Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The Right Ain't Got That WAP!

Conservatives are really pissed about WAP. Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's song went viral and it sparked conservative outrage.
WAP is the newest single from Cardi B and it features Megan Thee Stallion.

WAP is smash hit. It's also generated a certain amount of controversy.

The song received critical acclaim and praise for its sex positive messages. The music video directed by Colin Tilley was released a few days later. The video release on YouTube became one of the most viewed videos of the month. In only two weeks since its release the music video has over 150 million views.

It also earned attention from conservatives. Especially conservatives who are fans of hip-hop music.

Trust me, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) was banging Cardi B's music.
Ben Shapiro is a suit and tie white nationalist. He claims to be smart but is really, really stupid.
Okay, pearl clutchers like Ben Shapiro. The Daily Wire founder was upset over the lyrics. He literally read the lyrics word by word and complained about how female empowerment is being hypersexualized by Cardi B's trash. Of course, he was roundly mocked for his pathetic attack.

Then failed Republican candidate and internet troll DeAnna Lorraine. She is a notorious Q'Anon troll who is so fucking annoying her own family disowns her views. She tried to run against Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in the 12th Congressional District race. Since it's a nonpartisan jumble election, the one who emerged with the most votes head to the general election. Pelosi blew Loraine out the water. She will face the Bernie Sanders-backed Democratic contender Shahid Buttar in the general election.

Here's a conservative complaining about the video.

Cardi B is a troll bawse. She saw the shots fired and hit back at them.

Cardi retweeted a funny video of Shapiro quoting the lyrics with a beat. She managed to get Shapiro to admit defeat.
DeAnna Loraine is a sexually frustrated Republican. No man would date her so she wrote a book on how to win her love. She could date that pervert Romeo Rose. He's a Trump supporter and avowed racist.
Cardi B did a subliminal diss on Loraine. Cardi mocked the Republican for writing a book on how to date a Trump supporter. She basically is saying that Loraine is thirsty for some WAP but can't get it because she's too much of.........get it!

And to make it even more stinging she decided to make sure Republicans know who Melania Trump was before she became the First Lady of the United States.

Here's a hint: Michelle Obama never had to strip for magazine.

Cardi B, the rapper/singer/actress/podcaster/model/activist was a strong supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). She vocally expressed support for the progressive Vermont senator during the primaries. After he ended his campaign, she decided to support his rival former Vice President Joe Biden.

She interviewed Biden for Vogue and her podcast.

Belcalis M. Almรกnzar has been very vocal about her disgust for Donald J. Trump and his cronies in the White House.

She has been vocal about encouraging Americans to vote in this election.

The hypocrisy of conservatives. If an entertainer, athlete or person in the news supports Democrats over Donald J. Trump, they want them to "just shut up and stay in place." They attack entertainers who speak against Trump or Republican policies. But in the case of Kanye West, the Republicans are all on board with this. The Republicans are literally trying to get him on the ballot in swing states. Or Herschel Walker and Burgess Owens. Since these athletes support Trump, they're no longer members of the "Democrat" Plantation and a "free thinking" individuals.

They hate "cancel culture" only if it affects their bottom line. But they have no problem trying to silence progressives, entertainers, politicians and those who aren't die hard MAGA supporters.

Trump and the Republicans are running on a white nationalist platform. It's something that Republicans do every four years. Every time a rapper decides to get political, the right will find some way to undermine it and place all the ills of the country on Black leaders, rapper, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Democrats and now Kamala Harris.

For those who ain't familiar with WAP it's "wet ass pussy." It has a cameo appearance from Kylie Jenner, the reality television star and best friend of Megan Thee Stallion. She and Megan were partying in Los Angeles earlier this month. Megan got shot by Tory Lanez in a dispute. The entertainer was shot in her foot. She is recovering from her injuries. Tory Lanez could face felony charges and if convicted he could face 10 years in the iron college. He could lose privileges to be in the United States since he was born in Canada. He could be deported if convicted.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.



She Peaked Through The Body Bag!

Michigan family angry that Timesha Beauchamp was found alive in funeral home.
Timesha Beauchamp's family is angry. They are really angry over the fact that the state of Michigan failed her.

The 20-year old woman who has cerebral palsy was mistakenly declared dead after suffering a seizure at her home in Detroit. The paramedics spent 30 minutes trying to perform CPR on the woman before they declared she was dead.

The medical examiner's office released the body directly to the family, who arranged a funeral home to pick up her body that afternoon.

