Friday, August 11, 2017

Just Do Something Already!

The North Korean government is considering a strike on the American territory of Guam.
The United States and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) are more talk than action. But the tensions are making the world a tad bit nervous.

We have no idea if North Korea is bluffing on nuclear weapons. Regardless, our inept leader is tuning up the heat on the tiny country.

Donald J. Trump took to social media to warn the North Koreans that "we're ready to go H.A.M." on that country. He believes the "fire and fury" isn't hard enough.

The North Koreans are not taking kind to the UN-backed sanctions and blame the "senile and reckless" leadership of the United States for that.

Pyongyang is basically telling the United States, "You bring it to us and we're bring it to you!"

They have threatened to aim missiles at the U.S.-territory of Guam. The island's governor Republican Eddie Calvo is urging calm and cautious optimism this matter won't result in the triggering of a nuclear war.

What makes me concern about this, is the junk food media's lust for war.
Trump amps the rhetoric.
War isn't a good guy or bad guy scenario. It's just a causality event in which innocent human beings are killed because of political disagreements.

The Democratic People's Republic of China warns the United States to launch an attack on North Korea first. They warn that if the U.S. and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) conduct a regime change, the Chinese government will intervene.

Thus, triggering another World War.

The most unpopular leader in modern history along with Republicans are once again toying with a senseless war. A war over what?

North Korea could trigger an offense against South Korea and Japan.

South Korea and Japan could expel United States military from their countries.

What Happened To Jamoneisha Merritt?

The law is investigating an incident where a 11 year old girl's face was disfigured by boiling hot water.

Remember Melania Trump was going to focus on bullying. It seems like she's not really putting an effort to curbing bullying. See her predecessor was devoted to helping children. Melania is only in it for the perks of being married to a billionaire who is our inept leader.

The rarely seen Trump doesn't really live up to expectations.

Wen it came to class, sensitivity and patriotism, Michelle Obama had that one hands down.

This incident in New York City would have gotten Obama's attention.

A 11 year old girl is disfigured by a callous teen. This teen poured boiling hot water on Jamoneisha Merritt. The girl is blinded by this so-called "hot water challenge."

This wasn't a sleepover. This was a pure setup to attack a girl for no fucking reason.

This happened on Sunday night in The Bronx. The young girl was burned by this friend who was soon taken to custody. The 12 year old girl is being held on attempted murder and felonious assault.
Jamoneisha was blinded and disfigured by a disgusting prank by a group of teens. They poured boiling hot water on her face.
The girl is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If she is charged as a juvenile, she could be put in juvie for the teen years with 10 years of probation and her family will be liable for the damages to Jamoneisha. If charged as an adult, she could face 20 years in the iron college for this.

A cup of boiling water burned her face, arms and neck. The girls eyes are shut and her face is pink with bulbous skin lesions.

Her mother Ebony Merritt is furious about this.

"She don't understand why they did that to her. She thought they was her friends. I told that they didn't like her. And they just been bullying her," said Ebony Merritt.

She also took to social media to denounce the social media challenges that people do for click bait.
Her injuries are life threatening.
One of the girls confessed that, they were going to do something to her.

This prank has already been inspiring children to do dangerous acts on unsuspecting victims.

How the hell did this happen to her beautiful daughter?

These injuries permanently disfigured the young girl who was considered a joy to her family.

I heard about the tragic death of Ki'ari Pope. The little 8 year old girl was killed in July after she drank boiling water from a straw after she watched a video on social media.

Ki'ari had died after treatment to help her breath failed. She had to have her windpipe removed and placed with a tracheotomy device.

I am saddened that these two young Black girls are victims of ignorance by our own.
Ki'ari Pope drank boiling hot water. This was the last pictures of the little girl before she died. She had a tracheotomy for damages to her windpipe. The girl died of a deadly infection.
We constantly talk about White people doing harm to Black people. We talked about racism within Donald J. Trump's America. Now we have to talk about Blacks destroying our own with stupidity.

Pouring hot water on people isn't smart. If you're not a stuntman or magician, you should never try this shit at home.

Get woke, Blacks folks. You guys need to stop following the stupidity trends. Let's not resort to doing things that professional stuntmen and women do.

I want to say that Jamoneisha got long road to recovery. She is a beautiful child of color and these heartless girls better be lucky someone doesn't retaliate by throwing or pouring boiling fluid on them.

