Thursday, August 27, 2020

Day Four: The 2020 Republican National Convention!

The final day. Trump defends his presidency.
The night where Donald J. Trump will lay the ills of America on the feet of his rival Democratic nominee Joe Biden. The 45th President of the United States is planning on delivering a speech that promises a "reboot" of his "Make America Great Again."

At the point of no return for an embattled president who has his former lawyer Michael Cohen is working on releasing a memoir.

Mother Jones, the publication that released the Mitt Romney 47% audio released the Trump audio in which they catch him on a hot-mic talking about how he threatened to sue the Better Business Bureau over Trump University having a lowering of rating. He also attack the federal judge Gonzalo P. Curiel.

Trump is overseeing a country in chaos.

We have wildfires in the West. Many Americans are losing their homes to wildfires in California, Oregon, Idaho and Colorado. The wildfires in California get the most coverage because, America's most populate state is where Kamala Harris resides. The junk food media will find someway to blame her for a man-made/natural disaster. Trump has offered federal aid to the state but had recently criticized the governor for not doing more to stop it. He said back 2019 that if they would rake the leaves they could prevent fires.

We have the remnants of Hurricane Laura. The category 4 hurricane directly hit the state of Louisiana leaving a trail of destruction. The states of Louisiana and Texas have issues a state of emergency. So far the deaths that hurricane left are less than 20. One 14-year old girl was killed when a tree crashed on the home.
Mike Pence said Donald J. Trump will restore "law and order." Right now, there's chaos under Trump.
The coronavirus hasn't disappeared. It hasn't went away in the summer. The infection rate has soared over 6.8 million cases. The death count is over 200,000. The "miracles" that Trump and the FDA are throwing out are not tested well. States are sending students back to school and it's backfiring big time. Face masks are now a political issue. Many companies are requiring people to wear them when coming into their facilities. However some are coming into the facilities without them and they are becoming violent with workers. The CDC has told employers that the safety of employees is crucial. They said to employers don't stop a person from entry if they refuse to wear facial protection.

Unrest continues to plague the country. We have more unrest in Kenosha. A white terrorist murdered Joseph Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber. This terrorist traveled from Illinois to cause trouble. The terrorist shot Joseph in the head and then fled. He was confronted by Anthony and the terrorist shot him in the chest. They died from their injuries. The Kenosha Police allowed the terrorist to flee back to Illinois to destroy evidence and get a nap in. The terrorist spoke to The Daily Caller before he opened fire on two protesters. The terrorist is only 17-years old and supporter of Trump and Blue Lives Matter.
Lara Trump said the Trumps are a welcoming family.
The suspect is facing murder charges. He could face LIFE in the iron college if convicted. The federal charges that he could face is DEATH. He will be charged as an adult. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The NFL, NBA, WNBA, MLB and MLS have suspended their games in the wake of the Jacob Blake shooting and Kenosha mass shooting. Los Angeles Clippers coach Doc Rivers said that Trump and Republicans want to paint a picture of fear for his base to vote on. But in reality, the fear lies in the people these actions affect. He said that Black people are in fear of police and said no right mind would justify that cop shooting Blake like that. Well there's Herschel Walker and his son Christian who support the cop who shot a man seven fucking times.
Madison Cawthorn wanted to show the world he can stand. He took aim at the NBA for walking off the court.
Let's just recap night three of the Republican National Convention.

Here's the videos of some of the convention.

The speakers were boring and nothing was inspiring.

Vice President Mike R. Pence accepted his nomination at Fort McHenry in Baltimore.

He would tell the world that Trump will be the president of "law and order." Pence did not mention the people who were shot by police. He called Joe Biden and Kamala Harris weak on crime. He said that they will make the country unsafe by their "radical" policies and said that Biden did nothing in the 50 years of politics.

Pence has spoke about the coronavirus and how Trump took control of the virus first hand.

Kellyanne Conway who is leaving the White House to save her family gave her final address to supporters. She said it was an honor to work with Trump and Pence. She said that Trump has done more for women than any other president. She also claimed that Trump is willing to make strives for everyone if he's reelected.
Jack Brewer speaks on behalf of Trump. He is facing a federal sandwich for insider trading.
Clarence Henderson, a civil rights activist who was a part of the sit-ins in the South in the 1960s, vouched for Trump. He spoke favorably about how Trump did more for African Americans and complained about Biden's "you ain't black" remarks that Republican seized on.

