Showing posts with label James O'Keefe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label James O'Keefe. Show all posts

Thursday, March 07, 2013

ACORN Pimp Betta Have My Money!

A setback for conservative agitator James O'Keefe. He and Hannah Giles infiltrated ACORN with secret videos and the former workers vow to take O'Keefe and the Breitbart media empire down.

James O'Keefe, the controversial conservative agitator will have to sale some of his memorable possession in order to pay up those who sued him for his "sting" videos in 2009.

The U.S. District Court found that O'Keefe, his former girlfriend Hannah Giles and the estate of dead conservative agitator Andrew Breitbart liable in the damages of those who were fired in the ACORN sting videos which got heavy rotation on right wing blogs and Fox News.

Back in 2009, Andrew Breitbart released tapes of employees of Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now doing illegal things. O'Keefe dressed up like a pimp and Hannah Giles dressed up like a prostitute claimed they've visited the locations of ACORN. They filmed workers say on camera how to create phony voter registrations, how to smuggle in child prostitutes and how to register Mickey Mouse into a low income home.

Fox News and conservative talk radio led the charge of voter fraud at ACORN. They demanded that Congress defund the organization and a federal investigation into the finances of the company.

The Congress managed to sever ties with ACORN forcing it out of business. With loss contracts, ACORN workers were let go. Some vowed to clear their names. One in particular Juan Carlos Vera wanted revenge on the conservative agitators.

He sued O'Keefe and his allies in court. Project Veritas the company founded by O'Keefe and pro-life activist Lila Rose are going to shelf out a six figure amount to Vera.

Vera was an employee of the activist group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now in 2009 when O'Keefe and Giles traveled to his San Diego office dressed in pimp and prostitute attireto film a segment for their sting investigation. They used heavily edited footage to allege the group supported prostitution and tax-evasion.

Blowin' Money Fast.
After the video's release, Vera was fired for "unacceptable conduct" over footage that appeared to show him advising the duo on how to set up a supposed child prostitution ring. It was later reported that Vera had contacted authorities and described the details of the encounter.

In 2010, Vera filed a lawsuit against O'Keefe and Giles, alleging that they had breached his privacy by recording him without his consent. O'Keefe attempted to fight the lawsuit. But two years later, a federal judge refused to throw out the suit. Now it's settled and Vera is vindicated, and it's likely that O'Keefe will appeal the decision.

After ACORN, the conservative agitator tried to bring back the magic.

One incident had him arrested.

He managed to get federal probation for the sneak in at Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) office, the ACORN pimp continued his mission to relevance. O'Keefe got into a heated feud with Touré after the liberal agitator on MSNBC made comments about gun control. The people over at Project Veritas ambushed Touré and his family at home.

Now ACORN was brought into the news recently. Those idiot Republicans are trying to defund ACORN.

Congressman Hal Rogers (R-Kentucky), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman Tim Huelskamp (R-Kansas) want to defund an organization that doesn't even exist.

A perfect reason to why it's essential to have the House of Representatives in the control of the Democrats.

The Democrats at least believe in reality.

This week would mark the death of Andrew Breitbart. He died on March 1, 2012 while walking to his Brentwood, Los Angeles home. He had an apparent heart attack. Upon his death, Breitbart was going to consolidate his media websites into one venue. Now it's struggling for credibility.

The last bombshells released by Breitbart editor Ben Sharpio and Joel Pollack were duds. James O'Keefe and Lila Rose's sneak attempts are foiled before they even put on their disguises. Dana Loesh is shelling out dirt about the company saying that it's terrible place to work and no right minded activist would ever want to work at Breitbart News.

Of course there are some who still believe in James O'Keefe and the crumbling Breitbart empire. Ask the guy who helped President Barack Obama win reelection. He is on Fox News Channel with his program minus his good buddy Alan Colmes.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ACORN Pimp James O'Keefe Confronts Anti-Gun Journalists!

The right wing agitator and provocateur of shoddy journalism is back. Still on federal probation, James O'Keefe and his conservative group Project Veritas are confronting people in the media who defended The Journal-News publishing of licensed firearm owners in the New York/New Jersey area.

MSNBC agitator Touré was ambushed by his "undercover" crew. And the exchange was fairly decent at best. The video comes with members of O'Keefe's group going to the homes of anti-gun activists.

O'Keefe is notorious for doctoring video to make the individual seem like they're saying things when they're not! The agitator is a protege of Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative bastard who spent most of his pathetic life trying to race-bait or demonize the person with doctored videos.

O'Keefe is famed for dressing up like a pimp who infiltrated ACORN, a low income housing and voter's rights organization. He managed to get the business shut down after Congress passed legislation cutting aid to the poverty rights group.

