Saturday, March 23, 2019

What The Fox Say?

Another week without Jeanine Pirro.
The problems in the Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska are epic. The states are experiencing massive flooding and of course, they call upon our inept government to help them. Donald J. Trump have notified Republican governors and lawmakers that help is on the way.

Wondering if Puerto Rico getting the same kind of help?

Climate change is a big issue. But according to the far-white and Fox News, this is just alarmist rhetoric.

Again, we see how Fox News runs their programs. The network is truly the official propaganda for Donald J. Trump. The Democratic Party is distancing itself from the network. They resend their invitation to host a debate with the network.

Disney is planning on buying Fox Entertainment from Rupert Murdoch. The Murdoch family are cautious about the decision. They fear that the on air talent may hurt the deal.

Gabriel Sherman has reported that the family is trying to distance itself from the Trump team.

Sean "Softball" Hannity, a fierce Trump ally and controversial figure has threatened mutiny against the Murdochs. He has even disobeyed top brass. He was told to stop calling his mistress Sara Carter, an investigative journalist. Her works are often not credible but the softball doesn't give a fuck. He knows what gets people to watch his carnival of bullshit. The carnival of bullshit as you know is the number one cable news show. So Fox News executives are scared to punish his ass.

Journalists on Fox News are concerned that the on-air talent have destroyed the brand.

After recent attacks on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Beto O'Rourke, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Democrats have found themselves at a point where it's not even possible to be given a fair shake.

Since Beto O'Rourke announced his bid for president, the network has been calling him by his government name. They are calling him Robert Francis O'Rourke to mock his nickname. They are trying to make the claim that he's a white man trying to be Hispanic.

They are mocking him in the way they're mocking Barack Obama.
Tucker Carlson has lost advertising after he called immigrants dirty.

O'Rourke on his part has ignored the attacks. He is working on hiring former Obama campaign workers to his team.

The network is trying to attack Joe Biden. The former vice president is considering a run for president. The network is trying to Walter Mondale him.

And enter today. Fox News host and guest want to attack the Latina thing.

The most recent attacks on Ocasio-Cortez is Laura Ingraham and Joesph P. Digenova mispronouncing her name.

Trump and Sean "Softball" Hannity's lawyer Digenova was a guest on The Ingraham Angle.

They were trying to go after the Latina thing.

It was supposed to be a dog whistle racist attack.

"You noticed that when she introduces herself, she takees on that Obama, y'know, Obama puts on accents." - Laura Ingraham.

"She does the Latina thing where she does her, you know, Anastasio Ocasio-Cortez," - Joe DiGenova.

They are calling her "phony" because she's African American, Latina and a woman. They refer to her as a girl. They call her clueless. They mock her because of the Green New Deal.
Trump loves a good game of softball. Sean "Softball" Hannity is the official softball of the Trump team.
It would be interesting to note that Ocasio-Cortez, Omar and Tlaib now have extra security because of Fox News. The network's relentless attacks on the women of color have them now beefing up security and making the U.S. Capitol Police place certain individuals on a target list. Also lawmakers like Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) have to beef up security as well. They were targets of the MAGA bomber last year.

Omar also faced a brutal criticism from Jeanine Pirro. The controversial rhetoric from Pirro has her on ice. Her show was pulled from lineup. As of today, her show is still off the air. They have no plans on a return.

Pirro talked to Trump and soon after the imbecile attacked Fox News and called for the network to reinstate her.

Also note, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA), Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Rep. Lynne Cheney (R-WY) have gotten death threats as well. They have said far worse things on radio, television and on social media.

They hardly get the attention that Ocasio-Cortez and Omar get. They are practically white extremists within the Republican Party and not one member of Fox News have called them out for their promotion of extremism.
Laura Ingraham lost advertising after she attacked Parkland survivor David Hogg.
No mention of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). He is the most hated lawmaker in Washington. It's always about Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Fox News.

Fox News barely mentions that McConnell is the biggest hypocrite in the country. He's the most corrupt lawmaker in Kentucky, Washington, DC and generally the king of the swamp.