Jack Brewer, a former NFL player turned pastor is under fire for insider trading. He managed to speak. At first he tried to make the claim that Democrats want to keep Blacks on the "plantation."

He said that Republicans made huge strives for Black people from Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) to a woman of color being appointed to the head of a military unit.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany spoke about her breast removed because her family history of breast cancer. She made the claims that women have choices.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) made the claim that Trump saved farmers by rolling back regulations and claimed that Biden and Harris will hurt farmers with the Green New Deal. She claimed that Biden did nothing while in the senate and as vice president.
Kayleigh McEnany speaks about her personal health crisis.
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) said that she supports law enforcement. She said she was proud to cast the vote to not impeach Trump and believes that Democrats are trying to scare voters with "Russia, Russia, Russia."

Karen Pence, the Second Lady of the United States made the promise that she will work hard for students affected by the coronavirus. She defended her husband and Trump's handling of the pandemic. Nothing inspiring came from her speech.

Matter of fact, they were all boring. I actually feel asleep through most of Mike Pence's acceptance speech. It was nothing I found interesting. Yes, I am kind of cynical about it, but I was up all day and I was really tired. A boring speech does put people to sleep.

Other speakers included Lara Trump who forgot to mention her husband Eric. Trump misquoted an Abraham Lincoln statement. Lara tells a story about how Trump is such a "down to earth" guy.

Richard Grenell, the former acting Director of Intelligence who spoke on behalf of Trump said nothing inspiring.
Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) proud to vote to not impeach Trump for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Tonight is the closing of the convention. Donald J. Trump will deliver the speech at The White House. The speech will have 1,000 people in attendance. Trump will address the hurricane damage, the coronavirus, unrest in the nation and Biden.

I will be honest with you, it's going to be a large word vomit of accusations and misinformation.

Who will shine on Day Four of the Republican National Convention?

Donald J. Trump
Ben Carson
Ivanka Trump
Tom Cotton
Mitch McConnell
Alice Johnson
Jeff Van Drew
Kevin McCarthy
Rudy Giuliani
Franklin Graham
Please Specify:

Who will shine tonight?

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States.
Ben Carson, Housing and Urban Development Secretary
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Majority Leader of the Senate.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR)
Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Minority Leader of the House.
Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), former Democratic lawmaker who switched parties.
Ivanka Trump, daughter of Donald J. Trump and White House senior advisor.
Ja'Ron Smith, White House advisor.
Ann Dorn, widow of David Dorn, the retired police captain from St. Louis killed in unrest during George Floyd tragedy.
Debbie Flood, a Wisconsin businesswoman.
Rudy Giuliani, former New York City mayor and Donald J. Trump's legal attorney.
Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham and far-right evangelical leader.
Alice Johnson, Black woman who had her LIFE in federal time out commuted by Donald J. Trump.
Carl and Marsha Mueller, the parents of Kayla Mueller, the humanitarian killed in botched Islamic State raid. Americans blame Islamic State for the death.
Dana White, president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.


I am done. Let's just get to November 2020 so we can vote. I know the odds are stacked against Biden but I have some hope that he will eek out a victory.

Trump may have fucked up the country but his supporters will back him no matter what.
Kellyanne Conway final appearance. She spoke favorable of Trump. Now she's trying to save her family.
The Russian government is actively interfering in the election. Facebook and Twitter have suspended over 10,000 accounts with ties to the Federation's GRU. Sleuths have seen repetitive memes and tweets from bots. The Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris have said that the Russian government are actively spreading misinformation about their policies. Some of the leftist and far-right agitators have been useful idiots in spreading false stories about the Biden campaign in attempt to help Donald J. Trump win reelection.

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

The Republican National Convention is on tonight.

Blame Game: Kyle Rittenhouse!

This white terrorist gotten a bottle water and an opportunity to flee a murder scene.


Black people are never given the benefit of the doubt. Every time a Black man is shot by the police, the far-right agitators will bring up the criminal history or point out that the suspect had a weapon.

They will justify reasons to why a cop would use lethal force.

Fuck this shit!

The white nationalists and conservative tokens are trying to define the situation as Jacob Blake and other Black men deserving his fate. They are saying:
  • If he would of complied....
  • If he would not have reached....
  • If he would not have resisted....
  • If he would not have done what he's done....
  • If he would have not done [criminal acts]....
Then he would be ALIVE.....

