Thursday, September 10, 2020

What Happened To Linden Cameron?

Salt Lake City Police shoot a 13-year old boy who had mental issues.


We're going to send a message to American law enforcement.

This is getting ridiculous. I am fed up with the way policing is handled in America.

You remember that Tamir Rice was shot within a few seconds of a cop pulling out of his vehicle.

Now you hear about a young boy with autism being shot by the police after his mother called them on a mental issue. Now there's protests in Salt Lake City, Utah and a call for the cops to be fired and criminally charged with attempted murder.

Golda Barton called the police for a crisis intervention transport because her son, 13-year old Linden Cameron was having a mental breakdown. He was on the autism spectrum disorder (Asperger's syndrome).

Linden was having a breakdown that his mother was returning back to work and he started throwing things and tearing up inside the home. She called the law for a mental health procedure.

He was unarmed.

Barton said that Linden was "a kid... trying to get attention, he doesn't know how to regulate."

When the Salt Lake City Police arrived to the home. They told her to stay put when they arrived into the home. She heard the cops telling him to "Get down on the ground," and then gunshots.
A Utah mom calls the law to do a welfare check on her child and they ended up shooting him.
In a presser, Police Sgt. Kith Horrocks said that his officers were called to the home around 10pm to respond to a "violent psych issue" involving a juvenile who "had made threats to some folks with a weapon."

Horrocks said there was no indication that Linden had a weapon on him but he stressed that investigation is in the early stages and there will handed to a grand jury.

Linden, a young white boy fled from the address on foot, and that one cop fired at him during a "short foot pursuit." The cops provided medical aid until he was transported into the hospital. Linden is currently in serious condition.

He was shot. They didn't determine where he was shot at but it was noted he has injuries to his shoulder, ankles, intestines and bladder.

Barton at first thought they killed her son. The cops said that her son was killed.

She said that law enforcement's handling of the matter was completely fucked up. She said that they were dealing with a child not a grown ass man. Regardless of that, she believed that cops have pepper spray, rubber bullets and Tasers to detain suspects who suffer from mental issues.
Linden is lucky to be alive. Another bad cop shoots an unarmed child.
"He's a small child. Why don't you just tackle him?" Barton said. "You are big police officers with massive amounts of resources. Come on, give me a break."

Salt City City mayor Erin Mendenhall said in a statement that she wants to make sure she gets the full details of the incident and did say that she's thankful that the boy is alive and no one else is injured.

"No matter the circumstances, what happened on Friday night is a tragedy, and I expect this investigation to be handled swiftly and transparently for the sake of everyone involved," she said.

Body camera footage will be released soon.

Black people are getting fed up with this.

We protest.

We call for justice.

We call for peace.

We call for change in the way police handle situations.

We say we all want to go home.

We register to vote.

And nothing ever changes. It's getting to a point where now, if more Black men and women are killed by police, there's going to be someone who harbors hatred towards law enforcement plotting to assassinate police officers at their weakest points.

It touches the nation's politicians, entertainers, athletes, social media activists and families of the victims. We see these incidents over and over again. Never in my life, have I seen this much brutality from police towards people of color.
Linden's mom is angry over the incident.
Trump, himself had told cops to rough up people.

Still, we see another incident where the police shoot an unarmed boy. It hits social media and goes viral. They tell us to not rush to judgement. You're only getting one side of the story. But when the world see the unprecedented killing of a citizen supposedly being detained by police, you're not going to believe the bullshit a cop's gonna tell you.

Trust me, I don't believe the cop's version.

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Everytime a person of color is shot and killed by the police, the far-right wants to look up the criminal history of the suspect.


Again, why do police believe a fleeing suspect is a "threat on their lives?"

Cops should be able to take down a suspect without use of force. They have them Tasers! Oops, they shot people who grab Tasers.

They get in their vehicles and pull off. Oops. Cops shoot at cars when they back up and flee.

If you fear for your life, you should not be a cop!

Everyday at least 103 people die from gun violence. I can't even tell you how many stories I've missed involving gun violence in the country. Police shootings are part of the systematic problem with gun violence. No amount of training will ever stop a cop from using split judgement when it comes to a life-or-death situation. However, given how many of these incidents should have involved  deescalation, these fatal encounters should have been prevented.





We have unrest in the nation. African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans had enough of the status quo in politics, religion, entertainment and law. The need to change started on May 25, 2020 when a cop placed his knee on the neck of an American citizen. He screamed, "I can't breathe...." and cried for his "mama."

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths. I hear the same old talking points about "good guys with guns" and "god's given rights."

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

If this was your son?

I would be calling for the firing and arrest of that officer.
I would be protesting for justice for the victims of police shootings.
I would be calling for the media to give my son the same treatment they given others.
I would be calling for police reform to be passed by Congress and signed by President Donald Trump.
Please Specify:

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

Trump Tells Bob Woodward Everything We Already Knew!

Bombshell book describes the incompetence.
We have over 225,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus. We have over 7.5 million people infected with the coronavirus. We have 35 million Americans out of jobs because of the coronavirus.

We have economic uncertainty due to an instigated trade war. We have name brand companies and small businesses shuttering. We have a coin shortage in the country. We have rising costs in necessities. We have a housing crisis where people laid off or sick from the coronavirus unable to pay mortgages or rent. We have people who are paying hefty medical bills for visit to the emergency room.

