Friday, July 28, 2017

Anthony Scaramucci Already Feuding With Trump Team!

Anthony Scaramucci looks like the Shamwow guy.
Donald J. Trump is considering cleaning house. He believes his team isn't defending him enough.

The rumors going around Washington is cannon fire. White House Communication Director Anthony Scaramucci is hoping Trump gets rid of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Reince Pribeus, and Steve Bannon.

It was confirmed that the Chief of Staff Reince Priebus was fired out the cannon. Only one week after Sean Spicer was fired out the cannon as Press Secretary.

He believes they are backstabbers.

The former Fox News contributor and day trader is now in charge of pushing talking points to the junk food media. He is responsible for handling the latest issues Trump promotes.

He appointed Sarah Huckabee Sanders to the Press Secretary after Sea.n Spicer was fired out the cannon.

He also got a fierce defense of his buddy.
Trouble maker. Anthony Scaramucci is responsible for getting Reince Priebus and Sean Spicer fired out the cannon.
When the New Yorker said that Trump had a dinner with Scaramucci, Bill Shine, Kimberly Guilfoyle and Sean "Softball" Hannity, the White House got livid.

The Communication Director unloaded on leakers, Priebus and Bannon.

Ryan Lizza's article details the conversation.

He basically called Priebus as a "fucking paranoid schizophrenic."

He also labeled Bannon a man who flexes on himself. He said that Steve Bannon sucks his own cock.

Also he said that the swamp will not defeat Trump.

It's also reported that Scaramucci is divorcing from his wife, Deidre. She said that the limelight is driving them apart. He won't stay focus on the family. He said that's a private matter and he's focus on MAGA.

This Scaramucci is the Shamwow guy. He's pitching a product that people aren't buying.

Reince Priebus Fired Out The Cannon!

Trump says "You're fired" to Reince Priebus. He fired his Chief of Staff out the cannon.
Donald J. Trump fired Reince Priebus out the cannon. He formally fired his Chief of Staff after the appointing of Anthony Scaramucci. This sent shockwaves across the DC area.

Trump is the most inept leader in modern history. He is so polarizing, it's going to be nearly impossible for bipartisanship between the parties.

Trump quickly appoint Department of Homeland Security chief John Kelly as his new Chief of Staff.

Kelly is retired Marine four-star general. Trump has been zeroing on loyal members. He loved the "star power" that Kelly had.

The allegations of leaking drove Scaramucci to point the blame at Priebus.

Scaramucci called Priebus a fucking paranoid schizophrenic. It was said that Trump was tired of "weakness" and said that Priebus didn't want to get into a tiff-for-tat.

Trump went to social media to announce his new pick. He also thanked Priebus for his 6 months of service to him.

The top staffers are not pleased with Trump hiring the Shamwow guy as their boss.

Priebus became a part of American history. He edged out Kenneth Duberstein by a few weeks in service as the Chief of Staff.

Priebus was the former chairman of the Republican Party, He and Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) are good friends.
The cannon firing of Reince Priebus and the promotion of John Kelly,
Priebus was quick to slam Trump when the "grab 'em by the pussy" comments came out in October.

Trump hired Priebus, Michael Flynn, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, Sean Spiecer and Steve Bannon to his roster. So far, Trump is not happy with them. They were upset that Trump hired cronies like Jared Kushner and Scaramucci.

Priebus went to CNN to say "no bad blood."

"We talked about it yesterday. I resigned and he accepted...He wanted to go in a different direction and I support him in that," said Priebus on CNN.

"I think he was right to hit the reset button, and I think it's something the White House needs. It's healthy and I support him. I'm always going to be a Trump fan. I look forward to helping him achieve his goals and his agenda for the American people."

Sayonara Reince Priebus. You're fired!!!

Damn I didn't think Trump would do him like that?


How's That Fancy Lobster, Softball Hannity?

Sean "Softball" Hannity had a fancy lobster at a Trump hotel. He denies it. 

The official softball of the Donald J. Trump corporation dismissed the accusations that he spent a lavish amount of money at one of the inept leader's properties. It was revealed that Sean "Softball" Hannity, Kimberly Guilfoyle, his ex-boss and friend Bill Shine joined the inept leader for a dinner this week.

