Showing posts with label white supremacist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white supremacist. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Racist Bar Takes Down Obama Sign!

This week of shame continues with the controversial Georgia bar and restaurant known for its offensive attacks on the president.

President Barack Obama is hated by White conservatives. They hate him with a passion. It's a damn shame though! With all this talk about birth certificates, tax returns, socialism, victimization, and among other things, you got these agitators going as far to express their First Amendment Right to be downright offensive.

I've said it time after time! Conservatives are single issue voters who harbor bigotry towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

With Mitt Romney's 47% of the country being dependent on government, one would think this race is over!

Talk radio host Rob Redding
Think again. The Republicans and their allies in the conservative media are looking to puncture holes in the unbreakable armor of President Barack Obama and his campaign team.

They've allow Mitt Romney to go on the offensive over things that are not only turn offs to independents but signs of desperation in his campaign team.

Mulligans Bar & Grill in suburban Atlanta has been notorious for the t-shirts with an depiction of the president as Curious George, a fictional monkey.

The owner died last year and his family members managed to keep the hate running long after his passing.

Well many citizens in the area had enough of it. They're having a planned boycott and sit in.

The owners of the bar took down the offensive sign. The sign claimed "The White House Smelled Like Chicken!" A stereotype claiming that Blacks are obsessed with chicken.

Rob Redding, the host of Redding News Review, a daily program that talks about issues in the Black community from an independent perspective has some choice words for this bar.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Those Who Hate!

Wade Page the Sikh Temple shooter has ties to Neo-Nazi rock bands and chanted off White supremacist rhetoric!

The recent shooting at the Sikh Temple in Wisconsin have brought forth the issue of right wing extremism.

Wade Page is the shooter and his views of society are the reasons for this tragedy to happen.

According to Talking Points Memo, Wade Page was nothing if not a relentless promoter of hate and the style of music he loved.

He found a nexus of both in the world of white power rock, where racist skinheads play their own brand of crunchy, loud punk and metal infused with lyrics trashing Jews, blacks, immigrants and anything else bothering them at the moment.

It didn’t take long to uncover a trail of Page’s postings on various white supremacist message boards, where he constantly promoted the white power bands he played in and knew.

Three's the hard way! Wade Page is on the right!
“Definite Hate is looking for a new drummer,” said one posting written under an alias he frequently used, End Apathy, on a message board for the racist skinhead faction known as the Hammerskins. “Must be a skinhead, committed to White Power and the movement, and have the skills to pay the bills.”

While music was usually his main focus, the postings made clear Page was also deeply involved with the Hammerskins organization. While he was living in North Carolina last year, he posted multiple messages encouraging people to come to “meet and greet” gatherings for the group near the city of Rocky Mount.

“All White nationalists are welcome!” said a message posted by End Apathy that appeared on March 22, 2011. “If you are wanting to meet people, get involved and become active then you really need to attend. Stop hiding behind the computer or making excuses.”

The person using the alias occasionally posted similar messages on the well known white supremacist site, but he appeared to favorite the Hammerskin message boards at The latter website showed he posted 250 times since joining in March 2010.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks extremism in the U.S., documented Page’s ties to the white supremacist music scene on its own website early Monday. Senior fellow Mark Potok wrote that Page was the leader of a band that shared the name of his message board alias, End Apathy. In interviews later in the day, researchers with the SPLC said they had tracked Page for at least a decade.

Page presented a dangerous theme.

White supremacists are motivated by the hate music, the internet, and the first Black president. The Republicans riling up White voters with controversies such as Operation Fast & Furious, the president's birth certificate, undocumented workers, and a struggling economy. These things are going through mind of the White conservative male. This regurgitation of misinformation has driven White supremacists to the internet to promote views that you'll find when you read the comment section.

Once again, Fox News, The Drudge Report, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, Bill Cunningham, Michelle Malkin, World Net Daily, and Sarah Palin are riling up extremism.

They can't help themselves. They rather deflect the harsh rhetoric solely on those who criticize them!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Another Man Eats Human Flesh! Cops Arrest This One!

Another disturbing incident that has the news agitators now panicking over Blacks eating human flesh now.
This is another story that is not safe for work. The latest incident of bath salt rage comes out of Maryland, where a student attending Morgan State University becomes the head of the class. No pun intended. This is another disturbing case of how ingesting bath salts contributes to deadly incidents. According the liberal news agitating website, The Huffington Post, a man named Alexander Kinyua ate his college roommate's brain and heart.

Get ready for another snide comment from the online bigot community about this guy being "one of [Obama's] sons!" Since he's from Nigeria, they'll mistake him as a Kenyan and want to see his birth certificate of live birth.