As the funeral director was preparing to embalm the body, she was shocked to see the woman breathing and looking at him.

He immediately contacted the family and told them that Timesha was alive.

Attorney Geoffrey Fieger held a presser on Tuesday afternoon telling the junk food media that Timesha remains in critical condition at Sinai-Grace Hospital in Detroit. Its been more than 48 hours since she woke up inside that funeral home.

"The doctors are unable to give a prognosis right now, and have indicated that it's touch and go," said Fieger on the current state of Timesha.

"I'm devastated that my daughter is going through what she's going through," said Timesha's mother to the local junk food media. "My family, her twin brother, her older brother -- it's just, I don't even have words. I haven't slept all night. I just don't know what to do. My heart is so heavy."

Tinesha lives in Southfield is now on a ventilator at a Detroit hospital,clinging to life.
Detroit funeral home alerts family that Timesha was alive.
Her family called 9-1-1 after finding Tinesha -- who suffered from unspecified medical issues -- unresponsive at her home. Southfield Fire Department paramedics performed CPR on her, before she was declared dead.

"They told her the movements were involuntary, that they were related to the drugs that they had administered to Timesha and it did not change their opinion as to the fact that they felt she was dead," said Fieger, who once represented the controversial Michigan pathologist Dr. Jack Kevorkian against murder charges tied to physician-assisted suicides.

The incident unfolded on Sunday morning at Beauchamp's home in Southfield, a suburb of Detroit, when her family called 911 after noticing her lips were pale, that there were secretions around her mouth and she was having trouble breathing, Fieger said.

Southfield Fire Department paramedics arrived at the home at 7:34 a.m. on a call for an unresponsive female, Fire Chief Johnny L. Menifee said in a statement released on Monday. Menifee said the woman was not breathing when paramedics arrived.

"They checked multiple pulse points on the patient," Menifee said at a news conference on Wednesday.

The firefighters who responded checked Beauchamp's vital signs three times, including once after Beauchamp's godmother told them she thought she saw her move, Menifee added. He said the emergency crew -- two firefighter paramedics and two firefighter emergency medical technicians -- tried life-reviving measures on Beauchamp for 30 minutes.

He said the medical information on Beauchamp was relayed to an emergency department physician at Ascension Providence Hospital in Southfield, where Beauchamp was pronounced dead based on the given information.

Menifee said the four firefighters, including a lieutenant with 18 years of experience, have been placed on administrative leave in keeping with standard procedure while the incident is investigated by the city of Southfield and the Oakland County Medical Control Authority.

"They feel terrible that this happened. They can't imagine how this possibly happened," Menifee said of the first responders. "They're emotionally upset that this happened and rightfully so."

Menifee apologized for not reaching out to Beauchamp's family but said he was in no position to answer their questions. He pledged to get answers for the family, but said "it's going to take time."

"I take full responsibility for not reaching out to them. I feel tremendously upset and bad at myself for not doing that upfront, but I know they want answers and I'm trying to get those answers for them," he said.

Since there was no foul play involved, the Southfield Police Department notified the Oakland County Medical Examiner's Office of the findings and an on-duty forensic pathologist at the coroner's office released the body to the woman's family to make arrangements to have the body picked up by a funeral home of their choosing, according to a statement Menifee released on Monday.

Heat: Mass Shooting In Kenosha!

Extremists come to Kenosha to start trouble. One shot two men to death.

We have a destructive hurricane barreling into Texas and Louisiana.

We have wildfires in California that have destroyed numerous homes and forests.

We have the coronavirus infecting over 6 million Americans and over 200,000 lives lost.

We have unemployment at record highs with over 35 million Americans out of the labor fore.

We have a coin shortage in the country.

And civil unrest in many of America's forgotten urban communities.

According to the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative echo chamber, it's the fault of Democrats, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. In the minds of Republicans, it's not the fault of the president.

The Republican National Convention will be tonight. The theme is......white nationalism.

Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence will offer nothing more than the usual word vomit about how Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are dangerous for America. They will say in real time, the Democrats are supporting anarchy and rioting in the streets.

They will repeat the lie that Biden wants to take away your firearms and defund the police. They will say that "we should not rush to judgement" when it came to the video of Jacob Blake, the Wisconsin man who was shot eight times and is now paralyzed from the waist down.
Protest continue in Kenosha and the country.
His family said we're no longer sad. We're angry. We are numb to this.

Black people are never given the benefit of the doubt. Every time a Black man is shot by the police, the far-right agitators like Candace Owens, Deanna Loraine, Andy Ngo and Colin Flaherty will bring up the criminal history and justify reasons to why a cop would use lethal force.

