Tuesday, June 13, 2017

NBC Gives Megyn A Bone!

Kook meets kooky.
There is a huge controversy going on over at NBC News. The freshly plucked conservative agitator Megyn Kelly is under fire for doing an interview with alt-right kookspiracy host Alex Jones.

Jones is a part of a movement that promotes racism under the guise of journalism and freedom of speech.

Jones was instrumental in pushing kookspiracy claims about Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. Jones helped Donald J. Trump land a gig as leader of this goddamn country.

The Austin, Texas native also sparked a great deal of controversy.

Jones claims 9/11 was an insider job. He said that the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook and Pulse Nightclub were hoaxes. He claims Barack Obama created these massacres as a "false flag" operation to take away guns.

Jones, Matt Drudge, The Gateway Pundit and Kelly's former colleague, Sean "Softball" Hannity have relentlessly pushed the Seth Rich kookspiracy in order to discredit the intelligence agencies. In their minds, they believe Rich gave Wikileaks the DNC emails and not a Russian government-backed hacking organization. Wikileaks claims it was a DNC worker and not a Russian hacking unit.
The family of Ana Grace Marquez-Greene is livid over Megyn Kelly's interview with a kook. 
Kelly who used to be a top-rated agitator on Fox News left the network in early 2017. She quickly signed on to NBC to do a daytime program and Sunday night program.

The decision was marred with controversy from the jump.

Kelly's old ways are still there. She still promotes bullshit as news.

Having Alex Jones on is bullshit.

The mother of that sweet little Ana Grace Marquez-Greene was outraged. Nelba Marquez-Greene is calling upon NBC to pull the episode and is urging others to denounce Megyn Kelly for her past statements while on Fox News.

JPMorgan Chase announced their pulling sponsorship from Kelly's program. Others are being pressured to drop Kelly.

Kelly and NBC haven't responded to the controversy.

Jones on the other hand said that the "devil is in the details." He denounced the boycott and blamed Kelly for making him out to be the bad guy.

Jones is also facing civil lawsuits from Comet Ping Pong Pizza, Chobani and his ex-wife.

Little Ana along with 25 other victims died at the hands of a terrorist in 2012. The Sandy Hook massacre on December 14th, 2012 was one of the toughest things Barack Obama faced in his first/second term. This tragedy led to many others including The Pulse Nightclub shooting.

NBC's Sunday Night with Megyn Kelly is trying to compete with 60 Minutes.

Kelly's most memorable comments includes the most infamous: Santa Claus and Jesus were just white.

She was one of the many agitators who tried to denounce the witness testimony in the shooting of Michael Brown in 2014.

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