Tuesday, December 05, 2017

Lowell Hawthrone Passed Away!

Lowell Hawthrone, founder of Golden Krust restaurants passed away.
The founder of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill committed suicide.

Lowell Hawthrone was the founder and CEO of the Caribbeean fast food chain. He was found dead inside his Bronx factory on Saturday due to a self inflicted gunshot to the head. He was 57.

His company was launched in 1989.

Golden Krust sold beef parties, jerk chicken, and cocoa bread. He turned a few restaurants into a profitable empire.
The company's history traces back over 50 year old bakery owned by Lowell's father Ephriam.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness of Jamaica express condolences to the family.

Golden Krust has franchises in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennslyvania, Georgia, Florida, Maryland, North Carolina and Massachusetts.

SCOTUS Rubs Trump's Ban!

The Supreme Court is just as bad as Trump.

The world should impose a ban on stupidity. Anyone who believes that "Greatest Bestest Country in the World" is the United States should be banned from traveling.

Yeah, we just got word that the Supreme Court on Monday allowed Donald J. Trump to impose this "Muslim/I hate countries that hate me" ban.

This third version hits at six Muslim majority countries.

People from Chad, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Somalia and North Korea will be blocked for up to 90 days. The ruling allows the Trump team to impose more bans.

The 7-2 majority said that those who come to the United States from the banned list must have a bona fide relationship with family members living here.

Bans are stupid.

Americans who support Trump could be banned entry if the inept leader continues to piss off world leaders.

Monday, December 04, 2017

Brock Turner Should Run For Senate As A Republican!

Brock Turner should run for office as a Republican. 

Since Donald J. Trump endorses pedophiles, racists, and kooks, why don't endorse convicted felons as well!

Get out of the way Josh Mandel, Brock Turner could be a better candidate for the Republicans.

Turner who got off easy for raping a woman is now trying to appeal his lifetime enrollment in Offender U.

The former Stanford University swimmer lives in Dayton, Ohio and has to register ever 90 days. Well he has plenty of time to register as a Republican and get on the ballot to challenge Handel.

Turner who is the poster boy of white privilege has outraged many.

He got less than three months in the iron college with time spared.

The attempt is victim blaming. The felon sees Roy Moore and Trump get away with it. He might as well too. He can appeal to Trump.

Trump could say he was a "good boy who made a mistake."

Trump Tagged Roy Moore!

Trump puts one in Moore.
No Vaseline.

Trump officially throws his support to Roy Moore.

Now Republicans officially support Moore. The embattled Senate candidate has nine women who accused him of sexual abuse when they were underage girls.

Now, the junk food media can actually say that Trump, an accused pedophile himself supports a pedophile.

This is huge.

Trump will do a campaign rally in Pensacola, a city that is 30 miles from Mobile, Alabama.

The Republican Party once again shows that they have no care for women, rape survivals, people of color, the LGBT community, Muslims, immigrants, the poor, the middle class and the environment.

Reid Between The Lines!

Joy Reid faces controversy over her decade old blog in which she slammed a lawmaker for being in the closet.

The boycott against Sean "Softball" Hannity continues. The pressure to have his advertisers drop him hasn't stop.

The softball denounced Roy Moore accusers and it triggered a backlash.

Many believe that for years, the softball has gotten away with peddling bullshit on radio and television. He has been an unapologetic defender of Trump.

His antics have taken a toll with mainstream conservatives and his opponents.

The softball is an informed adviser to the inept leader.

He's been trying to save his ass by dialing back some of his rhetoric. But he is asking his "Hannitized" supporters to find dirt on progressives.

The right is trying their best at taking down progressive agitator Joy Reid.

AM Joy is a hit. The agitator got a second chance after her weekday program was shelved in 2013. She was rehired to do weekend programming after the messy ouster of Melissa Harris-Perry.

Reid's show could be over if pressure starts to build up against her advertisers.
Rep. Charlie Crist (D-FL) was then a Republican governor who supported gay marriage bans. He denounced his past positions. He was targeted by then talk radio agitator/blogger Joy Ann Reid, who would become one of MSNBC's most prominent agitators.
Someone unearthed Reid's old blog in which she trashed on Charlie Crist, then Republican governor of Florida over allegations of him being a closeted gay man.

The right is trying to paint her as anti-gay and homophobic.

Reid is anti-Republican/conservative. She and many on the left have followed the kookspiracy about Republicans who pass stupid anti-LGBT laws while secretly living a gay lifestyle.

Some Republicans were outed.

Crist is currently a Democratic congressman.

Reid had a blog that specifically mocked Crist as being gay and she refered him as Miss Charlie.

This is picking up steam now that she admitted to posting the comments.

She publicly apologized her show. She went to social media and MSNBC's LGBT OUT to write a full apology.

She said that she wasn't intentionally attacking the LGBT community.

"Nonetheless, as someone who is not a member of the LGBT community, I regret the way I addressed the complex issue of the closet and speculation on a person’s sexual orientation with a mocking tone and sarcasm. It was insensitive, tone deaf and dumb. There is no excusing it — not based on the taste-skewing mores of talk radio or the then-blogosphere, and not based on my intentions."

"In addition to friends and coworkers and viewers, I deeply apologize to Congressman Crist, who was the target of my thoughtlessness. My critique of anti-LGBT positions he once held but has since abandoned was legitimate in my view. My means of critiquing were not."

She was criticizing Crist for supporting a gay marriage ban in Florida. Crist has a whisper campaign against him and it still haunts him.

