White Extremists worked brutal attack on a Black man. This was not condemned by Donald J. Trump.
DeAndre Harris is lucky to be alive.
He was beaten with metal pipes inside a parking garage. He confronted the white extremists in Charlottesville. They quickly ran up on him and brutally attacked him.
He said that the Charlottesville Police let him down. They didn't stop the attack and the people involved were gone in a flash.
Although one of them managed to kill a woman protesting the event, this young man was an example of how radical conservative terrorists are.
White Extremists are more of a threat than those in the Islamic State.
I bet you money, al Qaeda, the Islamic State and other groups look at this event as a recruiting tool.
He has eight stitches in his head and might have short term memory loss.
He drifted in and out of consciousness.
Black Lives Matter activist and New York Daily News writer Shaun King is demanding the Charlottesville Police arrest these terrorists.
The Unite The Right rally was a recipe for disaster. The event sponsored by White Extremists was a catalysis of what Donald J. Trump's America looks like.
The extremists claim victory. They plan on rallying and sparking more chaos.
Richard Spencer was trying to have another rally in Bryan Station, Texas. He planned on having a 9/11 White Lives Matter at Texas A&M University. It was cancelled due to safety concerns and the potential for unrest.
Lucky to be alive.
This rally in Charlottesville has now become a reality of me as a Black man.
I have a son from a white woman. The woman is a 40 something with a mindset of a 20 year old. She was reckless in not informing me about her giving birth to my son.
I can't never get that opportunity to be a first time father back. It hurts me but won't destroy me.
It made me very cautious about White people. I do not have hatred towards anyone. However, because of her, I am going to trust my gut before I trust them.
With this being a part of my life, I look at this inept leader and his embracing of this hateful minority.
Trump loses allies after his tepid response to the terrorist attack in Charlottesville.
As he returned to New York to Trump Tower, the inept leader contemplate how to fix a mess he's created after a weekend of fuck ups!
The Republican leader finally addressed the Charlottesville terrorist attack in a proper fashion.
But the damage is done.
Donald J. Trump loses an ally to his cause. He gets angered at the CEO of Merck Pharmaceutical. He resigned from the American manufacturing council.
Ken Frazier was not happy about the tepid response of the inept leader in regards to Charlottesville.
"I am resigning from the President's American Manufacturing Council. Our country's strength stems from its diversity and the contributions made by men and women of different faiths, race, sexual orientations and political beliefs."
"America's leaders must honor our fundamental values by clearly rejecting expressions of hatred, bigotry and groups supremacy, which run counter to the American ideal that all people are created equal. As CEO of Merck and as a matter of personal conscience, I feel a responsibility to take a stand against intolerance and extremism."
Trump got angry at this.
Now that Ken Frazier of Merck Pharma has resigned from President's Manufacturing Council,he will have more time to LOWER RIPOFF DRUG PRICES!
People quickly pounced on the social media outburst. Many were quick to point out that Trump was so eager to criticize a Black CEO. Yet he's scared to call out white extremists and Vladimir Putin.
That also riled up Kevin Plank. The CEO of Under Armour has pulled out of the Trump economic manufacturing committee.
Plank also caught flack from many athletes for taking on a role with Trump. He said that Trump's remarks were too much for him to handle as well.
"I joined the American Manufacturing Council because I believed it was important for Under Armour to have an active seat at the table and represent our industry. We remain resolute in our potential and ability to improve American manufacturing. However, Under Armour engages in innovation and sports, not politics. I am appreciate of the opportunity to have served, but have decided to step down from the council. I love our country and our company and will continue to focus my efforts on inspiring every person that hey can do anything through the power of sport which promotes unity, diversity, and inclusion."
And tonight, Brian Krzanich of Intel also pulled out as well.
"I resigned to call attention to the serious harm our divided political climate is causing to critical issues, including the serious need to address the decline of American manufacturing. Politics and political agendas have sidelined the important mission of rebuilding America's manufacturing base."
This shit doesn't get better. He retweets a news clip from a white supremacist.
Meanwhile: 39 shootings in Chicago this weekend, 9 deaths. No national media outrage. Why is that? https://t.co/9Crutnnrp8
CNN guest insults a Black woman on live television.
This morning I saw this trending on social media. The former Virginia gubernatorial candidate and state attorney general telling a CNN commentator to "shut up" was mind-blowing.
