Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dirty Cop Who Pressed George Floyd's Neck: Does He Have A MAGA History?

The look when you know you've fucked up.
I don't want to speculate the political leaning of this cop who put his knee on the neck of George Floyd. The man left his hometown of Houston, Texas to move to the Minneapolis-St. Paul metro area with his girlfriend Courteney Ross. The two were looking forward to getting married. Now she and his family are preparing for the burial.

He was devoted security officer at a local bistro where his girlfriend worked. The junk food media didn't even mention that in their stories. All I heard was "counterfeit money" and "forgery."

The Minneapolis Police were caught on camera restraining him with force. The cop who put his knee on the neck along with three other cops were identified by the junk food media. They were fired out the cannon.

On May 25, Memorial Day, Minneapolis Police Department officers responded to a "forgery in progress" on Chicago Avenue South in the Powderhorn Park neighborhood of Minneapolis. According to WCCO, the implication was that Floyd "tried to used forged documents at a nearby deli". According to police, Floyd was in a nearby car and "appeared to be under the influence". A spokesman for the police department stated that the officers ordered him to exit the vehicle, at which point he "physically resisted".

While initially police claimed that Floyd had resisted arrest, surveillance video from a nearby store "shows officers calmly detaining him", according to CBS News.
The look on this cop's face shows that he's getting in trouble for this one.
According to the Minneapolis police, officers "were able to get the suspect into handcuffs and noted he appeared to be suffering medical distress. Officers called for an ambulance". According to the Minneapolis Fire Department, paramedics moved Floyd from the location and were doing chest compressions and other lifesaving measures on an "unresponsive, pulseless male". Floyd was taken to Hennepin County Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

No weapons were used in the incident.

Donald J. Trump is now aware of the controversy. He ordered the U.S. Justice Department and FBI to do an investigation. The Minnesota State Bureau of Criminal Apprehension will conduct an independent investigation into whether the cop violated policies. The NAACP and Floyd's family said they want these cops to be criminal indicted for murder.

Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey has condemned the cops and said that the actions continue show the African American community can't trust their local law enforcement.

"What I can say with certainty, based on what I saw, is that ... the officer who had his knee on the neck of George Floyd should be charged," Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said in a news conference Wednesday.

There is unrest in Minneapolis and St. Paul.

Gov. Tim Walz hasn't declared a state of emergency yet. He is aware of the tensions between the communities and the police.

Some on social media also took aim at how the cops treated Black Lives Matter protesters to the Open Up America protesters. More on that in this post and future postings.

LeBron James, Ice Cube and Black fascist Candace Owens had a say in the matter.

The Minneapolis Star Tribune has gotten the names of the cops. The two cops who were in the video has a history. Some of that may come into question whether they have used excessive force and practiced in racial profiling and targeting.

Derek Chauvin has been identified as the officer pinning down Floyd in the now-viral video, which shows Floyd saying he can’t breathe repeatedly before losing consciousness. Floyd later died. Four officers on scene have been fired. They have not yet been officially identified by department officials.

Chauvin, 44, is a 19-year department veteran. Department records and news accounts show that he has been involved in several police-involved shootings over his career.
George was described as a gentle giant. He is pictured with his girlfriend.
In 2008, Chauvin shot and wounded Ira Latrell Toles during a domestic assault call. According to a 2011 article from the Pioneer Press, Chauvin and other officers showed up to an apartment in south Minneapolis just before 2 a.m. Toles grabbed for an officer’s gun and Chauvin shot him in the abdomen.

In 2006, Chauvin and five others responded to a stabbing. After Wayne Reyes, 42, allegedly pulled a shotgun on the officers, one of the officers shot and killed Reyes, according to a report titled “Stolen Lives” from Communities United Against Police Brutality, a police watchdog nonprofit based in Minneapolis.

The other officer identified in the video is Tou Thao. According to a deposition he gave in a 2017 lawsuit, Thao started with the department as a community service officer. He went through the academy in 2009. He was laid off for two years and returned to the department in 2012.

In 2017, Lamar Ferguson sued Thao and another officer, Robert Thunder, for excessive use of force. According to the lawsuit, Ferguson and a woman who was eight months pregnant were walking home when Thao and Thunder stopped and searched them without cause. The officers handcuffed Ferguson, and Thao threw him to the ground and began punching him, while Thunder kicked him, according to the allegations.

The officers took Ferguson to the hospital for medical treatment. Afterward, they escorted Ferguson to jail wearing only his underwear and T-shirt, rejecting hospital staff’s requests that he be allowed to fully dress, according to the complaint.

