Monday, May 21, 2012

Facts Get In The Way!


Here's what I am going to do for the time being. If I return to YouTube with videos, I will address the controversy surrounding President Barack Obama's political foes obsessing with his birth certificate.

Donald Trump, Orly Taitz, Joseph Farrah, Alex Jones, Bill Cunningham, Dr. Jerome Corsi, Republican legislators and others in the conservative media have been obsessed with the birth certificate.

The claims have been promoted by a number of fringe theorists and political opponents, often referred to as "birthers", some of whom filed unsuccessful lawsuits seeking to disqualify Obama from running for, or being sworn in as President, or to obtain additional proof that he is constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President. Some Republican elected officials have expressed skepticism about Obama's citizenship or have displayed a lack of willingness to acknowledge it.

Republican members of the U.S. Congress and state legislatures have proposed and voted for legislation that would require presidential candidates to provide documentation of their qualifications to be president, including natural-born citizenship. Belief in the conspiracy theories has persisted despite Obama's pre-election release of his official birth certificate from Hawaii in 2008, additional confirmation by the Hawaii Department of Health based on the original documents, and the April 2011 release of a certified copy of Obama's original Certificate of Live Birth (so-called long-form birth certificate).

             Illiterate Birther

Other evidence of Obama's Hawaii birth has surfaced such as birth announcements published in August 1961 in two Hawaii newspapers. Polls conducted in 2010 suggested that at least one quarter of adult Americans doubted Obama's U.S. birth, while a May 2011 Gallup poll found that doubts persisted among 13% of Americans and 23% of Republican.

Some Republican legislators have questioned the president's birth certificate. It's a damn shame though, we have people stuck in the abyss of insanity. And why I say insanity, it's because this is the most ridiculous thing for someone to do, even if you have things to prove them wrong. They'll keep rehashing something else to deny or even profit off the controversy.

You need a birth certificate to obtain a U.S. Passport. Barack Obama has to go through the Department of State to obtain a passport! He is not exempt from the travel rules. If you're to travel to Canada, Mexico, Latin America, the Caribbean or foreign nations abroad, you have to have a passport.

Barack Obama was born in 1961. The birthers continue to believe that the president was born in Kenya. The Republic of Kenya was established after the leaders of the nation asked Queen Elizabeth II for independence.

I am assuming all members of Congress are American citizens. So if you're going to run for office and you're a member of  U.S. Congress, don't you have show all your papers?

A number of Republican legislators have, proposed legislation and constitutional amendments at the state and federal levels to address issues raised by the birth certificate campaigners. Some Republicans are said to "want the issue to go away", seeing it as a distraction. Democratic commentators have criticized the reluctance of some Republicans to distance themselves from the proponents of the conspiracy theories, suggesting that "Republican officials are reluctant to denounce the birthers for fear of alienating an energetic part of their party's base".

But who am I?

In the mind of some, I am the misinformed Black person who worships the ground of Barack Obama! That's according to these lunatics in the conservative movement.

Last images of Trayvon Martin alive - CNN.Com

American Dad Calls Black Women A Monster!

Count the fail.

Unite Against the War on Women: Women's Rights Activist speaks out

Published on May 21, 2012 by CarolinaExposedDVD

Raleigh, North Carolina-Hip Hop NC- Unite Against the War on Women is a national protest that kicked off on April 28, 2012 at state capitals across the nation. In downtown Raleigh about 100 people gathered to fight what has recently come to be described as "the war on women."

The protest is in response to anti-choice and anti-women legislation that has been so dominant in every state this past year. Republicans have introduced several major anti-abortion bills that women's rights activists say could place severe limitations on access not only to abortion, but complete reproductive health and family planning services. Roberta Penn, a retired journalist now living in Wilmington, was the original founder of the Raleigh group and a state leader.

N.C. United Against the War on Women was one of many local organizational chapters that have sprung up around the country since February, when two women in Michigan started the organization and posted it on Facebook.

We caught up with, Claire Moylan, a conservative, and women's rights activist who has protested the suppression of women's voices and voices of those who represent the communities. In this video she explains why she joined the movement. If you would like to join the movement you can email her at and also Coming soon: website....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not Our Bodies

Can The Boring Guy Beat A Rock Star?

Okay, as a contributor to Journal de la Reyna, I make no bones about my disgust at the Republican Party.

This isn't your father's Republican Party anymore. This party has pandered to the extremist wing of the conservative movement.

So why I am making light of the potential nominee, Mitt Romney?

I feel that he will abandon his moderate and yet careful approaches on issues! He will make it about issues that panders to the extremists.

My question to those reading.

