Friday, March 23, 2018

H.R. McMaster Fired Out The Cannon!

H.R. McMaster fired out the cannon.
This White House has the highest turnover in modern history. As explained today, H.R. McMaster, the National Security Adviser is fired out the cannon.

McMaster left a public statement thanking Donald J. Trump.

“After thirty-four years of service to our nation, I am requesting retirement from the U.S. Army effective this summer after which I will leave public service," he said in a statement. "Throughout my career it has been my greatest privilege to serve alongside extraordinary service members and dedicated civilians. I am thankful to President Donald J. Trump for the opportunity to serve him and our nation as national security adviser."   

One of the so-called adults in the room is being replaced with that retard John Bolton, the former U.N. ambassador and current Fox News agitator.

No surprise here.
Trump appoints this asshole.
Replacing the National Security Adviser with that brush is a stupid choice.

Bolton is a warmongering ass clown.

McMaster replaced Michael Flynn, the former Fox News agitator and military general. He was indicted and convicted of lying to the FBI.

McMaster's departure marks a full week after the recent cannon firing of Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

This shakeup leaves the White House scrambling for appointments.

This is could impact the upcoming talks with North Korea. This also could put the nuclear deal with Iran in turmoil.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Ralph Peters: Fox News Is So Far Up Trump's Ass!

The commentator who called Barack Obama a pussy is quitting Fox News. He said that the network is tossing Trump's salad.

Shepard Smith and Chris Wallace are concerned that their network is going off the rails. They were attacked by not only the agitators on that network but the loyalists who watch them.

Smith is engaged in a feud with two of the hosts. And one has decided to talk about the family business.

Don't give this guy a pass. He is still a disgusting racist who had the audacity to call a sitting president a dirty slur.

Retired military commentator Ralph Peters called then President Barack Obama a pussy on Fox Business a few years ago.

He was pulled off the television and was iced for 20 days.

Now fast forward two years and a few months later, Peters has decided to call out his employer. He said that Fox News and it's relentless attacks on law enforcement is a disgrace. .

Peters said that the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama's scandals are bogus.
Ralph Peters singled out Sean "Softball" Hannity in his resignation letter.
He called Fox News the official propaganda of Donald J. Trump. He said he can't take it no more with the network.

On March 1st, I informed Fox that I would not renew my contract. The purpose of this message to all of you is twofold:

First, I must thank each of you for the cooperation and support you've shown me over the years. Those working off-camera, the bookers and producers, don't often get the recognition you deserve, but I want you to know that I have always appreciated the challenges you face and the skill with which you master them.
Second, I feel compelled to explain why I have to leave. Four decades ago, I took an oath as a newly commissioned officer. I swore to "support and defend the Constitution," and that oath did not expire when I took off my uniform. Today, I feel that Fox News is assaulting our constitutional order and the rule of law, while fostering corrosive and unjustified paranoia among viewers. Over my decade with Fox, I long was proud of the association. Now I am ashamed.
In my view, Fox has degenerated from providing a legitimate and much-needed outlet for conservative voices to a mere propaganda machine for a destructive and ethically ruinous administration. When prime-time hosts--who have never served our country in any capacity--dismiss facts and empirical reality to launch profoundly dishonest assaults on the FBI, the Justice Department, the courts, the intelligence community (in which I served) and, not least, a model public servant and genuine war hero such as Robert Mueller--all the while scaremongering with lurid warnings of "deep-state" machinations-- I cannot be part of the same organization, even at a remove. To me, Fox News is now wittingly harming our system of government for profit.
As a Russia analyst for many years, it also has appalled me that hosts who made their reputations as super-patriots and who, justifiably, savaged President Obama for his duplicitous folly with Putin, now advance Putin's agenda by making light of Russian penetration of our elections and the Trump campaign. Despite increasingly pathetic denials, it turns out that the "nothing-burger" has been covered with Russian dressing all along. And by the way: As an intelligence professional, I can tell you that the Steele dossier rings true--that's how the Russians do things.. The result is that we have an American president who is terrified of his counterpart in Moscow.
I do not apply the above criticisms in full to Fox Business, where numerous hosts retain a respect for facts and maintain a measure of integrity (nor is every host at Fox News a propaganda mouthpiece--some have shown courage). I have enjoyed and valued my relationship with Fox Business, and I will miss a number of hosts and staff members. You're the grown-ups.
Also, I deeply respect the hard-news reporters at Fox, who continue to do their best as talented professionals in a poisoned environment. These are some of the best men and women in the business..
So, to all of you: Thanks, and, as our president's favorite world leader would say, "Das vidanya."

Peters was pretty upfront about the network's primetime hosts shilling for Trump.
Shepard Smith is fed up with the opinion hosts ruining Fox News.
You got that cuck named Tucker Carlson blowing on White extremists. Carlson and his nightly show speaks to White extremists.

