Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Happened To Trayford Pellerin?

Louisiana man was shot by the police after fleeing.

Again, why do police believe a fleeing suspect is a "threat on their lives?"

Cops should be able to take down a suspect without use of force. They have them Tasers! Oops, they shot people who grab Tasers.

They get in their vehicles and pull off. Oops. Cops shoot at cars when they back up and flee.

Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country. Police shootings are part of the systematic problem with gun violence. No amount of training will ever stop a cop from using split judgement when it comes to a life-or-death situation. However, given how many of these incidents should have involved  deescalation, these fatal encounters should have been prevented.





We have unrest in the nation. African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."

A man armed with a knife is shot and killed by the police after he fled them. It happened at a Circle K/Shell Gas Station in Lafayette, Louisiana. A young woman captured the fatal encounter on video.

It will certainly raise tension with residents in Lafayette.
Police open fire on Pellerin while he causally walks away from them.
Gov. John Bel Edwards has promise a swift investigation into the matter. The city police have decided to turn it over to the state.

The video shows, 31-year old Trayford Pellerin walking away from arresting officers. The witness filming saying "he got a knife" and "they gonna shoot him" as he marches swiftly away from cops and towards the entrance of the gas station.

Lafayette officers responded at about 8pm Friday to a disturbance involving a person armed with a knife at the Circle K gas station on Northeast Evangeline Thruway near the intersection of Castille Avenue, said Louisiana State Police spokesman Trooper Derek Senegal.

When officers arrived, they found Pellerin in the parking lot of the gas station. Officers tried to apprehend Pellerin, but he left the scene, Senegal said.

"Get on the ground!" says one witness while pleading in vain.

The person who filmed the encounter, Rickasha Montgomery told the local junk food media that she believed the police were excessive and the man was fleeing when they shot him. She said they tasered the man but it had no effect on him.

When Pellerin reached for the door of the gas station, the police shot him 11 times.

Police say the incident unfolded after the Lafayette Police Department responded to a 9-1-1 call of a disturbance at a Circle K/Shell Gas Station on Northeast Evangeline Thruway.

Officers said they pursued the man on foot for about half-a-mile before the shooting took place at the gas station.

As the man came within feet of the door to the occupied convenience store, the police opened fire.

After opening fire on Pellerin, the police were seen motioning to people to stay inside the store.

"When I heard the gunshots, I couldn't hold my phone like I was first filming," Montgomery told the junk food media. "I feel kind of scared about it. I'm traumatized. You're so used to hearing about this, but I never thought I would experience it."

The Louisiana State Police are taking charge of the matter and the cops who fired the shots are placed in the freezer pending an investigation into whether the use of force was justified.

Pellerin was taken to a local hospital where he later died.
Police are trying to spin a story of non-compliance as a reason for shooting.
At least one officer fired their gun, interim Police Chief Scott Morgan said. The officers involved in the shooting have been placed on administrative leave with pay until an investigation is complete.

The incident troubles Marja Broussard, the president of the Lafayette chapter of the NAACP. She said she started receiving texts and calls and immediately headed to the scene late Friday night.

After watching the video, which she called hard to watch, Broussard said she wonders what other measures could have been taken to deescalate the situation.

"How much time did they have to diffuse it?...How much time did they have to do something other than freaking shoot?" she said. "I think that so much more could have been done."

Alanah Odoms Hebert, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Louisiana, issued a statement Saturday calling the shooting an "inappropriate and excessive use of force by these officers."

"Cell phone video from the scene clearly shows Mr. Pellerin moving away – not towards – police officers, only to be tased and then brutally shot dead," Hebert said. "Trayford Pellerin should be alive today. Instead, a family is mourning and a community is grieving. Mr. Pellerin's family and the people of Lafayette deserve answers."

The police chief promised to provide as much information to the community as possible.

"We expect to do whatever we can as far as transparency goes," Morgan said. "Please understand we are not trying to not give out information. All information has to be verified before we give information out. Part of being transparent is also to get it right."

Local officials, including Lafayette Mayor-President Josh Guillory, Parish Councilman AB Rubin, City Councilman Glenn Lazard and Louisiana State Sen. Gerald Boudreaux, were at the scene along with representatives from the local NAACP.
A man kneels in solidarity with the Louisiana man gunned down by the police.
"We actually look to them (community leaders) for help in these types of circumstances," Morgan said. "That’s the working relationship the Lafayette Police Department has. We’re not trying to hide anything. We involve them because we want them to have some knowledge of what’s going and an assurance that we’re not going to intervene in the investigation and we’re going to do the right thing."

