Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Michele Obama , Super Woman

Check out this video by George Cook of

Alan Maass looks at the Religious Right zealot who the Republicans are nominating for vice president.

A new face for the Republican right | SocialistWorker.orgPalin's nomination appeals to the two strongest grassroots bases of the Republican Party: anti-abortionists and gun enthusiasts

"A LADY who's a leader," gushed the Weekly Standard's William Kristol. "I would pull that lever," declared James Dobson of Focus on the Family. "[P]icking Sarah Palin may go down in political history as a masterful stroke of genius by John McCain," predicted the Christian Broadcasting Network's David Brody.

After months of grumbling about their party's nominee and even threatening to sit out the election, leaders of the Republican right were over the moon about John McCain's choice for a running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The pick was evidence of the hold that the Christian Right still has over the Republicans, in spite of McCain, who is viewed as dangerously "liberal" by conservatives, winning the presidential nomination. "The two constituencies who are most energized by Palin," wrote Jonathan Martin in the D.C.-based Politico newspaper, "just happen to be the twin grassroots pillars of the GOP: anti-abortion activists and pro-Second Amendment enthusiasts and sportsmen."

Boot Print on the Back of a Teenager

Adrienne Carey Hurley: Boot Print on the Back of a Teenager

According to an article by his mother in the Minnesota Independent, Keith Smith (17) wasn't allowed to call her while in police custody, was beaten, and was denied medical treatment for the injuries you see in this photo. Excerpt:

To our horror, despite his medical
needs, he was released from the Juvenile Detention Center, into the
darkness of night, alone, without a parent ever having been contacted,
to a city that was unfamiliar to him, by the Ramsey County Juvenile
Division. He was forced to borrow a stranger’s cell phone to call
home. After much confusion about his location, his father found him and
brought him into our hometown hospital for medical treatment. They
treated his multiple wounds, bruises and scrapes, took pictures, wound
measurements and after hearing the story, stated that they would record
the incident as a criminal assault.

Levi Johnston: Bristol Palin's Baby Daddy is a self-defined "Redneck"

Levi Johnston: Bristol Palin's Baby Daddy Revealed (PHOTOS)

People magazine is reporting that Levi Johnston, Bristol Palin's boyfriend, will be attending the GOP convention to be with the Palin family.Levi Johnston, the boyfriend of Sarah Palin's 17-year-old pregnant
daughter Bristol, is going to join the Palin family at the Republican
National Convention, according to his mother. Sherry Johnston told reporters that Levi left Alaska on Tuesday to fly to St. Paul, Minn., according to the Associated Press.

The New York Post has excerpts from Johnston's MySpace page:

On his MySpace page, Johnston boasts, "I'm a f - - -in' redneck" who likes to snowboard and ride dirt bikes.

"But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with
the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s- - - and just f - - -in'
chillin' I guess.

"Ya f - - - with me I'll kick [your] ass," he added.

He also claims to be "in a relationship," but states, "I don't want kids."


Palin meets with AIPAC - First Read -

From NBC/NJ's Matthew E. Berger
MINNEAPOLIS -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin today met with the board of directors of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, NBC/NJ has confirmed.

The meeting took place inside Palin's hotel, sources said.

A campaign official would not say who asked for the meeting, but said it was geared towards putting the American Jewish community at ease over her understanding of US-Middle East relations.

"That's obviously going to be an issue," the aide said. "It's not like being the senator from New York, obviously. But these aren't issues that are off her radar."

Palin, joined by Sen. Joe Lieberman, expressed her "heartfelt support for Israel" and spoke of the threats it faces from Iran and others, the campaign official said.

Why did the FBI raid Long Haul Infoshop?

Why did the FBI raid Long Haul Infoshop? | SocialistWorker.orgFBI agents and local police raided the Long Haul Infoshop in Berkeley (

On August 27, the FBI, Alameda Country sheriff's department and University of California (UC) police raided the Long Haul Infoshop, a community center and anarchist meeting place in south Berkeley. With guns drawn, the officers broke doors, cut locks, searched the lending library logs and seized a dozen computers and other equipment. The FBI and police claim they were looking for evidence of threatening e-mails sent to animal researchers at UC-Berkeley.

Sid Patel spoke to Paul B., a member of the Long Haul, about the significance of the raid.


Come to a demonstration to protest the
raid on the Long Haul Infoshop on September 4, at 11 a.m., in Sproul
Plaza on the campus of UC-Berkeley.