You got that kookspiracist who is the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media. Sean Hannity is the official softball of the Donald J. Trump legacy. He is doing lip service for Trump.

You also have that cuntservative Laura Ingraham closing out the night with her rhetoric. Her bullshit spreads like manure.

Trump pushes his talking points on Fox & Friends.

Todd Starnes is a white extremist and he is promoted on radio.

Fox News is still the most watched cable news channel. How long will that last?

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

What Happened To Stephon Clark?

Unarmed man killed by Sacramento Police. They claimed he had a weapon on him. Turns out it was a cellphone. There were twenty shots fired from the police. 


Don't forget that Black Lives Matter still exist. They are still active and they are calling for justice. Just like the #MeToo and #NeverAgain movements, Black Lives Matter continues to push for Washington to do something other than offer "thoughts and prayers."

The city of Sacremento has a population of 512,000 residents. The police force has 73,000 active members.

And in the city of Sacremento, there is a racial divide between the police and its residents of color.

The name of Stephon Clark is trending. The young man was nicknamed Zoe and he was loved by his family and friends. He was a victim of a police shooting.

The Sacremento Police shot him 20 times in his own backyard. He was unarmed. The 22 year old man was unarmed and he was holding his cell phone.

This happened a week ago and it's finally getting national coverage.

The cops were responding to a call of a person breaking into vehicles. I don't know how they assumed a man in his own yard was the guy but rest assured, the right will say he was a criminal regardless.

The spotted Clark in the area. The cops ordered him to drop the object.

They thought it was a gun and then they later changed it to a crowbar.

Regardless, the cops feared for their lives. They shot Stephon 20 times without flinching.

Now the family wants answers.

Before we go into the video, I want to stress to you that the video is disturbing.

I want to also leave a clear message to those reading.

Again, the so called Blue Lives Matter Racists are trying to justify a deadly shooting by claiming that the person the police shot was jumping over fences. So people jump over fences, should that be a death sentence. So he was holding an object. I would understand if the threat fire on cops and they returned fire. But this one fled, obviously no weapon on him if he is fleeing.

With political tensions at its worst, police officers are being stretched to a breaking point. Police officers are now trying to be cautious about using deadly force.

Oftentimes, Black people are told to obey an officer's order. Still gets us killed.

We are told to be fathers of children, members of society and mentors to Black America. Often, the police kill those fathers. They destroy that member of society who had a job, a career, and a future. When conservative complain about the lack of Black fathers, I shake my head in disgust.

The lack of Black fathers isn't any of a white conservative's business. They have no idea what being a Black father is. They are condescending. They are racists. What more can I say?
Two babies with a father. 
About 20% of these fathers are either killed by police officers. Just about 25% of Black fathers are either enlisted in the White man's military. About 30% are either separated from their wives or girlfriends. The 10% are deadbeats. The rest which is 15% are locked in the iron college.

How can you mentor Black America, when our fathers tell us to be wary of the police.

Always trust your gut instinct and never allow yourself to be a victim.

We legally obtain firearms. But according to Donald J. Trump, Republicans, conservatives, and the NRA, we're a threat. They want to take away the 2nd Amendment from Blacks, Brown and Mulims. They want to ban foreigners because they fear a Browner nation. They want to keep us on watch but refuse to watch their own.
20 shots to stop a man fleeing. This was excessive force.
Police shootings of an unarmed people of color has become a fodder for Black Lives Matter and civil rights leaders.

I highly doubt the Congress will get the ball rolling on police brutality.

And I assure that cops will get good attorneys, the police union and the backing of sympathetic junk food media agitators willing to see the cop's side. After all, the person they shot and killed has no value in the courtroom. He's dead.

Blame Game: Mark Anthony Conditt!

They give this terrorist a better profile then his victims.
So an unemployed White guy used weapons of mass destruction!

I figured the junk food media will acknowledge him as "mentally ill" instead of a fucking terrorist.

The terrorist was spotted in disguise at a FedEx store. He was the person of interest in the terrorist attack. He was spotted in Round Rock, Texas, a suburb of Austin. The city was on alert for months.

He was killed by own works. He was a suicide bomber.

Guess what?

He is a supporter of conservatism and has written essays and published works. He was a privileged white guy. He was a homeschooled terrorist. He was warped around conservative extremism.

Should we blame Donald J. Trump, Republicans, talk radio, Fox News, Alex Jones, The Drudge Report, Breitbart and The Gateway Pundit for the actions of this terrorist?

This terrorist managed to send six packages throughout Texas for two weeks.
Draylen Mason was a gifted musician who had opportunities. He died from this terrorist attack. His mother was severely injured.
The junk food media started picking up on it after the victims of this terrorist targeted were people of color.

This terrorist has committed acts of terror and our inept leader Donald J. Trump doesn't call it terrorism. He just say that the guy is really bad.