This is the third time an on-duty Lafayette Police Department officer has shot a person in five weeks, and the fourth in 2020. Morgan said the circumstances for each incident vary and "we have to judge each one based on its merit."

The state ACLU's statement called the police shooting a "murder" and "brutal killing."

"None of our communities are safe when the police can murder people with impunity or when routine encounters escalate into deadly shooting sprees," according to the statement. "The ACLU of Louisiana will continue to demand justice for this brutal killing and push for reforms that will end the epidemic of police violence once and for all."

Of course, they'll say that Pellerin had a criminal history. They will say that he shouldn't have walked away from cops. They would say he shouldn't carry a knife in the first place. They would say he should have complied to officers. The Constitution only applies to white men. Because if a Black man uses his right to not be detained without cause, refuse to speak under prosecution, and defuse the situation by walking away, he still dies. And given he had a knife, they didn't say he robbed someone. He was probably defending himself.

Still doesn't justify why a cop shot a fleeing suspect.

No amount of criminal acts this man done justified that cop's actions. It's has frustrated me to hear folks like Candace Owens, Larry Elder, Leo Terrell, Jesse Lee Peterson, Terrence K. Williams, Kevin Jackson, Diamond & Silk and Allen West defend the actions of bad cops and white vigilantes.



The status quo of the gun culture. Now is not the time to talk about gun violence!

If there were more security guards and more civilians (aka the good guy) with a gun.......

They learn how to use firearms from watching (or listening) to gangsta rap.

They watch violent movies.

They don't have fathers or mothers in their lives and it results in them committing criminal acts.

Look at his history with police....

Blah, blah, blah...

Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government. They are enabling this. Donald J. Trump, Congress and the National Rifle Association are a bunch of lily-livered cowards. They are numb to gun violence.

The "good guy" with a firearm is the most dangerous person to have a firearm. Matter of fact, the NICE GUYS are often the ones who are spurned by society. Bad relationships, losing your job, jealousy over promotions, family feuds and racism are typical NICE GUY issues.




Don't you just want to scream!?

Scream in the faces of these damn lawmakers whenever they offer their "thoughts and prayers" to every fucking mass shooting in the United States. They will offer their condolences and say a word vomit how they sympathize with the deceased. Some here will tell us that "now isn't the time to talk." Others will say that "the NRA has too much influence on gun laws."

We will talk about this for a few days and then we're off to another controversy. The next controversy would either be something done by Trump, a politician, an entertainer or we will experience another mass shooting. The next mass shooting will be even worse than the last one.

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths. I hear the same old talking points about "good guys with guns" and "god's given rights."

Every time these folks offer "thoughts and prayers," "their condolences," "their hearts going out to," and "their apologies," they are not sincere. For every naming of a road, park, bench, building and holiday, it won't matter to the community. For every time they lower flags, offer moments of silence and candlelight vigils, we just offer "feel good-isms."

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

So far, more Black men and women are being killed by the police. I don't want to hear no talk about white suspects being killed far more. So far, the junk food media has spotlighted another Black man being shot by the police.

We have mass shootings in the United States everyday. We are the only country in the world that continues to do nothing about this. Donald J. Trump, Congress, the National Rifle Association and agitators in the junk food media have moved on from dealing with this. They're too busy sniping over partisan blame games. With Trump being impeached while in office, he's unlikely to focus on gun violence.

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Georgia Cop Fired Out The Cannon After Confrontation With Homeowner!

The scene where a woman is shoved to the ground and tased by a former Georgia cop.
What showed up on TikTok got a Gwinnett County cop off the beat. He is shown using a stun gun on Kyndesia Smith while she was sitting on her porch. The latest incident that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation is working on. They have over 10 cases involving police encounters.

The officer shows up at the Loganville home on Tuesday after a neighbor called the law on a group of people who allegedly threw a bottle at her car.

The cop, Michael Oxford shows up to the home.

Oxford confronts Smith on her porch on a report of a vandalism. Police were given the description of the suspect to resemble Smith. While on her porch, Smith and her mother Aytra Thomas denied throwing at a person vehicle and told him to leave their property.

Soon an argument ensues.

Smith could be heard saying: "You're on our property. We did not call you, I'm not going anywhere."

Oxford then decides to arrest Smith which led to her replying: "I'm not resisting, you're not touching me."

Oxford then grabs Smith's arm and a struggle ensues as he attempts to place her in handcuffs, prompting screams from the other women.