Also to the family of Ki'ari Pope, this incident is a grave reminder that our children are precious. A jewel was lost last month and no one in the junk food media mentioned her name.

CNN Fires Jeffrey Lord Out The Cannon For His Nazi Salute!

CNN fires right wing bigot Jeffrey Lord out the cannon.
His feud with Media Matters for America cost him his job at CNN. The network confirms that Jeffrey Lord is fired out the cannon.

The conservative agitator who has ties to white extremism was notable for saying comments that slipped through CNN's tabloid programming.

Lord used a Nazi reference when he called out the liberal media watchdog group for its aggressive boycotts against him and numerous other Donald J. Trump supporting conservative agitators.

Lord was signed onto CNN in 2015.

His "seig heil" response went a way too far for CNN executives. He directed it to Angelo Carusone, the president of Media Matters.

He was quickly denounced and the network promptly fired his dirty are out the cannon. The swift removal of Lord is a long time coming.

He was one of the most visible members in the junk food media.

Other members fired out the cannon for stupid shit included: Bill O'Reilly,  Greta Van Susteren, Eric Bolling, Bob Beckel, Stacey Dash, Milo Yiannopolos, and Tomi Lahren are unemployed looking for work.

Where's Trump when they needs them?

Good bye and good riddance to that racist, Jeffrey Lord.

Trump Ditches Mitch!

Trump lashes out at Mitch McConnell for being like him, inept.

The inept leader of this country is frustrated with the most dirtiest, inept and repulsive leader of the U.S. Senate.

Sen. Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) biggest success in the era of Donald J. Trump is taking away the cloture rule to streamline nominations through. Trump got a Supreme Court nominee confirmed quickly after denying Barack Obama.

McConnell is a horrible leader who looks like a turtle.

He is by far one of the biggest reasons to why Congress is at rock bottom in job approval. He and most Republicans are so hell bent on trying to deny Obama a victory.

Trump hopped on Twitter to blast McConnell for not repealing the Affordable Care Act. Trump said that McConnell screamed for seven years that he wanted to repeal and replace Obamacare. Now that Republicans have the majority, nothing is getting done.

Today at his Trump golf course in New Jersey, the inept leader is ordering McConnell to get back to work.

He continued to stay stuck in 1st gear with this stupid mission to takeaway healthcare from millions.

McConnell deserves all the criticism.

Trump thought it was easy because he has a majority.

No one chance.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

A.J. Delgado: Jason Miller Is Baby Daddy Broke!

A.J. Delgado confirms that former Trump advisor Jason Miller fathered her child.
"That's news to me," said A.J. Delgado, the former conservative agitator who served as an advisor to the Donald J. Trump transition team.

It was a dig at the baby daddy.

It was a snide remark to Jason Miller, the disgraced communication advisor who rejected a role at the White House citing "family concerns." He is a commentator on CNN.

It was confirmed by Miller that he fathered a child with Delgado.

Miller who is married had an affair with the former Mediaite writer while his wife was pregnant with his child.

Miller apparently found lust.

Delgado is a baby mama who isn't taking kind to Miller.

Miller went to the New York Post to acknowledge he and Delgado had a brief relationship when he was estranged from his wife. The two made love in Las Vegas and she wanted a relationship.

He said he loves his wife and his children. He welcomes his son to the family.
The disgraced Trump advisor is a dead beat dad. He had a love child with A.J. Delgado.Now his mistress is steaming mad that he won't take care of their son.
The scenario as explained by me.

Jason Miller: Bitch, I got a wife at home. I don't need your crazy ass stalking my family.

A.J. Delgado: Okay, I am pregnant.

Miller: Good luck on finding the baby father. I bet it was that dude you were with. I ain't got nothing to do with this. 

Delgado: Why would you do this? I loved you and I can't believe you are doing this shit. 

Miller: Donald Trump got me a job and I ain't going to lose that spot cause of your crazy ass! I got a family and I ain't trying to deal with a bitch. That ain't my baby. Lose my number.

That's what I believe Miller done when he knocked Delgado up.

Delgado said that Miller is a "deadbeat" and he hasn't seen his child since.

Delgado is a woman of Cuban-American heritage. She often gone to bat for the Trumpster when he stepped in it. She was a frequent feature on Sean "Softball" Hannity's right wing carnival.

Here's a collection of her Twitter postings.

Now she is raising her son and taking a brief hiatus from the toxic politics we're experiencing.

