Sunday, April 09, 2017

No Pleasure Principle!

Janet Jackson splits from Wissam Al Mana after the two announced they had their child.


Janet has split from her third husband Wissam Al Mana. The two were married in 2012 and just recently announced they were proud parents.

I was caught off guard by this announcement for the fact that she was excited to be a mother at the age of 50.

Their son Eissa is 3 months old and I guess they were clashing during the pregnancy.

The youngest Jackson member said that Al Mana was too controlling during her pregnancy.

Rumors were going around that Janet converted to Islam after she was spotted showing a bump wearing a headscarf.

During her time she dated music producer Jermaine Dupri. She was married to James DeBarge briefly and Mexican back-up dancer Rene Elizondo.

Janet was ordered to pay Elizondo after word got on the street that she was bonkers. She was extremely paranoid. The pop singer pretended the couple were boyfriend and girlfriend throughout the marriage "because she wanted me out of the limelight."

The divorce could cost Al Mana a lot of money. He makes over 5 times more than Janet. And if they had a prenuptial agreement, she will be a billionaire.

Damn love is blind and having a baby is a lifetime.

Russian Roulette!

Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus are feuding with each other and Donald J. Trump is tired of it. Someone is going to be fired out the cannon. Who will survive this reality show?

There are reports about the conflict within the White House. The Trump team is going through a crisis within its ranks. Jared Kushner, Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus can't stand one another and it's driving Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence nuts.

The infighting gotten so bad, now Trump is giving them ample warning to fly right or get fired out the cannon.

Many conservatives are finally realizing that Trump isn't going to live up to the promises he said while on the campaign trail. The recent strike on Syria has gotten people off the subject of Russian meddling in the U.S. Election. It overshadowed the controversial confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. It overshadowed Trump's failure to impose a ban on Muslims entering the country through seven nations. It also was overshadowed the Republicans failed rollout of the American Health Care Act (aka Obamacare-Lite, Trumpcare, Ryancare, Load Of Bullshit).

Each of these failures were advised to Trump through these guys. These guys are either thinking too hard or not thinking at all. And with poll numbers in the bottom, Trump is wondering whether the people under him are causing him to fail.

Shake up talk is growing with a potential replacement of Priebus, the current chief-of-staff.

Axios and The Wall Street Journal report that the Trump is seriously thinking about dismissing or demoting Priebus and Bannon. Both helped Trump succeed in one great feat. Getting his poll numbers so low, it's almost unlikely he'll float above 50% anytime soon.

Gary Cohen, a former Goldman Sachs executive who is an economic advisor is likely to get the spot if Priebus is fired out the cannon.

Trump's ego is so HUGE. He doesn't realize that the world really hates his pathetic ass.

Bannon, the former president of white extremist website Breitbart is under fire as well. His reputation as a "populist" is coming back to haunt him. Bannon was not happy about Trump's decision to strike Syria. Bannon is truly "America first" and warned that the "neocons" were meddling.. He has in private dissed Kushner as a "Democrat" who caters to the "Jewish Mafia."

Bannon was relieved of his duty from the National Security Council. That move was seen by conservatives as betrayal.

The defeat of the healthcare law, the Muslim ban and Republican lawmakers infighting has seriously tarnished Trump. He places the blame solely on Priebus and Bannon.

Bannon's role at Breitbart was instrumental in getting Trump into the White House. It also became clear that the website is promoting fake news and extremism. Now Breitbart is facing an ad boycott and also a public scandal involving Milo Yiannopoulos embracing pedophilia of teenage boys who want to love their abuser.

The downfall of Breitbart, Milo Yiannopoulos, Michael Flynn, Monica Crowley, Tomi Lahren, Bill O'Reilly, Steve Bannon and Reince Priebus was done by their own. It took a long time and a lot of looking the other way but finally something is happening about this. Since political correctness is off the table, boycotts and public shaming them does work.

Saturday, April 08, 2017

Payless Shoe Source Is On Its Way Out!

Payless Shoesource is closing up stores. It may be the end of a legendary shoe store.

Payless ShoeSource is based out of Topeka, Kansas. It was founded by Louis and Shaol Pozez, two cousins who believed in selling footwear at affordable prices. It's own by Blum Capital and Gold Gate Capital.

There are over 4,500 stores in the world. The United States, Canada and Puerto Rico are the majority of the locations.

The company is a discount footwear retailer that is a common fixture in a mall. There are stand alone stores in communities as well. The company announced it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is planning on closing 400 stores in the United States and Canada.

It's not known if they are closings in countries outside the two major ones.

Prior to the bankruptcy, heavily loaded with debt due to a private equity buy out, the company's credit rating was downgraded by Moody's.

Like retailers are suffering. Donald J. Trump, a person of business is the leader of this polarizing and god awful country. He and Mike Pence were arm chair wringing about how Barack Obama was destroying jobs with bothersome regulations, unions and high wages.