The 21 year old man attended Morgan State University. Kinyua's disgusting incident will attract another international buzz, and yes this time the police arrested him.

Once again, this story begs for agitation from white supremacists and conservatives who spend their time scaring up white people about those scary black thugs who now pose a threat to human flesh.

According to the Baltimore Sun, the young man was living with the victim when they got into a dispute. I guess after he got those bath salts in his system, he went forth to decapitating his roommate. He scattered the body parts across Maryland. He found religion and eventually confessed to the police.

The arrest of Alexander Kinyua came almost a week after Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie, 37, went missing, and followed a search of the home the two men apparently shared in the 500 block of Terrapin Terrace in Joppatowne early Wednesday morning, police said.

Courtesy of the Tampa Bay Times/ABC News.

Kinyua, an electrical engineering student who until January was involved in the ROTC program at Morgan, was ordered held without bail at a court appearance Thursday afternoon.

Monica Worrell, a spokeswoman for the Harford County Sheriff's Office, said today that Agyei-Kodie had been reported missing, but information collected by detectives "didn't pass the smell test." On Monday, police released a public appeal for help in locating him.

This incident comes fresh after an incident just about a week ago where a Florida man named Rudy Eugene went on a drug binge and ended up attacking and mutilating a man's face. The Miami-Dade County Police had to use deadly force in order to stop the horrible incident.

What's going to stir the bee's nest is the fact these incidents were caused by Black men.

There's one jerk who spends all his time on a worthless blog trashing the Black community. I am guessing he'll pick up on it after he goes through his bookmarks and finds The Drudge Report as his resource.

There's nothing better than a Black man looking for the nutritional value of human flesh.

The Baltimore Sun added that Kinyua also directed police to Towne Baptist Church, in the 500 block of Trimble Road, to find the rest of the remains, which were found in a Dumpster on the property, according to charging documents.

The case comes on the heels of a shocking incident in Miami. A naked man believed to be high on bath salts ate another man's face, and New Jersey, where a man disemboweled himself and reportedly threw his intestines at police officers. Police there say they aren't sure whether the man, Wayne Carter, was on drugs or suffering from mental illness.

At his first court appearance, defense attorney Lynne McChrystal requested that reasonable bail to be set in the case, adding that Kinyua has been in Harford County for six years and in Maryland for nine years. He is self-employed and performs consulting work, she added.

Courtesy of YouTube.

Upon questioning by Judge John L. Dunnigan, Kinyua said that all of his family members resided in Maryland and he was originally from Nairobi, Kenya.

Assistant State's Attorney Trenna Manners cited those out-of-country ties, as well as the "grisly" nature of the crime, when she asked for Kinyua to be held without bail.

The charges are not Kinyua's first in recent weeks, and a previous arrest and Kinyua's online postings point to a troubled man. In January, he was disenrolled from the ROTC program after two-and-a-half-years of participation, said Lt. Col. James Lewis, a professor of military service who oversees the program. Officials said it followed a disciplinary incident.

Then on May 20, Kinyua, who otherwise does not have a criminal record in Maryland, was charged with first-degree assault and reckless endangerment in Baltimore in connection with an incident that allegedly occurred May 19 at the Thurgood Marshall apartments, according to court records.

In that case, according to police, Kinyua "randomly" attacked another Morgan State student in a doorway of the apartment complex with a baseball bat, then fled into a nearby wooded area. The victim, listed as Joshua Ceasar, suffered fractures to his skull, arm, shoulder, as well as blindness to his left eye. The first responding officer saw Ceasar stumbling toward her, with blood coming from his forehead, and the officer noted a large amount of blood in the doorway.

Kinyua was ordered held on $220,000 bond in that case, and university officials said the school was in the process of expelling him.

On May 25, what appeared to be a plea from his parents for help paying Kinyua's legal fees in the case from was posted on the website, a Kenyan news site. The post, which has since been removed, said Kinyua had been arrested for "being involved in a fight in his dormitory room at Morgan State University."

The online plea says, "In order to get him the best defense possible, we need to secure an attorney who will take his case and leave no stone unturned."

It also states a fundraising event was scheduled at the International Christian Community Church on Sunday. He was scheduled to appear at a preliminary hearing in that case June 19.

To view the rest of this story go to the Baltimore Sun website. Also I want to make note that the Rudy Eugene controversy that I've written has went viral. Also there's another controversy out of Montreal. A man murders his "trick" and eats his flesh then mails it to Canadian lawmakers.

I want to congratulate La Reyna for getting recognition for the hard work she obtained in making the blog succeed. Thank her for the many years of hard work. I wish you well your success.


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