On CNN's New Day, Symone Sanders former presser for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during his failed presidential bid squared off with Sean "Softball" Hannity's old buddy Ken Cuccinelli over the deadly terrorist attack in Charlottsville.
The two were debating over the tepid response from Donald J. Trump. In the middle of the conversation, Sanders brought up the white extremists inside the White House.
Stephen K. Bannon, Steven Miller and Sebastian Gorka are considered White extremists. These guys are Trump's right ear. The rest of them are his deaf ear. Now these three are facing calls for cannon firing. Their ties to Breitbart and the alt-right are out in the open.
The alt-right embraces the Bannon, Miller and Gorka. These individuals are enablers of white extremism.
The very mention of these guys got Cuccinelli riled up. So briefly in between interrupting each other, the Cuccinelli said to Chris Cuomo that Sanders needs to shut up.
"Can I finish, Symone? Will you just shut up for a minute and let me finish? God bless America."
And all hell went loose.
This is an example of how White people treat women of color. They show no interest in professional Black women who speak volume to issues that matter in our country.
Cuccinelli did later apologize to Sanders after he was confronted by The Washington Post.
Symone Sanders isnt the only one. She won't be the last one.
You know that White men love to disrespect Black women in power.
The way they've treated Michelle Obama.
They way they've treated Beyonce.
The way they've treated Oprah Winfrey.
Now the way they've treated political pundits and lawmakers.
The disrespect towards Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) is notable. When they speak out about injustice, these folks believe they're "angry."
We can add New York Times reporter Helene Cooper and MSNBC host Joy Reid to list. This twerp Rick Lowry was insulting and condescending towards them on GOP Sundays.
White men think they can shut a woman up because she's laying some cold-hard facts on them is the reason to why Donald J. Trump's allies being associates of the White extremist movement.
Donald Trump and Ronald Reagan are a-ok with White extremists.
David Duke said that is a "turning point" and the event was a victory.
In the wake of the Charlottesville terrorist attack, the activists are targeting White extremism.
The website The Daily Stormer is in their sites.
The Daily Stormer is a neo-Nazi and white extremist news and commentary website. It considers itself a part of the white extremist movement called the alt-right.
The founder and head bigot in charge is Andrew Anglin.
The website has been active since July 2013.
The terrorist who killed a woman with his car will face a judge today.
This website promotes kookspiracy, anti-Black, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-LGBT.
The website inspires trolls to attack people who disagree with the "army."
The website provider GoDaddy has pulled the plug on the website. Allegedly Anonymous has hacked into the website and threatens to release the names of those who posted, contributed and financially supported the website.
That terrorist who killed Heather Heyer is facing a judge today. Anglin said that Heyer was a Fat, Childless, 32-year old slut. Anglin said this was a "road rage" incident and not a terrorist attack.
He said that her fat ass didn't move out the way when it came to a fast Dodge Challenger.
Neo-Nazi Andrew Anglin is the Matt Drudge of White extremism.
Anglin said that childless women are a Black hole vortexes of public money and energy.
"Had she not died yesterday, hundreds of thousands of dollars would have been spent on propping-up this gross creature who had failed to do her most basic duty - her only real duty, in fact - and reproduce."
He added, "To those of you in Charlottesville, go out and enjoy yourselves. If you're at a bar in a group, random girls will want to have sex with you. Because you're the bad boys. The ultimate enemy of the state. Every girl on the planet wants your dick now."
That comment right there got national attention. Matter of fact, Anglin said even more shit.
"Trump comments were good. He didn't attack us. He just said the nation should come together. Nothing specific against us. He said that we need to study why people are so angry, and implied that there was hate..on both sides! So he implied the antifa are haters. There was virtually no counter-signaling of us at all. He said he loves us all. Also refused to answer a question about White Nationalist supporting him. No condemnation at all. When asked to condemn, he just walked out of the room. Really really good. God bless him."
Tiny man with ties to White extremism chased out a presser.
White extremists are celebrating a victory in Charlottesville. They are pleased about the events that lead to the deaths of three people. They are happy that the inept leader Donald J. Trump didn't denounce them.
They are motivated to do more events.
This time, they may start shooting people instead of running them over with their cars.
The organizer of the Unite The Right rally was chased by protesters. The blogger Jason Kessler had to be escorted by the law after he did a presser on the events.
