
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Honest Opinion Of Mitt Romney!

Sigh! Ann Romney will introduce the world to Mitt Romney. The first Mormon to take the mantle of the Republican Party. Could Mitt Romney be destined for political failure?
As the first American Mormon to ever get the nomination of a major political party, I want to share my thoughts and honest opinion of this candidate. I wish his campaign well, but I really think he's potentially destined for political failure.

When he first ran for President of The United States, I was then working on making YouTube videos in support of the lunatic perennial candidate for president, Ron Paul. At the whim of a late friend, I was introduced into the Ron Paul Revolution. I never heard of the Texas congressman, but I got an opportunity to meet him and the nominee of the 2012 Republican Presidential Campaign.

I participated in the 2007 YouTube challenge. I was working on a video talking about the situation in my community. I was hoping that my impact would help get my message out there. As CNN was venturing into new opportunities to make politics interesting, they've decided to partner up with YouTube to make an event  worth while.

YouTube selected twelve people to participate in the YouTube Democratic and Republican Debates being hosted by CNN. I missed my first opportunity to meet then Senators John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

I was one of the winners of the contest to have my video played on CNN. YouTube's parent company Google sent me down to St. Petersburg, Florida at the Mahaffey Theater.

I had an opportunity to see CNN host Anderson Cooper, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), Fred Thompson, Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Duncan Hunter and Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas).

I got to meet actor/conservative activist Chuck Norris, then governor Charlie Crist, the founders of YouTube and many others in attendance. I've gotten the opportunity to shake hands with Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul, Mitt Romney and Duncan Hunter.

Retired military officer Keith Kerr, rocked the forum by asking a question about their opposition to LGBT men and women in uniform not being allow to serve. This caused great outrage on Fox News, The Drudge Report and CNN.

The Republicans were making the case to become the president. Unfortunately, they've proven they were no match for the economic turmoils under the watch of President George W. Bush. The media was rooting for either Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to win.

The media was invested in the historical run of a woman and an African American running for president.

Mitt Romney lost the first time running for the Republican nomination. The nomination went to John McCain. He didn't pick him as a vice presidential candidate. McCain picked Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. They went on to lose to Barack Obama and Joe Biden.

Mitt Romney has ran for higher office for years. Once as a U.S. Senator. He lost.

Once as a state governor. He won. He managed to serve one term as the governor of Massachusetts. He managed to sign a law that granted healthcare to state residents. He allowed his state to become the first to legalize same-sex marriage.

He tried to run for president, the first time. He lost. He's been trying to regroup and urge many of the party faithful to join him in unison to oppose President Barack Obama. He is now becoming the Republican nominee.

Okay, now many aren't familiar with him. Many think of him negatively. He and his wife Ann are trying to revamp his image.

I am not going to be nice when I say this about Mitt Romney and his family. They were really are irritating. They come off as a bunch of assholes. They act like they're a normal family. What the fuck?

You're running for the freaking President of The United States. You can't live a normal life, Mitt!

You act like President Barack Obama is a demon sent from the depths of hell. You think he was summoned to come and destroy the United States and Israel.

Some conservatives worry that Romney could damage the brand.

You're a weathervane. You swing around whenever the wind blows.

You're a boring loser. Your father is a loser. Your mother is a loser.

You could win, I give you that! The economy isn't improving fast enough and people are very unhappy with the progress of the president and Congress. But if it wasn't for a bunch of assholes with a vendetta to deny the president a victory, we wouldn't be in this mess.

You can call upon Matt Drudge, Karl Rove, Sean Hannity and the rest of the conservative agitating media to do your dirty work and yet you call the president the panderer of hate.

I'm sorry. If he wins, White people are forever etched in stone for subtle racism.

Blacks would look upon this as a testament to how White people are not comfortable to the notion of a Black person, a woman, a Hispanic/Latino or a gay president.

Mitt Romney and his family go on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace. This softball interview goes right into the problem with this guy. He can't figure out how to be a "regular guy".

He's so fake. It's not even funny!

Part 1:

Part 2:

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