In a deposition, Thao said they arrested Ferguson due to an outstanding arrest warrant. He said he only punched Ferguson after one of Ferguson's hands slipped out of the handcuffs.
George's family lives in Texas. They will be preparing to head to Minnesota to meet with mayor Jacob Frey and attorney Benjamin Crump.
"He tries to pull away," Thao said in the deposition. "And he puts his hands on me and tries to give me a stiff arm in a way to try to get me off of him. After — at this point he's actively resisting arrest. He — so I had no choice but to punch him. I punched him in the face. It causes him to pause a bit which gives Officer Thunder the time to come around and help."

The case settled out of court for $25,000, according to Seth Leventhal, one of Ferguson's attorneys.

Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng who weren't shown on the first video but seen in later videos were fired out the cannon as well.

Most of the ex-cops scrubbed their social media.

Some on social media are spreading a photo of a white man wearing a "Make Whites Great Again" hat with the claims of it being Chauvin. That's false.
Protests in the Twin Cities. Folks have called out the police for hypocrisy. Some of the Black Lives Matter protesters were pelted with rubber bullets and mace. Weeks ago, armed white extremists stormed the Minnesota State Capitol and the police didn't react violently towards them.
Another photo shows a police officer appearing onstage with Trump. They claimed it was Chauvin.

That is false as well.

Hundreds of people gathered Wednesday for a second day near a police precinct, calling for justice over Floyd's death.

Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo urged people to be respectful while protesting and condemned any type of destructive behavior. Most people, he said, have been peacefully protesting but there have been a few incidents.

An attorney representing Floyd's family, Benjamin Crump, said in a statement Wednesday that he and Floyd's relatives are calling for peaceful protests and social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic.

They don't have fathers or mothers in their lives and it results in them committing criminal acts.

Look at his history with police....

Blah, blah, blah....

Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government.

Don't you just want to scream!?
That image is shows a man begging for his life.
Scream in the faces of these damn lawmakers whenever they offer their "thoughts and prayers" to every fucking mass shooting in the United States. They will offer their condolences and say a word vomit how they sympathize with the deceased. Some here will tell us that "now isn't the time to talk."

We will talk about this for a few days and then we're off to another controversy. The next controversy would either be something done by Trump, a politician, an entertainer or we will experience another mass shooting. The next mass shooting will be even worse than the last one.

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

If a grand jury decides to prosecute the cop involved in the death of George Floyd, he will be criminally charged with involuntary manslaughter and it carries at least 20 years in the iron college.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The Minneapolis Police killed an unarmed man over a petty offense. Now he's dead and there's call for justice against these cops. Does George Floyd's life mattered?

Please Specify:

You are warned, do not use the services of (Jeffery) Shaun King. Please avoid this individual. He doesn't represent Black Lives Matter in anyway.

Tulsi Gabbard Drops Her Lawsuit Against Hillary Clinton!

Failed candidate Tulsi Gabbard drops her ridiculous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton.
Former Democratic candidate for president, Tulsi Gabbard has dropped her $50 million dollar lawsuit against former 2016 nominee Hillary Clinton.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) is no longer seeking reelection was considered a gadfly among the Democratic base. She was the only lawmaker to vote present when the House of Representatives impeached Donald J. Trump.

Gabbard filed the $50 million lawsuit after Clinton said in an October 2019 interview that one of the Democratic presidential contenders was "the favorite of the Russians" and a "Russian asset." Gabbard, who served in the Army National Guard, was a presidential candidate at the time.

She was considered the alt-right's choice. She is a skeptic of the Russian meddling in the election. Gabbard is a supporter of Bashar al-Assad and the war against the dictator's opposition.

Gabbard was a fierce critic of Clinton. She called her the "Queen of Warmongers" after the former first lady criticizes Republicans and Russian operatives. Clinton did not mention Gabbard by name but said that the Russians are grooming a candidate to be a spoiler for the eventual Democratic nominee.

In a court filing, Gabbard's lawyers dismissed the legal action.

"While they remain certain of the action's legal merit, they are just as certain that this new COVID and post-COVID world require them to focus their time and attention on other priorities, including defeating Donald Trump in 2020, rather than righting the wrongs here," the attorneys said, according to The Hill.

The lawsuit contended that Clinton had "no basis for making her false assertions." Gabbard claimed the former 2016 presidential candidate had "a unique, personal connection to Tulsi that animates her hostility towards Tulsi and her presidential campaign.”
Hillary Clinton was right. The former Democratic nominee slammed Donald J. Trump, Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard and Russia for spreading lies and misinfomration about her campaign.
She went to Fox News to complain on Sucker Tucker and Sean "Softball" Hannity's shitshows to denounce the Democratic Party and Clinton.

