Saturday, May 27, 2017

Jared Under Federal Watch!

Jared Kushner didn't disclose his conversations with Russian officials during the election and transition. Kushner is married to Ivanka Trump, the daughter of the inept leader Donald J. Trump. 

The top advisor and son-in-law to our inept leader Donald J. Trump is under federal watch. Jared Kushner is facing FBI scrutiny got his failure to disclose talks to Russian officials. He also met with a Russian banker who had sanctions imposed upon him.

Jared is married to Trump's oldest daughter Ivanka. They are official staff members to The White House. Kushner is a real estate investor and former CEO of the New York Observer. He until recently was a Democrat. Now he's a Republican and Trump's inner circle. And this inner circle is now under fire because of loose lips and a lot of speculation.

But this speculation is getting wider and the hole is getting deeper.

Democrats are fiercely calling for his security clearance to be revoked. Republicans are cautiously concerned about this. The know that the LEFT will demonize them like they've did Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

For you see, the Republicans were wasting their time covering Benghazi. They worked on speculation and "witch-hunts" to ruin Clinton's chances at winning the election.

Russian meddling also became a focal point to how she lost as well.

Many reasons but mostly sexism contributed to her failed bid for president.

Kushner used his New York Observer to push fake stories about her. He got his tip line from Russia.

Jared's influence was spotted in the recent cannon firing of James Comey, the FBI director. Trump fired Comey when he admitted that he was looking into the matter with Russia. Comey made a memo detailing how Trump was trying to engage in conversation about dropping criminal charges against Michael Flynn, the disgraced National Security Advisor.

The FBI has learned that Jared has sought a private line connecting the Kremlin to the Trump transition team.

The FBI has placed him in the "person of interest" section.

The Washington Post had found out about this through current and former intelligence agents familiar with the communication intercept.

Ambassador the U.S. from Russia is Segei Kislyak. He's engaged in conversation with Kushner, Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, and Michael Flynn.

Each of these men are under federal watch.

Trump is heading home after appearing at the G7 Summit. He kind of became a laughing stock over there because of his ineptness. He also was dissed by French Republic's president Emmanuel Macron.

Talk about espionage are plaguing Trump, Mike Pence and Republicans.

Friday, May 26, 2017

Dems The Blues!

Democrats are taking Ls.
Democrats have 0.

I mean zero in wins despite how deeply unpopular Donald J. Trump and Republicans are. They lost in Kansas, South Carolina, Montana and they'll probably lose the special election runoff Georgia.

They lost in Omaha's mayoral election.

Democrats are feeling the blues. Their base of voters don't vote. They don't care or do care but won't vote. I heard the voices of people who say that voting isn't important. They say that voting won't change anything.

They are all the same.

Despite the marches, the rowdy town halls and the scandals surrounding Trump, the Democrats ain't got a plan or a strategy. Many of the voters rather have an inept Trump than a politician.

Conservatives are truly a winning coalition. They are so anti-everything. They are inspiring voters to turnout to support Republicans. Democrats have no message. The demonization  of Trump and a relentless media asking for answers has galvanized conservatives to the polls. At this rate, I expect Republicans to hold control of Congress in 2018. I expect Trump to win reelection despite the controversy.

Man, you guys on the left ruined Hillary Clinton. I mean all that "Feel the Bern" and "We're All In" nonsense isn't working either!
Greg Gianforte is Representative-elect.
I supported Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) primary. I supported Hillary Clinton's presidency. I know that Clinton didn't reach out hard enough to the forgotten. The rural and underclass White voter who vote Democrat in state elections turned out for Trump.

Democrats were extremely slow in mounting up necessary people to get momentum for a folk singer turned politician.

Rob Quist's failed attempt to take a seat in relatively Republican Montana was a disaster.

Despite an ethically challenged opponent in Greg Gianforte, the Republicans managed to take the seat by nearly 8 points. I mean that's a sign of Republicans losing momentum, but Democrats don't get victories.

Gianforte is still facing a battery charge and will appear in court soon. The Representative-elect is already a prime target for Center for Responsibility and Ethics (known as C.R.E.W).

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Theresa May Is Reconsidering Her Yummy Trump Steaks!