We don't hear Democrats run on the notion that McConnell is the face of the Republican Party. They're too busy worrying their asses about that imbecile Trump. If I was the Democrats running for 2020, I would focus on the Congress.

I would say McConnell has denied Obama for eight years and refused to give him a Supreme Court nominee. He played politics. Would you want that to happen again if Trump is reelected?

You want to allow McConnell and Trump to have four more years?

Fox News is a disease. We need to keep pressure on the network. We need to pressure advertisers.

Laura Ingrham, Tucker Carlson, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Todd Starnes, Diamond & Silk, Tomi Lahren and Lou Dobbs are bad for business. We need to stop the money train!

Cop Walk In The Antwon Rose Shooting!

Dirty cop managed to beat a murder charge.
The defense wanted to paint the victim as he deserved the fate. This is a common tactic of police unions, conservative agitators and white extremists. They want to justify a cold and callous murder by saying this dirty cop claimed he "feared for his life."

Antwon Rose, Jr.
The former East Pittsburgh cop who shot an unarmed teen after a police chase was found not guilty in the shooting death. Tension are rising within the Pittsburgh area.

The borough of East Pittsburgh fired this dirty cop out the cannon and the Allegheny County prosecutor wanted Michael Rosfeld charged. A jury of seven men and five women decided that a fleeing man being shot in the back isn't a criminal intent.

The jury and the dirty cop were escorted quickly out the courtroom after the verdict was read.

Antwon Rose, Jr. was shot three times in the back. He and two other teens were fleeing police after a chase. The alleged gunman who shot at a group of other teens was charged for the shooting.

Rose wasn't the shooter.

The former dirty cop was charged with homicide after killing Rose last year. Rose was riding in an Uber that had been involved in a drive-by shooting minutes earlier. Rosefeld pulled the vehicle over and Rose fled. The teen was shot in the back, arm and side of the face.
Attorney Lee Merit and Antwon's mother Michelle Kenney uspet over the verdict. 
The verdict sparked anger among those in Pittsburgh. There were protesters threatening to "shut down" Pittsburgh. They blocked intersections and walked on the William Penn Parkway (Interstate 376).

It's getting hot in here.

Another dirty cop walks and another family doesn't see justice. You wonder why the Black extremists praise cops being killed!



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Friday, March 22, 2019

This White Guy Is Serving Me Knuckle Style Chili And People Are Just Filming Instead Of Calling The Cops!

Young woman was served a knuckle style chili from a Proud Boy.
The utter disrespect on all levels. Instead of calling 9-1-1, the person who filmed this decided to get click bait and a discussion started. I am very annoyed by the nonsense.

A Black woman was attacked by this 6'2'' man. All this event happened at a bar in Dallas.

The victim, L'Daijohnique Lee was assualted by this white racist who was armed. The racist was charged with aggravated assault, interference with a 9-1-1 call and public intoxication. These are misdemeanors. Should be a hate crime charge on this slime.

L'Daijohnique is being treated at a local hospital with a concussion and swelling.

This thug attacks the young woman after she drive in the wrong-way of an alley. It was blocking an exit. The thug decide to get riled up over the ordeal.
Her beauty was ruined by a white thug.
So a few words were exchanged and thus the knuckle style chili was served.

L'Daijohnique said that she made a mistake while dropping off a friend at a local hotel.

The video that was shot by a bystander shows the thug pulling out a handgun while confronting the young Black woman.

The thug knocks out the young woman's cell phone after she attempted to make a call to 9-1-1.

The thug was an employee at a bar and barbershop. The owner saw that video and decided to fire his ass out the cannon and condemned the attack.

Lee Merritt, civil rights attorney calls this attack a "blood boiling event."  He took on the role of being the young woman's attorney and demands the fullest prosecution of this individual.
This Proud Boy found himself in the county lockup after he put his hands on a Black woman.
This thug looks like one of them Proud Boys. These are white extremists who don preppy clothes and carry around heavy beards. They promote men's rights and white pride. The group was founded by alt-white extremist Gavin McInnnes.

L'Daijohnique said it best.

"Why you put your hands on me like that? You literally sat there and beat me like a man."

