Showing posts with label Karl Rove. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Karl Rove. Show all posts

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dick Cheney: [McCain] "Goofed Up" Picking Palin!

The power of Photoshop. Vice President Dick Cheney reflects on his time and offers cautionary advice to Mitt Romney not to pick a candidate that reminds the public of Sarah Palin.

The Republican Party has known for theatrics. Every Sunday morning a Republican goes on television to express his disgust of the president. One in particular is former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Cheney who is recovering from heart surgery is out in the open speaking to the press about how he's not a fan of the Obama Administration and faults President Barack Obama for the economic turmoils he'd inherited from the vice president's former boss George W. Bush.

The former vice president and former President George W. Bush have kept a relatively low profile. Cheney comes out once in awhile going after the president or Colin Powell, the former Secretary of State who was at odds with the vice president. Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president in 2008. They are not attending the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida.

On ABC's This Week with George Stephanpoulos, the former vice president offers his take on the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections, former governor and perennial candidate for president Mitt Romney and the outcome of the economy.

ABC reporter Jonathon Karl asked Cheney about the potential pick of vice president for Romney, and the subject of that had the former vice president open up about Palin. The previous nominee Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) and his vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, then governor of the state of Alaska lost in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election.

Let's say that Cheney knew that it was a mistake that McCain picked Sarah Palin. This comes a few days after the dumb conservative agitator and her husband Todd Palin were spotted at Texas Chick-Fil-A restaurant in support of the company's stance against gay rights.

Cheney has a daughter Mary who is openly a lesbian. Liz Cheney is a political pundit who has thoughts of running for U.S. Senate to replace Democratic Virginia senator Mark Warner.







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Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Wisconsin Keeps The Koch Sucker!

Wisconsin governor Scott Walker managed to fight off a recall election that could have changed the impact of the Republican's strength in the 2012 United States Presidential Election.
Be prepared for a long summer, President Barack Obama.

The Republicans and its conservative allies are energized by the victory of Wisconsin's embattled governor Scott Walker. For the first time in U.S. history a state governor survives a strong recall election. And the energy will be pass along through that perennial Mitt Romney, the party's nominee for president.

The Democrats retake back the state legislation and Walker urges the opposition to put aside their differences and work with him for the sake of the state. With the growing tension within Wisconsin, could there be a growing signs of strength within the conservative movement?

Scott Walker and the Republican-controlled state legislation passed sweeping measures to limit public sector collective bargaining and cuts to pension for public workers. He signed off a voter identification law that required voters to show a government-issued ID before casting a ballot. His state attorney filed a lawsuit against the federal government, in regards to the American Health Care Reform law. He rejected funding for the health care of the poor. Also, the governor rejected public funding for high speed rail service.

Walker hardline stance against the middle class and public sector unions created the backdrop for the liberal Occupy Wall Street movement.

Despite all this, the voters still came out in droves to vote. And in a 53% to 47%, a mere six points gave the governor a win.

Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett was not a favorite among the public sector unions and Democratic hopefuls.

He offered a different take on the matters of public unions. He pushed forth ordinances that cut sick days for city workers. Barrett advocated for non-payment work for city employees and advocating cuts to city work.

People weren't as enthusiastic with the mayor.

The recall election was a lost for the public sector unions and the Democratic Party. Even with a strong grassroots presence and appearances from former president Bill Clinton, many voters felt that Governor Walker was still capable of leading the state.

Many conservatives and some Democrats fault President Barack Obama for not appearing for rallies to help the Milwaukee mayor Tom Barrett. But the case in point is, what would it matter?

I mean President Barack Obama appeared for candidates who ran for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, governor of New Jersey and Virginia and for a congressional seat in New York. They've lost. Conservatives crow that standing near the president is dangerous.

I am assuring that the president was capable of getting involved. But is it worth the risk? The Democrats are very cautious this time! They want the Republicans to play an overreach with their austerity plans. Voters aren't too hip with the Democrats but their hopes is the Republicans go too far and turn off the independent voters. But you would hear the right wingers scream that the president is trying to meddle in the affairs of the voters of Wisconsin. Now that he's not making many appearances out of fear that the candidate may lose, the same right wingers are going to make noise about how he didn't come to the aid of the Democrats.

Look I am all about a fair election and all, and I do wish Governor Walker, a successful three years, but in reality, it's about the math. Many voters felt that this recall was an overreach by the opposition.