Fuck this shit!

The white nationalists and conservative tokens are trying to define the situation as Jacob deserving his fate. They are saying:
  • If he would of complied....
  • If he would not have reached....
  • If he would not have resisted....
  • If he would not have done what he's done....
Then he would be ALIVE.....

Americans are fucking cynical. They don't see the bigger picture. They don't see a cop grabbing a man by the shirt collar and shooting him eight fucking times (at point blank range). They shot him in front of his children.
Police toss tear gas into the crowd to get them off the streets.
I am not playing these games with these trolls.



The mayor of Kenosha has issued a mandatory off the streets curfew at 8pm. The city has imposed a state of emergency. Gov. Tony Evers declared a state of emergency.

The governor, lieutenant governor Mandela Barnes, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) have spoken about the situation. They have called for an immediate investigation into the matter.

No comment from Donald J. Trump or Mike Pence.

And course, the white agitators who came to cause chaos and tarnish Black Lives Matter.
Social media says this white terrorist murdered two people.
White agitators who destroy car dealerships, graffiti on property and now shooting protesters.

You heard of this white extremist group called the Boogaloo Bois?

I haven't but the Southern Poverty Law Center has addressed this group as a bunch of white cabana boys who are rooting for a civil war. These extremists are a subgroup of the Proud Boys.

What makes this so fucking frustrating is the fact that the Republican sheriff of Kenosha County, David Beth supports the armed white extremists watching the streets.

One of these Boogaloo/Proud Boys shot two protesters dead without a care. No cop took action to disarm and neutralize that threat. No cop ever told those white extremists to drop their firearms.

White extremists online are praising this callous murder. This terrorist came to Kenosha to cause havoc and is willing to be a martyr for white nationalism.

There's no self-defense when you were intending on showing up to cause a scene. There's no self-defense when you're literally showing "manhood" at a peaceful protest.

The alleged terrorist was caught on camera getting a bottle water from the SWAT.
Armed protester or armed agitator? The graphic image of a man tending to a gunshot wound has went viral.
Now you tell me if there's two systems of justice for people in America?

Two people were killed and another was wounded as shots were fired late Tuesday in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during the third night of unrest following the police shooting of a Black man, Jacob Blake.

The shootings were reported at about 11:45 p.m. in an area where protests have taken place, Kenosha police Lt. Joseph Nosalik said in a news release. They happened after police drove away protesters from in front of a courthouse that had been the site of the main clashes between protesters and authorities.

Cellphone video of at least two of the shootings that was posted online shows what appears to be a white man with a semi-automatic rifle jogging down the middle of a street as a crowd and some police officers follow him. Someone in the crowd can be heard asking "What did he do?" and another person responds that the man had shot someone.

The man with the gun stumbles and falls, and as he's approached by people in the crowd, he fires three or four shots from the seated position, hitting at least two people, including one who falls over and another who stumbles away to frantic shouts of "Medic! Medic!"
Julia Jackson is angry over the police not giving her details to why her son was shot.
With the crowd scattering, the shooter stands up and continues walking down the street as police cars arrive. The man puts up his hands and walks toward the squad cars, with someone in the crowd yelling at police that the man had just shot someone, but several of the cars drive past him toward the people who had been shot.

Protester Devin Scott told the Chicago Tribune that he witnessed one of the shootings.

"We were all chanting 'Black lives matter' at the gas station and then we heard, boom, boom, and I told my friend, that's not fireworks," said Scott, 19. "And then this guy with this huge gun runs by us in the middle of the street and people are yelling, 'He shot someone! He shot someone!' And everyone is trying to fight the guy, chasing him and then he started shooting again."

"I was cradling him in my arms. I was trying to keep this kid alive and he wasn't moving or nothing. He was just laying there," Scott said. "I didn't know what to do and then this woman starts performing CPR. There was no pulse. I don't think he made it."

The shooting victims have not been identified.
Jacob Blake, Sr. tearfully tells the junk food media that he doesn't trust the state and federal investigators.
At a news conference earlier Tuesday, Ben Crump, the lawyer for Blake's family, said Blake was shot multiple times by police on Sunday and that it would "take a miracle" for him to walk again. He called for the officer who opened fire to be arrested and for the others who were involved to lose their jobs.

The shooting of Blake — apparently while three of his children looked on — was captured on cellphone video and ignited new protests over racial injustice in several cities, coming just three months after the death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police touched off a wider reckoning on race.