This terrorist supports Trump and Blue Lives Matter.
Americans are fucking cynical. They don't see the bigger picture. They don't see a cop grabbing a man by the shirt collar and shooting him eight fucking times (at point blank range). They shot him in front of his children.

I'm going out on a limb here by stating that the police chief of the city of Kenosha and sheriff of Kenosha County will be forced out of their jobs soon. I can bet you that they're going to face some serious heat for allowing a white terrorist to literally slip between their fingers.

I am not playing these games with these trolls.



The mayor of Kenosha has issued a mandatory off the streets curfew at 7pm. The city has imposed a state of emergency. Gov. Tony Evers declared a state of emergency and ordered the national guard.

Donald J. Trump has ordered federal agents into Kenosha and Lafayette, Louisiana.

The governor, lieutenant governor Mandela Barnes, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) have spoken about the situation. They have called for an immediate investigation into the matter.

The Kenosha Police have the audacity to shoot Jacob Blake in the back seven fucking times but allow this white motherfucker from Illinois shoot two protesters dead escape. He managed to be on the loose for over 15 1/2 hours before he was nabbed without a shot fired. A supporter of Donald J. Trump and Blue Lives Matter was associated with the far-right Boogaloo Boys/Proud Boys.
Anthony Huber died trying to save lives.

He was a 17-year old agitator who literally went to Kenosha to start trouble. To make this clear, he wanted to kill people for no fucking reason. No cop took action to disarm and neutralize that threat.

No cop ever told those white extremists to drop their firearms.

And they wonder why Black Lives Matter?

A man who didn't even pose a threat was shot in the back seven fucking times. He is barely alive but paralyzed from the waist down. This motherfucking cop had seven years on the force. Didn't seem to give one fuck about the actions he's done. His excuse is "well, I feared for my life."

The cop who shot Jacob Blake seven times was identified as Rusten Sheskey. The other cops who were in presence didn't fire their weapons. They are all in the freezer pending an investigation into whether they handled the situation properly. The cop who shot Blake could face criminal charges if the state can prove without a shadow of a doubt he used excessive force.

You can see in the video, he grabs Blake's shirt and then starts emptying his firearm.

Why there's a different standard for Black suspects?
Shot Anthony Huber in cold blood.
A white terrorist can shoot a man in the head, a man in the chest, and a man in the arm at point blank range without being detained, shot dead or taken down with force. They allow him to cross state lines get a nap in and destroy evidence. Hell they even gave him an opportunity to call a lawyer.

We got a problem here!

This white terrorist shot Anthony Huber in the chest directly. His only weapon was a skateboard. The 26-year old was trying to disarm the white terrorist after he first shot a man directly in the head. There's a GoFundMe page being established to provide support for his family and those tied to the skateboarding community. Huber lives in the area.

The white terrorist shot another man in the arm after he tried to disarm him.

The cops practically allowed this white terrorist walk right past them with hands up and AR-15 in tow.

The shootings were reported at about 11:45 p.m. in an area where protests have taken place, Kenosha police Lt. Joseph Nosalik said in a news release. They happened after police drove away protesters from in front of a courthouse that had been the site of the main clashes between protesters and authorities.

Cellphone video of at least two of the shootings that was posted online shows what appears to be a white man with a semi-automatic rifle jogging down the middle of a street as a crowd and some police officers follow him. Someone in the crowd can be heard asking "What did he do?" and another person responds that the man had shot someone.

The suspect will face first-degree murder charges in Wisconsin and possible charges in Illinois.

The suspect is facing murder charges. He could face LIFE in the iron college if convicted. The federal charges that he could face is DEATH. He will be charged as an adult. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

What do you see in this picture?

White privilege.
A gunman with his hands up.
Kenosha Police letting a murderer go.
The culture of gun violence in America.
Please Specify:

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Cops should be able to take down a suspect without use of force. They have them Tasers! Oops, they shot people who grab Tasers.
The graphic images of victims shot by this terrorist.
They get in their vehicles and pull off. Oops. Cops shoot at cars when they back up and flee.

Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country. Police shootings are part of the systematic problem with gun violence. No amount of training will ever stop a cop from using split judgement when it comes to a life-or-death situation. However, given how many of these incidents should have involved  deescalation, these fatal encounters should have been prevented.