After failing to detain her, the cop orders Smith to the ground by deploying his taser.

When she refused to cooperate and resisted arrest, Oxford pulled his Taser and shocked her. Smith then fell into some bushes.

When the officer tried to place the woman in the car, she head-butted and kicked him.

An internal investigation of the incident found that Oxford had justification for the woman's arrest and shocking her with his Taser when she resisted but investigators concluded that officer didn't follow de-escalation procedures and that his general personal conduct, including the use of a curse word, was unacceptable.

"Gwinnett County police officers have a duty on conduct to interact with the public in a kind, considerate, and patient manner. Based on the video, we do not believe Officer Oxford displayed the conduct we expect from officers in Gwinnett County," said Cpl. Collin Flynn with the Gwinnett County Police Department.

Thomas, witnessed what happened and said the officer was aggressive from the moment he approached them.

"When he came up he said, 'You all need to shut the fuck up,'" Thomas said.

She also said the officer shouldn't have used the Taser, especially while he was so close to her.

"I didn't threaten him. She didn’t threaten him. She told told him she didn't want to talk. I didn't want to talk. I didn't have to talk," Thomas said.

Despite the cannon firing of Oxford, the woman still faces criminal charges. She is facing battery on a police officer after she headbutted him and resisted arrest.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

In Georgia, battery on a police officer could be a misdemeanor or a class D felony which is punishable for up to three years in the iron college.

Investigators said they conducted a three-pronged investigation into the officer. They said they addressed concerns about the arrest of the woman, the use of force, and the conduct of the officers.

Lori Loughlin Heads To Federal Time Out!

Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli both head to federal time out in November.
Actress Lori Loughlin and husband Mossimo Giannulli got served by the federal court.

The couple are to going to head to federal time out. They plead guilty to mail fraud, extortion and wire fraud. They along with Felicity Huffman were caught up in a huge scandal involving a gangster.

The gangster would help them get their children into prestigious colleges and universities. He would hire ringers to take their qualification tests. He would photoshop the children's heads on actual athletes and intellectuals.

The gangster was caught and he sung like a canary. He fingered executives, actors, actresses, elite members of society, coaches, professors and politicians. Some of these individuals were indicted.

Some were convicted.

The biggest bust for the feds were two well-known actresses.

Felicity Huffman, known for her roles in Desperate Housewives and Transamerica was criminally charged with the same criminal acts. She paid the gangster to get her two daughters into elite universities. She was convicted and ordered to pay a huge fine and was sentenced to 14 days in the iron college.

Huffman is now extremely toxic to Hollywood. Her last roles were When They See Us, a movie inspired by the Central Park Five and the comedy-drama Tammy's Always Dying.

Loughlin best known for her role on Full House and sequel Fuller House was perhaps the most shocking. She was on Hallmark Channel's When Calls the Heart.

The federal court handed her a two month bid while Giannulli was given a five month bid.

Loughlin also will serve two years of supervised release during which she must perform 100 hours of community service and pay a fine of $150,000, according to the US Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. She was sentenced just hours after Giannulli, who received five months, a $250,000 fine, two years of supervised release and 250 hours of community service.

Both must surrender to the US Bureau of Prisons before 2 p.m. on November 19.

Let's make this clear, white privilege at work.

If this was a Black woman who had done this, I would expect they'll hand her at least 10 years in federal time out.

So far, 55 defendants have been charged in connection with the college admissions scandal, and of those, 41 have either pleaded guilty or agreed to plead guilty, according to the US Attorney's Office. Of those, 28 parents, including Loughlin and Giannulli, initially pleaded not guilty. Twenty parents have been sentenced, while 13 others, including coaches, administrators, members of that gangster's group and Mark Riddell, the expert test taker, have pleaded guilty or agreed to plead guilty.

Hate On The AM Dial!

Cincinnati Reds play-by-play announcer Thom Brennaman is off the air after he said a gay slur.
Two Ohio shock jocks are yanked off the air after they made inappropriate comments.

Thom Brennaman, the longtime Cincinnati Reds announcer was yanked off the air after he was caught on a hot mic saying an anti-LGBTQ slur. I won't mention it due to the fact that Google will might our blog "restricted for sensitivity."

He was referring to an undisclosed location as "one of the --- capitals in the world."

I don't condone the remarks.

Brennaman is a sportscaster working for Fox News Ohio. He is the son of veteran Reds announcer, Marty Brennaman. The longtime sportscaster didn't make it through the Kansas City Royals and Reds game.