Paul Manafort Got A 6AM "No Knock!"

Something cooking in Paul Manager's kitchen.

Sometime in July, the feds came a knocking.

Former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort was awoken to the FBI. Armed agents came to his residence to obtain information in possible collusion between him and the Russian Federation.

Manafort briefly ran the Donald J. Trump campaign and was considered a foreign agent.

The former Republican consultant and lawyer is under federal watch for his role in receiving payment from Russian government.

The Washington Post broke the news to the junk food media.

Manafort is a key figure in the investigation.

One day before the FBI NO KNOCK, he was met by the Senate Intelligence Committee Investigators to discuss a meeting of a Russian lawyer and members of the Trump team.

Manafort denies any collusion and said he will work with the feds to solve the matter.

Trump already distanced himself from his former campaign manager.

Manafort retroactively registered as a foreign agent when he was paid $17.1 million for lobbying for a pro-Russian political group in Ukraine.

Trump calls all of this a "witch hunt."

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Talk, Talk, Talk!

Remember Donald J. Trump said that we cannot be the world's policeman.

It seems like the junk food media is beating the war drums again. This time we may engage in combat with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

North Korea warns the United States that it could strike at a moment's notice.

Do it. Show your balls and let's see if DPK can rock them bells.

Kim Jong-un, the Supreme Leader of the country isn't taking kindly to the United Nations sanctions on their nuclear program. The DPK blames the U.S. for costing them billions in trade, food and aid.

They are aiming at the U.S. territory of Guam. The territory is located in the North Pacific and is home to 35% military personal. Population is 169,000 residents. Most living in the territory are American citizens.

The current delegate for the territory is Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo (D-GU).

The Trump strategy to unleash the fire and fury like you never seen.

The territory's Republican governor Eddie Calvo urges calm to its residents.

Even some lawmakers express concern that Trump could trigger World War III.

In my opinion, this is all words and no actions. I am not afraid of words and bluster.

For those supporters of failed Green Party nominee Jill Stein, she called Hillary Clinton a "war hawk" and said that Trump isn't a warmonger.

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

The Sean Hannity Word Vomit: The Deep State!

Sean Hannity is the official softball of the Donald J. Trump legacy. He is a toxic figure.

I can testify to this. I have listened to this agitator for over 10 years. I have studied him and found him to be quite entertaining. I strongly disagree with him but it's always entertaining to hear him beeyotch about everyone who isn't a "Great American" like him.

Today we introduce the fourth installment.

Well actually a fifth installment because I said back in 2012, I seriously believe that Sean Hannity will help Barack Obama win.

I was right. Around that time, Fox News saw their ratings shoot up during the Obama years. Hannity and numerous others were promoting kookspiracies about the Obamas and nothing ever happened.

Obama won reelection handily. Fox News took a credibility hit. Hannity was forced to give up his primetime spot for the 10pm. Since then, he maintained that position for four years now.

He has been the go to guy for Republicans, conservatives and people in the news. He has a base of 5 million on Facebook and 2.6 million on Twitter.

He signed a four year deal with Fox News and iHeartMedia. This gives him a powerful voice in a saturated media.

During the election, Hannity led the way to stop Hillary Clinton. He spread conservation that pitted her against rival Bernie Sanders. He talked about her health by mocking coughing fits. He went on an on about Bill Clinton's alleged mistresses and put on Paula Jones, Jaunita Broadrrick and Kathleen Willey to denounce the first woman to be ever nominated for president.

Hannity sought his "facts" from shady sources like The Drudge Report, InfoWars, Circa News, The Gateway Pundit and Wikileaks. These sources are shaky at best.

Hannity invested time in putting on Republican candidates running for president.

Most Republicans complained behind the scenes about how Hannity done interviews. They seemed to believe that Hannity had the finger on the scale for one particular candidate.

Conservatives were successful in defeating Hillary Clinton. With a little help from Russia, Donald J. Trump won the election. It gave Hannity bragging rights and a platform.

But now in the age of Trump, many agitators are now facing the wrath of activists who want civility and accountability. They want these agitators to be held accountable for the crap they be saying on radio, television and social media.

For all these years, conservatives said nasty things about Michelle Obama without any regards to them being fired out the cannon. They said offensive things about people of color. They disrepect Black women without any regards to being fired out the cannon.

The utter disrespect to the families of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, Tamir Rice, Philando Castile, Sam Dubose and Terrence Crutcher should of gotten them fired out the cannon.