We have unrest in the nation. African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."
We demand justice for Jacob Blake.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Brandi Henderson's Cousin, George Burrell Discuss About His Beloved Late Cousin In His Own Words

Brandi June Henderson, Rest in Peace

To George D. Burrell,

I'm so sorry that it took so long to respond to your heartfelt letter regarding your beloved cousin Brandi Henderson.  Miss Brandi Henderson's life was cut short by that evildoer.  I'm so sorry about Brandi Henderson.  She had a whole life ahead of her, her adorable son and family.  She was going places. Miss Brandi Henderson was studying to be a judge, according to several media reports back in 1994.  It's still sad and sadder still for the family, friends, and associates of the victims of that demonic psychopath.  I hope I'm not being nosy but if you want to do a brief bio of your most loved cousin along with several photos of Miss Brandi, please let me know.  

This is the heartfelt commentary he left on my website:

"He took my best friend, confidant and cousin, Brandi June Henderson, away from me. I was on the phone with her when he knocked at the door to "use her phone". She opened the door and said, "just make sure you lock the door behind you." She told me she had to go and said, "somebody needs to use the phone....I love you." That was my last conversation with her. I wish she would have told me it was him but instead it came out during his confession. She told him it was me she was talking to on the phone. So when we watched the news of her murder on the television the next day as I sat at his feet and he consoled me, he knew then that I was the one on the phone. How evil to sit and console me when he was the very one that made me grieve. I hated him for so long but finally found peace within myself. I still don't know the REAL reason he killed her. He blamed drugs but I'm sure there was deeper demons. I just can't believe we're still waiting for an execution date. When it finally is set I will be hoping to be there for her. I hope a news team will cover the story because I want to share with them about all these years of lost and found...."

George D Burrell

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Day Three: The 2020 Republican National Convention!

The third night where Mike Pence comes in defense of his boss Donald J. Trump.
Hurricane Laura is expected to be a destructive storm and it will impact Louisiana and Texas. It's expected to hit the United States by 2am on Thursday. It's a category four cyclone. Gov. John Bel Edwards and Gov. Greg Abbott warn Americans living near the path to leave now or die.

The coronavirus infections are over 2,000 a day. The death toll is over 1,000 a day. There are over 6.8 million Americans affected by the coronavirus. There are over 200,000 Americans dead from the disease.

We have over 35 million Americans out of work. The unemployment claims so far are over 2.1 million a week. There a companies that are going out of business due to the coronavirus.

Many states are still struggling to get back to normal. Since the United States proceeded this pandemic at such a slow pace, the damage is far worse than expected. Many Americans are trying to get back to normal only to have it shut down again. Many schools are trying to open back up.

But students are being infected with the coronavirus. Athletes are being affected with coronavirus.

University of Alabama, Texas A&M University, the University of North Carolina, University of Florida and University of Arkansas have seen a huge spike in cases. Many are blamed on students refusing to follow social distancing and hosting large parties.

The Los Angeles County commissioners and city of Los Angeles have now warned AirBnb and other entities that if they host large gathering, expect the power and water to be turned off. They also are imposing strict fines on non-compliance with bars, restaurants and entertainment venues that sell alcohol after certain times.

The NFL and college football is on shaky ground and fear that a season could be lost due to the rise in coronavirus cases. The Big Five have two units postpone their seasons. One canceled theirs. And many colleges are warning that sports could be impacted by the coronavirus.
Melania Trump delivers a bland speech.
California, Oregon, Arizona and Idaho are dealing with wildfires. California has seen the worst of it.

Many of the homes and properties in the state are destroyed. Californians are now caught between a rock and a hard place. The San Francisco Bay area, the Fresno/Central Valley and NorCal have experience wildfires that killed over 50 people.

We have unrest in America. The recent shootings of Jacob Blake, Salaythis Melvin and Treyford Pellerin have sparked intense backlash against law enforcement. Then of course a mass shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In the wake of the Jacob Blake shootings, a 17-year old white terrorist killed two protesters and injured one. The law didn't do anything to disarm him or neutralizing him. It was clearly 15 1/2 hours before they arrested this scumbag in Illinois. The terrorist traveled to Kenosha to start trouble. He was a part of the Proud Boys/Boogaloo Boys. Blake is still alive but he may never walk again.