The middle class is being driven to the poorhouse because of Republicans and their lack of understanding. Many of their voters are middle class working in retail. They depend on a job that is safe. They want a job where they can grow. They will continue to stay loyal if the company offers health insurance.

Now with Republicans in charge, those very same voters will now look for unemployment benefits and other safety net opportunities. Of course, the same voters who complained about the unemployed are now ones themselves.

The very same Republican voters who were then crowing about the poor taking intrusive drug tests and limiting enrollees to having less than $200 a month in food stamps now feel the pain themselves.

Other business that are fading away include: HHGregg, RadioShack, Family Christian Bookstores, Bebe, and The Limited.

Sears/Kmart are on the verge of triggering a major collapse in the retail industry.

HHGregg Fades Away!

HHGregg is the latest business to go.

Appliance and electronics store HHGregg has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. It announced it was closing underperforming stores to bottom the storm. They were hoping a firm would buy the company to keep it from sinking. It turns out no one wants them.

Today, the retailer announce that all stores are closing in the United States.

That affects 5,000 employees.

On Friday, the company announced that it will liquidate its assets after failing to find a buyer for the business. It filed for bankruptcy protection in March.

The company based out of Indianapolis had over 300 stores in 19 states selling major appliances like washers and TVs, as well as computers and home theater systems.

The company will open it up its distribution centers and sell off all its properties as well.

"While we had discussions with more than 50 private equity firms, strategic buyers and other investors, unfortunately we were unsuccessful in our plan to secure a viable buyer of a business on a going-concern basis within the expedited timeline set by our creditors," said CEO Bob Riesbeck.

Donald J. Trump now overseas a country where the middle class is being driven to the poor house by their jobs in service being wiped away by greed, lack of labor unions and the digital giants.

To make this even more painful, Mike Pence was then governor of Indiana before he became vice fuhrer.

Krispy Kreme Merges With Panera Bread!

Panera Bread merges with the companies that own Krispy Kreme.

We are experience a retail bubble that is about to crash in the coming year.

With Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence, who knows how low they'll go before they realize that the problems gotten worse under their leadership. With Republicans determined to destroy the safety net, the healthcare law, and the continuous rollback of regulations that affect the working class, the canard of "limited government" could become a tepid reminder that "corporation are people" and they bleed too.

The retail industry is suffering. Another major move in the business includes the merger of Panera Bread with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and Coffee.

The company JAB Holdings which owns struggling Caribou Coffee and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts said in a presser that it would by Panera Bread Company for $7.2 billion as it expands into territories that are dominated by Dunkin Donuts and Tim Horton's.

The company operates out of St. Louis and is offering usually healthy food as well as soup bowls and vegetable entries.

The company was founded by Ron Shaich and the decision to sell to a German investment firm is "bittersweet" for him. He founded the company in 1981 and from then it became a juggernaut in the fast-casual restaurant business. It operates 2,000 stores in the United States and Canada.

The JAB Holdings own Keurig Green Mountain, Peet's Coffee & Tea and other entities.

Friday, April 07, 2017

The GOP Clogs The Toilet With Sh*t!

The "stolen" seat meant for Merrick Garland will be filled by Neil Gorsuch. Republicans go forth with the "nuclear option."

Nearly a year ago, Antonin Scalia passed away. Then President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the post of Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Republicans in the Senate quickly took to the junk food meica to denounce the nominee and said that any confirmation will happen with a new president.

Their stunt paid off. Now Donald J. Trump is the leader of this polarized and god awful nation.

Republicans have control of Congress, state governorships, and the White House. They look invincible. But all that changed in the first few months of Trump's leadership.

So far, Trump had imposed a ban on Muslims, immigrants and Americans traveling abroad. The Republicans are feverishly working on trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Democrats have to watch the Republicans try to undo the legacy of Obama. And even though the party is feuding within its own ranks, Republicans are confident to get things done.

Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill the vacancy of the Court. The Republicans are willing to do so at their own peril.

The Senate passed unilateral votes to get Gorsuch confirmed. The move was aided by four spineless Democrats. Now Friday, the Senate will vote on confirming Gorsuch before they take off for their umpteenth vacation.

The nuclear option is a procedure move to have a majority party get a candidate through with a simple majority vote.

The shit stinks in Congress.

The Republicans are extremely poor in leadership and governing.

The Republicans can't govern bipartisan. Trump and his allies are rolling back regulations on the environment, privacy and is working on conducting a possible war with Syria.


The fuhrer has tiny hands. The unemployment rate goes down but nets disappointing jobs numbers.

The jobs report for the month of March is out. And of course, Republicans will take credit for the jobs even though they have not passed a legislative bill in regards to jobs since Donald J. Trump took office.