It took a few White women and hashtag activism to topple some of these conservatives.

When Gretchen Carlson sued Roger Ailes for sexual harassment in 2016, it opened a major wound over at Fox News. The conservative network was soon facing a barrage of lawsuits and accusations of inappropriate behavior.

Ailes was soon fired out the cannon. Carlson would receive $20 million in punative damages. She recorded Ailes saying inappropriate things to her on tape.

To this day, Carlson maintains the tapes but was forced to keep them off record.

Then it became apparent according to Andrea Tantaros that Fox News was running a "Playboy-like" cult where many of its hosts, agitators and executives engaged in inappropriate behavior.

Ailes passed away this year leaving behind a legacy of scandal.

And since his cannon firing, the cards started falling. It lead to cannon firings of Stacey Dash, George Will, Bob Beckel, Judy Slater and Greta Van Susteren.

They were fired out the cannon.

But the biggest shock was the unceremonious cannon firing of Bill O'Reilly.

This year alone was disastrous for Fox News. The ratings are still up but its waning.

When O'Reilly was fired out the cannon after the New York Times reported the network paid $13 million to numerous women who accused the old pervert of inappropriate behavior, it launched a major campaign to fire Hannity and others.

The Color of Change, Media Matters for America, CAIR and Sleeping Giants have teamed up to take down Fox News.

What annoys you the most about Sean Hannity?

His shameless promotion of Donald Trump.
His constant reminders about Barack Obama's "failed" policies.
His ongoing promoting of conspiracies. Seth Rich and Hillary Clinton to name a few.
His feud with rival networks or critics of Trump.
His constant mentions about Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, radical Islam, BleachBit, and "Mom and Pop Basement."
His softball interviews with Trump, his family, and Republicans.
His constant mentions about him not being a journalist but criticizes journalists.
His constant mentions about him not being a Republican but a registered conservative.
His constant mentions about him being a "mixed martial arts" master who studies in sword swinging and firearm training.

It was pretty successful. Megyn Kelly who quit Fox News this year, is now struggling to stay relevant at NBC News. The mounting pressure against her for her years at Fox News ruined her. Her refusal to support Ailes and her statement about his appropriate behavior was seen as betrayal by her conservative viewers. Now at NBC, she struggles in ratings. The progressives successfully boycotted her show after she got Tamron Hall fired out the cannon.

She also faced calls for a cannon firing after she hosted kookspiracy nut Alex Jones. The nut denounced the Sandy Hook tragedy and has a history of domestic violence towards his ex-wife and children. Kelly was happy to have him spew his nonsense.

Greta Van Susteren was fired out the cannon again at MSNBC. She only been with progressive network for six months. Her history at Fox News and her shameless promotion of missing white women, Trump and Sarah Palin doomed her. She was placed at the 6pm spot and it didn't succeed in the way MSNBC wanted.

Now we are seeing the possible cannon firings of Jesse Watters, Charles Payne and Eric Boiling. Could this be the end of Sean Hannity?

In 2013, I began the Sean Hannity Word Vomit.

Around this time, I often address the most annoying, condescending, repetitive, and vile sack of shit we've come to known as Sean Hannity.

I've dubbed him Softball Hannity after he openly admitted that he refuses to grill Republicans and especially Trump on policies and controversial statements.

He actually welcomes divisiveness on his right wing carnival.

He hosted controversial Black agitators on his program.

Hannity hosted coon cop David Clarke, coon blogger Kevin Jackson, coon pastors Darrell Scott, Jesse Lee Peterson, Alveda King and C.L. Bryant on his right wing carnival. He even resorts to hosting coon internet nobodies who support Trump.

Chicken smacker Terrence Williams along with finger snapping Diamond and Silk are Hannity's new toys.

They are shameless being promoted on his show to add color to his all White program.

All of this has gotten the attention of activists.

What should have gotten Sean Hannity fired?