Anthony Scaramucci got livid over who leaked out the New Yorker's Ryan Lizza.

He threatened Lizza and the leaker for the very mention of it.

The softball was on radio in Washington saying he's here in the swamp for an important gathering.

Obviously, we knew he was there in DC to see his buddy.

Scaramucci called the Lizza and those who undermine Trump, "unpatriotic."

During the inauguration, the softball was there to enjoy the festivities. The festivities were at Trump International Hotel, the softball, Mike Pence and Steve Mnuchin had a good time with the inept leader.

GQ said that a waiter had hosted the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media. The waiter said the softball ran a $42,000 check on a restaurant. He ordered a lobster. Matter of fact, a 40 year old lobster from Maine.

The softball got riled up over that accusation.

Mind you that the softball is a fierce defender of his buddy.

Remember the softball demonized then President Barack Obama. He was bemoaning about the Obamas on vacation, his birth certificate, his daughters, former First Lady Michelle Obama's remarks on racism, and insulted him by calling him the "anointed one."

He infamously complained about Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden going into a Five Guys Hamburger asking for Dijon mustard on his hamburger.

"How's that fancy hamburger, Mr. President?" - The softball said in 2009.
Softball Hannity.
Next month, the Sean Hannity Word Vomit.... I will address him and the constant word vomit he spews on radio and television. His formula isn't working anymore.

MSNBC is licking their chops. They hope to take the Number 1 spot. With Bill O'Reilly being off the air and living in washed up celebrity status, the softball is the only relic left on the primetime. His right wing carnival is typical of most opinion shows. It's nothing more than the host and most of his supporters bashing Obama, Hillary Clinton, the junk food media and those who criticize Trump.

It's getting old and people are not watching softball.

More on the White House feud in the next posting.

Give It Up!

No repeal for you! Obamacare will be the law of the land.

The Republicans in the U.S. Senate sunk their chances at repealing and replacing Obamacare.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) joined the Democrats in defeating the "skinny repeal" of the Affordable Care Act.

What went wrong?

Republicans tried to pass a bill without any committee hearings. It was the secret backroom deals and political agitation. Their seven year agitation against the historical law became a rally call for victory.

It turns out that during their "showboating," Republicans couldn't come up with an overall plan that can better the ACA. It was highly unpopular from the start. To take 25 million Americans off insurance isn't really a bright idea.

But Republicans want to fulfill a promise to the bombastic agitators on talk radio, television and the internet. Turns out three Senators said the "Hell with them."

"I regret that our efforts were simply not enough, this time" said Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). The inept Majority Leader also pressed on Democrats to do "This is clearly a disappointing moment."

"It's time to move on," said McConnell.

The Republicans face a huge setback. This setback was done by their own.

Bill O'Reilly Hopes Somebody Hires His Dirty Ass!

Bill O'Reilly is still a washed up celebrity. The mighty O'Reilly is begging for someone to hire him. He was fired out the cannon over at Fox News for sexual harassment.
The former Fox News host is begging for someone to hire his dirty ass. The old fart is now resorted to YouTube and begging his supporters to pay a subscription to listen to him rant.

The former host of The O'Reilly Factor is now a washed up celebrity.

Bill O'Reilly hopes that the Sinclair Broadcasting Group hires him.

Rumors going around that O'Reilly, Tomi Lohren and Sean "Softball" Hannity are willing to help develop a new conservative network.

Gabriel Sherman who writes for Vanity Fair is getting unnamed sources to confirm that O'Reilly is begging like a homeless guy off the interstate.

Sinclair Broadcast Group is trying to purchase Tribune Media.

SBG is controversial. The media company is trying to turn local news into conservative propaganda.

Sinclair owns a large market of television stations. Most of their television program has commentary from right wing figures like Mark Hyman, Sheryl Attkinson and Boris Epshteyn.

O'Reilly's fate was sealed with Fox News after allegations surfaced that the network paid out an estimated $13 million for sexual harassment lawsuits.