The unemployment rate drops to 4.5 percent.

The month of March nets 98,000 jobs. Most anticipated 180,000 jobs.

The hiring in March dropped.

This is a poor showing after two months in high numbers. With retail closing, construction slowing down and instability in the global market, employers are tightening their belts.

Of course, we have 95.1 million people not working. This old canard was hung around Barack Obama's neck. The conservative agitators were saying the numbers were fudged and bogus.

The reasons to why conservatives ignore the real reasons for 95 million people not working.











Okay, if you're seriously believing that 95 million people aren't working (just because), then you're an idiot  If you choose to not factor the obvious reasons as mentioned above, you're obviously a listener of agitators like that old fart Rush Limbaugh, Sean "Softball" Hannity and readers of that internet creeper Matt Drudge.

Yes, people are searching for the "right" job. There are plenty of jobs out there. Some are willing and some are giving up. It's a part of real world.

With the looming closure of Sears/Kmart, Payless Shoes Source, JCPenney and others, it's going to be even difficult for long-term workers to find suitable jobs.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Devin Nunes Steps Aside! An Ignorant Bigot Takes His Place!

Republicans are slow walking the Russian hacking scandal. Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) steps down and Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) replaces him. The two are now trying bring Susan Rice into the affair.

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) caved to pressure to step aside. He announced today he will step aside temporarily from the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

Who replaces him is a guy who said a racially insensitive comment.

Rep. Mike Conaway (R-TX) is going to be even worse.

Conaway said in January, "Harry Reid (then Minority Leader of the Senate) and the Democrats brought in Mexican soap opera stars, singers and entertainers who immense influence in those communities into Las Vegas, to entertain, get out the vote and so forth."

"Those are foreign actors, foreign people, influencing the vote in Nevada. You don't hear the Democrats screaming and saying one word about that."

Listening to Sean "Softball" Hannity call upon Conaway to investigate Susan Rice seems timed.
Susan Rice is denouncing the allegations of "unmasking" of Trump transition members.
Conaway is convinced that Rice had meddled in the "unmasking" of Trump transition officials and has declared his interest in holding hearings about it.

Donald J. Trump and his campaign associates are under fire for allocating resources to Russian hackers and the Republicans are slow walking this scandal. They are trying to chase a shiny coin with the allegations of former National Security Advisor Susan Rice "unmasking" individuals like Michael Flynn.

Trump had accused his predecessor Barack Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower during the election.

The controversy has picked up major attention on the Fox News Channel. They have tried to find "smoking guns" that mostly were filled with water. None of the allegations thrown upon Obama are sticking so they're working on allegations of others working for the National Security Council plotting a sabotage of the Trump legacy.

Republicans are calling for Rice and others to appear in a hearing to explain their role in the allegations.

Revisionist Trump Blames Obama For The "Red Line!"

Tiny-handed hypocrisy. Fuhrer Donald J. Trump was demanding President Barack Obama to get Congressional authority to strike Syria. Now as the leader of this country, Trump makes a callous move that could put us in another endless war.

Obama drew the "red line" when it came to the Syrian government using chemical weapons on its people. He was close to engaging into a war. But one thing stopped him from doing it: A Republican-controlled Congress. Yes, the Republicans were demanding Obama to get approval. They said that the fight in Syria was not worth it.

The Republicans wouldn't give a Democratic president authorization to strike. House Republicans refused to hold a vote to declare military action against Syria.

Republicans refused to give then President Barack Obama the military authority to strike Syria.

Somehow, they change their tune now that an inept leader like Donald J. Trump is in charge.

Alternative facts once again. Republicans are now praising the decision to strike.

Trump delivers his statement about the strike from his Maro-a-Lago resort tonight.

Trump of course says that "something has to be done" when it comes to Syria. He blames Obama for not engaging in a surgical strike against the Bashar Al-Assad regime.

Before Trump became the leader of this polarized and yes awful country, he was bemoaning Obama about meddling in the Syrian affair. Trump said this is going to be an "endless" war. He was demanding Obama ask Congress for military action.

I remember making a post about this. I was calling out Congress for trying to deny Obama the opportunity to take out Assad. I also criticized Obama for even tempting to engage in another endless war.

Here's a quote from my previous post.
As the commander-and-chief, Obama has to outline his military strategy. He wants procedure strikes on military bases and spots that contain chemical weapons. The president can do that as he pleases since he's the military leader. But some are bitching about the Constitution and the possibility of going into a long drawn out war.
He's getting criticized by the Opposition Team (Rand Paul, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee) on how he should address this issue in Syria. They wanted him to go to Congress to issue a declaration of war. Then when he shocked the junk food media with that, the same members of the Opposition Team are bitching about how it's a weak move by a president.
Congress is truly inept and willing to put the United States in a war that should have been left alone.