After the hot mic incident, the Reds and Fox Sports called him to tell him that his remarks hit social media and went viral.

The Reds pulled him off the are during the second game of the doubleheader with Jim Day taking over the play-by-play after the top of the fifth inning.

Before he was yanked off the air, Brennaman apologized saying that he was "deeply ashamed."

Shock jock called Kamala Harris the "colored" vice presidential candidate.
He said that his broadcasting future was in doubt, saying, "I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again."

Brennaman was put in the freezer with no thaw. That means he's in the process of a cannon firing.

Brennaman was also yanked from the NFL broadcast roster. He said that he will apologize to the LGBTQ community in some fashion. He went to The Cincinnati Enquirer to write an op-ed to apologize. He also said that he will reach out ot PFLAG and donate to the Trevor Project.

He would be doing broadcast from iHeartRadio's WLW 700 AM in Cincinnati.

Another shock jock was pulled off the dial. This asshole had the audacity to dismiss Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as that "colored vice presidential candidate."

It was a conservative agitator named Kyle Cornell and he worked for iHeartRadio's WTAM 1100 AM.

The asshole made the comments on the night of Harris' historical speech. In the audio clip he said that during Cleveland Indians broadcast.

"The U.S. officially has its first colored vice presidential candidate. More coming up after the game on Newsradio WTAM 1100 Cleveland."

Audio of the clip was made available online and many believed it was a racist dog whistle.

The radio station immediately yanked him off the dial and made a public statement condemning the remarks.
The race to the bottom continues with the far-right.
"We are aware of the reference made on WTAM by Kyle Cornell. We take this matter very seriously and addressed it immediately. The term used is extremely offensive and does not align with our station's core values and commitment to the communities we serve. He is no longer with WTAM."

Cornell apologized by saying this he was "making a judgement in error," and said he never intended to cause offense.

"I wasn't trying to be malicious or in any way decimate the character or anything like that," Cornell said to the local junk food media. "That was never the goal. And for that, I am truly sorry."

He added, "For the station of WTAM too, I feel awful for putting them through what they've had to go through over the past 24 hours. I just want them to understand it was a rough choice to make and that I accept my punishment and know that I still love and care about everyone at the station, wish them well and I hope that they can forgive me for making a judgement in error and something that I know is not me."

Harris is the first African American and Asian American woman to be on a national ticket. She is a biracial woman whose parents are from Jamaica and India. She is married with two step-children.

Reminder, iHeartRadio and Premiere Radio, Inc still has Rush Limbaugh on the radio. He recently called the California senator and vice presidential nominee a "used mattress."

Let's make this clear: Kamala Harris will experience racism, sexism, classism, conspiracies about her birthplace, her record as a prosecutor and state attorney general. They will question her looks, her marriage to a white man and her religion. They will attack her on sorority and days studying at Howard.

The Reade In!

The Biden accuser still trying to get her story right.
On the night of Joe Biden's nomination, one woman continues her crusade to bring attention to an allegation against him. She got over two months of attention and was roundly debunked.

Biden strongly denied the allegations.

The Biden accuser once again emerges to blast Kamala Harris. This is the woman who claimed she contacted Harris' presidential campaign about the allegations against Biden. The Harris senate office and presidential campaign had no knowledge of the allegations.

The accuser claims that Harris is a hypocrite for backing Biden over her allegations.

She said: "I'm disappointed with Kamala with her being the Vice Presidential nominee. It's the height of hypocrisy for her to accept the VP nominee position ... She's a hypocrite. She saw an opportunity to seize a position of power and she took it, turning a blind eye to sexual assault victims."

The accuser said Harris' remarks "sickened" her, adding: "She obviously doesn't know how to spot a predator, she is enabling one by the name of Joe Biden.

This accuser said because Harris was a prosecutor and California's Attorney General who worked with sexual assault victims, she should know how difficult it is for victims to come forward and speak.

Added that the accuser said Harris' silence on Biden makes her complicit and to add extra pain, "she's a woman."

The woman who tweeted below leftist agitator Ryan Grim's feed with the words, "Yup. timing.... wait for it....tic..toc!"

The woman who claims that in a semi-private corridor of the U.S. Capitol where she was wearing  a skirt and crotchless panties, walking in heels with a heavy gym bag met then Senator Joe Biden. After he finished talking to a guy she saw from a distance, he approached her and shoved her to the wall and reached up her skirt mid-dress and said, "I heard you like me..." and "I want to fuck you!"

