Tuesday, June 06, 2017

And What Now?

Another terrorist murders innocent Americans. Unfortunately, they don't talk about this because the shooter isn't a Muslim.


When the inept leader went to social media to blast the mayor of London for handling of the terrorist attack that happened over the weekend, he mentioned guns.

He tried to denounce the issue with the attackers using machetes and trucks.

"Do you notice we are not having a gun debate right now? That's because they used knives and a truck!"

Well on Monday, a terrorist attack happened in the United States. It wasn't a Muslim.

It was a White guy who had easy access to firearms. The nice guy who was spurn by his employer. The nice guy who going through tough times. A nice guy who served for his country in the military. A nice guy who had PTSD and a firearm. The most dangerous person is the nice guy with a firearm.

Mind you he's a White guy. No talk about travel bans. No talk about this guy being a thug. No talk about who takes the blame?
Terrorist murdered his boss and his co-workers after he was fired out the cannon in April.
And conservatives are still worked up over "radical Islam".

Not radical White extremism.

No one is talking about the incident in Orlando.It was workplace violence when its done by a White person. Remember San Bernadino shooter was an employee of the city. The Fort Hood shooter was a member of the military. They shot at their employers. But that's terrorism, right?

John Robert Neumann was the 45-year old terrorist who murdered five people at a local business in the city. The Army veteran was fired out the cannon in April and decided to instigate revenge on his employers.

He killed Kevin Clark, the manager of the RV awing company Fianma Inc.

The other victims include Robert Snyder, Brenda Montanez-Crespo, Jeffery Roberts and Kevin Lawson.

The terrorist is a veteran with a lengthy criminal history. Orange County Sheriff Jerry Demings said that the terrorist used his firearm to murder his former co-workers before he went out like a punk.

Demings is the husband of Rep. Val Demings (D-FL). She, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL), Gov. Rick Scott and Donald J. Trump were notified on Monday of the shooting.

We're coming up to the first year anniversary of the Pulse Niteclub shooting. This was the most deadliest mass shooting in the United States. Over 49 victims and the terrorist Omar Mateen were killed.

Nothing is being done. Gun crimes will continue to plague the United States and our inept leaders continue to allow it to happen.

Feds Nab "Reality Winner" An Alleged NSA Leaker!

Feds arrest a government contractor for leaking secrets. Some of the documents were involving Russian meddlng in the election.

The Department of Justice charges a former federal contractor with leaking classified information to an online news website. It seems like Donald J. Trump's "law and order" stance is coming to fruition.

Matter of fact, this incident will garnish sympathy for Trump.

They charge a 25 year old woman for leaking classified information to the junk food media. The woman, Reality Leigh Winner, is being held on the charges in a federal time out. She is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. She could face 35 to LIFE in federal time out.

The former federal contractor was arrested over the weekend after a National Security Agency report was leaked detailing an alleged cyberattack attempt by Russian military intelligence officials on a voting software company and local election officials.

The Intercept obtained the information on it. It published it anonymously. It "analyzes intelligence very recently acquired by the agency about a months-long Russian intelligence cyber effort against element of the U.S. election and voting infrastructure."

Winner is a former U.S. Air Force linguist who spoke four languages. She spokes Pashto, Farsi and Dari.

The very same assholes who support Julian Assange aren't coming to Winner's defense. They blast her on social media calling her a traitor.

See this whole ordeal is a part of Trump's relentless mission to stop classified information to be leaked.

Winner is a critic of Trump. She often posted on social media blasting him.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Bloated Bigot Hank Williams, Jr. Rehired By ESPN And The NFL!

"NO POLITICS" ESPN rehires racist jackass Hank Williams, Jr. and the NFL approves it.
Rewarding racism?

Bocephus is ready for some football. However, activists are ready for some boycotts against him, ESPN and the National Football League.

Hank Williams, Jr. was fired out the cannon with ESPN and the NFL when back in 2011, Williams compared then president Barack Obama to Hitler. He claimed that Obama was a Muslim who hated the cowboys, the cowgirls, the military and real Americans. Williams said Obama runs around with the gays.

ESPN had blocked him for good. Turns out the block was a mere fence his lazy drunk ass jumped over.

ESPN said that Williams will bring his rowdy friends back to Monday Night Football.

And he will debut his new version of his song "All My Rowdy Friends."

The New Orleans Saints and Minnesota Vikings will play on September 11th.

ESPN pulled the song and fired his ass out the cannon after he went on Fox News to bash Obama, then vice president Joe Biden, Ohio governor John Kasich and then House Speaker John Boehner as a bunch of stooges. He said that Obama and Biden were the "enemy."

In regards to Boehner, Williams said it was like Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting Adolf Hitler.

Activists are slamming the decision. They believe that a double standard is afoot. If you can allow this White extremist perform, why can't Colin Kaepernick perform on the field?

Kaepernick never called Obama or even Donald J. Trump, Hitler.

As usual, racist trolls will start attacking this blog and others for calling out their white messiah. They will applaud this decision because it's beneficial to allow this asshole to stick one in the eyes of liberals. To allow this white extremist perform in front of Black athletes, Black coaches and Black viewers of ESPN's Monday Night Football is disgusting and a fucking insult on this country.



