
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

ROPE? Conservatives Pass Around Racist Emails!

Wake Sean Hannity up! There's one of his fellow conservatives sending another racist email depicting President Barack Obama as something offensive.

Chirps of crickets when you hear from Sean Hannity, the Republicans and their conservative allies when it comes to racist emails being forwarded by conservative Republicans.

Why focus on that silly conservative agitator?

This fool Hannity lives in a bubble.

He thinks President Barack Obama is playing dirty politics. He's on radio complaining about Vice President Joe Biden "ya'll in chains" comment and the Priorities USA infamous ad depicting Republican nominee Mitt Romney as a heartless murderer.

But yet we have the Republican nominee making references to the president, "not being like one of us!" Making references to welfare in order to whistle White male voters.

Having members of the Republican Party depict the president as a "socialist", "tar baby" and  "not legally born". We got most of the Republican Party wanting to drive the economy into the ground in order to win back the White House. Sean Hannity never sees this issue.

Well Matt Desmond and his team over at Addicting Info report that the right wing email depicting the president in his silhouette HOPE poster rewritten as ROPE. In other words, "hangin' a Nigger President!"

The right wing emails are composed by an individual who passes it along to someone else. When they get forward to members of the Republican Party, some in the media focuses on the person who sent it. The person caught makes an abrupt apology to the president or those they've offended. If they were really sincere about this apology, why on earth would they send it? is a popular fixture on Blogger. This gem makes up one of the hundreds of emails sent to the website. The website leans liberal.

You tell me how many of these assholes out there are seriously disturbed.

We just had four U.S. soldiers plotting to assassinate the president.

This type of nonsense is why Republicans are not only hated by the Black community but the Democratic Party entirely. The Republicans put blinders on their eyes when it comes to one of their own. When these people are caught with one of these racist emails, why does it reflex the individual and not the party?


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