Earlier Tuesday, Blake's father spoke alongside other family members and lawyers, telling reporters that police shot his son "seven times, seven times, like he didn't matter."

"But my son matters. He's a human being and he matters," said Blake’s father, who is also named Jacob Blake.

The 29-year-old was in surgery Tuesday, said attorney Ben Crump, adding that the bullets severed Blake’s spinal cord and shattered his vertebrae. Another attorney said there was also severe damage to organs.

"It's going to take a miracle for Jacob Blake Jr. to ever walk again," Crump said.

When asked what the police response to the family has been, the family's lawyer said, "At this point, it seems to be a one-way street. They only want to get information from the family and the friends who were there that day. But they have offered this family no answers whatsoever."

Blake's mother, Julia Jackson, told CBS This Morning in an interview that aired Wednesday that she feels like she's in a "bad dream" and that it felt "unreal" that her son's name has been added to the list of Black people who were shot by police.

"Never in a million years did I think we would be here in this place. Him being alive is just a miracle in itself."
Jacob's family call for the cops involved to be fired out the cannon and criminally prosecuted.
The family's legal team plans to file a lawsuit against the police department over the shooting. Police have said little about what happened, other than that they were responding to a domestic dispute. The officers involved have not been named. The Wisconsin Department of Justice is investigating.

Police fired tear gas for a third night Tuesday to disperse protesters who had gathered outside Kenosha's courthouse, where some shook a protective fence and threw water bottles and fireworks at officers lined up behind it. Police then used armored vehicles and officers with shields pushed back the crowd when protesters ignored warnings to leave a nearby park.

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers had called for calm Tuesday, while also declaring a state of emergency under which he doubled the National Guard deployment in Kenosha from 125 to 250. The night before crowds destroyed dozens of buildings and set more than 30 fires in the city's downtown.

"We cannot allow the cycle of systemic racism and injustice to continue," said Evers, who is facing mounting pressure from Republicans over his handling of the unrest. "We also cannot continue going down this path of damage and destruction."

Three of the younger Blake's sons — aged 3, 5 and 8 — were in the car at the time of the shooting, Crump said. It was the 8-year-old's birthday, he added.

The man who said he made the cellphone video of the shooting, 22-year-old Raysean White, said he saw Blake scuffling with three officers and heard them yell, "Drop the knife! Drop the knife!" before the gunfire erupted. He said he didn't see a knife in Blake's hands.

In the footage, Blake walks from the sidewalk around the front of his SUV to his driver-side door as officers follow him with their guns drawn and shout at him. As Blake opens the door and leans into the SUV, an officer grabs his shirt from behind and opens fire. Seven shots can be heard, though it isn't clear how many struck Blake or how many officers fired.

Blake's father told the Chicago Sun-Times that his son had eight holes in his body.

Anger over the shooting has spilled into the streets of Kenosha and other cities, including Los Angeles, Wisconsin's capital of Madison and in Minneapolis, the epicenter of the Black Lives Matter movement this summer following Floyd's death.

Hundreds of people again defied curfew Tuesday in Kenosha, where destruction marred protests the previous night as fires were set and businesses vandalized. There were 34 fires associated with that unrest, with 30 businesses destroyed or damaged along with an unknown number of residences, Kenosha Fire Chief Charles Leipzig told the Kenosha News.

"Nobody deserves this," said Pat Oertle, owner of Computer Adventure, surveying the damage on Tuesday. Computers were stolen, and the store was "destroyed," she said.

"This accomplishes nothing," Oertle said. "This is not justice that they're looking for."
Jacob Blake was shot on his son's birthday.
U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and U.S. Rep. Bryan Steil, both Republicans, called on the governor to do more to quell the unrest. Steil said he would request federal assistance if necessary.

Evers continued to call for protesters to be peaceful.

"Please do not allow the actions of a few distract us from the work we must do together to demand justice, equity, and accountability," he said.

Blake's family also called for calm.

"I really ask you and encourage everyone in Wisconsin and abroad to take a moment and examine your hearts," Blake's mother said. "Do Jacob justice on this level and examine your hearts. ... As I pray for my son's healing physically, emotionally and spiritually, I also have been praying even before this for the healing of our country."

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Cops should be able to take down a suspect without use of force. They have them Tasers! Oops, they shot people who grab Tasers.

They get in their vehicles and pull off. Oops. Cops shoot at cars when they back up and flee.
Will there be justice for Jacob Blake?
Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country. Police shootings are part of the systematic problem with gun violence. No amount of training will ever stop a cop from using split judgement when it comes to a life-or-death situation. However, given how many of these incidents should have involved  deescalation, these fatal encounters should have been prevented.





