeing "a lot of people were on the plane to do big damage." Trump's claim appeared baffling in the absence of further evidence.

Trump is notorious for pushing the "birther" conspiracy theory about Barack Obama and recently declining to denounce the antisemitic Q'Anon movement.

In the interview with Ingraham, Trump also continued his racially divisive rhetoric, describing Black Lives Matter as a "Marxist organization". He said: "The first time I ever heard of Black Lives Matter, I said, 'That's a terrible name. It's so discriminatory'. It's bad for Black people. It's bad for everybody."

The president is due to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin on Tuesday despite a warning from Evers that he is only likely to inflame tensions. The city has witnessed deadly unrest after Jacob Blake, an African American man, was shot seven times in the back by police and left paralysed from the waist down.

Reminder, Sean Hannity is the official softball of the Donald J. Trump Presidency.

This interview won't shake his support. Mind you, Michael Moore said that his base is enthusiastic despite the chaos he is causing.

The Royal Fourth!

The rumors going around. The junk food media believes Kate is expecting.
Royal pregnancy rumors are growing in Great Britain.

Rumors are going around saying that the Duchess of Cambridge is pregnant with her fourth child.

The duchess has been known to have complications from pregnancy but she normally goes through without any issues.

The junk food media is once again swarming over the rumors that the "future" King and his wife are going to add to their large family. They are posting sympathetic stories about the possibility of the duchess having a high risk pregnancy and how it could endanger her life.

You gotta hand it to the folks in the junk food media, they are sure as hell clueless when it comes to the way they portray the royal family.

They have been giving the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge more favorable coverage since the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The American actress married the royal a few years back and the two had a son. The two had face some of the most negative coverage over in Britain and here in the United States.

Even Donald J. Trump's dumb ass was saying he's not paying for any Secret Service protection for the couple.
The royal family had tensions due to the media's treatment of Harry and Meghan.
The couple restrained themselves from royal funds and said they don't need American law enforcement to protect them.

Prince William and Duchess Kate have three children together. George, Charlotte and Louis are their children. The royal line of succession will change again if Kate does have another child.

The new hierarchy is pretty much.

Queen Elizabeth II
Charles, Prince of Wales.
William, Duke of Cambridge
Prince George of Cambridge
Princess Charlotte of Cambridge
Prince Louis of Cambridge
Harry (if he resumes royal duties), Duke of Sussex
Master Archie Mountbatten-Windsor

If Elizabeth II resigns or passes away, Charles will assume the throne.

You notice that since Prince Harry married American actress Meghan Markle, the junk food media has been obsessed with painting her as an "angry Black royal" while glorifying the "fairy tale" marriage of Prince William and Duchess Kate. One of the reasons why Harry resigned from royal duties was the persistent negative and racist coverage of Meghan from British and American agitators.

Their announcement to leave royal duties and settle in North America rocked the world. Queen Elizabeth II, the longest serving monarch of Great Britain was angered by the news. They broke royal protocol.

The two said that enough is enough. They believed that racism fueled their decision.

Now the two reside in the United States.

It's reported that the royals are strained because of this. William and Harry have tried to patch things up as of recently.

We want to say congratulations to Prince William and Duchess Kate if they are expecting.

Deep Faking Republican Bullsh*t!

Now Trump is resorting to doctored videos to attack Joe Biden.
Republicans can't get their shit right. We are at 225,000 Americans dead from coronavirus. We have over 7 million Americans infected with the disease. We have over 39 million Americans out of work. We have food prices rising. We have people losing their homes because they can't pay their rent because the Republican Party refuses to pay a safety net plan to keep Americans functioning during a pandemic. We have schools and colleges struggling because those attending continue to not adhere to the Centers for Disease Control's recommendations. Americans are not wearing facial mask because they believe the danger is wearing them and not the disease. We have unrest in many of these communities thanks to the deaths of people of color. Systematic racism is happening in real time when our president is throwing support to a white terrorist and sending condolences to another. A man so desperate to be in power is overseeing chaos. A man who is being blackmailed by a foreign dictator who is helping sow discourse in this election. It won't be long before we have Donald J. Trump declare himself a "President for LIFE" with Congress approving it in some fashion.