Kessler is a 34 year old white extremist. He was responsible for organizing the rally in Charlottesville.
Screams of murder and shame drowned out Kessler's words.
The extremist blames the governor and mayor for not protecting them and instigating the whole ordeal. Of course, White extremists and The Drudge Report say that a "stand down" was ordered.
Stand down is coded language in my opinion. Police were there. They were aggressively trying to keep the calm. Remember two Virginia commonwealth troopers died in a helicopter crash.
McAuiliffe said that people should avoid the area. Why would you head to the problem?
Trump said both sides are do it. He's right for that. People on both sides were injured. The protesters who were ran over by that terrorist weren't on both sides. They were under the vehicle or over it. So don't give me that bullshit. That woman died when a terrorist revved his car into them.
Terry McAuiliffe and Michael Signer blast Trump for not condemning the White extremists.
Jason Kessler a resident of Charlottesville has been organizing extremist rallies for years.
Ed Gordon and Omarosa square off at the NABJ Conference in New Orleans.
The controversial former reality television star has people talking. She attended the National Association of Black Journalists and it really got heated.
Omarosa Manigult (now Newman), a White House advisor now, is Donald J. Trump's most prominent Black supporter. She clashed with veteran news anchors in New Orleans.
The conversation with Ed Gordon became extremely violate when they discussed policies Trump proposed to the Black community.
Many in attendance turned their back on her.
The part where she exited the stage is when Gordon confronted her on the statements that Trump said about police brutality in Long Island, New York.
Having a clueless member of the Trump team appear at an event that deals with issues in the African American community was an insult.
She was the character that gave her The Apprentice fame.
She is business executive, ordained minister and reality star.
Omarosa is the current liaison of public relations for Trump.
Omarosa grew up in the rust belt city of Youngstown, Ohio. She attended Central State University, Howard University, Payne Theological and United Theological Seminary.
TV Guide regarded her as one of the 60 Nastiest TV Villains of All Time.
Terrorist from Toledo, Ohio ran over a woman protesting against his warped views.
"[The American people] condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious the hatred, bigotry and violence on 'many sides,' many sides".
I guess the Democrats aren't the only ones annoyed by Donald J. Trump's tepid response to the horrific terrorist attack in Charlottesville.
"It has been going on for a long time our country --- not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. It has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America."
Trump brought Barack Obama into this matter. The very same Obama, then nobody Trump called out for not producing a birth certificate. Trump fanned the flames with that stupid birther movement.
That movement is a part of the White extremist movement.
One woman and two Virginia commonwealth troopers died in separate incidents. Today would have been Berke M.M. Bates' birthday. The pilot of the Virginia State Patrol helicopter and his passenger Lt. H. Jay Cullen died on that horrific day. The crash happened a few miles away from Charlottesville. The two were monitoring the events. The FBI and NTSB are investigating that if this was pilot error or intentional meddling.
Heather Heyer died a hero.
The woman identified as Heather Heyer was from the area. This terrorist came from Ohio to inflict harm on those who protested against his "Pro-Trump, pro-white, pro-Confederate rally."
He is being held on capital murder and will face a judge soon. The terrorist is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The DEATH CARD is on the table. Federal charges against this terrorist are coming.
The terrorist's mom spoke out against her son. She said that the terrorist told her he was attending a Trump event. She didn't think this event was a White extremist rally.
Republicans condemned the attack. They condemned the inept leader's failure to call it out.
Richard Spencer, Matt Heimbach, David Duke and Mike Cernovich are excited by Trump's failure to reach out to the victims of this horrific tragedy. They know that Trump isn't a knee-toe to political correctness.
The inept leader failed to unite the country. He didn't speak out against Nazism and white extremism.
Trump said that the biggest threat here is "radical Islamic terrorism." Yet, the leader couldn't say to the American people, this is a "radical conservative" terrorism.
Trump says both sides do it. Tell that to the woman ran over here.
More thoughts and prayers to the victims, politicians condemn the attack, mourning for a moment, and as always the junk food media heads off to another story to rile up the American people.
White extremism came to the independent city. The city is about to remove the Robert E. Lee statue from a local park. This riled up white extremists.
The 8,000 white extremists who came to the city knew what they were doing. They wanted to make themselves visible and known. Their message is clear: Fulfill the promises Trump kept.
This unfortunate incident shows the long-term matter at hand.