Here's the video of the confrontation by Project Veritas

New York is going to pass one of the strictest firearm restrictions! President Barack Obama will address the nation on the proposals from Vice President Joe Biden. The president will address his issues to Congress and then issue executive orders to prevent high capacity firearms from being in the hands of the mentally insane.

Mediaite's Noah Rothman, one of the conservative writers for the liberal-leaning blog has nothing but glee in this story. Rothman wrote O'Keefe's crew asks those journalists if they would display a sign which declares that their home is “proudly gun-free” – the journalists all declined.

One of the people that O’Keefe’s group met up with was MSNBC host Touré . Despite his advocacy for stricter gun laws and his defense of the outing of gun owners, Touré also refused to display the sign.

Touré wasn't happy to have his name in the news! The two feud on the social media website Twitter.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Anti-Islam Filmmaker Going To The Iron College!

This is the man who sponsored an anti-Islamic film. This guy has multiple names so I can't give an actual name to this individual. But according to most sources this guy is named Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, an Egyptian-born American man who is under federal indictment for fraud.
The right wing media is up in arms over the tragedy in Libya. They believe that the Obama administration deliberately lied to the American public about al-Qaeda's role in the killing of Libyan ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other men. They demand that United Nations ambassador Dr. Susan Rice step down immediately. Now of course, the conservatives are throwing their umpteenth excuse to why President Barack Obama's "soft of terrorism" and "he's apologizing for America" nonsense again.

Oh, so I guess four innocent lives lost on September 11, 2012 is a big freaking deal?

Of course, to those who diligently served our country in the times of war and peace and diplomacy. These men were noble in their duties and President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were upset over this. The president demands swift justice to those who committed this act of terrorism.

Now since selective memory happens to fall upon the likes of Matt Drudge, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and their friends over at Fox News Channel, why don't we poke holes in their outrage?

They never admit that George W. Bush failed in leadership when it came to times of tragedy. I mean we seen three major events that happened under his watch.

How about the numerous lives lost on September 11, 2001?

Over 3,000 lives lost either by the airplanes crashing into the World Trade Center, The Pentagon, and rural Pennsylvania. The lives lost either from the buildings collapsing, or other events that occurred that day and weeks to follow. (i.e. cancer, depression, suicide and retaliation killings of Americans who were Muslims or Sikh).

President George W. Bush oversaw the worst tragedy to ever happen on American soil. His administration ignored warnings that al-Qaeda was determined to strike the homeland with air transportation.

What about Hurricane Katrina? The horrible event in August 29, 2005.

Over 1,850 lives were lost either to the floods, the mercenary killings by law enforcement, or due to health concerns from pollution caused by rot and debris. New Orleans, a major seaport suffered 80% damage in its infrastructure.

What about Virginia Tech?

The horrible event that happen on April 16, 2007. When Republicans allowed the assault weapons ban expire, they've eased up restrictions to firearms. The mentally disturbed grab a hold of a firearm and there you have it a mass shooting. The young man Seung-Hui Cho was rejected by a woman and had trouble fitting in. So in a revenge plot he murders 32 people and injures 17 others before killing himself. He also sent the NBC News a tape of his plot to take out "those who oppressed him!"

George W. Bush preceded over numerous tragedies and yet Republicans never seem to fault him for these events. It's either President Bill Clinton or President Barack Obama's fault. For good measure they'll fault President Jimmy Carter sometimes!

Now the reason why I continue on about the issue of Libya. It was sparked by the American filmmaker who created an anti-Islamic movie called The Innocence of Muslims, a parody that mocks the Prophet Mohammad.

For those who aren't aware of this, over in the Middle East, to those who insult the Prophet Mohammad, it's blasphemy and justifiable for a honor killing.
This individual and his family went into hiding after riots broke out
Over in the United States, anti-Islamic hate is rising. This person who created this movie knew that it would take a spark to send the Middle East into turmoil.

The creator Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, or Mark Yousef or Sam Bacile or best unknown is the mastermind of this YouTube video that's seen on the internet. It's went viral across the Western world and banned in most of the Islamic world.

The movie was translated in Arabic. Then the video also went into the hands of an Egyptian commentator who has conservative views. The reporter, Sheikh Khaled Abdullah shown the video on his program on news channel Al-Nas Network. The new Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi, urged the United States to halt the video and have those who made it, investigated. The United States condemned the movie but told the world that even though the movie is considered offensive, [The United States] can't stop the freedom of speech by those who made this. Our country believes in religious tolerance. But it also believes in religious intolerance as well.

This led to weeks of massive protests and gave al-Qaeda, a motive to ambush the American embassy in Libya. As the protesters set fire to the American and Israeli flag, they demanded the condemnation of the creators of the movie.

The staff vacated the Libyan embassy. According to the federal authorities investigating, Ambassador Christopher Stevens and members were ushered into a safe house nearby. I am guessing some of the Libyan national security forces tipped the terrorist off and they preceded to the safe house with rocket launchers.