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) and White House media and campaign advisor Dan Scavino are facing heat for spreading deep fake videos depicting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden as a doddering old man.

Scalise, a survivor of a mass shooting and the Minority Whip of the Republican House spreading a misleading video of American activist Edy Barkan who is suffering from Lou Gehrig's disease and ALS (motor neurone disease).

The dog whistle is blowing hard within the Republican Party.

Donald J. Trump and the guy who once referred himself as "David Duke without the baggage" have been trying to tie violence in the United States to Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

The Republicans have continued to push this narrative straight out of Fox News' tired playbook.

They are white nationalist platform they're running on.

Scavino on the other hand took a video from some idiot working for coonservative Wayne Dupree of a news reporter interviewing Joe Biden. In the video, it shows Biden asleep while the reporter is trying to wake him up. The video went viral and it was shared over 50,000 times.

The reporter who was in the studio that day quickly denounced the video. He said that the video was misleading and they were interviewing Harry Belafonte, a civil rights activist and actor who appeared to be nodding off during an interview.

The doctored video was seen over 2 million times. It was just pulled around 5pm.

This was not manipulated media right here.

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

This Arkansas Sheriff Doesn't Like His Girlfriend Talking To....!

Turn in your badge...You're done! Republican sheriff Todd Wright is ousted after he was recorded calling Black people racial slurs and threatening his girlfriend.

The resignation of this dirty cop shows that white supremacists work in the police force.

DL Hughley said that white supremacists work in the military and police. They are getting hired without proper background checks.

A sheriff in rural Arkansas resigned over the weekend after his girlfriend recorded him spewing offensive remarks about a Black grocery store worker she spoke to on a friendly basis.

Girlfriend recording racist cop's rant.
On Friday, Arkansas County Sheriff Todd Wright resigned on Friday to prevent himself from being fired by county officials. He was caught on audio tape calling this man, a "fucking NIGGER" and said that she's a "NIGGER-LOVER."

The recording was made months earlier when ex-girlfriend Denise Middlebrooks recording a heated argument between the two. She shared it on social media and it went viral.

"Shut up, NIGGER-LOVER....all those motherfuckers in that store and you've got to talk to the dumbfucking ass NIGGER in front of me."

Middlebrooks responds back saying that it wasn't a big deal. "It is a fucking big deal. People see me and then they see you talking to NIGGERS," Wright responds.

"I don't understand why you're so mad at me," Middlebrooks asks.

"Why you got to holler at fucking NIGGERS when I'm around," Wright responds.

Arkansas County, Arkansas has a 25% Black population and it has 25,000 residents.

In a May 28 Facebook post, Wright acknowledged it was his voice in the recording saying, "To all I have offended or hurt I send my sincere apologies and will pray for my enemies."

The apology didn't soothe over tensions. Matter of fact, his record of pull-overs, use of force, arrests could come into question. The Arkansas County Courts will review his record and it could overturn convictions.

County Judge Thomas Best, the county's top elected administrator, said the Quorum Court decided Thursday to ask for Wright's resignation after the recording began circulating on Facebook the day before.

"It saddens me that anyone would disrespect God's creation in this manner," Best said. "No way will I condone this action from anyone."

CBS affiliate KTHV reports that Wright made a statement to the court, but after initially asking for a chance to "put his affairs in order," a local pastor convinced him to resign immediately. After about an hour, he turned over his badge and gun to a some applause in the gallery.

Outside the courthouse, many expressed happiness with the resignation while wondering how much change Wright's resignation would bring.

"Let's just clean the town up," said Consuela McKinzie, as she stood with two of her college-age sons. "Clean the town up, so we can let our kids live free."

Chief Deputy Randy Bateman will serve as sheriff until a replacement is appointed or a special election is held, Best said.

Wright had been with the sheriff's office for 26 years, the last four as the elected sheriff.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Niecy Nash Got That Girl Power!

Niecy Nash marries her girlfriend Jessica Betts in a secret wedding.

