Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Boehner Rolls Eyes When Obama Mentions Hadiya Pendleton!

Okay, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio). You're the Speaker of House and yet have this utmost disrespect for two Black people the president mentioned in his speech.

Is there a reason for Blacks to vote for Republicans?

First things first, we seen how Boehner looked during the State Of The Union Address.

He look like a bitter old man with a stick up his ass!

The president acknowledges voting rights and gun control and yet the Republicans sat there like a bunch of sour grapes.

The president mentions Hadiya Pendleton and the cameras caught Boehner rolling his eyes. Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old girl who was killed by gang violence. Her death hits close to home for the president. The shooting occurred less than one mile from the president's residential home.
d victor
Desiline Victor was the subject of the president's speech in regards to Republican attempts to suppress minority votes. Conservatives attack her for being a Haitian immigrant.
The president mentions Desiline Victor, a 102 year old woman who waited three hours in line for the opportunity to vote in Florida. Boehner didn't stand up and applaud her! All he did was look stupid and stare at the woman. The conservative media attacked Ms. Victor for being a Haitian immigrant.

The president acknowledge that Florida is going to be the catalysis for voting rights reform. The controversial governor Rick Scott eliminated early voting and cut off voting times. Urban residents had to wait for hours to vote.

Here's the part where the president mentions gun violence. See how that fool Boehner rolls his eyes!

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