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. If convicted on the misdemeanors he will face up to year in the iron college. He will have to lose his firearm. He will take anger management training, pay the victim's medical costs, pay restitution to damages of her vehicle, be forced to go to domestic violence classes and serve community service.

If he manages to get felony charges and happens to go to the iron college. I hope he can withstand a blow to the face from a LIFE intern. Cause you know LIFE interns don't give a fuck. They will make child molesters and men who hit women, their pumpkins.

S,B and I have talked about this numerous times. Who the fuck do these people think they are?

They believe we're inferior. We're not inferior. We're the beginning of the end of white male dominance in this country. We are slowly moving forward. Donald J. Trump is a setback to progress.

But we're right on course to changing demographics and the status quo.

More individuals are thinking they're above the law. Nope. They're not.

Mueller Done!

Robert Mueller completes his report.
The Mueller Report is out tonight. The details on the report will come out when William Barr decides on what is going to released to the public and Congress.

This seals an end to a two year investigation into either Donald J. Trump and his associates with the campaign team conspired with the Russian government to help him win an election.

Robert Mueller the special prosecutor who overseen the investigation has not recommended any new prosecutions as he turns over the report to Barr.

No charges means that Trump, his family and others will not face criminal investigation.

The Mueller team was relentless bashed by Trump and his conservative agitating allies. They have called it a "witch hunt" and slammed the investigation as a revenge plot to unseat the imbecile.

The Justice Department notified Congress this evening. This 22-month investigation focused on unproven claims that Trump deliberately asked Russian operatives to improve his election chances.

Trump and Democrats will go at it once its released.

Many Republicans in the Congress have stuck with Trump on the narrative that this investigation went on "way too long." The hypocrisy is overwhelming because of how they relished on Fast & Furious, the IRS blocking shadow groups, Benghazi and Hillary Clinton's emails.

The Republicans have tried to tamper with the investigation with kookspriacy theories thrown by folks like Sean "Softball" Hannity, a former client of convicted Trump ally Michael Cohen.
The report is in Attorney General Bill Barr's hands
Trump said it best.

"Let it come out!"

As you know, don't believe anything Trump says. He doesn't want the full report out. He will likely redact parts of the Mueller Report using his executive privilege.

The Mueller investigation started when Rod Rosenstein ordered a special prosecutor after Trump admitted he fired then FBI director James Comey. Comey had written a memo detailing the conversation involving him and Trump.

Trump demanded Comey pledge loyalty to him. He also told him to back off the investigation into disgraced former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.
What you know?
At the time of the investigation, Jeff Sessions admitted that he hid the fact he talked to Russian operatives before he was confirmed to his position as Attorney General.

Sessions recused himself from the investigation and sparked a biter feud with Trump.

Trump would fire Sessions out the cannon. He quickly appointed William Barr who once said that Mueller's investigation was a distraction. Soon as he was confirmed to be the new Attorney General, Barr demanded an end to the investigation.

Now it's the time. Will the Democrats get ready for impeachment?

Burlington Closes In Trotwood!

Burlington Store closed in Trotwood.
Dayton, Ohio's ghost suburb.

Trotwood, once the beacon of shopping, entertainment and luxury is now a ghost town. A ghost town with boarded up homes, vacant lots and graffiti.

The city has a population of 19,000 residents. The city was once a tiny village.

It annexed Madison Township in 1998 and incorporated itself as a city in 1999.

During that time, the Salem Mall still existed. But by 2006, Trotwood saw its community fall before its eyes. The Salem Mall would soon close. The city lost Circuit City, Best, Kmart, Sears, Cub Foods, McSports, Walmart, Target, Elder-Beerman, JcPenney, Lazarus, Footlocker, KB Toys, Toys R Us, Value City, Best Buy, Hara Arena, Good Samaritan Hospital (Dayton), Sutherlands, Builders Square, Rex Electronics and numerous businesses and attractions.

So far, the city is hanging on by a thread.

And now another nail in the coffin for the Dayton area.

Burlington Stores has closed the Trotwood location. The company claims it relocated to Huber Heights, a city that is 15 miles from Trotwood.