This stuff is going to keep on happening. The next event will likely be a massacre. I mean we haven't changed since the Steve Scalise shooting. No rational or emotional responses from Republicans and conservatives.
It's always the other side does it. Or in this case, they'll just blame Democrats for the actions of this terrorist. They'll call it a "false flag" against conservatives.
Even a white extremist like Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) is fighting for his life after a terrorist shot him in the leg.
Scalise spoke at a David Duke conference in the 2000s. Before he won his spot as Minority Whip, he was a nobody from Louisiana who claimed to be a "David Duke without the baggage."
Trump tough talks to Kim Jong-Un, but pussyfoots to David Duke.
Mind you Trump has a winery in Charlottesville and the violence didn't damage his precious wine.
A terrorist plows through protesters in Charlottesville. A 32-year old woman was killed. Two Virginia Commonwealth Patrol officers were killed in a helicopter crash.
When Donald J. Trump said that political correctness is a threat to America, the white extremists heard him "loud and clear." So far, the vacationing president condemned the attack. He said that "both sides" are responsible.
The peaceful protesters and the victims are the ones who are responsible.
I can see the civil rights leaders and Democrats ready to pounce on this one.
Another thing, what will they label this event?
Will the junk food media label this terrorist, a guy with mental issues or man who had a bright future before he turned to the life of crime?
Who knows!
There was a terrorist attack in Charlottesville, Virginia. The terrorist was caught! Who should be blamed in the wake of this?
I know one thing, while I was at work, one of my regulars was crying and telling me that her friend was in Charlottesville and something terrible happened.
I said, "Yeah, all over a fucking statue!"
The terrorist was trying to flee from protesters trying to yank his ass out the car.
That statue is a relic of history. The statue of Robert E. Lee is being removed from the public square and white extremists are livid. These extremists are warning that if you remove that statue, the consequences are going to be dire.
Looks like I was right.
Three people were killed and nearly 50 people were injured after this pro-Trump white extremist rally in Charlottesville. This Unite The Right rally was militant and it was said that the Democratic governor Terry McAuliffe was warning residents and counter-protesters to avoid the city.
Nobody listened.
An Ohio man plowed his Challenger through a group of Black Lives Matter, anti-Fascist and local protesters. There's a graphic video of the incident.
Terrorist is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The federal death card could be on the table for this terrorist.
The terrorist is named James Fields, Jr. and he's from Maumee, Ohio a suburb of Toledo. He traveled to the White extremist rally. He is charged with second-degree murder, three counts of malicious wounding and one count of "hit and run." He also will likely face possible civil rights charges.
Fields was the driver of the Dodge Challenger. The vehicle was filmed ramming into the protesters.
Most scattered but some were flattened. The vehicle fled the scene and the law managed to catch this scum and book him into the city lockup.
The victim was crushed in between the cars. You can see a faint image of the woman.
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III said that these acts speak of the forgotten values of inclusiveness.
"This act is contrary to American values and this can never be tolerated," said Sessions.
The terrorist revved up his car and plowed into the crowd, then backed up and hit a few more before taking off. The victim was named. Her name was Heather Heyer and she the victim under the car when this terrorist plowed through.
Heather Heyer was the confirmed victim.
All the while, the Virginia Department of Safety confirms that two commonwealth troopers were killed when their helicopter crashed outside of Charlottesville.
Lt. H. Jay Cullen and commander pilot Berke MM Bates were killed. They were responding to the event and their helicopter crashed.
The FAA and NTSB are determining whether the event is intentional or pilot error.
The FBI is investigating the events overall.
The sponsor of this pro-Trump, white extremist rally was sponsored by this alt-right leader known as Jason Kessler. This ass clown managed to rally upon the worst of the worst to attend this event.
Over 8,000 White extremists showed up to Charlottesville.
This incident gotten the attention of the world.
Republicans and Democrats alike condemned the attack but never called it for what it is, "radical conservative" terrorism.
So Trump failed to condemn the bombing in Bloomington, Minnesota. He condemns the attack in Charlottesville but blames both parties.
Trump knows his base would be riled up if he only singles them out.
Trump might as well said that Black Lives Matter should have not went to the white extremist rally. They should have let these "patriots" speak their minds without BLM harassing them.
The sponsors of this event included:
Jason Kessler - the head sponsor of this event. He took to social media to denounce the attack but also said that terrorist is a martyr to the cause.
