Extreme right-wingers can't take a break from bashing Barack Obama. This time, racialist Steve Sailer puts his foot in the mouth when he use racial language when discussing Mr. Obama's multiracial heritage. He just cannot keep his pen to himself when talking about other peoples and cultures. Here's the link to his stupid article:
White Guilt, Obamania, And The Reality Of Race
Is he attacking him for his multiracial ancestry? Black ancestry? Or the fact that he socially and politically identify himself as African American and proud of it? I believe it's all three. What are your thoughts?
The main reason the racialists like Sailer resent Obama is jealousy.
The white supramacist right-wingers are losing power in Congress and everywhere else in life, and trends show their situation getting worse.
Hi Stephanie. I got a few lines into the article and immediately sniffed out sensationalist journalism. These right wingnuts are pod people for those with extremist views, and forums like that one really get off on presenting provocative, sometimes upsetting jargon. Any racist journalism is not legitimate in my view. I don't care what the racist is screaming about. This is where David Yeagley has also fallen into that abyss of irresponsible and dangerous journalism. What kind of paranoid freaks read that stuff? Fringe people to be sure.
Last night (January 16, 2007) there was a news report of whether America was ready for a black president.
Obama was asked if he was really a serious contender for the highest office in the land.
He said yes, that he was, and that he was working towards being in a position to run for the presidency.
Later on in the broadcast, it was divulged that Obama had used cocaine in his early years.
And the "dirt-digging" has begun.
There will be much more dirt digging from conservatives who hate the idea of a multiracial, Black-identified, universal man with a Kenyan father and a multiracial White and American Indian mother running for president. This scares the brains of these conservative mofos.
Stephanie, a question for you.
Do you think that white America's championing of Obama for president is a way for them to say to black America, that the ONLY way for white America to accept a black president is if his ancestry does not hail from black America?
Since Obama's parents are not black Americans, but instead consist of a Nigerian father/white American mother, doesn't the almost unanimous embracing of Obama by many whites send the message that the only way white America will accept a "black" president is if he does not have any ties to black America, considering white America's racist past with black America (slavery, segregation, mass lynchings, legalized/socially sanctioned rapes)?
How do you view this?
It's all well and good that Obama aligns himself with black America, but could we black people be able to do the same with say, Nigeria, Liberia or any other African country, just because we have some African blood in us?
I doubt if a qualified black American man was to live in Nigeria, work his way into their legislative system, say that he considers himself an "Ibo" or "Fulani" just because he can, AND expect to be wholeheartedly accepted and championed as a contender for the presidency of that country.
Do you consider white America's acceptance of Obama as an insult to black Americans in that white America will never accept a native-born black as president, even after we have lived in this country for over 400 years? Have put just as much into this country? Have toiled and sweated to help this country to live up to its ideals that "all men are created equal by their Creator?"
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