The NBA teams the Milwaukee Bucks and Orlando Magic have boycotted their playoff game. They said they will not play in solidarity with Jacob Blake and the victims of the mass shooting in Kenosha.

We still have gun violence in the United States.There are 103 people killed by gun violence in the United States. Over 5,000 Americans this month alone died from gun violence. I couldn't cover every mass shooting or random act of gun violence because it's overwhelming.
Mike Pompeo delivers his endorsement of Trump from Israel while on duty.
The Russian government is actively interfering in the election. Facebook and Twitter have suspended over 10,000 accounts with ties to the Federation's GRU. Sleuths have seen repetitive memes and tweets from bots. The Democratic nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Kamala Harris have said that the Russian government are actively spreading misinformation about their policies. Some of the leftist and far-right agitators have been useful idiots in spreading false stories about the Biden campaign in attempt to help Donald J. Trump win reelection.

It was confirmed that Trump and Biden called the family of Jacob Blake.

Of course, yesterday's Republican National Convention. Night two was just as bad as night one.

The first thing that the Republican did was damage control. One of the keynote speakers was pulled at the last minute after she shared a meme link to a Q'Anon conspiracy that was anti-Semitic.
Smirking Nicholas Sandmann comes to Trump's defense.
Mary Ann Mendoza was pulled immediately from the roster after she retweeted and endorsed a conspiracy that claimed the Jews were conspiring with Democrats to enslave humanity. Mendoza is the mother of a fallen cop and a backer of Brian Kolfage and Steve Bannon's BuildTheWall scam.

Jerry Falwell, Jr. who was allegedly scheduled to speak at the RNC was forced to step away from his father's university. After a sex scandal surrounded him and wife Becki, the two have decided to step down from Liberty University, a staunchly conservative Christian college. Falwell and Becki were having sex with a man who was their pool boy. Falwell claims his wife was the only one sleeping with him. But the pool boy claims that he participated in the events and watched them have sex.

Nicholas Sandmann, the former Covington, Kentucky Catholic High School student who infamously smirked at Nathan Phillips, a Native American activist who protested against Trump had a platform. Doing his video from Cincinnati, the activist had complained about how the media portrayed him and how he ended up getting an undisclosed settlement with CNN and the Washington Post after he successfully sued them for commentators criticizing him.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke at the convention. The controversial senator shared experiences with Trump. In his statement he said that he and Trump met when he wasn't running for president. He said that Trump being "down to earth" and "just a normal guy with his own plane and helicopter . . ."

He shared a his medical trip to Guatemala to perform charity eye surgeries. He said that Trump offered money for help and came through. He said that he has forgiven Trump for the presidential campaign. Paul had criticized Trump for being a plant. He said that if Trump was the nominee, the Republicans would lose the election. Seems like he was proven wrong. He said that he and Trump don't see eye to eye on most issues but he claims he satisfied with the way the country is going.
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron hasn't brought charges against the three dirty Louisville cops who killed Breonna Taylor.
Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron spoke at the RNC. He had the spotlight. One of the many Black tokens who support Trump's reelection bid. He is being roundly criticized for not acting on the Breonna Taylor case. Cameron has been facing pressure by activists to prosecute the three dirty cops who shot and killed the EMT worker in her own home after a botched raid. He claims that Democrats want chaos and colorism as their platform. He said that as the first African American to be Attorney General, he believes that Democrats are still trying to play identity politics with the pick of Kamala Harris as Biden's running mate. He offered nothing more than a word vomit of Blacks being emboldened to vote for Trump and why Biden is the wrong candidate for people of color.

Former Florida Attorney General and White House impeachment lawyer Pam Bondi comes into the event with Russian active measures. She immediately goes after Biden's son Hunter for nepotism and corruption. She calls Biden a man who has 47 years of  nothing. She praises Trump for his handling of the pandemic, lowering taxes and calling upon Floridians to make a choice between a nation in chaos and a country that stands with police and the American flag. A lame attempt at playing to the base. A speech worthy of Sean "Softball" Hannity.
Eric Trump counts on MAGA and conspiracy nuts to help his father.
Speak of that. Softball Hannity got a phone call from Trump. Trump must have laid into his ass about him cutting into convention coverage. The softball promised to no longer interrupt programming and will reserve his praise and criticism after the event.