Trump and Theresa May will have a shouting match. The U.S. leaked classified information  about the Brits.

The Brits are very angry about American intelligence leaking information about the Manchester attack. The attacker is a 22-year old man who was inspired by the Islamic State. He went to the Manchester Arena during Ariana Grande concert. He would carry a backpack loaded with nails and bolts and detonate himself in front of children and their parents.

The incident killed 24 people including the bomber, Salman Abedi.

Abedi, a British born man who has no prior criminal history was on the radar. His brother and father are being charged with aid and comfort. They are innocent until proven guilty in a royal court of law.

Hashem and father Ramadan knew about the Abedi's attack. They chose to not tell enforcement and now they'll be faced with murder complicity.

Prime Minister Theresa May will meet with Donald J. Trump in Belgium. They will appear at the NATO summit this afternoon.

She will address Trump personally about how the American junk food media leaked the information and the graphic pictures online.

The UK is possibly ending their shared information alliance.

Also Trump is facing fire for leaking information to foreign officials.

Republicans were complaining about Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama leaking information to the press. Well it turns out that Republicans are the "loose lips" that sink ships.

Trump is embarrassing our nation. Globally, he's inept and here at home, Russia is hoping that Trump destroys the United States.

Ben Carson's Ignorance Is Truly A "State Of Mind!"

HUD Secretary Ben Carson and his best buddy, conservative agitator Armstrong Williams call people on poverty "a state of mind."

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson made himself the news again. The former neurosurgeon who became Trump's only Black cabinet member is said to the junk food media, "poverty is a state of mind."

The idiot said on Wednesday, that being poor is a part of a mindset.

Carson who overseas a department that handles housing for millions of low-income Americans made the comments on Armstrong Williams, a closeted Black conservative agitator on SiriusXM.

"I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind," Carson said on Williams show. "You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee you in a little while they'll be right back up there,"

Williams is Carson's former campaign strategist and best friend.

Carson was quickly condemned for the comments.

This is how Republicans think. They believe that being poor is a choice and not a product of the situations many Americans face when they're struggling to feed their families.

Coin Flip!

Did a Republican sink his bid for Congress? Greg Gianforte attacked a reporter. Democratic opponent Rob Quist is hoping to turn the tables around.
The Democrats are hoping to capitalize off a major mistake from a Republican candidate. To replace Ryan Zinke as the former Republican at-large Montana congressman who took a job as top Interior Secretary, two idiots are running for the open seat.

On the eve of the special election, Republican candidate Greg Gianforte was charged with battery and assault. The Republican candidate for the seat was caught in an audio assaulting a reporter for the British newspaper The Guardian.

Ben Jacobs said that Gianforte "body slammed me and broke my glasses" after he asked a question about the CBO score for the American Health Care Act (Trumpcare, Don't Care, Ryancare, etc..)

Democratic candidate Rob Quist is hoping to pull an upset. The candidate is a musician and rancher.

He is hoping that the local impact could drive people out to the polls.

Reporter Ben Jacobs is pressing charges against Republican candidate.
But then again, given that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity, The Drudge Report, Fox News and Donald J. Trump are anti-journalism, expect this to possibly "benefit" Gianforte.

The conservatives are anti-media so obviously, there are some on social media cheering this attack.

Hell it may drive them to polls and vote for the Republican tech millionaire.

So far the race is still regarded as SAFE REPUBLICAN. If this incident shakes up the race, then it will be a surprise to me and many who view the 2018 Midterm elections as "toss-up."

If Gianforte becomes the Representative-elect, he will immediately be labeled a "ethics" risk.

Anyway, the suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Block Is Hot!

This moment in history. Trump's influences on the world brings out the hate.

In the picture you see Pope Francis and our inept leader and his family. A real testament to how relations with world leaders will be certainly on the downside.

Racially-motivated incidents in the United States are on the rise. And once again, me and S.B continue to address these controversial issues. It's just not attack on Black people. It's attacks on women, Muslims, Hispanics, immigrants, gay couples, and transgender people.

This is a problem that's going to get worse under Donald J. Trump. The most polarizing leader to ever hold office continues to embarrass our country.