In Benghazi, the attack on the U.S. consulate lasted almost five hours, and the attackers used rocket-propelled grenades, assault rifles, hand grenades, gun trucks, and mortars. It resulted in the deaths of the United States Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith,American private security employee Glen Doherty and former U.S. Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods. Ten Libyan guards were initially reported killed, although this was later retracted and changed to seven injured. In later reports, U.S. officials said that the Benghazi attack appeared to be "complex" and professionally executed. U.S. officials, speaking under anonymity, said that they believed the Benghazi attack was coordinated and planned in advance, and not prompted by the film.

Al-Qaeda has indicated responsibility and said it was in revenge for a U.S. drone strike that killed Abu Yahya al-Libi, an al-Qaeda leader. In an exclusive interview with NPR in Benghazi, President Mohammed el-Megarif says foreigners infiltrated Libya over the past few months, planned the attack and used Libyans to carry it out.

The person responsible for this is now fearing for his life after this. Not only this character is fearing for his life, but Pastor Terry Jones, the controversial figure who burned pages of the Qur'an last year setting off killings in Afghanistan is fearing as well.

They were the ones responsible for this diplomatic crisis overseas. With tensions rising in the Middle East over this and the showdown between Washington, Israel and Iran, the president has a stack of stuff to handle.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are foreign policy novices. They went on the attack and called the president's Middle East outreach as an "apology tour" and "weak".
This individual is in federal court for parole violation.


Following the violent reactions to the video, Nakoula and his family went into hiding, and the Cerritos, California home is listed for sale. His attorney has said he has received threats to his safety. On September 15, 2012, federal authorities took Nakoula in for an interview about possible probation violations related to the film's distribution on the Internet.

The U.S. Marshals and California law enforcement have arrested this person over the past few days on a federal probation violation. This guy is now in the iron college with bail denied and passports revoked.

On September 27, 2012, U.S. federal authorities arrested Nakoula in Los Angeles charging eight counts of probation violation.

Prosecutors stated that some of the violations included making false statements regarding his role in the film and his use of the alias "Sam Bacile". None of the charges relate to his use of the Internet.

Following a hearing before a judge, Nakoula was ordered to jail without bail on September 27, 2012, with the judge citing probation violations including lying to probation officials, "danger to the community", and "lack of trust in the defendant".

He faces up to three years in prison.
Graphic photos surface of Ambassador Christopher Stevens being carried after suffering injuries from a terrorist attack.
This incident has the Republicans licking their chops. They're hoping they can regain control of a nearly disastrous month. Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee, Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri, U.S. Senate nominee) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin, the vice presidential nominee) have struggled in the polls as of recently.

Fox News and conservatives have tried to dismiss the rise in President Barack Obama's polls as the Michael Dukakis bounce. They're complaining that Democrats are oversampled and the media is in the tank for the president.

We're experiencing the Barry Goldwater effect in progress. The Republicans and their conservative allies are so unhinged! They're failing to understand that this the nation will leave them behind if they don't get their act together. Especially when it comes to foreign affairs and our economy.

They're so desperate, they're having to find other attempts to undermine President Barack Obama. It's almost a freaking shame.

It's really hard on them to digest Intrade has the president's chances at reelection at 80% and the Electoral College total at 332.

Now all of that can change when it comes to debate time.

But instead of getting angry at the conservatives and their Republican buddies. Do me and LeReyna a favor and vote. Vote and make your voice heard.

If you're upset over this video and the way they're treating President Barack Obama! Don't get mad!


If you figure that Congress isn't doing enough to help bring jobs back to the country and stabilize our economy! Don't get mad!


Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pimpin' Ain't Easy For ACORN Pimp James O'Keefe!

James O'Keefe (left), Hannah Giles (right) and Andrew Breitbart (center). A federal judge ruled that they could be legally sued for taping former ACORN workers in their sting videos. Andrew Breitbart died in 2012. 

In 2009, two conservative activists go into a low income housing and voting rights organization. These two dressed up as a prostitute and a pimp. The went "undercover" to expose this organization for voter fraud.

As they filmed the organization staff, they got "advice" from workers telling them how to get public assistance and how to register "Mickey Mouse" for the 2010 U.S. Midterm Elections. This young activist and his then girlfriend had went forth with their evidence of shady activity to one of the country's most hostile conservative agitator and the network responsible for the rise of the Tea Party Movement. This agitator was railing against the "establishment media" and their shielding of President Barack Obama.

Many Republicans believe this organization "stole" the election for Barack Obama. The Republicans vowed and succeeded in getting this organization shut down.

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now shut down in 2010, putting hundreds of workers out of jobs. The result of the the videos, which were recorded secretly by conservative activists Hannah Giles and James O'Keefe (the "young couple"), were released on Fox News and the late Andrew Breitbart's website from September into November 2009.