Many voters who supported Governor Walker were union workers, middle income families, and even supporters of President Obama.

But the concern among those around President Barack Obama, is Wisconsin going to swing red this time?


The Democrats carry Wisconsin easily for the last elections.

This time around is it going to be a rough ride for the president and the Democrats?

Democrat Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin is running for retiring U.S. Senator Herb Kohl's seat, it's going to be a toss up between her and former Republican governor Tommy Thompson, a 2008 former presidential candidate.

The president is great fundraiser. He's getting donations, but is the impact of the president going to trickle down to those struggling?
The Republicans poured a lot of money into this race. Superpac donations for the Republican governor was unprecedented. Americans for Prosperity, American Crossroads and U.S. Chamber of Commerce poured millions into the race. The Republicans were hoping that this race was a precursor to a game changing victory for Mitt Romney.

The Koch brothers, are reclusive billionaires invested in the 2012 U.S Presidential race.

Walker was fooled last year by pranksters when he thought a call was from philanthropist David Koch, co-chairman of Koch Industries, a investment and manufacturing firm that supports Republican candidates.

Charles Koch the oldest brother is the CEO of Koch Industries and mostly the head operations of its affiliate firms. Charles Koch donates to Republican and Democratic candidates. He's was once a supporter of Newt Gingrich but switch to Mitt Romney.

Barack Obama has a slim lead in most Midwestern states. He has to carry forth Ohio, Florida, Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Those states determine an election. Wisconsin matters. It's a strong union state.

Despite what happen the Republicans can take pride in this victory. This victory is a momentum for Republicans struggling to retake the U.S. Senate. It's also a sigh of relief for Mitt Romney as well. Many people are still skeptical of his chances, but the Republicans can say now that the Scott Walker impact could be a lot better if Mitt Romney goes the way of the governor.

Assured that Scott Walker will be floated around as either a vice-president nominee or 2016 potential candidate for president. Just listen to the whispers around the internet, it's already there!

Saturday, June 02, 2012

White Hot!! Can Obama Win Back White Voters?


Okay, ask some of your White friends if you think President Barack Obama will get reelected!

Most of them will say no.

Nearly 4 out of 10 (roughly 40%) of White people support the president. That leaves out the majority. The majority of the white voters count as either independent, Democrat or Republican. The president has trouble with conservative leaning voters.

The workplace and your white friends are likely to say something about the latest issues in politics. And yes, you may not like what they say, but this is the mood of the country and it's going to have an impact on the president's reelection chances.

See if you're a person of color (especially a black person) in the workplace, you keep the Obama talk to a minimum. Talk of President Barack Obama can rile up white people. It's proven by people who focus solely on red meat issues conservative agitators whine about in the media.

Many Black people are cautious about talking about the president. Some fear that if they mention Barack Obama, their words may end up on the internet or they'll get into a heated debate over him. White people are very pessimistic about the president and they have more disapproval of the policies than any race combined.

White people are afraid of being labeled racist if they criticize the president in any way. Blacks are afraid of being tarnished as the ones "solely focused on race" when they support Barack Obama.

There's a taboo about the issue of race and politics.

Mitt Romney is the plain white guy that has the good looks, nice wife and children. He tries to paint himself as a father figure as well as a business expert. He comes from an established family. He has inherited his father's image as a person to bridge the gap. Romney knows he can embrace white voters since he's not Barack Obama. They're not concerned about his Mormon faith, his constant inconsistency on issues, and net worth of $250 million in domestic and foreign earnings. Business executives see him as a person they can vote for.

Barack Obama is the multiracial guy who lived in parts of the world experiencing things that his family achieved. He comes off as a father figure and a mediator. He wants to try to solve problems. The president easily wins over non-white voters 3:1. He maintains a healthy lead among Hispanic voters and those who graduated from college. Professionals see him as a person they can vote for.

The political road map starts always with the five states that determine an election.

Nevada, Iowa, Ohio, Florida, and New Hampshire. These states carry make or break a person running for president.

What seems to be a comfortable lead for the president has eroded. The Electoral College has the president sitting at the 270 mark. That's slightly enough to be declared the president. But states that President Barack Obama carried in the previous election have now become either toss ups.

States that President Barack Obama carried included Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, District of Columbia, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada, California, Hawaii, Oregon and Washington. Plus one delegate in Nebraska.

Now what appears to be signs of eroding include Nevada, North Carolina, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Michigan and Florida.