Augustus Sol Invictus -Republican activist who supports libertarian causes. He ran an unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate in 2016. He believes that Blacks are the prime cause of violence in the United States. He claims that he's not a racist. He has children with Hispanic roots.
Two troopers paid the price for the acts of a terrorist.
David Duke - A notorious perennial candidate for office. A feverish supporter of Donald Trump. He is a suit and tie professional bigot. He was the modern day Klan leader. He is a kookspiracy theorist, Holocaust denier and antisemitic.
Nathan Damigo - The founder of Identity Evorpa. He is usually promoting propaganda on college campuses to encourage White rights and denouncing immigrants and Muslims.
Tim Treadstone - YouTube celebrity known as Baked Alaska. He is a activist, former rapper and hashtag agitator who sparks Twitter trends. He is close to White House political advisor and White extremist Steve Bannon.
Mike Enoch (Peinovich) is a alt-right activist who created the website The Right Stuff and The Daily Shoah. He's anti-Jew and anti-political correctness. He is allegedly married to a Jewish woman. According to him, she denounced the faith. Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has tweet praise for Enoch and Dutch white extremist Geert Wilders.
Richard Spencer - an Alt-right activist who promotes the National Policy Institute. He calls upon an ethnic cleansing to stop the rise of color in Europe and the United States. He claims he's no racist. He supports Trump feverishly and brought upon a gathering of white extremists to his event in Washington, DC. The Pistachio Girl and Tila Tequila were attendees at this rally. The washed up reality star is embracing the White extremism.
Matt Heimbach - The founder of the Traditionalist Workers Party. The Indiana native sparked fury in 2011 when he went Towson University with this "White Student Union" nonsense. He was also responsible for attacking a woman at a Kentucky Trump rally. He is facing a lawsuit from three of the protesters who were injured at that event. The Southern Law Poverty Center regards him as one of the most dangerous white extremists known.
Michael Hill - the co-founder of the Neo-Confederate League of the South. A political writer who uses pseudo-science and stats to denounce culturalism.
Brad Griffin - the spokesman for the Neo-Confederate League of the South.
Traditionalist Worker Party - Neo Nazi group sponsored by Matt Heimbach, the suit and tie protege of David Duke. He was the guy who attacked a woman at a Trump rally in 2016 in Louisville, Kentucky. The group is a Christian identity movement that passes out propaganda on college campuses.
League of the South - Neo-Confederate group that supports an independent nation that sponsors Southern pride, power and prosperity. Founder Michael Hill (above) was at this extremist rally.
Fratenal Order of Alt Knights (KKK) - This group is the Klan. It's an affiliate of the Proud Boys. This group is fans of Gavin McInnes. A former Vice writer created this group after he wrote pieces criticizing women's rights. He is a British born agitator who lives in Canada and the United States. He is a former comedian, television writer and musician. He founded Vice Media and The Rebel Media. The Rebel Media is host to Milo Yiannopolos, Laura Loomer and Jack Posobiec. The group stands for men's rights and it never apologies for anything.
Identity Evopa - White extremist group that supports Christian Identity. They often target campus and is allegedly provoking violence at the University of Virginia.
Vanguard America - Neo Nazi affiliate group that supports the elimination of cultural identity.
National Socialist Movement - The American Neo Nazi group that took credit for the riots in Toledo in 2005. This group has allies like the Neo-Nazi affiliated to The Daily Stormer website. The Daily Stormer is founded by Andrew Anglin. The white extremist was there.
David Duke issued a stern warning to Trump.
The white extremist warned Trump that he better not denounce their cause.
"This represents a turning point for the people of this country. We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump."
On social media he remarked.
"White Americans are so afraid to speak out that we've allowed our country to be invaded and our children to be propagandized by Marxists. I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror and remember that it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists. So after decades of White Americans being targeted for discrimination and anti-White hatred, we come together as a people. Why would you attack us, Donald Trump?"
White Extremist gather for a rally against the removal of a Robert Lee statue.
These are supporters of Donald J. Trump, the current leader of the United States. Trump is so busy trying to Make America Great Again at his New Jersey golf course. But I am sure he's aware of the extremism here in the United States.
No I am not talking about "radical Islam."
I am talking about this core of White extremists who labeled this movement the alt-right.
This is the suit and tie version of White extremism. There are many figures that are given a voice and they're becoming mainstream now that Trump said that "political correctness" is destroying America.