It was the only retail discount store in the depressed community. The only thing left for the time being is Shoe Carnival which I predict will relocate to Huber Heights in the near future.

The city's only attraction is the Greyhound Bus services and the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority's transit station. The city still has hardware superstores Loews and Home Depot for the time being.

Salem Avenue is depressing. The road once was a booming part of Northwest Dayton. It was the gateway to the Gem City.

The relocation of Ohio State Route 49 was supposed to bring growth to the area. Alas, it hasn't. It's just a road that leads to nowhere.

Speak of that. I want to share a quick tragedy. Three individuals lost their lives last week. The driver of a Pontiac Grand Prix tried to elude a police cruiser. They accelerated to nearly 100 mph and tried to blaze through an intersection.

They ended up crashing into a RTA bus. The three were killed. The bus driver and a handful of riders were injured in the crash. They were not killed.

Myan'nie Nabors, Kyren Wright and Christopher Baker lost their lives.

The county boys, Trotwood Police and Ohio State Patrol closed the case because the driver (Baker) was killed as well. He would have faced involuntary vehicular manslaughter if he survived.

Trotwood at least became the news other than being a dying community.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

MAGA Bomber Goes To Federal Time Out!

The MAGA terrorist heads to federal time out.
The far-white terrorist who mailed pipe bombs to critics of Donald J. Trump plead guilty.

I am not going to say his damn name. I won't waste any ounce of keystroke to mention this guy.

All I am going to say is this guy mailed pipe bombs to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL), Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack and Michelle Obama, John Brennan, Robert DeNiro, James Clapper, Eric Holder, Tom Steyer, CNN, George Soros and MSNBC will face LIFE in federal time out.

The states involved will dismiss their charges on the grounds this scumbag will not ever see the light of day. Since he plead guilty to the charges, he will face the potential of LIFE without any chance of dismissal.

Back in October 2017, this homeless lunatic decorated his van with kookspiracies about Clinton and Obama. He was a superfan of Trump and Fox News.

He was riding around South Florida in this van just to piss off Democrats. Once confronted by Democrats and progressives, he would often threaten violence upon them.

The terrorist was crying in court knowing that Trump failed him. The U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff, a Bill Clinton appointed judge, let him have it. He said that all the freedoms he claimed he supported are no longer privileged. He told him that toxic politics should never result into criminal behavior. The terrorist acknowledged that his bombs could have cause great injury or death.
Terrorist cries in court after he admits he tried to kill individuals who criticized Trump. He admits his delusional thoughts of the deep state cost him his freedom.
The terrorist acknowledge that his conservative views were too extreme for his friends, family and those who worked with him.

Boo hoo, boo hoo!

The terrorist gets no sympathy from me. He is a symptom of Fox News, Breitbart, InfoWars and far-white agitators. He can apologize all he wants. But it won't change the notion that lawmakers, entertainers and the junk food media now have to beef up security. They now have to fear a potential attack from a copycat MAGA terrorist.

It's time to tell America that Fox News is bad for business. We can no longer allow this network create the toxic politics that divides us. We all have a place at the table.

Fox News will forever keep the country angry and divided. Enough is enough.....

What Happened To Karle Robinson?

Kansas man was detained at his own home.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Kansas asked for a state and federal investigation into a Tonganoxie, a small town about 35 miles from Kansas City.

A black man was handcuffed by the cops as he moved into his own home. He was allegedly harassed by a police chief when he tried to file a compliant on racial bias.

Karle Robinson was moving furniture into his home when the cops arrived. They at first greeted and asked what he was doing. He told specifically he was moving furniture and he had a time limit to do such.

"I could use a hand with this," Robinson said to the officer who shined a flashlight on him.

Robinson spend the next eight minutes handcuffed, seated in front of his own house, treated like a burglary suspect while the officer waited for backup to check the story. The complaints that Robinson reported to chief Greg Lawson went unanswered.

The cops would soon order him to the wall and then they placed him in handcuffs.

They would search the home and then be let go.

"If I'd been a white man, you know that wouldn't happen. I'm being handcuffed right here on my own damn property."

In the video, Robinson did complain to the cops saying, "Is this all necessary?"