His deliberate collusion with Donald Trump and Republicans to promote fake news.
His softball interviews with controversial figures like Donald Trump, George Zimmerman, Mark Fuhrman, Julian Assange, Newt Gingrich, David Clarke, Kevin Jackson, James O'Keefe and Ann Coulter.
His alleged ties to white extremists like Cliven Bundy, Hal Turner, Laura Loomer, Stephen Miller and Sebastian Gorka.
His racist campaign against Barack and Michelle Obama.
His sexist campaign against Hillary Clinton.
His stupid "pull a burner" joke on Juan Williams.
His "I'll take you to meet Hank [Williams, Jr.]" to the backroom for a little action.
His attacks of journalists and politicians critical of Donald Trump.
His deliberate smears of Muslims, Hispanics, Black Lives Matter, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, and Freddie Gray.
His ratings.
His social media antics.
free polls

Hannity is under fire for his shameless promotion of fake news. The Seth Rich murder has become an Achilles heel. Progressives are mounting a fierce campaign against him and numerous others for advocating racism, homophobia, Islamophobia and stupidity.

He is also a notorious kookspiracy theorist spreading to his gullible followers the notion of a "deep state" destroying the inept Donald J. Trump.

Now I will be pretty blunt when I say this about him.







Hannity seems like a nice person in public. However whenever he opens that mouth either you want to walk away from him or you want to sock him.

Hannity claims he's not a journalist but attacks journalism.

Hannity claims he's not a Republican but promotes Republican policies and Trump's the standard bearer.

Hannity claims he gets his sources from credible groups. So far he's gotten his "sources" from Circa News, The Drudge Report, The Gateway Pundit, Breitbart and World Net Daily. They promote fake stories and propaganda.

Hannity is an example of why Republicans are destined to fail.

I predict before 2020, we will likely see a lot less of Sean "Softball" Hannity. He's destroying himself and we could not be anymore happier.

Trump TV Is Real!

Those die hard supporters of the inept leader Donald J. Trump can follow his progress on his official network. They hired former CNN agitator Kayleigh McEnany to host updates on the inept leader.

She debuted Trump TV this week.

McEnany called it "Real News."

The junk food media is calling it "state sponsored propaganda."

Eric Trump and his wife Lara are creating a network devoted to Donald J. Trump and his legacy.

Trump has a huge feud with the junk food media. He believes the media is unfair to him and he has taken to social media to attack commentators, lawmakers and people who spurned him.

Trump will not act presidential.

It was said that during the 2016 election, Trump was considering to launch a network that promotes him and those who supported him. If he had lost this election, he would focus on making a network devoted to trashing Hillary Clinton and others. He would have hired Bill O'Reilly, Tomi Lahren and Sean "Softball" Hannity to the roster.

Now that he's the leader of the country, he doesn't have time for that.

Maybe the golf course, but running a network, not a chance.

Trump's sons Donald Jr., Eric and daughter Ivanka will do the business while their dad creates havoc.

The Republican National Committee and associates of a SuperPac are paying McEnany for her services.

Monday, August 07, 2017

Birthday Sex Got A Woman Suing Usher!

Usher isn't true to his confessions.
Usher Raymond IV is a singer, actor, dancer, performer and music producer. He is 37 years old and is married to Grace Miguel. Usher has two children from his previous relationship with Tameka Foster.

The representatives for Usher haven't spoke on the lawsuit. Today, Lisa Bloom filed a lawsuit on behalf of a woman who claimed the R&B star had unprotected sex with her leaving vulnerable to contacting an incurable disease.

Quantasia Sharpton said that when she was 19, she met the singer on her birthday. She had an unforgettable night with a pop star. She details how the singer reaches out to victims.

She was invited on stage to show Usher if she was truly a fan. Sharpton showed all she got and was rewarded a night with the singer.

Sharpton was excited that Usher wanted her number. He called from a blocked number and asked if she could meet her at a hotel. She did willingly.

So they get intimate and make love.

She felt the love and thanked Usher for making her night a memorable one.
Quantasia Sharpton slams Usher for failing to disclose he contracted a STD.
Usher gives her a hug and kiss and told her, "We'll keep in touch!"

By that time, Usher moves on from concert to concert. Sharpton never heard from him again. By that time, she has a child and lives a healthy life.

That's until she read the latest news about Usher.

When news broke that Usher allegedly paid $3 million to an anonymous woman who contracted herpes from a night of unprotected sex, the news sent the junk food media into a tailspin.

An entertainer with a net worth of $120 million was letting it burn.

Another woman and a man have also came forth to say that Usher may have gave them herpes as well.

Bloom who is dealing with a handful of high profile lawsuits is representing Sharpton and the other two victims.

Bloom and her mother Gloria Allred are involved in the lawsuits against Fox News, the estate of Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Cosby, Eric Boiling, Charlie Sheen and even the inept leader Donald J. Trump.