Mike Pompeo spoke form Jerusalem. He is the first in a long time to do a political event while doing his job as Secretary of State. He was speaking on behalf of Trump's work with the Middle East. He claims that Trump brokered peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. He said that he's worked hard to beat the Islamic State and is taking on China. He called Barack Obama and Joe Biden's years of diplomacy a disaster and said that if Trump wins, the world will respect the United States again. The House Democrats have launched an investigation into Pompeo. He had violated the Hatch Act and has been under scrutiny by the Inspector General for misusing staff to do errands for him and his wife.

Eric and Tiffany Trump are the products of nepotism. The son of Trump and Ivana spoke on behalf of his father. He found a way to call Joe Biden a worthless candidate. He claimed that Biden and the junk food media are protecting him. He said his father kept his promises and said that people are happier. The daughter of Trump and Marla Maples spoke on behalf of her father as well. The socialite and lawyer is progressive like Ivanka. The two used to get into Trump's ear when it came to controversial issues. Tiffany being the black sheep of the family, she got prime time space at the convention. She said that we're all MAGA but you just don't know it yet. She said that young people are more inspired by her father than Biden. The two were defining themselves as successful business leaders.
Tiffany Trump goes to bat for her father. She says that many Americans on the fence are secret Trump supporters.
The headliner was Trump's third wife, the current First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump.

Before she spoke, Trump appeared in two videos. He pardoned Jon Ponder, a former federal intern who spent years in federal time out for bank robbery. Ponder met with the FBI agent Richard Beasley who arrested him years ago. Ponder claims that he found religion and has decided to devote his life to helping troubled Black men get an opportunity to get back on their feet. He credits Trump for allowing him to get a second chance.

Trump also held a photo-op. During the RNC, Trump played a video of him doing a naturalization for five newly sworn in American citizens. Many criticized the event as a political staging that violated terms of campaigning.
Pam Bondi calls Hunter Biden a product of nepotism. Forgot that Donald, Jr., Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany are products of nepotism. Conservatives continue to spew Russian talking points. Bondi has ties to Ukrainian businessman Lev Parnas.
Melania didn't impress me. For a woman who allegedly speaks five languages, she certainly having trouble trying to speak American English. Her speech was bland at best.

She did at least acknowledge the massive deaths from the coronavirus. She said that she and her husband do share a common bond despite the numerous allegations of him cheating on her.

"My deepest sympathy goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one, and my prayers are with those who are ill or suffering," Trump said on Tuesday. "I know many people are anxious and some feel helpless. I want you to know you are not alone."

She wants to focus on helping Americans get off opioids. She wants to focus on helping students read and write. Melania wants Americans to practice in peaceful protests and not violent outburst.

America's mom didn't mention anything about Jacob Blake or any of the victims of police violence.

She wore a tacky green dress and used the teleprompters to speak on behalf of her husband.

Some believe that Trump looked bored and wasn't really interested in her speech.

Now the third event begins. It will be the acceptance speech from Michael Richard Pence. He will accept the Republican vice presidential nominee.

Who will shine on Night Three of the Republican National Convention?

Mike Pence
Lara Trump
Joni Ernst
Kristi Noem
Burgess Owens
Karen Pence
Marsha Blackburn
Dan Crenshaw
Madison Cawthorn
Kellyanne Conway
Richard Grenell
Please Specify:

Also at this event you'll see these people speak.

Vice President Mike R. Pence
Second Lady of the United States Karen Pence
Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA)
Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota
Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX)
Richard Grenell, former acting director of National Intelligence and LGBTQ activist.
Kellyanne Conway, White House advisor slated to leave at the end of the month.
Vice National Security Advisor Keith Kellogg.
Jack Brewer, former NFL player and religious pastor.
Sister Dede Byrne, Catholic church nun, activist and public motivation speaker.
Madison Cawthron, candidate for U.S. House seat in North Carolina and disability activist.
Scott Dane, executive leader of the Associated Contract Loggers and Truckers of Minnesota.
Clarence Henderson, civil rights activist who participate in the Woolworth sit-ins in Greensboro.
Det. Ryan Holets, a police officer from Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Michael McHale, president of the National Association of Police Organizations.
Burgess Owens, retired NFL player and candidate for U.S. House seat in Utah.
Lara Trump, media personality, chairwoman for Donald J. Trump 2020 and wife of Eric Trump.