The officer said to him that he noticed a lot of break-ins. So the cops claim that a 61-year old Black man who is moving into his own home is associated with break-ins.

"You're guilty until proven innocent. They're think I'm stealing. I've been hearing this for 40 years -- getting pulled over, being searched. I'm not going to let this go. If it had been two in the afternoon, there would've been a fight."

If he'd been white, Robinson said, he would have been able to show his identification and go and retrieve the papers to the house -- without such suspicion and without handcuffs.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

The Game: B*tch Stop Listening To Our Music!

The Game sons Tami.
Jayceon Taylor aka The Game is an O.G. of hip-hop. The Compton-based rapper and actor is a bawse of trolling.

Everyone is getting tired of the bullshit artist we come to know as Tami Lahren (her legal name is Tomi Lahren). The far-white agitator is a huge fan of hip-hop music.

But she is a huge Donald J. Trump supporter. She will hop on social media to attack rappers who speak out against Trump and conservatives.

She has picked fights with Nicki Minaj, Cardi B, Jay-Z, Pusha T, Wale and Beyonce. Now I guess she's now picking a fight with The Game.

Game put down his support for embattled rapper 21 Savage. The rapper is facing a potential deportation to the United Kingdom. The rapper was arrested in February by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The rapper confirmed that he was born in England and lived in the United States for over a decade. The rapper was nabbed on his way to an engagement and was detained.

He is currently facing state charges on fraud. He is facing potential time in the iron college. He is also facing a potential banishment from the United States.

Many rappers came to the defense. Lahren on her part was mocking the rapper on his hit single "Alot."

Many rappers took offense to the remarks. The Game went to post on social media before he deleted it. But the folks over unearthed it.

Game said and I quote from SOHH:


The Game is not a fan of Fox News. As you may remember, the rapper released the album Jesus Piece. The rapper's album depicted him as a gangsta behind the cross.

The far-white agitator appears on Fox Nation, a far-white spin-off of Fox News.
Fox News went bananas over it.

The infamous turd flipper Michelle Malkin stared a feud with The Game and the two were going at each other on social media and in public.

The Game went to The Real to explain his remarks. He was annoyed with the far-white agitator. He said that he loves women and he will never apologize for his remarks towards her. He said that for years, Lahren had ran her mouth way too much. He wanted to air it out.

"I feel like it was just – 21 Savage is one of my good friends in and outside of music and I think his case with ICE, people just took it a little too out of context. It gets a little personal. He has a family, children, a mother. He had been in Atlanta for 20 years. You’re in Atlanta for 20 years, you’re from Atlanta. If he was born in the UK, it’s the world, right? … I don’t know how many times this woman has degraded the hip-hop community and I’m the one who is going to stand up for hip-hop in general and get a lot of terrible backlash – some we deserve, some we don’t. But it has to be spoken for and I’ll be that guy every time. … Some of the things she said were just outlandish and no one else was really just going there – and again, I’m always going to be that guy. … He’s free, for now, and hopefully it goes well for him and, you know, I think that’s something they need to let down – give him a chance to get his papers right, get his income – America’s cool but then again so is the UK. So wherever he lands, he’s still going to be 21."

Donna Brazile Wore A Fox!

Donna Brazile gets on the Fox bandwagon.
Former Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile joins Fox News.

The former Democratic strategist who had a spot on ABC News and CNN was fired out the cannon a few years ago after it was revealed she got a question in for failed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

Brazile signed on to Fox News and it riled up those white extremists who are upset that she's hired while disgraced agitator Jeanine Pirro was fired out the cannon.

She made an appearance on the network with Shannon Bream.

Now as a full-time commentator, Brazile will do her best to cater to the Fox News audience.

I am going to be bluntly honest, Fox News isn't going to be tolerated much longer. The junk food media and journalists alike are sick and tired of being labeled by a clear propaganda organization devoted to Donald J. Trump.

Trump was not happy about the decision to ice Pirro.

Many Fox fans aren't happy about Brazile. Democrats and progressives aren't happy about it either.

Let's go to the most talked about debate on primetime.