Comedian and actress Niecy Nash got married for the third time. It appears that the entertainer secretly married a woman over the weekend. Previously known as Carol Denise Ensley, the 50-year old entertainer is a comedian, actress, television host, model and producer. She comes out a bisexual.

In the wedding photo, Nash appeared in a wedding dress and was holding the hand of her wife, Jessica Betts, who dressed in a tuxedo. The two were married to a small gathering and Nash shared the photo on social media.

The pair have posted about one another prior. While on the set of TNT's Claws, the pair posted a photo where Nash referred to Betts as her "homegirl." Betts appeared on the show in one episode.

Betts is a musician. The two had not publicly known as a couple prior to the post. Nash was not publicly known to be queer either. According to Out Magazine, the entertainer had played a lesbian role on The Mindy Project where she kissed show star Mindy Kaling.
 Niecy Nash announced on social media she married her partner after recently divorcing her second husband.
Niecy Nash is best known for her roles on Claws, Scream Queens, Reno 911! and many other shows.

She was previously married to Jay Tucker and Don Nash.

Nash was an ordained minister and the father of her three children.

She married Tucker shortly after divorcing Nash and was married to him for nearly 10 years.

Nash is the spokeswoman of M.A.V.I.S. (Mothers Against Violence In Schools). She is a co-founder of this organization. Her mother founded it when her brother Michael was shot and killed in Compton, California.

The entertainers who recently came out included Raven-Symone who married her wife Miranda Pearman-Maday. They married in June and the two shared their marriage on social media.

Da Brat, radio host and rapper also announced she is planning on marrying reality television agitator and businesswoman Jesseca Dupart.

Portland Unrest Is Trump's Fault!

Trump supporters came to Portland and one of them getting killed.




Donald J. Trump's rhetoric has sparked unrest across the nation. He can't blame Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the world's problems when he's the President of the United States. The responsibility of the country lies on the feet of Trump, period.

Portland has finally reached a boiling point when a terrorist shot and killed a far-right agitator.

The Patriot Prayer was a rally for Trump supporters to intimidate Antifa and Black Lives Matter protesters in downtown Portland. During the weekend, there were clashes between these groups.

The victim, Aaron "Jay" Danielson was shot at point blank range by a white terrorist who identified himself as a member of Antifa.

The feds are searching for this terrorist and he will likely be charged with murder. He could face LIFE in the iron college if convicted of this.
Ted Wheeler condemns the violence and he blames rightfully Donald Trump for it.
Since the death of George Floyd, protests have continue to mount in the country.

Ted Wheeler, the mayor of Portland is condemning the violence and said directly that the fault of his city's unrest lies on Trump.

After Trump called Wheeler, a Democrat, a "fool" and blamed him for allowing violence to proliferate in the liberal city, the visibly angry mayor lashed out at the president, addressing him in the first person through the TV cameras.

"That’s classic Trump. Mr. President, how can you think that a comment like that, if you're watching this, is in any way helpful? It's an aggressive stance, it is not collaborative. I certainly reached out, I believe in a collaborative manner, by saying earlier that you need to do your part and I need to do my part and then we both need to be held accountable," Wheeler said.

"Let's work together. Wouldn't that be a message? Donald Trump and Ted Wheeler working together to help move this country forward. Why don't we try that for a change?"

The testy news conference followed a chaotic and volatile 24 hours in Portland that began when a caravan of about 600 vehicles packed with Trump supporters drove through Portland and was met with counter protesters. Skirmishes broke out between the groups and, about 15 minutes after the caravan left the city, a supporter of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer was fatally shot.

Patriot Prayer founder Joey Gibson identified the victim as Danielson. He called the victim a "good friend," but provided no further details. Danielson apparently also went by the name Jay Bishop, according to Patriot Prayer's Facebook page.

"We love Jay and he had such a huge heart. God bless him and the life he lived," Gibson said in a Facebook post.

Trump retweeted the victim’s name and wrote, "Rest in peace Jay!"
Police treat the shooting victim.
It wasn't clear if the shooting was related to the clashes between Trump supporters and counter-protesters in Portland, which has become a flashpoint in the national Black Lives Matter protests since George Floyd was killed in May and an increasing centerpiece in Trump's law-and-order re-election campaign theme.