First things first, he rolls out his budget. This budget will hurt the middle and lower class. He is proposing tax cuts, cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the Affordable Care Act, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program,and federal assistance programs (farm aid, disaster relief, Pell Grants).

The Turkish leader brutalized protesters when he came to Washington. Recep Erdogan allowed his personal staff brutalize protesters in the United States. A real criminal act. All the while Trump showed no sign of addressing it.

Then of course these incidents.

At a Texas beach.

At a Sprint Store in Mananas, Virginia.

At a Walmart.

In a suburban Georgia school.

At a local airport

Also a teacher caught on camera kissing a boy.

You notice a pattern to this? Remember conservatives were saying that Barack Obama is the "divider-and-chief." They said that he should address every racial or religiously motivated attack in the United States.

They called the first African American president a "racist" because he said that "Trayvon could have been my son."

Trump is bringing out the worst in the country.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Three Strikes And You're Out!

Sleeping Giants, The Color of Change and Media Matters for America are now focusing on one of my most talked about agitators on this blog. It took a few weeks of shameless reporting to get progressives riled up to go after him.

Who's the next conservative agitator to fall? @slpng_giants

Ann Coulter
Jeanine Pirro
Tucker Carlson
Michelle Malkin
The Drudge Report
Gateway Pundit
Mark Levin
Joseph Paul Watson
Alex Jones
Steve Doocy
survey maker

Sean "Softball" Hannity is the most annoying conservative agitator in the junk food media. He can't go a day without vomiting bullshit on radio and television. He's gotten away with demonizing Barack and Michelle Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, Alec Baldwin, Democrats, liberals and the cable news competition. He's name called, smeared, besmirched, and attacked people who disagreed with him.

He's put on right wing kooks on his carnival. Notable nuts include: David Clarke, Michelle Malkin, Pat Buchanan, Dick Morris, Bill Cunningham, Ann Coulter, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Kevin Jackson, Jesse Lee Peterson, Laura Ingraham and Jay Sekulow. Not to mention those guests who insult Obama, Clinton, and the victims of police shootings.
Seth Rich's death became a talking point. Sean "Softball" Hannity is using this poor man's death as a flagrant attack on Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.
The softball gotten a thrill up his leg when it comes to the creepy ass pervert we got as the leader of the United States. The softball is fiercely defending Donald J. Trump and his allies.

This Russian controversy isn't dying down. The softball is trying to deflect the controversy from Russia to focus on the murder of Seth Rich.

Now he's taking an opportunity to get his "facts" from an agent provocateur.

After pleas from the family of Seth Rich to not carry on, the softball continues on.

He said that some user named KimDotCom is telling the world the truth about Rich giving DNC memos to Wikileaks. The softball is making the assertion that the Democrats are panicking about this.

The intelligence agencies believe Russia played a factor in the 2016 U.S. election.

It hasn't stop the softball from doing the work that he claims the junk food media isn't covering.

Fox News had to retract a story that was posted in regards to the softball's relentless coverage.

On May 16, a story was post on the Fox News website on the investigation into the 2016 murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting. Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.

What got the ball rolling was the Fox 5 story about Rich. It came from a former Fox News contributor named Rod Wheeler.

Wheeler was running the notion that the DC Metro Police were sitting on something huge. Wheeler made the assertion that there was a "stand down" order when it came to the Rich case.

Wheeler said that the DC Metro Police and the FBI have Seth Rich's computer.

Wheeler was pushing this stuff on the social media and then the trending topic was "Seth Rich."

Soon the softball would get involved and promoted it in primetime.

Wheeler was pulled from the junk food media. Wheeler was restrained from talking to the junk food media. The family lawyer ordered Wheeler to stop talking or else face a lawsuit.

Now the family of Rich is ordering Fox News and the softball to retract and apologize.

No apologies from the softball.

The softball is going to address the "destroy Trump media" on his right carnival.

Behind the scenes, the Fox News staff is annoyed to the point where they can't stomach listening to his nightly verbal garbage.

Some are saying to the co-workers, "ARE WE STILL AIRING THAT SHIT!?"


It's time to go!!!

Do you think Sean "Softball" Hannity's right wing carnival gonna get shut down?


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