Gabbard endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in the 2016 Democratic nomination after she and Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz (D-FL) got into a huge spat over the Democratic National Committee rules on superdelegates. Wasserman-Schultz was then the DNC chairwoman and Gabbard was vice chair.

Gabbard and Sanders quickly endorsed Joe Biden as the nominee after they exited the 2020 Democratic nomination race.

Gabbard lives in Hawai'i. She was born in the U.S. territory of American Samoa and grew up a former far right Republican. She would denounce her former ways and is considered a moderate among most Democrats.

It Might Be An Early Retirement For Old Fart Limbaugh!

Limbaugh considering retiring because the cancer is wearing his ass out.
Rush Limbaugh is hinting he may retire due to his cancer treatment. He has Stage IV lung cancer and its seriously drained the controversial far-white agitator.

While on his show, he made a shocking statement to his listeners.

He said that the latest rounds of therapies were "kicking his ass."

"I'm in the third wave of treatment now. There have been many cycle but this is the third wave, and this current wave, I have to tell you is kissing my ass," said Limbaugh.

"For the last seven days, I have been virtually worthless, virtually useless. I haven't left the house, I haven't done much of anything except just try to rest and relax. It's the price that you pay if you make the decision to go ahead and do treatment to try and prolong your life. I'm doing extremely well, all things considered."

Limbaugh said that he's having trouble trying to breath and every time he walks for more than five minutes, he could catch wind. He said that he can't "take five steps without having to stop and sit down." He said that carrying stuff is completely out of the question. He's too weak to carry.

"Every day, I wake up and the first thing I do is thank God that I did. Just waking up is a blessing. I know many of you are praying daily and nightly, I happen to believe that they work. I believe that they are sustaining me. I pray for the energy to be able to do this."

"These are extremely challenging times for me, medically, nothing that million of you haven't gone through or aren't going through, and those of you who have, or those of you who are going through it, you understand it," Limbaugh said. "The temptation here is to start divulging a lot of stuff, I'm not gonna do that because I vowed not to be a cancer patient on the radio."

Limbaugh repeated that he wants to "shield" his listeners from as much as possible as he battles lung cancer.
Trump credits Limbaugh and Fox News for helping him win the election. He will need them to distract the public from his horrible handling of the coronavirus pandemic.
Limbaugh hints that he could be retiring soon.

"The day is going to come where I'm not going to be able to be here and I'm hoping that it is months, years. I'm hoping the cycle that we're in does its magic, but the day is going to come that it won't be possible to be here every day," said Limbaugh. "Any chance to do the show, I'm gonna take it."

The agitator has placed Mark Steyn in the chair and often many airings were The Best of Rush Limbaugh.

The agitator was awarded the Medal of Freedom at the State of the Union in February. The awarding was controversial because Limbaugh has no value as an American. He is a overpaid, far-white agitator who divides our country. He hasn't heeled the country or inspire greatness. He just hops on a radio and blabber mouths about how evil Democrats and progressives are.

I said he won't be missed by this enemies. I am not going to shed tears if he does pass away. He's just another clog in a machine that's been broken down for years. Divisiveness isn't a winning strategy.

It's a failure.

The Dayton Tornadoes: One Year Later!

One year later, Dayton still reeling from the tornado outbreak of 2019.
In late May of 2019, the Midwest had an outbreak of tornadoes. The most destructive tornado hit the city of Dayton, Ohio. I reside here and remember that night. I was working third shift at my job when word got out that we were in a severe thunderstorm warning and it eventually went into a tornado watch.

Soon the tornado warning was issued that night and spotters saw a rotation in progress around Brookville.

The tornado was destroying the local high school, homes, partially destroyed farmhouses and small business in Brookville.

Soon after a tornado emerged as a EF1. It started to pick up strength and quickly became an EF3 and later confirmed as a EF4. The tornado started to make a southeastern path across Montgomery County. 

Near 11pm, the local weather meteorologists has got word from the National Weather Service that the tornado was considered a destructive and deadly event. They issued a Tornado Emergency Alert, which meant communities impacted by the tornado are going to get hit and the loss of life is expected.

The tornado immediately starting destroying homes, large apartment complexes, schools, small business and a former shopping center in Trotwood. It proceed towards the former Hara Arena and completely leveled it. It destroyed the car dealership close to the arena.

Then it proceeded towards Shiloh and completely leveled a medical building, restaurants, gas stations and a large apartment complex. It crossed the Stillwater River and started to go into Northridge and  Dayton. The tornado would level homes, businesses, shopping centers, grocery stores, churches, car dealerships, gas stations, an abandoned hotel and a sports and entertainment complex.