Yet, she never appeared to file a report because she "chickened out." She felt the need to tell the world, shortly after she told the junk food media last year, he didn't do anything "sexual" like that.

She didn't file a police report with the U.S. Capitol Police. She filed with the Washington, DC Metropolitan Police a report of sexual assault but left Biden's name off the report.

Before she went to leftist agitator Katie Halper, the junk food media interviewed Alexandra Tara Reade Moulton McCabe. The California woman who claimed that in 1993, Biden digitally penetrated her in a "semi-private" area of the U.S. Capitol.

She told far-right agitator Megyn Kelly that Biden said "I want to fuck you." She left that out during her Halper interview. She said that she told only a few people. Now it's like ten people. Each of these people are shaky at best. Especially those who have ties to the Trump presidential campaign.

She also claims Rose McGowan, a controversial actress and activist is backing her claims. The actress was key to bringing down the sexual predator who ran a movie company.

Nevermind what Biden says, #IBelieveTaraReade.

This is the latest of distractions facing Biden.

Here's the Kelly interview for those who want to watch this.

For less than one year, Reade worked at the Biden office. She can't provide documentation on her position but one man claimed that she was a mail sorter for constituents and had no access to the senator.

She wrote on her blog about how she felt that Biden and his staff mistreated her during her few months of work. She went to far-right outlets to complain about how Biden's getting a pass.
Not fazed.
None of these outlets called her out on the credentials. None of these outlets interviewed Biden nor his staffers at the time. Truth be told, they just want to fit a narrative to make it appear that she's is believable and Biden isn't.

They won't mention the Donald J. Trump allegations. He has dozens of women who accused him of sexual abuse. He also paid two women during the campaign to keep his affairs out of the limelight.

Reade or whatever the fuck she calls herself has been dumped by Douglas Wigdor after the bombshell story about her college credentials. Wigdor, a Trump donor and prominent lawyer who sued that sexual predator and Fox News agitators found that her story didn't match up to the statements she presented him.

This woman has burned people throughout her years. Some have shared their opinions with PBS NewsHour and POLITICO. Reade has dismissed them as "publicity seekers."

Republicans are willing to bring this distraction back into play. Not seeing that their standard-bearer has dozens of women accusing him of sexual abuse.

Joe Biden: I Will Be An Ally Of The Light, Not The Darkness!

It's Joe Time!
Presidential nominee Joe Biden becomes the leader of the Democratic Party. He and his running mate Kamala Harris will lead the party to the general election in a divisive time where President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence will do everything in their power to defeat them.

Last night in Wilmington, Delaware, Biden formally accepts the nomination to lead the Democratic Party as their presidential nominee.

We wrap up the 2020 Virtual Democratic National Convention with Biden and Harris as the nominees.

Biden last night was emotional and strategical.

He delivered a heart warming speech which also addressed the president's actions over the past three years. He called the Trump's handling of the coronavirus pandemic a disaster. He made a pitch to Americans who didn't support him during the primaries to understand the risks of allowing Trump to win reelection. He said that he wants to be "an ally of the light" and not a willing supporter of "the darkness."

Biden said that we have four crises in the country. The pandemic, unemployment, racial unrest and climate change. He said that the economy that Trump inherited from Barack Obama has been ruined by his tax cuts to the wealthy, his failure to work on passing a fair living wage and the trade war he imposed on China, Mexico and the European Union. He said that millions of Americans who had decent paying jobs are unemployed. He said that Trump's failure to handle the pandemic has led to small businesses closing up, large companies going out business and Americans having to struggle to stay in their home.

Nearly 1 in 6  (17%) of American small businesses are closing up.

Working families are struggling to get by with the pandemic. Those who are working are required to wear facial mask. They are working

Trump has allies from the conservative Fox News Channel to Vladimir Putin. The year 2020 is according to Biden the fight for the "soul of the nation."

We will expect these themes during the 2020 presidential election. We will expect long lines at the polling stations. With a global pandemic in effect, Trump will find ways to keep Americans from voting.

Voter suppression is likely to happen this year. Trump has already made it clear that he doesn't like mail-in voting. He believes it's going to "cheat" and deny him a victory. Trump's newly appointed U.S. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is facing pressure to resign. He will testify at the Senate panel discussing why he decided to disable mail sorting machines and remove mail boxes from urban areas.

DeJoy, a billionaire donor to Trump is being criticized for his handling of United States Postal Service. Under his leadership, he has eliminated overtime, delayed first class mail and limited post office hours. Many states are not prepared for the massive haul of mail-in ballots.