Bloom recently endorsed Kathy Griffin. The comedian is filing a lawsuit against CNN and Trump for loss of revenue and harassment. She infamously held a decapitated bloody prop head of Trump. It was widely condemned by Americans.

Note: If you listen to Gucci Mane's song Another B*tch With Me, you hear a verse that gives me ominous signs that Usher isn't the only one burning.

Your wife be fucking my partner
Oh that's your girlfriend but watch around with Waka (Flocka)
Save the bell with Scooter, now the bitch with Luda
I seen the bitch with Usher, my homeboy just bust her
If these rap niggas do their girlfriends like I do, they wouldn't touch us
She's a sucka for love, she's a fine motherfucker
I just seen her with Busta, I hope you don't love her

Kind of makes you wonder....

Busta Rhymes is already being called out by a woman for allegedly giving her herpes. Guwop mentions these names in the song. Makes you think.

It's best you get tested. Black men, wrap it up.

National Weather Service Under Fire For Failing To Alert Tulsa Tornado!

Remember The Drudge Report was posting tragedies whenever Barack Obama went on vacation. Now that Donald J. Trump is in charge, no mentions. The federal government failed to warn residents about a major tornado hitting Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Remember conservatives complained about Barack Obama being on vacation while a crisis happened in the United States.

Well I am waiting on Donald J. Trump to react to the nearly tragic incident that happened in the city of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Tulsa has a population of 414,000 residents. It is in the heart of the infamous "Tornado Alley."

I am waiting on The Drudge Report to post an imagine of Trump photoshopped to a torn down Whataburger.

The city was hit by an EF2 tornado and the National Weather Service failed to alert the weather spotters. They didn't activate the sirens and the tornado was on the ground for more than 10 minutes. It carved through seven miles before the NWS activated warning alerts.
Trump at his New Jersey golf course crashing another wedding.
At least 30 people were injured from the damages.

The mayor of the city, G.T. Bynum and Gov. Mary Fallin will call upon the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Congress to aid in findings.

Congress under Republican control is going to pussy foot funding to aid the city. They believe people on food stamps, welfare and assistance are destroying the country.

Oklahoma has five Republican representatives two Republican senators. Who will be begging for some federal funding to rebuild?

Would Republicans oppose funding despite one of their own is asking for it.


The impact area is spread across Tulsa's Midtown region. It is west of Interstate 244 and north of Interstate 44.

So who's gonna to take the blame for not alerting Tulsa about a tornado?

Vili Fualaau: I Ain't Hot For Teachers!

Vili Fualauu can't start a recrational weed business in Washington because his wife is a registered sexual offender. Mary Kay Fualauu is the infamous teacher who slept with Vili at the age of 12. She would spend time in the iron college for this. The two confirm it's splitsville after 12 years of marriage.
The infamous pedophile teacher and her victim got married over 10 years ago.

Mary Kay Fualaau known by the junk food media as Mary Kay Letourneau is the teacher who had a tryst with her student now husband Vili Faulaau.

She had to serve time in the iron college after she got knocked up twice by the student.

It became tabloid fodder. It glorified sexual assault in the classroom.

White women who have sexual affairs with their students is big business for the junk food media. So far this year, The Daily Mail has reported over 50 stories dealing with pedophile teachers.

I am frustrated with this bullshit. I am tired of the junk food media glorifying this nonsense.

I understand that most of these teachers are attractive, but damn, this is unprofessional behavior and our junk food media continues to make these teachers (i.e. White or Asian women) look like the victim. Matter of fact, some of these women get sympathetic support from individuals who believe these are "honest" mistakes.

Because of Mary Kay Letourneau, this stuff is now mainstream.

The Daily Mail reports that Vili got fed up with Mary Kay's antics.

The former teacher is labeled a TIER II offender for the rest of her life. It's hard for her to obtain jobs with that label. Matter of fact, the junk food media thought the split was temporary.

Fualaau wanted to start his own marijuana distribution business. However he continues to struggle as a rapper, music producer and full time work at a retail home improvement store.

He can't get a decent shake because of her sexual offender status. To start a business like recreational marijuana, you have to have no prior criminal history. Although Fualaau has minor traffic violations, he isn't a criminal.

The two got married in 2005 when she was released from the iron college and Fualaau was no longer pressing charges against her. The two were raising her daughters Georgia and Audrey.

The former teacher has four children from her previous relationship with Steven Letourneau.

This is a problem in the United States and Canada.


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