We have unrest in the nation. African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.

Do the police treat armed militias better than an unarmed Black man?

Oh hell yeah! The police seem to not be trigger happy when they see a bunch of white men with firearms.
No, The police are prepared to handle armed threats regardless of color, political ideology and criminality.
Please Specify:






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Wish You Were Here!

This would be 19 years since we lost Aaliyah!
There's never be another Aaliyah! She was the Princess of R&B.

This is the 19th anniversary of the tragic plane crash that killed R&B singer and actress Aaliyah.

Aaliyah Dana Haughton was an American singer, actress and model. Born in Brooklyn, New York but raised in Detroit, she first gained recognition at the age of 10, when she appeared on Star Search and performed in concert alongside Gladys Knight.

In 2001 after filming her music video, Rock The Boat, Aaliyah, hair stylist Eric Forman, Anthony Dodd, security guard Scott Gallin, Keith Wallace, make-up stylist Christopher Maldonado, and Blackground Records employees Douglas Kratz and Gina Smith --- were killed when pilot Luis Morales III was under the influence when he piloted the twin-engine Cessna 402 in the Bahamas.

Her death rocked the hip-hop community. She was riding on a wave of success at the time. She released her album which was self-titled as Aaliyah (Red). It would be her final album.

Before her death Aaliyah was one of the most successful R&B acts of the mid-1990s. She first released her debut album Age Ain't Nothing but a Number on Blackground Records with production from her uncle Barry Hankerson and his brother Jomo Hankerson and executive produced by this former R&B singer who is currently in federal time-out awaiting trial on sexual predator charges.

The album lead to allegations of the two having a sexual encounter. There were allegations that that sexual predator married Aaliyah through a sham marriage. On the document, he forged her age to 18 to make it appear they were a legally able to wed.

The two had annulment and her family cut ties from him.

Soon she would work with Virginia-based rap producer Timbaland and she would release her second album, One in a Million and it would become one of the best R&B albums of all time.

She would be given name recognition and celebration for her works. She was rewarded a movie deal.

She had roles Romeo Must Die and Queen of the Damned.

Aaliyah was getting ready to do an acting career.
At the age of 22, Aaliyah died in a tragic plane crash.
She spent months working on the album with her longtime friend and producer Timbaland. She also had Static Major, Missy "Misdemeanor" Elliott, Rapture and Bud'da help her work on the album.

She was engaged to then Roc-A-Fella Records CEO Damon Dash and was happy.

I still remember that night I've heard she died in a plane crash. It was heartbreaking.

Aaliyah's family has announced that her albums will be streaming soon. Right now on her debut album is on Spotify.

One in a Million and Aaliyah (Red) will be soon streaming on Spotify shortly.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Day Two: The 2020 Republican National Convention!

The second night of the Republican convention. The formula is attack Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Did you get an opportunity to watch the Republican National Convention?

I will tell you that watching and listening to it, you can tell that they have no platform going into the election. The only thing I've heard from the convention was how scary Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are. They talked about how scary Democrats are and lavished unlimited praise to Donald J. Trump.

On top of that, many of the commentators were caffeinated.

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), Nikki Haley, Donald Trump, Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Mark and Patricia McCloskey, Kimberly Klacik, Ronna Romney McDaniel, Maximo Alvarez, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Charlie Kirk and Vernon Jones had an opportunity to defend Trump's presidency.

You can see highlights from Night One here.

So tonight, we will get an opportunity to hear from First Lady Melania Trump. The least productive First Lady of the United States was caught on tape bashing her husband, Donald Trump, Jr., Ivanka, Eric and Tiffany Trump.
Kimberly Guilfoyle survived COVID-19. However, did her vocal cords survived that high-pitch shrilling?
Melania could help Trump in a some fashion. But in no way, she could shine like her predecessor, Michelle Obama.

The former First Lady asked Democrats to consider what at risk if Trump is reelected. She strongly endorsed Biden and Harris in the first night of the Democratic National Convention. Mrs. Obama often gets praise for her speeches. Melania may not help Trump much. Matter of fact, I would not be surprised that she will just deliver the generic praise of her husband and his role as father to his youngest son, Barron.

Barron Trump is only 13 years old and he is 6'5''.
Matt Gaetz looks like a deer in the headlights when he delivered a tacky joke about Joe Biden.
Tuesday will have an acknowledgement of the hurricanes, possible mentions of the police shootings of Jacob Blake and Trayford Pellerin, Black Lives Matter, gun rights, the junk food media and socialism.