He was a lifelong bachelor until 2009. He is currently married to his wife, Carole. He was one of the few Republicans who supported Barack Obama's agenda. He tried to run for the Senate in 2010 against former state house speaker Marco Rubio. He lost in the Republican primary. He decided to run as an independent and lost to Rubio.

Rubio would end up running for president. He lost that bid but secured a second term as senator despite his hypocritical boast he would resign if he failed to win the presidential nomination.

Rubio would denounce the Republicans and officially leave the party in 2014.

Crist tried to run for governor as a Democrat and lost badly.

Crist would run a quiet campaign in 2016 and ousted David Jolly, a Republican congressman turned MSNBC commentator and future host.

Crist accepted the apology and Reid wants to have him on her show to publicly apologize.

Now as a MSNBC agitator in the age of Donald J. Trump it earned Reid praise and harsh criticism. The progressive leaning network has devoted more time criticizing him. It's been beneficial for the network whereas Fox News is constantly defending him.

Reid is very critical of the softball and many on the right.

She supports the boycott of Softball Hannity.

The minions of Breitbart are trying to drag Roy Moore, an accused pedophile into the Senate. The conservatives are trying murk up the waters with allegations against progressives and Democrats who targeted Moore and Trump.

That's why Reid came under fire.

Reid has filled in for Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell and Brian Williams during the primetime. People are vying for her to get a primetime spot.

Let me add this. Reid had Crist on back in June 2016 to discuss the phony Republican sympathy towards the victims of the Pulse Nightclub, a prominent Latin and gay establishment. That was one of the deadliest mass shooting in recent history. It would be overshadowed the by Las Vegas massacre in October 2017.

Breitbart Takes Pedo Over Rational!

The wrong man for the right job. The right is trying last ditch efforts to win.

Wouldn't it be interesting if history repeats itself.

In the wake of the Affordable Care Act, Edward Kennedy died in 2009. The Republicans would end up winning the senate seat held by Kennedy. It gave one crucial vote to the Republicans and the power to filibuster.

Scott Brown would end up winning that seat taking the Democratic supermajority to 59 senators. The Democrat took a drumming in 2010 by losing the House and barely holding on to the Senate.

They gained three seats in 2012.

In 2014, the Republicans would end up winning full control of the House and the Senate.

The lost of eight Senators and a handful of House members sent the Democrats to the minority.

The Democrats would end up losing the majority in the Senate.

In 2016, the Republicans managed to hold on to their majority and winning the White House as well. Now with Donald J. Trump in office, who knows what could happen in 2018. This race in Alabama could shake up Republicans and give the Democrats hope to take back Congress.
White extremist website plays its Soros card to race-bait.
The white extremist website Breitbart is trying to dredge up George Soros in the latest attempt to scare White Alabamans into voting for embattled Republican senate candidate Roy Moore.

George Soros is a Hungarian American philanthropist, investor, trader and activist. The conservatives hate him just as much as the progressives hate David and Charles Koch. Soros is often mentioned whenever conservatives panic. To this day, conservatives believe Media Matters for America is bought and paid for by George Soros. Now in a last-ditch effort to help Roy Moore win, the right-wing demagogues are tarnish the Democratic opponent as a liberal Alabamian.

Moore who is facing nine accusers is leading by a few points as the junk food media is waning away from him. The state is deeply Republican and I still call it in favor of Moore.

Moore allegedly had tryst with underage girls. He was accused of sexual abuse and the women came forward.
Could Doug Jones win?
His opponent Doug Jones is outspending the Republican 2:1. It's still not changing the minds of the hardcore Moore voters.

Republicans have pulled funding from Moore. It hasn't stop the whisper campaign against Jones.

The Democrat is now being targeted by the right as an "Obama loving liberal who will take your guns, support abortion, the gay agenda and stall Donald J. Trump's agenda."

Republicans are trying to make fake robocalls and write bullshit to win attention from conservatives agitators like The Drudge Report. The last attempt by Republicans was Project Veritas.

James O'Keefe's organization tried to infiltrate The Washington Post.

Only one week left in this special election. Republicans are desperate. Trump will make an appearance in Pensacola, Florida. The city is only 30 miles away from Mobile, Alabama. It might be a backdoor campaign rally for Moore.

Sunday, December 03, 2017

Billy Bush: Trump Did Grab Women By The P***y!

Billy Bush recounts his time with Trump.
Former NBC News Today hosts Billy Bush and Matt Lauer were both caught up in sex scandals. The #1 morning news program was rocked by cannon firing of Lauer. He had allegations going all the way back to 2002.

After the cannon firing of Charlie Rose from CBS This Morning, the agitators were rocked. Lauer's cannon firing really put everyone on notice. He was the kingmaker.

He pulled in ratings. Lauer's impact is felt.

Now as he is looking to return back to the limelight, Bush heads to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert to talk about the infamous role in the presidential election.

Bush who was fired out the cannon in November 2016 was caught on tape with Donald J. Trump.

Trump would forever seal his name with sexual assault by bragging on an open mic, he would grab a woman by the pussy.

Bush was laughing and egging Trump on.

Trump has been quite vocal about the open mic. He said that it was "locker talk" and he never completely apologized for his comments.

This week has been full of speculation and denials.

Trump is now telling his supporters that the tape isn't real. He said that it's a plot to undermine his victory.

Bush said, not so fast. This tape cost him his job and he is willing to tell his story.

"He said it. 'Grab 'em by the pussy.' Of course he said it."
"Along with Donald Trump and me, there were seven other guys present on the bus at the time, and every single one of us assumed we were listening to a crass standup act. He was performing. Surely, we thought, none of this was real. We now know better." 
See Trump can lie all he want. He knows once they place his ass under oath, we might see him face actual questions.


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