Now that Trump engaged in a military strike upon Syria will rile up the U.N., China, Russia and the United Kingdom. The allies will flex cautious reactions to this.

They will all demand whether the strike upon Syria was justified.

The United States wasn't attacked by Syria. This action was stupid.

Let's make this clear: Republicans flex their muscle through their tongues. They don't see the impact of a global war. All they see is our resources being used to "protect" our interests. And when the United States engage in a war, they want to fund more military spending over domestic spending.

They will place the United States in continuous engagements.

It will inflame the Arab world. It will prove to the terrorists that the United States is truly at war with Islam.

Trump Orders A Strike On Syria!

Tiny hands ordered a HUGE strike on Syria. 

The breaking news tonight is the critically inept Donald J. Trump ordered a military strike on Syria.

It emboldens an international presence in the country. The U.S. had tried to distance itself from the civil war going on in the country. Now we're in this mess and it's likely we're going to have ground troops and threats of attacks from Syrian backed allies, the Islamic State, al-Qaeda and other groups.

It also ignites a Middle East crisis. The United Nations and other groups weren't aware of this.

Trump's careless call to strike on Syria will cause a backlash. It will cause tension between Russia, Syria, the Arab League and the United Nations.

The U.S. said it will retaliate against Syria after allegations of the government using chemical weapons on people.

Syrian president Bashar Assad will certainly respond in due time. Trump will do a presser from his Mar-a-lago estate.

Russia warned that if America interferes in the Syrian affair, there will be consequences.

Trump now vows to dispose Assad. His actions will now bring the U.S. into an endless war.

The King Of Roast Passed Away!

A legend in dissing passed away. Don Rickles passed away.

Don Rickles, the legendary crown jewel of comedy roasts has passed away in Los Angeles.

Entertainers and even Donald J. Trump expressed condolences to a man who was unafraid and unapologetic when it came to humor. Roasting celebrities was a tradition and Rickles used to let 'em have it.

He died at the age of 90 after he had kidney failure. He was survived by his wife Barbara and their children.

The "KING of ROASTS", Rickles enjoyed a career that spanned decades and it had him performing from nightclubs to motion pictures.

If you were looking for politically correct, you're not going to find it in Rickles.

Born in Queens, Rickles was the only child of an insurance salesman and housewife. He served in the Navy after getting out of high school and decided to follow his dad's footsteps. He was an insurance agent before he found a knack in comedy.

He performed in nightclubs and had began his career roasting hecklers. When they booed him, he would often single out the heckler and throw them bars. Them bars were harsh.

Since then, he had good footing with the Rat Pack's Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra. He was dubbed an honorary member after he swept them off their feet with his routines.

He would be a featured player on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. And his breakthrough into mainstream dissing was the Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts.

He had major roles in Martin Scorsese's Casino and Disney/Pixar's Toy Story. He would reprise his role as Mr. Potato Head in the fourth installment of the movie which is coming out in 2019.

Loved and cherished by the world, we lose a legend.

In honor of Don Rickles, we will have the Celebrity Roast of Dean Martin and let me tell you, it's funny!

Kmart Is A Critically Endangered Species In Dayton!

Dayton, Ohio will have only one Kmart in the area. The Sears Holding Group announced closings and the Beavercreek store is on the chopping block.

Sears Holding Group announces the closing of many of its Kmart and Sears stores. Dayton, Ohio is hit once again with a closing of a Kmart.

The Beavercreek location is closing. And it marks the end of an era. The closing leaves only the Riverside location as the sole Kmart store in the Dayton/Springfield area. This marks an end to the "blue light specials" in the Gem City.

It won't be long before Kmart in Dayton is a thing of the past. We have seen Sears Holdings fall from grace. The merger of struggling Kmart and Sears turned out to be a disaster.

Sears which is a common fixture in most malls are announcing closures as well.

Many of the Kmart locations are in rural communities.

Walmart, Target, Kroger, Costco and Meijer will continue to dominate in the Miami Valley.

The announcement comes fresh. Sears Holdings said that 42 Sears and 108 Kmarts are going to close shop.

"We have been strategically and aggressively evaluating our store space and productivity, and have accelerated the closing of unprofitable stores as previously announced," Howard Riefs, a company spokesperson said in a statement.

The end of an era for Dayton, Kmart is going, going.........gone!

We're going to miss Kmart! The old saying "Too big to fail!" is just a farce.

Will the Republicans and Donald J. Trump blame Barack Obama for the end of Sears and Kmart?

After all, they're going to say since it's in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, it's practically Chicago and Obama's fault.

Brief history: Kmart had stores located in Fairborn, Springfield, Eaton, Trotwood, Troy, Springboro, Moraine, Miamisburg, Centerville, Kettering, Beavercreek, Englewood, Xenia, and Huber Heights.

Our contributor Rvdecw  went into the store and has an opinion about it.


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