If they can go after Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Milo Yiannopolous, then they should go after Williams as well!

It's time to stop rationalizing racism. It's time to stop rationalizing this behavior.

Resist the bigot! ESPN Drop Hank Williams, Jr. Now!

And Again: Mass Shooting In Orlando!

Mass shooting in Orlando.
Expect more.

A mass shooting in Orlando has left multiple people dead. This happened close to the first year anniversary of the country's worst mass shooting. The Pulse nightclub shooting is the most deadliest mass shooting in American history.

The shooting hasn't a confirm number of fatalities. However it doesn't have the attention of Donald J. Trump, Gov. Rick Scott, Mayor Buddy Dyer, Sens. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Bill Nelson (D-FL).

This incident is fresh. It happened before 9am and the junk food media just got word.

The Orange County Sheriff, Orlando Police and the FBI are determining if this incident could be a workplace shooting or an act of terrorism.

Police said that the area is stabilized. This occurred at a local business at an industrial park.

No details on the terrorist or the names of the victims.


Meg-In / Put-In!!

Megyn Kelly is Russian eye candy for Vladimir Putin.

In the summer debut of Megyn Kelly's NBC primetime program, the conservative agitator goes to Russia for her interview with the president of the Russian Federation. Vladimir Putin, the defiant leader of Russia is questioned about his country hacking into the U.S. election.

Putin flatly denied any role in the hacking of the election. He says that Democrats are hysterical and says that he's willing to place the blame on the CIA for all the hacking.

"Put your finger anywhere on a map of the world, and everywhere you will hear complaints that American officials are interfering in internal electoral processes," said Putin. "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction."

He invoke the kookspiracy of the CIA being involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

The U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies confirm that Russian interference was involved.

Putin claims that the Democrats were making a false flag operation to blame Russia for Hillary Clinton's loss in the election.

When asked about former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn having a federal watch imposed upon him. Putin said that Americans like Flynn were welcomed and he didn't hardly speak to him.

Flynn's ties to Russia have gotten the attention of the feds. Flynn didn't even want to appear upon the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee. He used his Fifth Amendment.

Putin said to Kelly, "I made my speech. Then we talked about some other stuff. And I got up and left. And then afterwards I was told, 'You know there was an American gentleman, he was involved in some things. He used to be in the security services, That's it. I didn't even really talk to him. That's the extent of my acquaintance with Mr. Flynn."

A real gutsy move came from Emmanuel Macron. He basically shunned Sputnik and RT networks from his presser with Putin. He said that Russian media are an "agent of influence ... and of lying propaganda that has spread fake news" against him and his campaign.

Here's a portion of the interview.

Double Dribble!

Hillary Clinton should just ignore the junk food media and start trolling the hell out of Donald Trump.

Former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton urges her supporters to keep resisting Donald J. Trump and Republicans.

It comes as no surprise, Clinton faced a whole lot of sexism in the 2016 election.

Trump, Sen. Bernie sanders (I-VT), James Comey and Russian meddling all played a major role in defeating Clinton. Some Democrats want her to fade away.

Again, why can't she have an opinion about this fucked up country?

Now as a private citizen, Clinton is trashing Trump and the conservatives were outraged over it. Clinton acknowledged her failure to reach out to the rural White voters. However, she stated that a whole lot of chaos was broght to the table when it came to those goddamn emails. She blames the DNC for allowing the junkfood media

She called it a nothing burger. Clinton knew that when Comey released the memo 11 days before the election, she knew that it was a deliberate attempt to undermine her.

Clinton was flawed. With all the backings, she still couldn't pull off a successful victory. I mean the world is going feel the shit storm Trump's creating.

Sunday, June 04, 2017

Constantly: Terrorism Hits London!

Terrorism hits London and Donald Trump embarrass America by his tepid comments. He acts like an fucking idiot.

Expect more.

Leaders are coming together to aid in support for a terrorist attack in the heart of a historical world city. Only one leader decided to use this tragedy to showboat.


The Brits had another terrorist attack in the heart of kingdom. The global center of the world besides New York is London. And in London there were a series of attacks that led to the deaths of nearly 10 and mulitple causalities.

A series of attacks started from a vehicle attack to numerous stabbing events.

Also our inept leader insults the Brits by mocking London's first Muslim mayor Sadiq Khan.

Khan is assured that the people involved will be caught. He assured that the heavy police presence is no reason for an alarm. Our inept leader Donald J. Trump took to social media to insult the Londoners and mayor. He also wanted to reignite this religious travel ban he's been trying to get through the Court.

As Ariana Grande and numerous entertainers come together to promote peace and love, Trump and the supporters of the Islamic State will continue to bring everyone down to their level.

The attack occurred at the late night. The attackers struck pedestrians on the famed London Bridge.

They would get out the vehicle and start charging at the Borough Market stabbing people.

Theresa May urged Brits to say something if they suspect any form of terrorism.

Again, instead of pointing fingers at one another, how about we try to stop it by reporting suspicious activity. Understand that we are human beings. We are inspired by activities. Terrorism can't be blamed on Muslims.

The NICE GUY is the most dangerous threat in the world. When you're shunned, spurned, abused or discriminated by society, that nice guy could be inspired to destroy the lives of people who done the nice guy wrong.


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