We are in a year where the coronavirus (COVID-19) will make an impact on the lives of Americans who will likely be infected by it or killed by it. We have lost over 210,000 Americans to the coronavirus. We have over 7 million Americans affected by it.

We have unrest in the United States. From the streets of Portland, Oregon to the cities of Chicago, Minneapolis, Washington, DC, San Juan, Puerto Rico and New York City, civil unrest triggered by police brutality, gun violence, economic turmoils due to unemployment and natural disasters.

The Democratic Party continues to lead in diversity. The first African American president and the first woman to lead the national party in the presidential election gave their blessing to Biden.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have told the world that another Trump presidency could impact everyone. They have warned the American voter that another four years of Trump could harm democracy.

Already, Trump has said that he would love to eliminate the presidential term limits during a campaign stop in Arizona. Trump said that Obama "spied" on his campaign and said if he wins, he may seek a third term.

Trump continues to push the narrative that Biden and Harris will be far-left socialists.

The Trump Presidential Campaign is having trouble trying to painting the first woman of color as a problem. Harris, is the first African American and Asian American woman to be on a national ticket.

Here's the speech that Biden gave on Thursday.

It's Joe Time.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Night Four: The Virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention!

The final night of the Democratic National Convention. Biden will take the mantle as the leader of the Democratic Party.
The moment Joseph Robinette Biden been waiting for. The formal declaration that he's the leader of the Democratic Party going into the general election. He and Kamala Devi Harris will be certified as the presidential and vice presidential nominees.

The two will now have a challenge ahead. They will have to fight hard to beat Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence. The two are confident and willing to do everything in their power to win. The far-right and leftists are already trying to deflate momentum.

Whisper campaigns against Biden and Harris haven't really scored much with voters. However, loyalty and enthusiasm are the biggest strengths Trump and Pence have. The far-right will concede that the coronavirus could defeat Trump. But if they could keep the focus on Biden's gaffes and Harris' record as a California prosecutor and Attorney General, they could peel votes.

Joe Biden so far has 91% of the Black vote.

Donald Trump has 8% of the Black vote.

Other candidates like Howie Hawkins of the Green Party and Kanye West both have 1% of the vote.

Leftists like Nina Turner, Cornel West, Ryan Knight, Jimmy Dore, Briahna Joy Gray and Glenn Greenwald are trying to create a new party for progressives. It's not really blowing up like they've wanted.
Kamala Harris makes an opportunity to introduce herself to the world.
Last night, Barack Obama and Kamala Harris stole the show.

Barack Obama had criticized Trump for being ill-equipped for the job as president.

He rebuked Trump in stunningly explicit terms for a member of the presidents club -- a fraternity the current commander in chief disdains.

"I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision or continue my policies. I did hope, for the sake of our country, that Donald Trump might show some interest in taking the job seriously; that he might come to feel the weight of the office and discover some reverence for the democracy that had been placed in his care," Obama said.

"But he never did. For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground; no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends; no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.

"Donald Trump hasn't grown into the job because he can't."

It was a picture of Trump's presidency that is familiar from scores of tell-all books, insider and media accounts and the evidence of a publicity-hungry President who awards himself top marks even in a pandemic that has killed more than 170,000 Americans that he ignored, mismanaged and misrepresented.

Obama's remarks did not come in a vacuum. Only hours earlier, Trump had all but endorsed the cult-like and nonsensical conspiracy theory Q'Anon from the White House podium. The President is spreading false claims about massive fraud in postal voting. He sought to coerce a foreign power into destroying the candidacy of Democratic nominee Joe Biden, for which he was impeached.
Obama warns Americans that if we reelect Trump then he could tear apart democracy.
Trump has ignored or attacked every institution that can hold him to account from Congress to the courts, the Justice Department, military brass and the press. He retweets Russian intelligence propaganda. Any restraining influences in his Cabinet have long since been purged. He may have already crushed the legitimacy of any Biden win in November by warning any election he loses will be "rigged." White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany refused hours earlier to state that the President would accept the result of the election. In any other administration this would be a defining scandal. In this White House it barely merited comment.

He even said that he deserves another term if he win his reelection. That should give you signs that Trump is not willing to leave the White House if he loses or finishes his second term.

Trump blasted Obama's speech.

Harris becomes the first woman of color to be on a national presidential ticket. The California senator has broke barriers with women. On Wednesday, Harris discussed her mother being one of the heroes.