The terrorist comes from Pflugerville, Texas and has a blog similar to ours.

He described himself as a conservative who is struggling to understand the left's radical ways.
Anthony Mason House died after he touched a packaged improvised explosive device.
Heavy detailed the outline of this terrorist who murdered two innocent people for no fucking reason?

What bugs me the most about this?

The junk food media is giving a positive spin to a fucking terrorist who killed an African American teen who was an accomplished cello player.

That cello player got less recognition than this slime.

It's an unfortunate side effect to Donald J. Trump and his so called Keep America Great Agenda.

The Austin Terrorist Went Out Like A Punk!

The break the feds needed to catch the terrorist.

After seven bombings, the Austin Police has fingered a terrorist. The terrorist was allegedly a 24 year old white male.

The law confronted this terrorist. The terrorist managed to become a suicide bomber. He detonated his last cache of bombing material and blew his vehicle up. He managed to severely injure a cop.

There was a shootout.
Lives lost
The break came when a FedEx processing center was the target of a bombing.

The terrorist managed to enter a FedEx store to drop off a package. When the package was being sent through the processing center, it went off injuring two.

The terrorist recently dropped a package at the Goodwill in Austin.

This terrorist was targeting Black people.

The Feds were notified by video footage of this terrorist.

Donald J. Trump, Gov. Greg Abbott, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) offer their phony sympathy and condolences. They offer thoughts and prayers. They won't call this an act of terrorism. If this was a person of color, immigrant, Muslim or a far left radical, then they would call for laws to target these groups.

But since this is a white male who likely had "mental issues," it won't be no action on gun control or access to bombing material.

Cynthia Nixon Wants To Plant A Flag In New York!

Actress Cynthia Nixon is running for governor of New York.
If Donald J. Trump, Sean Duffy, Al Franken, Heath Shuler, Arnold Schwarzenegger could become lawmakers, why not Cynthia Nixon?

Hell, Stacey Dash is running for Congress. So why not?

Washed up actress is running to oust the Democratic governor of the fourth most populated state.

People are starting to rally behind her. It might be a test of the #WomensMarch and #TimesUp movement.

Nixon, who is best known for playing in the HBO comedy Sex in the City is running for governor of New York. She wants to oust Andrew Cuomo and his cronies.

One of them called her an unqualified lesbian. Nixon used it as a rally cry for progressives to get people to support her.

Christine Quinn, who is a lesbian was angry that Nixon failed to endorse her candidacy for mayor of New York. Nixon went on to support Bill de Blasio.

de Blasio became the first Democratic mayor to win reelection in over 20 years.

She is openly bisexual and is married to Christine Marinoni.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Dirty Cop Served In Justine Damond Shooting!

Ex-Minneapolis cop Mohamed Noor is charged for the murder of an innocent woman.

The Australian woman who was killed by a Minneapolis cop was a few years ago. Now the Hennepin County prosecutor recommends criminal charges to Mohamed Noor, the ex-cop who shot and killed her.

Answering a disturbance call, Minneapolis Police respond. Justine comes out in her bathrobe to confront the noise in alley.

Noor allegedly spooked by the noise shot her in the chest. He shot across his partner when she approached the police car.

Noor was booked into the county lockup on a $500,000 get out free card.
Will there be justice for Justine?
Noor was charged with murder, criminal misconduct, reckless endangerment and criminal manslaughter. The charges could put him in the iron college for life. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

His former partner Matt Harrity said that he feared for his life.

Minneapolis is already a hot bed of tension. The shootings of Justine Damond, Jamarr Clark and Philando Castile have brought tension between Black Lives Matter and the police.

The Minneapolis and St. Paul area have 4.6 million residents.

Bloody March: Mass Shooting In Maryland!

Maryland is the site of a mass shooting.
Another school shooting in the United States. About a month after the mass shooting at the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Valentine's Day.

This is the week when the Parkland survivors will march to Washington. We are getting tired of this. Gun violence is the number one threat in the United States. The inept leadership in Washington, DC has once again failed the thousands of people killed by gun violence.

The survivors of mass shootings demand Donald J. Trump and Congress address gun violence and take a stand against the National Rifle Association.

Trump won't listen to their calls. So hopefully, we register voters and get a turnout to oust Republicans and Democrats who continue to take support from the NRA.

In St. Mary's County, a terrorist walked into his high school and shot two before he went out like a punk.
Police are overwhelmed with domestic violence calls and school shootings.
The terrorist was in a domestic violence squabble. He shot a girl and a boy before the school resource officer managed to stop the threat.

The terrorist was a student who was angry at the female victim after a breakup. He shot the female and the male student who allegedly was dating her.

Domestic violence is the most dangerous call a police officer has to respond to.