Jack Brewer was pulled from the schedule. He is served a federal sandwich for insider trading. The FBI, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and U.S. Postal Inspectors have charged Brewer with insider trading. He sold 100,000 shares in a penny stock because he had inside information that the company's share price was dropping. He was a vocal supporter of Trump and sponsored the Blacks for Trump group. He also appeared on Fox News numerous times.
The awkward kiss from Trump and Melania.
Tara Myers will make a speech on behalf of school choice. She is from Mansfield, Ohio.

Burgess Owens was born in Columbus, Ohio.

Keith Kellogg was born in Dayton, Ohio.

Mike Pence was a conservative talk show host who had a stint in Dayton radio. He was then a congressman from Indiana and later governor of the state.

His brother Greg Pence is currently the U.S. Congressman who represents Lawrence, Richmond, Columbus, Muncie and Aurora. His district is part of the Miami Valley and Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky/Southeastern Indiana markets.

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

The Republican National Convention is on tonight.

The Right Ain't Got That WAP!

Conservatives are really pissed about WAP. Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's song went viral and it sparked conservative outrage.
WAP is the newest single from Cardi B and it features Megan Thee Stallion.

WAP is smash hit. It's also generated a certain amount of controversy.

The song received critical acclaim and praise for its sex positive messages. The music video directed by Colin Tilley was released a few days later. The video release on YouTube became one of the most viewed videos of the month. In only two weeks since its release the music video has over 150 million views.

It also earned attention from conservatives. Especially conservatives who are fans of hip-hop music.

Trust me, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was banging Cardi B's music.
Ben Shapiro is a suit and tie white nationalist. He claims to be smart but is really, really stupid.
Okay, pearl clutchers like Ben Shapiro. The Daily Wire founder was upset over the lyrics. He literally read the lyrics word by word and complained about how female empowerment is being hypersexualized by Cardi B's trash. Of course, he was roundly mocked for his pathetic attack.

Then failed Republican candidate and internet troll DeAnna Lorraine. She is a notorious Q'Anon troll who is so fucking annoying her own family disowns her views. She tried to run against Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in the 12th Congressional District race. Since it's a nonpartisan jumble election, the one who emerged with the most votes head to the general election. Pelosi blew Loraine out the water. She will face the Bernie Sanders-backed Democratic contender Shahid Buttar in the general election.

Here's a conservative complaining about the video.

Cardi B is a troll bawse. She saw the shots fired and hit back at them.

Cardi retweeted a funny video of Shapiro quoting the lyrics with a beat. She managed to get Shapiro to admit defeat.
DeAnna Loraine is a sexually frustrated Republican. No man would date her so she wrote a book on how to win her love. She could date that pervert Romeo Rose. He's a Trump supporter and avowed racist.
Cardi B did a subliminal diss on Loraine. Cardi mocked the Republican for writing a book on how to date a Trump supporter. She basically is saying that Loraine is thirsty for some WAP but can't get it because she's too much of.........get it!

And to make it even more stinging she decided to make sure Republicans know who Melania Trump was before she became the First Lady of the United States.

Here's a hint: Michelle Obama never had to strip for magazine.

Cardi B, the rapper/singer/actress/podcaster/model/activist was a strong supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). She vocally expressed support for the progressive Vermont senator during the primaries. After he ended his campaign, she decided to support his rival former Vice President Joe Biden.

She interviewed Biden for Vogue and her podcast.

Belcalis M. Almánzar has been very vocal about her disgust for Donald J. Trump and his cronies in the White House.

She has been vocal about encouraging Americans to vote in this election.

The hypocrisy of conservatives. If an entertainer, athlete or person in the news supports Democrats over Donald J. Trump, they want them to "just shut up and stay in place." They attack entertainers who speak against Trump or Republican policies. But in the case of Kanye West, the Republicans are all on board with this. The Republicans are literally trying to get him on the ballot in swing states. Or Herschel Walker and Burgess Owens. Since these athletes support Trump, they're no longer members of the "Democrat" Plantation and a "free thinking" individuals.

They hate "cancel culture" only if it affects their bottom line. But they have no problem trying to silence progressives, entertainers, politicians and those who aren't die hard MAGA supporters.