She introduced herself as the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants who would strive to restore the principles of inclusivity after four years of divisiveness under Trump, citing the example of her mother who she said taught her daughters to "be conscious and compassionate about the struggles of all people" and to believe that "the fight for justice is a shared responsibility." Harris noted that was why she became a prosecutor who tried to reform the criminal justice system from within.

Harris said she and former Vice President Joe Biden share "a vision of our nation as a beloved community -- where all are welcome, no matter what we look like, where we come from, or who we love."

Though Americans may not "agree on every detail," they are "united by the fundamental belief that every human being is of infinite worth, deserving of compassion, dignity and respect," she said.
Elizabeth Warren did a subliminal message in her background. BLM, coded for Black Lives Matter in the building blocks behind her.
Harris has often argued that President Donald Trump's tactics have torn the nation apart as he forced the separation of families at the border, vilified immigrants, excoriated his political opponents and urged government officials to "dominate" peaceful demonstrators in the streets after the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer.

Invoking Floyd's memory, Harris asked Americans to join her in combating racism and xenophobia.

"There is no vaccine for racism. We've got to do the work," Harris said. "For George Floyd. For Breonna Taylor. For the lives of too many others to name -- for our children, for all of us."

"We've got to do the work to fulfill that promise of equal justice under law. Because, none of us are free until all of us are free," she said.

Three generations of women — Harris' sister Maya Harris, her niece Meena Harris and her stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff -- delivered the speech virtually officially nominating the California senator as the Democratic nominee for vice president of the United States.
Hillary Clinton praises her old boss Barack Obama and tells the world that Russia and Trump will try to destroy Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. She warns Democrats not to fall victim to misleading stories and rumors.
Earlier, Harris made a surprise appearance during the convention's cold open to stoke excitement about the night's program and to urge Democrats to fight through adversity to cast their votes.

"So I think we need to ask ourselves, why don't they want us to vote? Why is there so much effort to silence our voices? And the answer is because when we vote, things change. When we vote, things get better. When we vote, we address the need for all people to be treated with dignity and respect."

In regards to Harris mentioning predator, Trump reacted to it.

The night also included speeches from 2016 presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), the family of George Floyd, former Trump supporters and performances from Billie Eilish and Jennifer Hudson.

Tonight, Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee. He will make a plea for Democratic unity.

He will share stories about losing his first wife, daughter and recently son to tragedies. He will praise Obama and Harris for their courageous actions. He will talk about policies and possibly incorporate policies sponsored by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). He will talk about his previous friendship with Mike Pence and Republicans.

He might lay into Trump over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and civil unrest.
Actress and fellow HBCU Kerry Washington poses with Kamala Harris and her family.
Biden was not the Democrats' first choice. He will have to disspell the notion that he's "lackluster" and "hiding in the basement." He will have to show that he is really confident and able to handle the challenges he's facing if he does become president.

He will need to address as much as he can. Cause leftist and conservative agitators are willing to pick apart every word. Knowing that Biden stutters and sometimes has trouble pronouncing words, he's likely going to be mocked for his cadence and health.

Stuff we need to squash now. We need to fight against the far-right and leftists attacks on him and Kamala Harris.

They tried with Hunter Biden.
They tried with cognitive decline.
They tried with Obamagate.
They tried with Tara Reade.
They tried with "You Ain't Black."
They tried with "hiding in the basement."
They tried with "Sleepy Joe."

None of this is working. The only thing going against Joe Biden is the motivation for people to vote.

With Trump trying to dismantle the United States Postal Service, many are seeing he's willing to stop mail-in ballot voting.

Since voting in-person and early voting could spark more coronavirus infections, Trump sees mail-in ballots as destructive to his campaign.

The latest bombshells from Trump included the bipartisan report stating clearly that Trump had knowledge that Roger Stone met with Wikileaks and Julian Assange. Paul Manafort had contacts with people who had ties to the Russian Intelligence agencies. Trump's former lawyer Michael Cohen is releasing a book detailing the infamous "Golden Showers" and his obsession to get Trump Tower in Moscow. He will admit that Trump wanted to sleep with hot Russian women. The Russian government allegedly had sent women to honeytrap powerful men into blackmail.

Steve Bannon and Brian Rolfage are under federal watch. They were criminal charged with extortion and fraud. They were criminally charged with stealing donations from people who supported building a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. The two have spent millions on yachts, clothes, cosmetic surgery and selfish interest. There are two other individuals indicted as well.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Trump had attacked Goodyear Tire company on the allegations they banned Make America Great Again and Blue Lives Matter attire. Some troll posted an allegation claiming that they were excluded from wearing pro-Trump propaganda. Trump had called for a boycott of the tire company despite him complaining about "cancel culture."