In Charlottesville, Virginia, hundreds of white extremists being led by alt-right leader Jason Kessler came to the campus of the University of Virginia with torches and their voices.
They are upset that the city and college are removing Confederate statues from public venues.
About 500 protesters came to voice their anger at the removal and said that if you take Robert Lee down, then they should take down Thomas Jefferson down too.
Some are even chanting anti-Jew, anti-immigrant. anti-Black and anti-Muslim.
Residents said "Go home Nazis!"
Michael Signer, the mayor of the independent city of Charlottesville denounced the group. He said that he values free speech but doesn't appreciate this "unlawful" assembly of people to disrupt the lives of average citizens.
"This was a cowardly parade of hatred, bigotry, racism and intolerance march down the lawns of the architect of our Bill of Rights. Everyone has a right under the First Amendment to express their opinion peaceably, so here's mine ....I am beyond digusted by this unsanctioned and despicable display of visual intimidation on a college campus," said Signer on CNN.
Terry McAuliffe, said that the National Guard could come to Charlottesville and restore order.
This could be an issue in the upcoming governor's race. Ralph Northam, the current lieutenant governor and Ed Gillespie, the former RNC chairman both are running for the governorship.
Both haven't spoke on the issue about the removal of Confederate monuments.
Virginia is a considered a swing state. Clinton barely carried the state and her former running mate Tim Kaine is up for reelection. Kaine is current senator and former DNC chairman. He could run for governor again after four years.
Virginia is the only state with one term for the elected.
This issue is pivotal to the election.
Conservatives support the Confederacy. Those so-called revisionists believe that the Southern heritage is being wiped away by progressives and Black Lives Matter.
White extremists support relics of the past. That's why they believe Ronald Reagan, the Confederacy and Adolf Hitler are heroes. They believe Donald J. Trump speaks their language.
Trump will pick Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) as the Energy Secretary.
There's word that West Virginia senator Joe Manchin will accept a spot with Donald J. Trump.
The worthless Democrat is facing a tough reelection fight in 2018. So instead of taking a lost, he will accept a deal to be the Energy Secretary. That will open the door for Rick "Oops" Perry to take over for the Homeland Secretary.
Both are former governor who have scandal written on their faces. Perfect fit for an inept leader like Trump. Another insider in the deck of cards.
The spot that Manchin leaves open will be replaced by Republican governor Jim Justice.
Justice who dropped the Democrats last week will appoint likely a Republican giving the party 53 members of the Senate.
That may give Republicans an opportunity to pass the Better Healthcare Reconciliation Act, the Senate filler to the House's American Health Care Act. The bills died when three Senators failed to endorse the "skinny" repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
The House is refocusing on another healthcare package.
Trump could get enough votes to support the Trumpcare package.
The rush to repeal Obamacare is widely viewed as negative among Americans.
Republicans really have no actual solutions to better the law. West Virginia has an opioid crisis.
Heroin is killing Whites faster and now the American government is considering this a crisis.
Manchin represents a poorly educated and poor served state. Residents have an annual income of $50,000 or less.
Justice, Manchin and Trump are billionaires. They profit off the poor and needy. They want to keep them embolden to hate their own kind.
West Virginia is a state Democrats have trouble winning. Barack Obama lost it in the 2008 primary. Hillary Clinton lost it in the 2016 primary. If Bernie Sanders runs again, he will lose it in 2020.
Manchin refuse to acknowledge who he supported in the election. He didn't endorse Clinton nor Sanders in the 2016 primaries. He didn't endorse Obama in 2012.
Manchin often is being wooed by Republicans to switch. Maybe this could be the moment!
Manchin is from coal country supports the NRA. He supports a repeal of Dodd-Frank banking regulations. He doesn't support the Paris Accord. He is a conservative on social issues and he is well-known in the state. He supports coal miners and is embroiled in the scandal that cost Pharm bro Martin Shkreli his possible freedom.
Heather Bresch is a part of the EpiPen company. She is Mylan CEO who approved a hike in the life saving EpiPen.
Manchin leaving the Senate isn't a huge surprise to me. He's a worthless lawmaker. He's can try to save an industry that's dying. Coal is not clean energy. That's why solar and wind are profitable.
Solar and wind power doesn't clog up the environment and it's a whole lot safer than being trapped in a coal mine.