Trump and the Republicans are running on a white nationalist platform. It's something that Republicans do every four years. Every time a rapper decides to get political, the right will find some way to undermine it and place all the ills of the country on Black leaders, rapper, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Democrats and now Kamala Harris.

For those who ain't familiar with WAP it's "wet ass pussy." It has a cameo appearance from Kylie Jenner, the reality television star and best friend of Megan Thee Stallion. She and Megan were partying in Los Angeles earlier this month. Megan got shot by Tory Lanez in a dispute. The entertainer was shot in her foot. She is recovering from her injuries. Tory Lanez could face felony charges and if convicted he could face 10 years in the iron college. He could lose privileges to be in the United States since he was born in Canada. He could be deported if convicted.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.



She Peaked Through The Body Bag!

Michigan family angry that Timesha Beauchamp was found alive in funeral home.
Timesha Beauchamp's family is angry. They are really angry over the fact that the state of Michigan failed her.

The 20-year old woman who has cerebral palsy was mistakenly declared dead after suffering a seizure at her home in Detroit. The paramedics spent 30 minutes trying to perform CPR on the woman before they declared she was dead.

The medical examiner's office released the body directly to the family, who arranged a funeral home to pick up her body that afternoon.

As the funeral director was preparing to embalm the body, she was shocked to see the woman breathing and looking at him.

He immediately contacted the family and told them that Timesha was alive.

Attorney Geoffrey Fieger held a presser on Tuesday afternoon telling the junk food media that Timesha remains in critical condition at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit. Its been more than 48 hours since she woke up inside that funeral home.

"The doctors are unable to give a prognosis right now, and have indicated that it's touch and go," said Fieger on the current state of Timesha.

"I'm devastated that my daughter is going through what she's going through," said Timesha's mother to the local junk food media. "My family, her twin brother, her older brother -- it's just, I don't even have words. I haven't slept all night. I just don't know what to do. My heart is so heavy."

Tinesha lives in Southfield is now on a ventilator at a Detroit hospital,clinging to life.
Detroit funeral home alerts family that Timesha was alive.
Her family called 9-1-1 after finding Tinesha -- who suffered from unspecified medical issues -- unresponsive at her home. Southfield Fire Department paramedics performed CPR on her, before she was declared dead.

"They told her the movements were involuntary, that they were related to the drugs that they had administered to Timesha and it did not change their opinion as to the fact that they felt she was dead," said Fieger, who once represented the controversial Michigan pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian against murder charges tied to physician-assisted suicides.

The incident unfolded on Sunday morning at Beauchamp's home in Southfield, a suburb of Detroit, when her family called 911 after noticing her lips were pale, that there were secretions around her mouth and she was having trouble breathing, Fieger said.

Southfield Fire Department paramedics arrived at the home at 7:34 a.m. on a call for an unresponsive female, Fire Chief Johnny L. Menifee said in a statement released on Monday. Menifee said the woman was not breathing when paramedics arrived.

"They checked multiple pulse points on the patient," Menifee said at a news conference on Wednesday.

The firefighters who responded checked Beauchamp's vital signs three times, including once after Beauchamp's godmother told them she thought she saw her move, Menifee added. He said the emergency crew -- two firefighter paramedics and two firefighter emergency medical technicians -- tried life-reviving measures on Beauchamp for 30 minutes.

He said the medical information on Beauchamp was relayed to an emergency department physician at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield, where Beauchamp was pronounced dead based on the given information.

Menifee said the four firefighters, including a lieutenant with 18 years of experience, have been placed on administrative leave in keeping with standard procedure while the incident is investigated by the city of Southfield and the Oakland County Medical Control Authority.

"They feel terrible that this happened. They can't imagine how this possibly happened," Menifee said of the first responders. "They're emotionally upset that this happened and rightfully so."

Menifee apologized for not reaching out to Beauchamp's family but said he was in no position to answer their questions. He pledged to get answers for the family, but said "it's going to take time."

"I take full responsibility for not reaching out to them. I feel tremendously upset and bad at myself for not doing that upfront, but I know they want answers and I'm trying to get those answers for them," he said.

Since there was no foul play involved, the Southfield Police Department notified the Oakland County Medical Examiner's Office of the findings and an on-duty forensic pathologist at the coroner's office released the body to the woman's family to make arrangements to have the body picked up by a funeral home of their choosing, according to a statement Menifee released on Monday.


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