A Russian opposition critic was poisoned after he drank a tea. Federation president Vladimir Putin had trolled the man and said he hopes for a speedy recovery. The United Nations believe Russia has been active in punishing traitors and critics with brutal tactics like poisoning and clandestine bombings.

The U.S. confirms that Russia, China and Iran are willing to meddle in the elections. Russia has been very active in spreading misinformation. Facebook had deleted numerous Blacks for Trump and anti-Biden pages. They are eliminating the Q'Anon nonsense as well.

Who will win night four at the Democratic National Convention?

Joe Biden
Deb Haaland
Cory Booker
John Legend and Common
Michael Bloomberg
Andrew Yang
The Chicks
Keisha Lance Bottoms
Pete Buttigieg
Tammy Duckworth
Please Specify:

Who will be speaking at tonight's event?

Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ)
Pete Buttigieg, former mayor of South Bend, Indiana.
The Chicks, an American pop and country group. Formerly known as The Dixie Chicks.
Keisha Lance Bottoms, Atlanta mayor.
Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)
Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)
Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE)
John Legend, American singer, songwriter, activist, actor and Oscar award winning entertainer.
Common, American singer, rapper, actor, activist and Oscar award winning entertainer.
Andrew Yang, former 2020 presidential candidate, tech executive and activist.
Michael Bloomberg, former 2020 presidential candidate, business executive, former New York City mayor.
John Meacham, American writer, presidential historian for George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.
Dr. Viviek Murthy, British-American physician and the 19th Surgeon General under Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.
Rep. Deb Haaland (D-NM), one of the first Native American women elected to the U.S. House.
Alex Padilla, California secretary of State.
Jocelyn Benson, Michigan secretary of State.
Joe Biden, the 47th Vice President of the United States (2009-2017), former U.S. senator (1973-2009), writer and Democratic nominee.

Did you know that Joe Biden won his U.S. Senate seat in the same year he and Barack Obama won the presidency? Biden took on Christine O'Donnell, a far-right troll. He remained in the Senate until January 15, 2009. He was sworn in by former vice president Dick Cheney and remained the senator for 13 days.
It's Joe Time.
Who will shine?

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.


Over 103 people have died a day because of gun violence.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

The Democratic National Convention is on tonight.

Woman Drops The Curtain On Sexual Predator!

Sexual predator gets exposed for being a fraud.
The Daily Mail obtained pictures of the home of a former porn star who is known as the "Hedgehog."

He has appeared in hundreds of adult movies and had once a large backing. It took #MeToo to expose this sexual predator. Two well-known adult entertainers said that he would inappropriately grope them without their permission. At events where he appeared, he would grope women without their permission.

Now the Los Angeles Superior Court is looking to convict this sexual predator with criminal sexual abuse charges.

His name will be mentioned once.

Ron Jeremy was once a famous adult film actor. He once bragged he did over 4,000 women.

Well of those women, twelve and growing claimed he inappropriately touched them and sexually raped them. He placed drugs in the beverages of his victims.

The sexual predator has been in the county lockup since his arrest.

The predator tried to grope a woman.
Since his arrest, he was banned from making appearances. His publicist and management firm cut ties with him and many in the industry have distanced themselves from him.

He is no longer allowed to appear at Exxxotica and no longer allowed at the Adult Video News Awards (AVN).

One of the victims shared a detailed account of the sexual predator's home. He lives squalor and was trying to coach a woman into a sexual tryst. The woman shared her experience with The Daily Mail.

The picture shows the home as being filthy. It had cans of bug spray and she saw cockroaches.

She said that she lied to him to get out the home. She said told him that she was getting a wine for a dinner and never returned.

"I honestly thought he was on the show Hoarders. It was disgusting, I was so shocked. You could hardly open the front door."

She saw plants that weren't taken care of. She saw boxes of his old movies and trash piled high.

There's also a picture of her trying to resist his urges to grope her breasts. The woman said that she wasn't surprised that he is in the mess he's in. She said it was a matter of time before his antics would get him arrested.
The home of this sexual predator was filthy and roach infested.
She said that she met the sexual predator on the Sunset Strip where he was being "filmed." She realized that he was actually creating a ruse to meet women.

Once she left his home, he blew up her phone. He was upset that she didn't return and felt that she disrespected him.

The predator is facing LIFE in the iron college and a TIER-III at Offender U if convicted in California.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


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