Trump and other speakers at last week's Republican National Convention evoked a violent, dystopian future if Biden wins in November and pointed to Portland as a cautionary tale for what would be in store for Americans.

Police have released little information and Chief Chuck Lovell said Sunday that investigators are still gathering evidence, including surveillance video from area businesses. Earlier Sunday, the agency released a plea for any information related to the killing, including videos, photos or eyewitness accounts.

Patriot Prayer is based in Washington state and was founded in 2016. Since early 2017, its supporters have been periodically coming to Portland to hold rallies for Trump, ratcheting up tensions in the liberal city long before the national outrage over Floyd's death sparked more than three months of protests here.

Portland has seen nearly 100 consecutive nights of Black Lives Matter protests and many have ended with vandalism to federal and city property, including police precincts, a county jail, the federal courthouse and City Hall. In July, Trump sent more than 100 federal agents from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to safeguard federal property — a move that instead reinvigorated the protests.

Thousands of people clashed with the federal agents each night for two weeks, as agents lobbed tear gas canisters and pepper spray at the crowds and some protesters tossed fireworks at the agents and shined lasers in their eyes.

Those agents withdrew July 31 but smaller nightly protests have continued in pockets of the city. More than 600 people have been arrested since late May.

On Sunday, Portland authorities urged people to stay away from the downtown as they try to de-escalate tensions and braced for what promised to be another night of violence. A protest was planned for Sunday night on the city's east side.
A man's life is lost to gun violence. Even though, he was a far-right agitator, his life mattered too. 
Late Sunday Oregon Gov. Kate Brown released details of a plan to address the violence in Portland while protecting free speech. She said the district attorney's office in Multnomah County, which includes Portland, will prosecute serious criminal offenses and the sheriff’s office will work with other agencies to hold people arrested for violent behavior and ensure there is adequate jail space. Also, Brown said Oregon State Police will return to Portland to help local police and nearby law enforcement agencies will also be asked to assist.

Trump earlier Sunday appeared to be encouraging his supporters to move into Portland in the wake of the shooting. After the shooting, the president shared a video of his supporters driving into Portland and called those in Saturday's caravan "GREAT PATRIOTS!"

Wheeler begged those who wanted to come to Portland to "seek retribution" to stay away.

"If you're from out of town and you're reading something on social media — if you're reading any facts on social media — they're probably wrong because we don't have all the facts yet," Wheeler said. "They are still assembling the facts. This is not the time to get hotheaded because you read something on Twitter that some guy made up in his mother's basement."

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf blamed local officials for failing "to protect their communities."

“I’m asking Portland officials, so that’s the mayor, that's the governor and that’s local law enforcement, to do their job to address any violent activity that is occurring in their streets," Wolf told CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

Wolf said the federal government was prepared to send agents to Portland and other cities to protect federal buildings and assist police.

Lovell and Wheeler said they had no plans to request National Guard troops but the city is seeking assistance from the sheriff’s department and Oregon State Police.

Every time these folks offer "thoughts and prayers," "their condolences," "their hearts going out to," and "their apologies," they are not sincere. For every naming of a road, park, bench, building and holiday, it won't matter to the community. For every time they lower flags, offer moments of silence and candlelight vigils, we just offer "feel good-isms."

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

So far, more Black men and women are being killed by the police. I don't want to hear no talk about white suspects being killed far more. So far, the junk food media has spotlighted another Black man being shot by the police.

We have mass shootings in the United States everyday. We are the only country in the world that continues to do nothing about this. Donald J. Trump, Congress, the National Rifle Association and agitators in the junk food media have moved on from dealing with this. They're too busy sniping over partisan blame games. With Trump being impeached while in office, he's unlikely to focus on gun violence.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Master P Is The Rapping Chef!


We're cooking like it's NO LIMIT!

The legendary Master P is launching his own line of food products. He is launching this Black-owned food brand to replace Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's.

Percy Miller, the legendary founder of No Limit Records is a media mogul, activist, entrepreneur and actor. He is worth an estimated $245 million.