They quickly generated widespread, negative publicity for ACORN, a non-profit organization involved in voter registration, community organizing and advocacy for low- and moderate-income people for nearly 40 years. O'Keefe explained in September 2009 that he "targeted ACORN for the same reasons that the political right does: its massive voter registration drives".

Hannah Giles reputation was ruined after the ACORN videos.
The U.S. Census Bureau and the IRS ended contracts with the organization, and the U.S. Congress voted to suspend its funding to ACORN. Soon ACORN also lost most of its private funding, despite several independent investigations that by December 2009 began to reveal no criminal activity by ACORN staff had taken place. ACORN filed for Chapter 7 liquidation on November 2, 2010, effectively closing the organization.

The videos seriously tarnished Hannah Giles. She refused to participate in any other activist activities with James O'Keefe after the ACORN incident.

James O'Keefe is currently on probation for a federal crime. He tried to infiltrate the offices of Senator Mary Landrieu (D-Louisiana) over her participation in the deciding vote for the American Healthcare Reform law.

While on probation, James O'Keefe asked a federal judge to grant him permission to continue his "journalism" without causing a scene. That was granted. So off he goes!

James O'Keefe wanted to continue the same formula he did with ACORN. Alas, most of his schemes seem to backfire. The media hasn't covered the latest bombshells from James O'Keefe and his fellow conservative agitators Lila Rose and Jason Mattera. They seem more interested in facts over edited footage.

Since Andrew Breitbart's passing, his organization has struggled to stay relevant. His crack team of serial agitators have rolled out the Harvard tapes of Barack Obama. He was embracing Derrick Bell, a tenured professor who was campaigning against the discrimination of women and people of color in the Harvard Review. The Breitbart team thought they had a "smoking gun!" Nope, just another banana peel that's rotten.

In order to keep the movement going, they kept James O'Keefe and Lila Rose running across the country with their cameras looking to tear into an organization that supports progressive causes. Planned Parenthood, CNN, NPR, and even billionaire George Soros were targets of a James O'Keefe sting. Unfortuantely, those couldn't match the formula of ACORN.

James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles portrayed themselves as a pimp and prostitute who were looking for a way to get public assistance for underage prostitutes. 
Now that the ACORN sting tapes are long and gone. Some former workers are vowing revenge.

According to the New Civil Rights Movement, a federal judge has just refused to throw out a request from James O’Keefe, who infamously and secretly filmed an ACORN worker while pretending to be a pimp. The selectively-edited video, emblematic of O’Keefe’s ugly brand of journalism, ultimately led to the unfunding of ACORN by Congress and its subsequent bankruptcy.

“Juan Carlos Vera sued O’Keefe and his associate Hanna Giles in Federal Court on privacy claims, after O’Keefe secretly filmed Vera at an ACORN office in National City in 2009,” Courthouse News  reported:

The now-famous series of ACORN recordings featured O’Keefe posing as pimp, dressed in a chinchilla coat, while Giles was disguised as a prostitute.

“The edited video depicted plaintiff as conspiring to promote an underage prostitution business by agreeing to help defendants file fraudulent tax forms and smuggle underage girls from Mexico,” U.S. District Judge M. James Lorenz wrote in his order denying defendants’ request for summary judgment.

Vera, who said he contacted police shortly after the activists’ peculiar visit, sued them in the summer of 2010.

O’Keefe sought summary judgment, claiming that Vera had no expectation of privacy when the conversation was taped.

But Judge Lorenz found a “genuine dispute as to whether plaintiff’s [Vera's] expectation of privacy was reasonable.”

“ACORN is in the business of providing counseling and support for the community on various matters,” Lorenz wrote. “By its very nature, the organization handles personal matters with individual clients.

Defendants walked into ACORN and asked for plaintiff’s help with tax forms. … Specifically, they solicited his help with setting up an illegal prostitution business with underaged girls. … Plaintiff, as a worker for an organization like ACORN, reasonably believed that the content of the conversation was sensitive enough that it would remain private.”

O’Keefe duped Vera by asking if the conversation would remain confidential, before he launched into details of the nonexistent scheme, Lorenz wrote.

Over the course of a 40-minute conversation, Lorenz noted, the three “abruptly paused their conversation” after Vera’s supervisor, David Lagstein, entered the office, and continued talking after the supervisor left.

“Based on the surrounding circumstances, plaintiff reasonably believed that the conversation was private because it was held in his office with no one else present, and he believed that no one else was listening in on his conversation,” Lorenz wrote.

Because of this “genuine dispute,” Lorenz denied O’Keefe’s motion for summary judgment.

One of the controversial video from Project Veritas, a conservative activist group founded by James O'Keefe and Lila Rose.


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