Andrea Tantaros is suing Fox News and O'Reilly for getting her blackballed from appearing on rival networks. Tantaros is in the forefront of getting O'Reilly and others fired from the network. Gretchen Carlson was the one who nearly brought Fox News down.

O'Reilly does these podcast and sometimes streams them online with a video attached to it.

O'Reilly now comes on The Glenn Beck Program on Fridays to do commentary. He also done a few appearances on Newsmax TV.

From the mighty titan to a nobody with a blog.

Bill O'Reilly's fall from grace destroyed him. It destroyed him and he's blame the "far left precients" for his sexism, racism, and utter ignorance.

I guess his next book will be titled, "Killing My Career!"

Here's one of his podcast with former Fox News contributor Bernie Goldberg.

By the way MSNBC beats Fox News in the ratings for the first time.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

June Foray Passed Away!

June Foray who voiced Rocky from the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show passed away.
The entertainment world lost a legend in television and radio. Voice actress June Foray has passed away at the age of 99.

June was best known for playing Rocky the Flying Squirrel on the Rocky & Bullwinkle Show.

Many in the animation industry confirm the news on social media today.

Foray not only voiced hundreds of characters in film, TV, radio and the internet but she was a founder of the International Animated Film Society and the Annie Awards.

A few months shy of her 100th birthday. She was born on September 18, 1917 in Springfield, Massachusetts. She was known legally as June Lucille Forer.

Her first role in the entertainment industry was a local radio broadcast at the young age of 12. By the age of 15, she's done voice work.

Besides playing Rocky (Rocket J. Squirrel), she also had to role of Natasha Fatale, the inept spy who always tried to foil Bullwinkle's plans. She also voice Witch Hazel and Granny in the Warner Bros. animated shorts.

On Disney, she voiced in Ducktales as Magica De Spell, Ma Beagle and others. She also voiced in The Adventure of the Gummi Bears and Bonkers.

She also voiced Cindy Lou in the Chuck Jones adaptation of How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

June was a part of my morning and afternoons. And of course, Saturday Mornings. Before we had all that Litton garbage, we had Saturday Morning Cartoons. June Foray kept you entertained during my childhood.

She will be greatly missed.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

They Can't Shoot Straight!

Make America Great Again doesn't apply to the LGBT men and women who serve in the military.

Damn these Republicans. The party is so fixated on what goes on in your bedroom. Mind you the inept leader Donald J. Trump is the strategic commander of our military.

I guess for all them LGBT supporters of Trump, this is a bitch slap.

Wondering what former athlete, Republican trans-activist and celebrity agitator Caitlyn Jenner gonna do when Trump signs a federal bathroom law? Will Republicans continue referring their biggest supporter to the name Bruce?

How about Peter Thiel? The billionaire supported Trump. I wonder if he's fuming over the this?

Matter of fact, don't Republicans have gays in their party. I mean don't they have gay sex in public bathrooms like Larry Craig.

If you're transgender and serving in the military, you might want to take a moment to step on the American flag. Matter of fact, burn it and spit on the flag.

Show the world, that you will never fight a war for an ungrateful nation.

The inept leader acknowledged today that transgender enrollees are banned from the military. The inept leader tweeted that the military must be focused on decisive and overwhelming victory and cannot be burdened with the tremendous medical costs and disruption that transgender in the military would entail.

Trump is reversing a Barack Obama policy on transgender in the military. Then Defense Secretary Ash Carter ended the ban.

Jim Mattis is concluding in six months a moratorium on members who are transgender.

The group Log Cabin Republican fumed. The conservative group said that "this smacks of politics, pure and simple."

Trump said he'll fight for those in the LGBT community unlike Hillary Clinton who will hire people that will harm them.

With Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, Rex Tillerson, Betsy Devos, and Ben Carson in the House, I guess "Make America Great Again" is just "words and speeches."

Where's Dan Choi?

He's been a gadfly to Barack Obama. Someone dust off that old relic and bring him back to pester Trump.

As we fight for the rights of people of color, we forget that we need a united front.

We must also fight for those who serve in the military who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, questioning or pansexual.

We must fight for those who are Muslim who wear the uniform.

We must hold Donald J. Trump and his allies accountable for their actions.


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