Brazile and Sean "Softball" Hannity duke it out over Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and the DNC refusing to have a debate on the network.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Wendy Williams Doesn't Like The Snow!

Wendy Williams admits she abused drugs on her talk show.
Gossip queen Wendy Williams told the world that she is imperfect. She is a mother, a wife, a career-working woman and a drug abuser.

On today's Wendy Williams show, the host announced she is living in a sober house after she admitted that she has been addicted to alcohol and cocaine.

“You know me for being a very open and honest person. You know Kevin and I have the Hunter Foundation for the good of the people and we recently launched out 888-HUNTER number for people who are in the struggle of addiction. Well, for some time now, and even today and beyond, I have been living in a sober house,” a weeping Williams, 54, told her studio audience.

"When you see me come to work glammed up, right after the show, I do Pilates ... You know I’ve had a struggle with cocaine in the past," she said. "I never went to a place to get treatment. I don't know how. God was just sitting on my shoulder and I just stopped … there are people in your family, it might be you … I want you to know more of the story.”

Fox News reports that Williams revealed that she goes to the facility after work and personal obligations daily and still lives a "glamorous" life despite her struggles.

“After I go to the Pilates I go to several meetings all around town in the tri-state area, and I see my brothers and sisters caught up in their addiction and looking for help,” she said. “They don’t know I’m Wendy. They don’t care I’m Wendy. there's no autographs, there's no nothing. It’s the brothers and sisters caught up in the struggle. It’s been really interesting, this ride.”

She continued, “Only Kevin [Hunter, Sr., her husband] and Kevin [Jr., her son] know about this. And that is my truth."

Williams revealed that she kept her struggle a secret from the rest of her family and friends.

Williams had been absent from her show for the bulk of early 2019. She initially cited complications from Graves' disease for her hiatus.

Williams who is controversially known for her gossip and agitating admits that she is human.

The world is coming to grips. At least she admits that she's imperfect. She isn't hiding behind lies.

Lori Loughlin has hit rock bottom. I haven't declared she is a washed up celebrity yet. But her career is in the toilet. Hallmark cut her from the series When The Heart Calls. They plan on restructuring the series and wiping her existence after the episodes conclude.

She was also let go from Warner Bros and Netflix's Fuller House. The scandal plaguing her, Olivia Jade and Felicity Huffman has become a flashpoint. White privilege is still around and this college enrollment scandal has open wounds that may never heel.

I Was Shot By This Man Over A Parking Spot!

Jaylen Walker was shot in the back over a parking spot. The man may not ever walk again. A white terrorist shot him.


White people with firearms. It's their way of saying they have manhood. To be a part of the National Rifle Association is like the highest honor for a white man. They can say they belong to a gun club that gets them to the ballot box. The NRA manages to get revenue from advertising, campaign donations, foreign entities (i.e. Russia) and the bully pulpit of Donald J. Trump. Where Wayne LaPierre can enjoy that $2 million dollar contract, the gun lobby can continue influencing Republican lawmakers into rolling back laws that make firearms easily available to people who have no business with them.

It's the old troupe. The NRA rather see white men with firearms. If the person happens to be Black, Brown, Muslim and immigrant and they had a firearm, they would be either be:





Enter the man who shot a man in the suburbs of racially divided St. Louis, Missouri. This guy shot a 21 year old man over a parking spot in St. Charles, a city that is 15 miles from downtown St. Louis.

The St. Charles Police, the county boys and the FBI are investigating the incident. The guy is charged in the shooting.
Jaylen did not this fate. But he will hopefully get justice if this thug gets convicted.
The victim will have life altering injuries. The bullet fractured his spine and he may not ever walk again. The victim is forgiving but not forgetting. The man was a personal trainer and was a driver for Amazon. He has a 1-year old child and was not a criminal. He was trying to do what's right for a friend.

Jaylen Walker of St. Louis is seeking a hefty sum in punitive damages from Larry Thomlison. He will sue the guy and the NRA for negligence.

The suspect was charged for assault and armed criminal action.