The Great Mills High School is 89 miles south of Baltimore and 71 miles south of Washington, DC. The students did the walkout last week. Now they do a mourn and prayer rally. When the junk food media leaves to the next tragedy, the survivors will face into our memory.
School shootings keep happening.
This the umpteenth school shooting since January 2018. This is the 17th shooting in the United States.

The school population is majority Black.

Trump, Gov. Larry Hogan, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) and Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) were notified and offered their phony sympathy. Their thoughts and prayers won't stop mass shootings. It won't bring back the dead.

It won't heal the wounds.

Before I head off, I want to acknowledge that my uncle had passed away at the age of 53. He died on Sunday and I was caught off guard by this.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Donny Had A Side Piece!

Donald Trump, Jr. cheated on his wife for years.
Just like daddy!

There is more to the story. Donald Trump, Jr. and wife Vanessa are divorcing after 12 years of marriage. It was revealed that Trump had cheated on his wife with a pop singer who participated in the Celebrity Apprentice.

Aubrey O'Day was romantically involved with Trump when Vanessa was pregnant with her fourth child.

The two had a fling behind the scenes.

Donny was going to leave Vanessa for Aubrey. Old man perv, Donald J. Trump, Sr. told him to knock it off.
Aubrey O'Day was the other woman.
O'Day was a vocal supporter of Hillary Clinton hinted that she regretted ever being on the Celebrity Apprentice. It was alleged that Trump was swooned by O'Day and he decided to flirt with her.

Multiple sources confirm the two had a fling while Vanessa was raising the children.

Just like his dad, Donald Trump, Jr. will deny the allegations.

O'Day is a former member of Danity Kane and currently a vocalist for Dumblonde.

O'Day is openly bisexual and has been very vocal about Trump's leadership being a disaster.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Trump Wants To Be Like Rodrigo Duterte!

In Donald J. Trump's plan to combat the opioid epidemic, he wants to punish the dealers with death.

He wants to copy the dictator Rodrigo Duterte's zero tolerance policy to handling drug abuse in the Philippines.

The Politico reports that Trump will head to New Hampshire to initiate his opioid epidemic strategy. After a year of delay, the inept leader will roll out this strategy to stop drug abuse.

Some of the initiatives call for the death card to placed on the heads of drug dealers. Some say that this could be a human rights violation in the making.

Republicans and conservatives seem to be on board with the possibility of sentencing dope boys to the gas chamber.

Trust me, I think in the minds of Republicans, most dope boys are Black men with numerous children and no actual job. You know the ones described on Sean "Softball" Hannity's right wing carnival. Or the ones you hear or view on Alex Jones' bullshit peddling.

Hence, the possibility of a young Black male selling about 10 ounces of hard and a few caps could get 15 years in the iron college. Even selling a handful of weed baggies could put you in the iron college.

Hard is street slang for crack.

Caps are capsules with heroin or fentanyl.

Trump is a human rights nightmare.

We cannot simply arrest or put to death people to stop an ongoing crisis. This will advocate more gun violence and possible police officers being killed.

The Color Of Crime!

Former NBA shooter Glen Davis is known as Big Baby on the streets. He sold weed out the trap.
The difference between a former basketball star and the daughter of a DEA agent.

Glen "Big Baby" Davis was caught up by the Baltimore County boys after he was trapping out the hotel room.

Davis was selling large quantities of the green and was holding $ 92K on him.

Davis was a former NBA player for three teams before he was cut. He is accused of trapping out of Hampton Inn.

Now he could face time in the iron college if he is convicted of these charges.

He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Davis is the big scary Black man. While the young trapper Sarah Furay is the pretty face model.

Remember Furay was trapping out of her College Station dorm. She is the daughter of a former DEA agent. She is a pretty white woman. She won't go to the iron college.

See the purpose of my post when you hear the right attack Black men struggling in a Trump economy.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Maine GOP Lawmaker Drops After Dissing Parkland Survivor!

Ain't got time for BS.

Parkland shooting survivor Emma Gonzalez became a target of conservative outrage.

The right have taken their stance on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school survivors.

They spent a portion of time trying to discredit the students.

They are demanding Republicans and Democrats end their support of the NRA.

They are demanding the Congress put an end to assault weapons being sold to civilians. They are marching for their lives.

Gonzalez was called a skinheaded lesbian by a Republican state lawmaker from Maine. Leslie Gibson was facing an onslaught of condemnation. He closed his Twitter and social media. He decided to not run for reelection leaving a crucial void to Republicans hoping to hold control of state leadership.
Asshole quits state house after bitching about Parkland survivor.

His comments energized a Maine woman who is running to replace him.

Eyrn Gilchrist is fired up. She wants to show solidarity to Parkland by encouraging donations to her and those affected in Florida.

The pressure is on Republicans. Let's get them out of Washington, DC.

They can't govern and it's time to put leadership in lawmakers who ain't scared of the NRA.


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