The tornado would eventually cease near Riverside at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
The Hara Arena is still a destructive mess.
The path of the tornado was at least 18 miles. Another tornado was spotted in Butler Township and istarted proceeding towards parts of Dayton, Vandalia and Harrison Township. That tornado was an EF2 and it destroyed businesses, homes and apartment complexes. That tornado was a 6 mile spread.

The last tornado that made impact started slightly after the first one ceased. The third one started near Wright Patterson Air Force base as an EF2 tornado. It quickly picked up speed and started destroying homes, businesses and condominiums near Bevercreek. The tornado started picking up as an EF3 and another tornado emergency was issued for Beavercreek, Bath and Bevercreek Townships and Xenia.

The tornado would soon start crossing towards the Mall at Fairfield Commons a heavily populated region in the Dayton area.

The toronado would cause significant damage around Beavercreek before it ended. The tornado's path was 10 miles.

Overall, the tornadoes caused a destructive path through Dayton. It destroyed thousands of buildings.
Apartment complexes were destroyed.
The state's governor, Mike DeWine had declared a state disaster for the areas that were impacted. 

Celina, a city that is 40 miles from Dayton had a powerful EF3 tornado that destroyed businesses, houses and boats near Grand Lake St. Marys. There were injuries from those affected by that and one man died from that tornado.

There were over hundreds of injuries in Dayton and one fatality. 

Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH), the 16 U.S. Representatives and local leaders offered usual thoughts and prayers bullshit, photo-ops with supporters or token minorities, say they will do everything in their power to fix this, and then wait on their fellow lawmakers from other states to engage in passing legislation.

Of course, they'll be one or a handful of far-white Republicans who will delay passing legislation because of some moral high ground bullshit.

Tell you what!

If you're a conservative or a person who doesn't believe in climate change, then let me tell you: "This shit is real."

One year later, the city is still reeling from this. With the COVID-19 pandemic, the path to rebuilding the community has completely slowed down. Not to mention that it still displaced thousands of Americans out of homes.

What happens next?

What Happened To George Floyd?

A Minneapolis man was suffocated by the law. Protests are happening in the city.

The eerie reminder of Eric Garner. Back in 2014, the New York Police Department placed Garner in a headlock and threw him to ground. He would be telling them, "I can't breathe, I can't breathe!" That would soon become a hashtag and a platform for the Black Lives Matter movement.

Now in the year 2020, we have seen the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Sean Reed and now George Floyd.

Floyd becomes another hashtag and another discussion about how police treat people of color.

A minor offense leads to a man's death. The Minneapolis Police immediately fires the cop who placed his knee on the neck of the restrained man and three others who allowed it to happen.

If it wasn't for a young woman filming this would not have gotten much attention.

The U.S. Justice Department and FBI are not working with the Minnesota State Police and Investigation Unit to determine if any consequences will happen. From what I see, it's involuntary manslaughter by the cop and his buddies were supporting it. If it wasn't for people recording this encounter, you would have not heard about it.

So many people of color are being killed by the law. Only a handful of these issues get into the heads of Americans. Obviously S. Lee Merritt and Benjamin Crump are involved in this. They have a whole lot of cases going on right now.

The city of Minneapolis is also home to Attorney General Keith Ellison and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). I am fed-up with Ellison and Omar for their embracing of the Bernie Bros.

The two Muslim American lawmakers are progressive and civil rights activists.
Jacob Frey condemns the actions of the police.
Also (Jeffery) Shaun King, the controversial activist who often shares these graphic videos and demands a call to people to shame and publicly protests injustices. The Daily Beast has a story about his controversial tactics and I will be sharing that soon.

Omar is facing a tough primary challenger and a Black Republican who is cooning for Donald J. Trump. Omar, one of the two Muslim American lawmakers has pissed off Democrats by embracing the Tara Reade controversy. She is losing my support for that.

Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey said the technique used to pin George Floyd's head to the ground was against department regulations.

Officers responding to an alleged forgery in progress Monday evening were initially told that a person later described as the suspect was sitting on a car and appeared to be under the influence, police said.
Four police officers are fired out the cannon for this encounter.
A pair of officers located the man, who was at that point inside the car and who police said "physically resisted" the officers when ordered to get out. Officers handcuffed the man, who "appeared to be suffering medical distress," according to police. He died at a hospital a short time later, police said.

After several minutes of pleading with an officer pressing a knee to the back of his neck, the man appeared motionless, his eyes shut, his head against the pavement.