Walker was parked in a handicapped-accessible spot outside a St. Charles Target store. The suspect had a placard allowing him to park in the spot. The suspect became enraged over situation. He took a picture of the victim and started recording the situation.

So the suspect confronted the victim. The victim described the incident.

"He put his phone in my face." He told the suspect to leave him the fuck alone. The victim shoves the guy and his phone dropped. Then the suspect struck him. The victim struck back.
This old thug shot an innocent man over a fucking parking spot.
The two get into a fight. The suspect was knocked to the ground.

So the suspect decided to pull out his concealed firearm and started shooting.

"When he pulled the gun out, my eyes were just amazed. I tried to run in between two cars. He had a nice aim and hit me right in the spine."

The suspect shot him directly in the back. It severed his spine.

The St. Charles County prosecutor Tim Lohmar said that the suspect should have known better.

He showed no recklessness and no regard for those in vicinity. The suspect went through the citizens patrol and had a conceal carry permit. He was charged and given a hefty get out free card.

The suspect could face 20 to LIFE if found guilty. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The ridiculous argument of a good guy with a gun. The good guy was the man trying to help fix another person's vehicle. He was a upstanding human being. He was a father. Now he may not ever walk again. The injuries are life altering and it was all over a stupid parking spot.

The suspect could have just took a picture and shared it on social media. Nope, he decide to be a wannabe cop and possible executioner.

S.B, any thoughts on this matter. I am starting to see how the NRA is just an enabler of far-white terrorism.

You think it is?

Cop Walk In The Charles Kinsey Shooting!

Another dirty cop goes home. This North Miami cop shot an unarmed man. The jury said he didn't deserve time in the iron college.
This is bullshit. I am highly offended. I am mortified at this decision by the fucking Florida jury that acquitted a dirty cop who shot an unarmed Black man who clearly told the law, he had his hands up, "Please don't shoot."

In 2016, Charles Kinsey was assisting a severely autistic man who ran away from a healthcare facility. The law was notified and was told by audio. Kinsey was a mental health therapist.

He was taking care of Arnaldo Rios Soto, a 23 year old man who needed special care.

The six person jury found the North Miami cop Jonathan Aledda not guilty of culpable negligence. A second charge and two counts of attempted manslaughter resulted in a hung jury.

The jury foreperson said the vote was 5-1 to acquit Aledda of the other charges. The judge scheduled a March 27 hearing to discuss whether the state will retry Aledda on the counts.

The men had no weapon. Yet, Kinsey was shot directly in the leg. Kinsey was filmed by a bystander that the "gun" was a toy. The case became a national scandal. Kinsey did everything right and still was shot.

Aledda claimed that he was aiming at Rios Soto not Kinsey. Aledda claimed that he didn't hear the commands because of faulty equipment
Charles Kinsey was denied justice. He was an unarmed health therapist . He was shot by a dirty cop. The cop managed to convict a jury he felt threatened. 
The Miami New Times published an audio from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The recording showed Aledda had been told over police radio that men were not armed. They were told not to fire upon the men.

North Miami's former top cop Gary Eugene said that his department was a mess. The cops failed to adequately secure the crime scene after the shooting, and that North Miami Police were so consumed with factional infighting he worried that cops would not back the dirty cop.

The top cop was fired out the cannon.

Jonathan Aledda, the North Miami cop who worked for the SWAT team fired three into the leg of Kinsey.
Arnaldo Rios Santos didn't get justice.
Kinsey did not commit any criminal act. His lawyers are planning on suing the officer and the city of North Miami for the shooting.

Florida prosecutors were not happy about the verdict. They are hoping to retry this dirty cop. It's unlikely the cop be convicted.

"Since July 28, 2016, our community has been traumatized by North Miami Police Officer Jonathan Aledda's shooting of mental health therapist Charles Kinsey in his effort to protect his client, Arnaldo Rios Soto. The difficulties posed by this case are clearly represented by the jury's inability to come to a verdict on three of the four charged offensives. We will be discussing the case to determine the appropriate course of action as to the unresolved counts."

Now this dirty cop may face a cannon firing if he is returned back to beat.

You wonder why some individuals shot cops and folks on social media praise the person instead of those in law enforcement.


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