P launched the "Uncle P" food company which is going to offer consumers a Black-owned alternative to brands that use Black names and imagery, but don't give back to the Black communities.

P always believed that Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben's were Black owned at one time. When found out that Mars Brands owns Uncle Ben's and Quaker owns Aunt Jemima, he said that he had to make something that Blacks can respectfully buy.

The Uncle P's Louisiana Seasoned products will hit the stores soon. He said, "There's No Limit To Success."

Uncle P will have pancake mix, syrup, oatmeal, grits, rice, beans, sweet tea and biscuits.

The Uncle P's brand will aim to create more job opportunity with upward mobility for Black people.

P said that he wants to use portions of the profits to restore and develop real estate in Black neighborhoods.

"If they made billions of dollars off Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben, imagine how much will make to give back to our own community. It'll be us helping us without having to wait for the government. We can actually change the world."

Master P made a music empire off a mere $10,000 malpractice settlement he got from his grandfather's death. From there he opened up a record store, started a record label, invested in various industries and still continues to be a huge influence in the country.

It would be nice to see Black-owned everyday in the United States. It would also be nice to more people of color elected to higher office. I mean the Congress has 56 members who are African American. There are two Republicans and 54 Democrats.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX) are the only African American Republicans.

The Republican Party acts like that two members is a huge accomplishment. It's really not an accomplishment it's a setback for a party that struggled to win over African Americans.

Seeing that only 8% of the Black vote went to Donald J. Trump, we can't count on Black men like previous elections. We need to count on Black women to help bring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Right Seizes On Leftist Michael Moore's Trump Remarks!

Leftist agitator and entertainer Michael Moore gets attention. He says Trump will blow out this election and leftists and far-right trolls seize on his remarks.







Why do they keep putting his ass on?

Black voters did not pick Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary. I don't get why these idiots can't see that. Joe Biden will likely not get the white vote anyway. These fools are killing us with ignorance and hatred of people of color.

White leftists and white conservatives are not friends of Black America. If Donald J. Trump is reelected, expect more violence and civil unrest. Expect those in the junk food media and politics to be targeted for violent attacks.

Entertainer Michael Moore once again gets the junk food media's attention.

Another worthless agitator who continues to piss pour on the parade of Democrats who are embolden to defeat Trump at the ballot box.

Moore, an actor, director and producer is a staunch supporter of Sanders posted on social media his thoughts of the candidates.

He said get ready for another four years of Trump which set social media on fire.

Many of the far-right seized on the remarks and said "Hey, that asshole Michael Moore says that Trump will win." Many leftists 🌹 agitators agree with the notion as well.

Progressives are just sick and tired of these leftists. Most are wishing they stop inviting Moore on cable news. Matter of fact, I am sick and tired of hearing from Moore, Nina Turner, David Sirota, Katie Halper, Ryan Grim and Jeffrey Shaun King.

The polls are out and it does show that Trump has a 49.9% chance of winning reelection. The polls don't matter. It's matter of the electoral college which decides who becomes the President of the United States. If one candidate can earn 270 electoral votes, then they will be the president. The polls don't mean shit.

Click the map to create your own at 270toWin.com

Moore is counting on Trump to win so he can boast about how he and many leftists were "right" when it comes to picking Sanders over Biden. Sanders would have been the most vulnerable candidate. Folks already hate him for hurting Hillary Clinton and of course, many are not willing to embrace democratic socialism in the United States. Folks are not buying into Sanders' envision of America.

We already have populism in the White House and it's led to where we're at now.

The coronavirus hasn't disappeared. It hasn't went away in the summer. The infection rate has soared over 6.8 million cases. The death count is over 200,000. The "miracles" that Trump and the FDA are throwing out are not tested well. States are sending students back to school and it's backfiring big time. Face masks are now a political issue.

People are acting foolish when asked to wear facial masks in facilities. Trust me, I've dealt with it multiple times with people who refuse to wear face mask at my job.

We have unrest in Kenosha, Wisconsin. We have unrest in Portland, Oregon. Since the deaths of George Floyd, Brenna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Rayshard Brooks and the shooting of Jacob Blake, Blacks are getting fed up with police/white vigilante violence.