Republicans have control of 29 of the state governorships. They have maintain issues that cater to the Tea Party (extremist wing) of the Republican Party.

President Barack Obama has the opportunities to win back voters if he stays focus on his successes. The economy is struggling and partisan gridlock has people concerned.

Congress does have a portion of the blame. Republicans have control of the House of Representatives. Democrats have control of the Senate.

Many speculators have this race as a toss up but leaning President Barack Obama.

Many voters haven't gotten accustomed to Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts. He still cast doubt among some in his political party. He once supported ideas that the president embraced and managed to pass when the Democrats had a slim few months of full control of Congress.

Many in the conservative media have agitated issues that proven to be distractions to the real issues.

People shouldn't be concerned with the debt.

White voters are the most likely to agitate conversations about the president's policies, birth certificate, and his race.

Race is a major factor to some of these people. You have online jerks in the comment section. You have online bigots who spend their time writing stories to paint the president as a villain or an outsider.

It's hard to convince them to support President Barack Obama. Many Blacks know how White people act around the issues of race. They don't want to touch the third rail. We have to discuss this and hope the day will come when we can actually get to judge the person by character, and not by their color!

Courtesy of YouTube

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Roger Ailes: You Got Your Orders People!

President Barack Obama has an enemy. A cable news network that is watched by nearly 4 million viewers.

A network who views, the president, First Lady Michelle Obama, and Vice President Joe Biden as the enemy.

A network created by an Australian born media mogul and a former Republican strategist. Their claims of the other cable news networks being bias towards conservative causes proved to be a cash cow for this network. The network mocks the other networks for being in the tank for President Barack Obama. But who are they in the tank for in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Elections?

The number of programs on this network include many conservative agitators who spend most of their time going after the president over controversies that never existed. They allow a conservative agitator go uninterrupted while shouting down either a liberal agitator who undermines the argument. A person who comes off as a moderate is considered a liberal in the mind of a conservative agitator on this network.

Liberals complain that this cable news network comes off as the propaganda arm of the Republican Party.

This claim is denied over and over again by those who produce, host and report on this network.

So what's the new controversy that caught the attention of us here at Journal de la Reyna?

Roger Ailes, the chief.
Those three guys who sit on the couch for a morning opinion based news program ran a video that carries over 4 minutes of President Barack Obama and his handling of the economy. Of course, this video comes off as an attack against the president and many journalists claim the network ran a political ad for the Mitt Romney presidential campaign.

What is becoming apparent that the network is totally in the tank for Mitt Romney is the network's hardline stance on President Barack Obama.

The network spends a portion of its programs rehashing arguments over the president's birth certificate, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, and the repeated claims of the president being a "socialist".

The network obsesses over polls that favor any Republican candidates.

According to the New York Times, the network portrayed President Obama’s tenure as a series of failed promises. The video had most of the hallmarks of a campaign attack ad, except that it was produced and paid for by a news network rather than a candidate or a political action committee.

A blogger on the conservative Web site Hot Air wrote of the video on Wednesday afternoon, “It makes a pretty powerful argument against another four years of Barack Obama, but that shouldn’t be the job of news-reporting organizations, even when we like the message.”

David Zurawik, a television critic for The Baltimore Sun, wrote, “Even I am shocked by how blatantly [the network] is throwing off any pretense of being a journalistic entity with videos like this.”

Roger Ailes as keenly interested in the content of “programs,” which has an agenda-setting function since it starts off the network’s day of programming.

The people said Ailes regularly contributed talking points and phoned in ideas for the show, sometimes when it was on the air between 6 and 9 a.m. on weekdays.

The people spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of what they called possible retaliation by the network.

The network executives have publicly ridiculed employees in the past.

Versions of the video were taken off of the network’s Web sites Wednesday afternoon. The one above appears courtesy of YouTube.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Matt Drudge Splashes Controversial Obama Cover!


The Daily Beast/Newsweek magazine throws out a controversial cover and gay conservative agitating blogger Matt Drudge splashes it on his blog. The Drudge Report caters to the most extreme members of society.

The Romney campaign relies on The Drudge Report to link up stories to paint President Barack Obama in a bad light.

White supremacists frequent The Drudge Report and the Fox Nation. The Fox Nation is very controversial because it advocates hateful rhetoric towards President Barack Obama and others.

Another ally, Karl Rove, the chief spinner at Fox News is trying his hardest to defend Mitt Romney's bullying of a gay student and the juvenile pranks on his fellow classmates.


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