There's a protest at the NFL headquarters in support of Colin Kaepernick. The football star is without a team because he refused to stand for the National Anthem. The protesters are calling out the NFL owners, the NFL leader Roger Goodall and player's union for sacking Kaepernick.
All the while, a well-known rookie is being benched for allegations of domestic violence.
Dallas Cowboy running back Ezekiel Elliott is going to have a vacation without pay. The young star is being sacked for six games after allegations of domestic violence proved to be the NFL's final straw.
The "golden child" is being benched for his antics off the field. Though not charged, Elliott was accused of assaulting his girlfriend.
The victim claimed in July 2016, Elliott served her a knuckle style chili.
Elliott who played for the Ohio State Buckeyes was in the process of being drafted to a NFL team when all this occurred. He was in his Columbus, Ohio with the victim. The victim who was outed last year, showed pictures of her abuse. I know the name of the victim, but I will not release it because this is an investigation that reopened.
At first Columbus Police dropped the charges against Elliott. Now the NFL and the city police are relooking into the matter.
Allegations of cheating on her sparked the confrontation. Elliott denies any involvement and said that the relationship was brief and the junk food media is scapegoating him.
Regardless of the matter, Elliott's lucky. The NFL is curbing the bad behavior after the Ray Rice event. Rice who served his wife a two helpings of knuckle style chili. Lewis is reinstate but without a signing team. He's too toxic for a franchise and that effectively ended his career.
This bench will begin on September 10th in the regular season costing the player $559,000.
He is likely to appeal the decision and fight that in federal court like Tom Brady. The decision will keep him off the field until late October.
Jerry Jones, the team's owner is "furious" over the NFL's decision to take his star running back off the field without even a criminal charge.
The Cowboys franchise is a $5 billion investment. It is a top-tier team that plays at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, a city of 459,000. It's a boomburb that makes up the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
Happy birthday hip-hop. DJ Kool Herd gave birth to a music empire.
On Google Doodle, you have an opportunity for a limited time to be a deejay for the day.
Hip-Hop turns 44 years old. The celebration is being hosted Fab 5 Freddy.
"Today we acknowledge and celebrate a cultural revolution that's spanned 44 years and counting. It all started in the NYC Bronx more commonly known as the Boggie Down Bronx." said Lyor Cohn.
On August 11th, 1973, a Bronx teen decided to host a party with a turntable and a handful of vinyl albums. DJ Kool Herc gave birth to a movement that gave young Black men and women an opportunity to sing, write and produce music that we come to known as hip-hop.
Kool Herc, a Jamaican-American music producer, deejay and rapper brought the music to the rooftops and gave the name "Boogie Down Bronx"
The industry is worth billions and it keeps the radios booming.
It keeps the television and internet viewing the latest fashion. The latest dance moves and the latest trends. Hip-hop has pioneered through with innovation and talents that go all the way back to 1970s.
It also launched movies such as Beat Street, Krush Groove, Belly, and House Party.
It gave birth to shows like shows like Empire, Power and Star.
It also sparked a diversity with white, Asian, Latino and international rappers.
Best known hip-hop acts include: Jay-Z, Snoop Dogg, Ice Cube, Eminem, Queen Latifah, Dr. Dre, Nas, Tupac Shakur, Notorious B.I.G., N.W.A., 50 Cent, Kanye West, Ice-T, LL Cool J, Big Punisher, Outkast, Lil' Wayne, Drake, Lil' Kim, Bone Thugs 'n Harmony, MC Lyte and Nicki Minaj.
They can thank the legends for their success.
Notable acts include: Rakim & Eric B, Kurtis Blow, Afrika Bambaataa and the Universal Zulu Nation, D.I.T.C., KRS-One, The Fresh Prince & Jazzy Jeff, Kid 'n Play, A Tribe Called Quest, Public Enemy, EPMD, Grandmaster Flash and The Furious Five, and The Sugar Hill Gang.
MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice, Biz Markie, and Skeelo brought pop to the genre.
Even the LGBT community has known talent.
Frank Ocean, Young M.A., iLoveMakonnen and Azealia Banks opened the door to mainstream LGBT hip-hop music.
There's hundreds of names and millions of songs out there.
The music isn't going anywhere.
So shout out to hip-hop music. You' helped me through my childhood and into my adulthood. I'll keep the music bumping for years to come.