White leftists are more concerned about things we're never gonna get passed in Congress with Republicans.

The Democrats can't get their act together. I mean it's frustrating to see leftists try to hurt Biden because they're not happy Sanders lost again. The primaries are over and we have a nominee.

Biden was always an underdog and he's not taking this for granted. I mean Biden knows the risk of allowing Trump and his allies dictate the message. Biden should punch harder and start resorting to the tactics of Trump.

He should ask for foreign help like Trump did with the Russian Federation.

Democrats should not take this election for granted. Don't believe the polls and don't listen to the noise. Campaign safely and make women of color the voice of Biden and Harris.

Black women will save the day. Don't count on white women, Black men or young voters. Democrats should court them but don't rely on this block. This block voted for Trump.

They ain't reliable anymore. Count on moderates, progressives, college educated, Black women and disgruntled Republicans. They seem to be the only rational folks so far.

Listen to Trevor Noah. He may be a comedian, satirist and agitator, but damn it, he's usually right on the far-right and leftist like Moore.

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Shaun King Trying To Bilk Off Chadwick Boseman's Death!

Shaun King defends his latest bullshit scam.

They nicknamed him Talcum X for a reason. He's a white scam artist and an agent of chaos.

This leftist agitator has been no friend of Black Lives Matter. He's been a peddler of misinformation about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. He's been trifling and conniving.

A Twitter user by the name of @VeryWhiteGuy exposed the latest scam by Jeffrey Shaun King.

Hello My Friend,

I hope that you are hanging in there. Yesterday I sent an email checking in on everybody - and just a few hours later we learned of the death of Chadwick Boseman. Life is so very fragile. Tomorrow is not promised.

Over the past 6 years of the Black Lives Matter Movement I have traveled to 47 states - teaching, organizing, learning and leading. And for all 6 years, everywhere I go, people ask me, "Shaun, how do I actually use my life, my skills, my time, my energy to impact and change the world?"
Shaun King is trying to exploit the death of Chadwick Boseman for financial gains.
My book, MAKE CHANGE, is a 272 page answer to that question. It's not an autobiography. I tell my story, of course, but its actually a guide to help you through this exact moment that we are in right now. I am not here today to promote a product. I am here to promote a SOLUTION. An ANSWER. At a time when we desperately need clarity.

The book is available at every bookstore in the country. Online and off.

You can purchase it on Amazon here.
You can purchase it from independent and Black-owned bookstores here or here or her.
You can purchase it at Barnes and Noble here.
You can purchase the audiobook on Audible here.
You can purchase it at Books-A-Million here.
You can purchase it from Target here.

I just want you to have it in this moment. I wrote it for this moment. We now have over 700 5 star reviews on Amazon from readers who are putting the lessons to great use.

And listen - I hate to even have to say this - but when I write an email like this, it's not for profit, or personal gain. I don't make a dime off selling books. I was paid a year ago. I write these emails to help us on the same page.

Shaun King.

Besides that, he's a well-known supporter of failed candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2016 and 2020. He has been accused of raising money for causes without properly accounting for where the money went.

In September 2019, DeRay McKesson, a former ally to King wrote a Medium piece calling out King for the "lack of transparency" during the fundraising campaigns for the anti-police violence organization Justice Together and the North Star, a website that King and leftist Benjamin Dixon started but never completed.

It won't be long before the feds start looking into the fundraising that King's running.

King is constantly trying to profit off the deaths of Black men and women.

Just this week, he threatened violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin because the county prosecutor didn't name the cops involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake.

Listen to Black women. They know how King operates.

Listen to Malcolm Nance, the writer of The Plot to Hack America. He details far-right and leftist agitators who use Russian Active Measures in an attempt to help elect Donald J. Trump.

Nance has called out Jeffrey Shaun King, David Sirota, Nina Turner, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Tibabi, Ryan Grim, Katie Halper and Michael Moore as agents of chaos and distortion.

Reminder, this election is crucial and we need everyone on board to help elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. We don't need the distractions like Shaun King.


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