Sunday, October 15, 2023

Fundamental Change Starts When Biden Calls Out Israel For Its War Crimes!

Fundamental change is standing up to bullies. Israel is a bully and Biden hides behind it.

Benjamin Netanyahu needs a talk with my adopted son, the folding chair. He gonna to find out why the actions he does will forever tarnish his slimy name.

To tell Gazans to leave their homes within 24 hours before ground forces invade and air strike continue is a war crime. 

Stopping food, water, fuel, medicine, electricity and sewage is a war crime. 

Killing journalists (especially wearing vests marked "press") is a war crime. 

Intentionally bombing homes, hospitals, ambulances and shelters for refugees is a war crime.

To strike in Syria and Lebanon without warning and inflicting harm on their sovereignty is a war crime.

President Joe Biden, you promise to be a fundamental change president. I stood with you throughout the countless allegations of senile behavior. The allegation of sexual assault from Russian operative Tara Reade. The claims of corruption by you and son Hunter Biden. The conspiracy theories about inappropriate behavior between you and daughter Ashley Biden. The conspiracy theories about how you being in the back pockets of foreign leaders.

I fought the noise of Republicans, far right media agitators, far left media agitators and online troll farms. I may not fight the battle much longer.

Vice President Kamala Harris, you said you were for the people. I backed you and Michael Bloomberg for president. I supported Joe Biden because of you were the pick for vice president. I worked the grounds during the pandemic to ensure my family and some of my friends backed Biden for president. I defended you when some questioned your Blackness. I supported you for being a candidate for change.

Not anymore.

Mr. Biden and Ms. Harris let me down. I may not support their reelection bid. It is a harsh reality to see a good president take a hard line stance to a geopolitical issue like Israel.

Your honest opinion on Israel. What is your opinion of the country? (Expect trolls to pick the dumbest answers)

I believe that Israel deserves the right to defend itself from foreign threats. The United States, the European Union and Canada should stand with Israel. Israel has a right to exist. Anyone who attacks Israel is anti-semitic and gives support the terrorists.
Israel takes our taxpayer money and then slaps us in the face with accusations of not supporting them. I am getting to the point where I am sick and tired of hearing about Israel. They are brutalizing the people of Palestine. They need to be held accountable. 
The United States is not a friend to Israel. I believe Benjamin Netanyahu will find comfort getting what he wants with President Joe Biden.
President Joe Biden will bend over backwards for Israel. I believe Benjamin Netanyahu will push Biden into another war on fear and bigotry.
I believe that Palestinians deserve the right to their land. Israel continues to commit war crimes. The Israeli government continues to build settlements despite the world warning them that it could cause tension with the Arab world.
I don't care what goes on in Israel, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, Golan Heights and the Gaza Strip.

Biden hates Benjamin Netanyahu. I don't understand why he is willing to cut a blank check to a war criminal who is literally saying he is ethically cleansing indigenous people.

On top of that, their "intelligence" can't determine whether Hamas is even active. We don't know their leaders. They have no military operations like Israel.

Younger voters are not supportive of the American-Israeli alliance. They believe that the solution to create two states is bullshit. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party believe the United States government is giving too much money to Israel. The progressives believe they are being unfairly targeted by pro-Israeli lawmakers and influence peddlers. 

For every time the world condemns the actions of Israel, American lawmakers and allies of the Israeli lobby are trying to marginalize it. They are so quick to calling critics of Israel anti-Semitic.

Again, agitators continues to throw around these bogus claims anti-Semitism every time a person dares to criticize Israel.

Fuck that shit.

I can say I want Israel wiped off the map and not be anti-Semitic.

I don't have no problems with Judaism or the Jewish people. I don't have no problem with any religion. I do have a problem with governments imposing forced religion and forced allegiance on Americans.

I condemn white terrorism and all forms of terrorism in general. I condemn all forces of racism, bigtory and hate.

I despise conservatives, libertarians, concern trolls and "freedom" lovers.

To compare Israel to Judaism is the definition of anti-Semitism.

Do you believe criticism of Israel and it's policies amount to being anti-Semitic? (Expect trolls to pick the dumbest answers and offer the most stupidest responses)

Yes. Any criticism of Israel is anti-Jewish. Israel has a right to exist in the Middle East. The attacks on Israel done by Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are very concerning to me. They need to understand that Israel is defending itself from terrorism and daily attacks. President Joe Biden supports the Jewish state. Benjamin Netanyahu did the right thing to ban them from entry.
No. This strategy of calling critics of Israel anti-Semitic is ridiculous. We are allowed to criticize the government without fear of losing our jobs, funding and support. The American government provides nearly $350 billion in taxpayer money for Israeli's defense. We should evaluate our support. Israel continues to ignore U.N. warnings about treatment of Palestinians. We need to hold them accountable.

Israel isn't the Jewish state. It's a democratically elected independent nation that receives nearly $350 billion in American taxpayer funds. About 2/3 of that funds goes to Israeli's defensive grid.

Israel is a country that routinely violates the United Nations by building settlements on the West Bank and denying people in the Gaza Strip access to clean water, fuel, energy, medicine and food.

The Gaza Strip is considered an open air prison. The land 25 miles long and less than 8 miles wide. It has over 2.5 million people residing there. Most are children. They have an average income of $200 (US). 

They are placed under an Israeli and U.S.-led international economic and political boycott because of the free elections placing Hamas in power.

People are not allowed to enter or leave the Gaza Strip or freely import or export goods from the Gaza Strip. The Israel government can freely go into the Gaza Strip without any repercussions.

By the way, I thought the United States hated religious theocracies. They certainly hate the Islamic State from ever being formed. They complain about the Islamic Republic of Iran. They never criticize the 10 brutal governments in the African Union, the 20 brutal governments in Eurasia and five in South America. The U.S. is quick to sanction these governments.

Why can't Israel be sanctioned?

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