Could a guy who is mildly boring inspire votes?

Could a perennial candidate beat an opponent that rarely loses?

Could a boring guy like Mitt Romney beat a popular (almost rock star-like) person like Barack Obama?

First thing we do is look into how the conservatives comment online. These are internet trolls. An internet troll is a person who goes through social networking websites or comment sections of blogs to type offensive and reactionary comments about an issue.

Conservatives are inspired by The Drudge Report, Fox Nation, WorldNetDaily, The Blaze, Twitchy, Breitbart News, Townhall and The Daily Caller for their reactionary outrage over all things Obama.

Most online say that Mitt Romney wasn't their first choice but since he's not Barack Obama, they'll reluctantly support his candidacy. And that's not good for a candidate. Romney is beating the president on issues like the economy. The president has to work harder to appeal to independents. President Obama is suffering a deficit on independent votes.

Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, is a perennial candidate running for President of the United States under the Republican ticket.

Romney is married to his longtime wife Ann. Mrs. Romney was the former First Lady of Massachusetts, and her profession is mainly a homemaker. She is a cancer survivor and is living with multiple-scleroses. She and Romney are the parents of five sons and many grandchildren.

Romney is a member of the Jesus Christ Church of Latter Day Saints. More commonly known as Mormonism.

Romney is right-handed. Romney is the youngest son of former Michigan governor and Nixon advisor George Romney.

Romney was the founder of Bain Capital, a investment firm that has helped struggling businesses. But the controversy resides in how the firm operates. President Barack Obama and his allies are looking into the firm's investments and also Romney's overseas banking accounts.

Romney served one term as governor of Massachusetts. During his one term as governor, Mitt Romney has signed a health care law that gives universal health care to residents of Massachusetts.

Romney under his term as governor allow Massachusetts to become the first state in the union to legalize gay marriage. Romney did oppose the law and favor civil unions at the time as governor. Running for president, he's overwhelmingly against gay marriage and favors the Defense of Marriage Act, a controversial law that defines equal rights between a man and a woman.

Romney at one time supported the National Assault Weapons Ban in which prohibits firearms that are deemed effective to killing law enforcement officers. Romney reversed his policies on the issue and now favors the rights of gun owners. Romney appears at the National Rifle Association's Annual Conference to speak in favor of the Second Amendment, hammered President Barack Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on their stances on gun owner rights.

Romney was once a pro-choice governor. He didn't endorse the notion of abortion, but he stood in favor of protecting a woman's right to choice and upholding the Supreme Court's landmark decision of Roe v. Wade.

Romney has shifted his positions of being pro-choice. He is strongly pro-life and would endorse the idea of Congress stripping federal aid to organizations like Planned Parenthood.

Romney is a supporter of Civil Rights. Although it's not discussed much with the media, Romney endorses legislation that protects the rights of minorities and legislation that prevents bullying.

Romney supports the death penalty.

Romney refuses to sign the conservative Grover Norquist's No Tax Pledge.

Romney did sign a pledge for marriage inequality.

Romney has wrapped a brutal Republican Primary against chief rivals, former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former U.S. senator Rick Santorum. Romney went through an all-out war against the Tea Party backed candidates.

Mitt Romney's campaign went on the offensive. He carefully picked off Tim Pawlenty, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and Ron Paul before knocking out Gingrich and Santorum as well.

Romney made his only focus, the struggling economy. Romney has avoided stepping into issues conservatives demand him to focus on. The Romney campaign put a halt to Republican's plans when he announced he wasn't going to endorse the Jeremiah Wright controversy.

The Romney Campaign has released his first political ad post primary and let me say this. If you're looking for a way to sleep, view these political videos. Here is one that is airing in Florida, Ohio, Iowa, Virginia and North Carolina.

NAACP Endorses Gay Marriage

The National Association for the Advancement of Color People, is a major civil rights organization. For the first time, in over 100 years the civil rights organization has finally endorsed the idea of marriage equality.

The civil rights organization has come in favor of President Barack Obama's stance on the issue of gay marriage.

This controversial landmine has energized the Republican Party. The culture war is once again in full swing and the conservative activists are recruiting.

The Black community does having a strong showing towards President Barack Obama.

Republicans are looking to break this mold by having a wedge inserted in the support gap. Gay marriage is an issue that Blacks are strongly against.

Less than 40% of the Black community endorses gay marriage. Over 60% of White voters who support the Democratic Party endorse gay marriage.

This issue will cost some Black votes.

But will this issue become a wedge to hurt the president?

But the wounds of division are slowing heeling. The NAACP has stepped forth in support of the rights of the GLBT community.


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