Frey, speaking during a town hall streamed on Facebook, said the officer had no reason to employ the hold on the man's neck.

"The technique that was used is not permitted; is not a technique that our officers get trained in on," he said. "And our chief has been very clear on that piece. There is no reason to apply that kind of pressure with a knee to someone's neck."

The video shows two officers by the man on the ground -- one of them with his knee over the back of the man's neck. The video did not capture what led up to the arrest or what police described as the man resisting arrest.

"Please, I can't breathe," the man said, screaming for several minutes before he became silent.

Bystanders urged the officer to release the man from his hold.

Civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, in a statement, identified the man as Floyd and said he was representing his family. The mayor also identified him on Twitter.

"We all watched the horrific death of George Floyd on video as witnesses begged the police officer to take him into the police car and get off his neck," Crump said. "This abusive, excessive and inhumane use of force cost the life of a man who was being detained by the police for questioning about a non-violent charge."

Floyd's cause and manner of death remains pending and is being investigated by local, state and federal law enforcement, the Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office said in a statement.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) via Twitter called the incident "yet another horrifying and gutwrenching instance of an African American man dying."

Others included:

Frey on Tuesday offered his condolences to the man's family, adding that "what we saw was horrible, completely and utterly messed up."

"For five minutes, we watched as a white officer pressed his knee to the neck of a black man," Frey told reporters.
The incident happened at Cup Grocery and a Speedway gas station.
"When you hear someone calling for help, you are supposed to help. This officer failed in the most basic human sense. What happened on Chicago and 38th this last night is simply awful. It was traumatic and it serves as a clear reminder of just how far we have to go."

"Being black in America," Frey said, should not be "a death sentence."

The Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis said in a statement the officers were cooperating in the investigation.

"Now is not the time rush to (judgment) and immediately condemn our officers," the statement said.

"Officers' actions and training protocol will be carefully examined after the officers have provided their statements."

In a Facebook video posted Monday, bystanders urged the officer to get off the man. Two officers handled the man on the ground while another stood nearby with his eyes on the bystanders as traffic passed in the background.
A dirty cop placing his knee on the neck of George Floyd.
"My stomach hurts," the man told the officer. "My neck hurts. Everything hurts."

At one point the man said, "Give me some water or something. Please. Please."

"His nose is bleeding," a woman said of the man.

"He's not even resisting arrest," one man said. "He's not responding right now, bro."

Frey said he understood the anger in the community but reminded potential protesters that "there is another danger out there right now which is COVID-19."

"We need to make sure that everyone that is protesting and that is voicing their opinion stays safe and their families are protected as well," he said. "So please, practice safe distancing, please use a mask."
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz tweeted Tuesday, "The lack of humanity in this disturbing video is sickening. We will get answers and seek justice."
Medaria Arradondo said the actions of those four cops killed an innocent man.
St. Paul, Minnesota, Mayor Melvin Carter called the video of the incident "one of the most vile and heartbreaking images I've ever seen."

"The officer who stood guard is just as responsible as his partner; both must be held fully accountable," Carter tweeted. "This must stop now."

Paige Fernandez, policing policy adviser for the ACLU, said the incident recalled the 2014 New York death of Eric Garner, who repeated "I can't breathe" several times after a police officer held him in a chokehold. Garner died during the arrest, the incident also caught on video.

"Even in places like Minneapolis, where chokeholds are technically banned, Black people are targeted by the police for low-level offenses and are subjected to unreasonable, unnecessary violence," Fernandez said in a statement. "Make no mistake: George Floyd should be alive today. The officers responsible must be held accountable."

Body worn cameras were activated during the incident, police said.
Protests are to continue in Minneapolis and St. Paul.
They don't have fathers or mothers in their lives and it results in them committing criminal acts.

Look at his history with police....

Blah, blah, blah....

Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government.

Don't you just want to scream!?

Scream in the faces of these damn lawmakers whenever they offer their "thoughts and prayers" to every fucking mass shooting in the United States. They will offer their condolences and say a word vomit how they sympathize with the deceased. Some here will tell us that "now isn't the time to talk."

We will talk about this for a few days and then we're off to another controversy. The next controversy would either be something done by Trump, a politician, an entertainer or we will experience another mass shooting. The next mass shooting will be even worse than the last one.
George's life mattered.

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

If a grand jury decides to prosecute the cop involved in the death of George Floyd, he will be criminally charged with involuntary manslaughter and it carries at least 20 years in the iron college.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Do you believe that the media portrays Black suspects in a negative light?

Please Specify:

You are warned, do not use the services of (Jeffery) Shaun King. Please avoid this individual. He doesn't represent Black Lives Matter in anyway.


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