
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

New Orleans Braces For Hurricane Isaac!

Isaac is approaching New Orleans, seven years to the day, Hurricane Katrina leveled the city.
Isaac is a dangerous storm. The potential of the tropical storm becoming a hurricane is likely. And it's aimed directly for New Orleans. Tuesday's arrival of the storm marks the day that Hurricane Katrina destroy the South.

Over seven years ago, Hurricane Katrina pounded New Orleans, Louisiana and Biloxi, Mississippi. The hurricane killed over thousands of people. President George W. Bush felt the impact. He was roundly criticized for taking a vacation while the hurricane was approaching. The Bush administration's slow actions lead to the direct destruction of a major city.

When celebrities were fundraising for the victims of the hurricane, Kanye West made an impromptu speech declaring that George W. Bush doesn't care about Black people.

Are we seeing history repeating itself?


People are preparing for this one. People are bracing for the Category 1 (even possibility of Category 2) storm. This storm could bring damage to the Gulf Coast.

In 2005, the fuel prices soared up to over $3.00 a gallon. The shut down of oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and the potential damages of communities surrounding the Gulf Coast has driven fuel prices above the normal.

The New York Daily News reports that the GOP is panicked that Tropical Storm Isaac will morph into a hurricane and begin pounding the Gulf coast late Monday or early Tuesday. They don’t want to have to compete for news time with a dramatic hurricane.

But a bigger cause for their alarm is the very real possibility Isaac will hit New Orleans. And if it does, it may remind Americans of the last time New Orleans took the full brunt of a hurricane – and the non-response from the last Republican White House.

It was Hurricane Katrina, and the President was George W. Bush. Weeks and months went by as the residents of New Orleans suffered.

Then President George W. Bush and former FEMA chief Michael Brown. Then President Bush uttered the infamous words: "Brownie, you're doing a heck a of a job!"

“Heck of a job, Brownie,” said Bush to the administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Administration, Michael Brown –  who hadn’t done his job at all.

That’s because Bush not only failed New Orleans. He also told America there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq – leading us into a terrible war on the basis of a lie.

High fuel prices happen during a hurricane or disruption in oil supply.
In addition, Bush took a $5 trillion budget surplus, handed to him by the Clinton administration, and turned it into an almost $6 trillion debt. He did this by enacting a giant tax cut that went mostly to wealthy Americans, passing a Medicare drug benefit that mostly benefitted the drug companies, and then convincing Congress to bail out Wall Street – no strings attached.

The Bush administration also let Wall Street get away with the risky bets and predatory home loans, until the Street almost melted down.

 Mitt Romney and others who are gathering in Tampa want to erase the memory of George W. Bush. They want to blame President Obama for the budget deficit and the lousy economy. That’s what their infomercial is largely about.

But if a Hurricane Isaac pounds New Orleans, Americans may start to recall the Bush administration anyway. They may even begin to recall how Republicans treat average Americans in need. And how they treat top executives from corporations and Wall Street whose jets have just been cleared to land in Tampa, where they’ll be wined and dined for the next three days.

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