Check out the Long Haul Infoshop Web site
for updates and more information about what you can do to help, or to
send messages of solidarity. Long Haul is requesting donations to help
with legal expenses. Send checks, payable to "Long Haul," to: Long
Haul, 3124 Shattuck Ave. Berkeley, CA 94705.

Obama support climbs to 50% in poll

Obama support climbs to 50% in poll | World news |

Barack Obama has reached the 50% mark in polling of US voting intentions, giving him a clear lead in the race for the presidency.

A well-received acceptance speech at the Democratic convention in Denver last week, coupled with the fallout from John McCain's choice of Sarah Palin as running mate, helped Obama gain five percentage points in yesterday's Gallup tracking poll.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The invisible pregnancies of presidential daughters.

The invisible pregnancies of presidential daughters. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine

Is Sarah Palin the first nominee on a major-party presidential ticket whose daughter got pregnant out of wedlock? Or is she just the first whose daughter didn't get an abortion?

The reason you're reading about Bristol Palin's pregnancy is that she's taking it to term. If she had aborted it, you'd never have known. Which raises the question: How many other daughters of nominees have gotten knocked up without your knowledge?

A Tour Of Poor Dayton - Let's take a ride down Salem Avenue [Months Later]

None of us is safe from police raids

None of us is safe from police raids --

Prince George's County case offers a window into the brutal reality of paramilitary-style no-knock drug invasions

By Vera Leone

Imagine you're Cheye Calvo, the white mayor of Berwyn Heights, an affluent part of Prince George's County. Coming home one night in late July, you find on your front porch a large package that, unbeknownst to you, happens to contain a lot of marijuana. As it turns out, your spouse is the victim of a drug-smuggling scheme that targets innocent customers in the UPS system. You bring the box inside; moments later, the SWAT officers standing by break in and shoot your two beautiful Labradors. As the dogs lie there bleeding to death, you're held in the same room, handcuffed for hours. Nearly a month later, you have yet to receive an apology.

Because of who he is, the nation knows what happened to Mr. Calvo a few weeks ago. Here's what most Americans don't know: There are perhaps 40,000 such raids each year, according to a Cato Institute report, "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America."

Now try to imagine that instead of a middle-class white man in the Maryland suburbs, you're a young Latino boy in Modesto, Calif. Shortly before dawn, in early September 2000, a SWAT team forces its way into your house. Thirty seconds later, although you comply with police orders to lie face down on the floor, you are dead from a shotgun blast to the back. The officer responsible is later cleared of wrongdoing in what is concluded an accidental shooting - though it was not the first time his weapon had "accidentally" discharged during a raid. Alberto Sepulveda had just begun the seventh grade.

Newsvine - Restraining order sought against police at RNC after independent journalists repeatedly targeted.

Lawyer and advocacy groups gathered in front of the Hennepin County Government Center this afternoon to request temporary restraining orders against police before the Republican National Convention kicks off on Monday. The request is due to a concern over increased incidences of unlawful seizure of media equipment being utilized by independent media groups and journalists. The legal order is aimed at preventing police to seize equipment such as video and still cameras, audio recording devices, and cell phones that may have these features.

Monday, September 01, 2008

VP Nominee Says Teen Daughter Is Pregnant

VP Nominee Says Teen Daughter Is Pregnant : NPR

Day to Day, September 1, 2008 · John McCain's running mate Sarah Palin says that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months' pregnant. Palin says her daughter Bristol will keep the baby and marry the baby's father.

Did a Mississippi Raid Protect Rightwing Politicians?

t r u t h o u t | Did a Mississippi Raid Protect Rightwing Politicians?photo

Laurel, Mississippi - On August 25, immigration agents swooped down on Howard Industries, a Mississippi electrical equipment factory, taking 481 workers to a privately-run detention center in Jena, Louisiana. A hundred and six women were also arrested at the plant, and released wearing electronic monitoring devices on their ankles if they had children, or without them if they were pregnant. Eight workers were taken to Federal court in Hattiesburg, where they were charged with aggravated identity theft.

Afterwards Barbara Gonzalez, spokesperson for the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), stated the raid took place because of a tip by a "union member" two years before. Other media accounts focused on an incident in which plant workers allegedly cheered as their coworkers were led away by ICE agents. The articles claim the plant was torn by tension between immigrant and non-immigrant workers, and that unions in Mississippi are hostile to immigrants.


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