First Lady Melania Trump, wife of Donald J. Trump and mother of son Barron.
Mike Pompeo, U.S. Secretary of State.
Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)
Gov. Kim Reynolds of Iowa.
Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nรบรฑez of Florida.
Daniel Cameron, Attorney General of Kentucky.
Pam Bondi, lawyer and former Florida Attorney General.
Abby Johnson, former administrator of Planned Parenthood, now activist from Live Action.
Jason Joyce, lobsterman from Maine and small business owner.
Myron Lizer, Arizona small business owner and vice president of the Navajo Nation.
Mary Ann Mendoza, mother of slain police officer Sgt. Brandon Mendoza.
Megan Pauley, Republican activist.
Cris Peterson, dairy farmer in Minnesota.
John Peterson, owner of a metal processing facility in Wisconsin.
Nicholas Sandmann, Cincinnati, Ohio activist and former Covington Catholic student who sued media over the infamous smirk picture.
Eric Trump, the president of the Trump organization, third son of Donald J. Trump.
Tiffany Trump, socialite, daughter of Marla Maples and Donald J. Trump.

Who will shine at tonight's event?

Who will shine at Day Two of the Republican National Convention?

Nicholas Sandmann
Kim Reynolds
Rand Paul
Melania Trump
Eric Trump
Tiffany Trump
Mike Pompeo
Abby Johnson
Please Specify:

The Republicans will run on the white nationalist platform.

In the mind of many Republicans, the junk food media is out to get Donald J. Trump.

According to the data collected by CBS, most Republican voters think the country is dealing with the pandemic pretty well, though 62 percent of voters overall think the pandemic response has gone badly. As for the number of Americans who’ve died from Covid-19 so far, 57% of Republicans called it "acceptable," but 90% of Democrats called it "unacceptable," as did 67% of independents.
Donald Trump, Jr. tries to create a Joe Biden that is lazy, inept, senile and unfit to be like his father. His father is an alleged sexual predator, senile, immature and ill-prepared. Yet, he wants his dad to win a second term. So ridiculous.

The cable news channels have to cover two hours while broadcast had covered an hour or longer.

MSNBC had spot-on fact checkers and had interrupted speeches. They had called out many Republicans for flatly lying about Joe Biden. The Republicans continue to push the narrative that Biden wants to "defund the police."

Biden and Harris have said they want police reform but not defunding the police.

Many Republicans were complaining that Sean "Softball" Hannity and Tucker Carlson interrupted speakers and blasted Fox News for allowing it to happen.
Tim Scott pulls the "America is not racist" nonsense while bashing Biden for alleged racist remarks. Biden picked a woman of color as his running mate. His boss was Barack Obama, the first African American president. He lives in Wilmington, Delaware, a majority Black city. Tim Scott got praise for trying to make the party inclusive. However, his speech was bland.
Trump on his part actually thanked CNN for covering the Republican Convention without any commercials or interruptions.

Trump and Republicans are willing to uses foreign assistance in this election. It was revealed that Russia is still active. The Russian Federation is still finding ways to interfere in the election.

They are working through the Q'Anon nonsense. They are working through the unrest in Black America through the incidents of police violence.

Before he was sworn in as the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump had praised the Russian Federation's president Vladimir Putin. He praised Putin for allowing him access to the Miss Universe Pageant.
Herschel Walker is the latest line of Looney Coons to speak in favor of white nationalism.
So those confidential meetings between Trump and Putin will be scrutinized heavily. It will add more fuel to the fire.

So did Donald J. Trump and his campaign deliberately use the help of the Russian government to win the 2016 election?

I believe so. I believe he enlisted in the help of Vladimir Putin, Natalia Veselnitsyka, Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, Julian Assange, Rick Gates, George Papadopoulos, Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas, Igor Furman, Roger Stone, Carter Page and Michael Cohen to help him win the election.

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.
Melania Trump will speak at tonight's event. It will be interesting like this awkward kiss.

Over 103 people have died a day because of gun violence.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

The Republican National Convention is on tonight.

How White Savior Movies Hurt Hollywood

"Green Book" just won the Oscar for Best Picture, but it's been described as a "white savior" movie, a movie that features a white character saving people of color from situations they couldn't save themselves from. These films tend to further negative stereotypes about people of color, removing their agency in acting for themselves. White savior films also often reinforce the idea that racism is largely gone today.


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