We have massive climate change in the country. Not only the coronavirus, but wildfires in the Pacific states of California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada. There are wildfires in the Southeastern states like Tennessee, Kentucky and Louisiana. We have pollen counts rising in the Midwest. There is fierce snowstorms in Colorado. We had four hurricanes strike the United States and Puerto Rico. We have tornadoes hit the United States. We had massive flooding and derechos in Iowa, Illinois and Missouri.

We have civil unrest in the United States. It has became a catalyst of unrest due to the shootings of unarmed people of color. There is unrest in Portland, Oregon, Chicago, Washington, DC and Kenosha, Wisconsin. So many things happening in real time and the current president is trying his best ot pin the blame of the world's problems on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And when that fails, he's going back to blaming Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Donald J. Trump was recorded by The Washington Post veteran reporter Bob Woodward for a book detailing his chaotic presidency. The revalations that Trump knew the dangers of the coronavirus earlier than most thought. He told Woodward that he didn't want to panic Americans and he wanted to make sure his trade deal was success.

Rage is a forthcoming 2020 book by Woodward about Trump's disgraceful legacy. The book is the sequel to his 2018 book Fear: Trump in the White House. It is due to be published on 15 September 2020 by Simon & Schuster.

As with its predecessor, Fear, the title of the book is derived from a conversation that Woodward had with Trump in March 2016. Woodward contended that 'a lot of angst and rage and distress' was present in the Republican Party to which Trump replied that "I bring rage out. I do bring rage out. I always have... I don't know if that's an asset or a liability, but whatever it is, I do. I also bring great unity out, ultimately. I've had many occasions like this, where people have hated me more than any human being they've ever met. And after it's all over, they end up being my friends. And I see that happening here".

Woodward interviewed Trump several times in research for the book. Simon & Schuster stated that the book is the result of "hundreds of hours of interviews with firsthand witnesses, as well as participants' notes, emails, diaries, calendars and confidential documents".

In an interview with Woodward, Trump details the coronavirus was airborne and had a deadlier impact on people.

"This is deadly stuff," Trump told Woodward on February 7.

In a series of interviews with Woodward, Trump revealed that he had a surprising level of detail about the threat of the virus earlier than previously known. "Pretty amazing," Trump told Woodward, adding that the coronavirus was maybe five times "more deadly" than the flu.

Trump's admissions are in stark contrast to his frequent public comments at the time insisting that the virus was "going to disappear" and "all work out fine."

The book, using Trump's own words, depicts a President who has betrayed the public trust and the most fundamental responsibilities of his office. In "Rage," Trump says the job of a president is "to keep our country safe." But in early February, Trump told Woodward he knew how deadly the virus was, and in March, admitted he kept that knowledge hidden from the public.

"I wanted to always play it down," Trump told Woodward on March 19, even as he had declared a national emergency over the virus days earlier. "I still like playing it down, because I don't want to create a panic."
Bob Woodward got authorization to call The White House. According the far-right, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Trump to talk to journalist.
If instead of playing down what he knew, Trump had acted decisively in early February with a strict shutdown and a consistent message to wear masks, social distance and wash hands, experts believe that thousands of American lives could have been saved.

The book also contains harsh evaluations of the President's leadership on the virus from current officials.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the administration's top infectious disease expert, is quoted telling others Trump's leadership was "rudderless" and that his "attention span is like a minus number."

"His sole purpose is to get reelected," Fauci told an associate, according to Woodward.

Fauci responded to the quotes in a Fox News interview on Wednesday, saying he would question the account.

"If you notice, others have said that. You know, you should ask others. I don't recall that at all," Fauci said, adding that he "didn't get any sense" Trump was distorting things.

Trump responded to the Woodward book at a White House event Wednesday afternoon, defending his response to the pandemic and confirming he did not want to create a panic.

"Well, I think if you said in order to reduce panic, perhaps that's so," Trump said. "The fact is I'm a cheerleader for this country. I love our country. And I don't want people to be frightened. I don't want to create panic, as you say, and certainly I'm not going to drive this country or the world into a frenzy. We want to show confidence. We want to show strength."

Woodward reveals new details on the early warnings Trump received -- and often ignored.

In a January 28 top secret intelligence briefing, national security adviser Robert O'Brien gave Trump a "jarring" warning about the virus, telling the President it would be the "biggest national security threat" of his presidency. Trump's head "popped up," Woodward writes.

O'Brien's deputy, Matt Pottinger, concurred, telling Trump it could be as bad as the influenza pandemic of 1918, which killed an estimated 50 million people worldwide, including 675,000 Americans. Pottinger warned Trump that asymptomatic spread was occurring in China: He had been told 50% of those infected showed no symptoms.

At that time, there were fewer than a dozen reported coronavirus cases in the US.

Three days later, Trump announced restrictions on travel from China, a move suggested by his national security team -- despite Trump's later claims that he alone backed the travel limitations.

Nevertheless, Trump continued to publicly downplay the danger of the virus. February was a lost month. Woodward views this as a damning missed opportunity for Trump to reset "the leadership clock" after he was told this was a "once-in-a-lifetime health emergency."

As usual Republicans are saying that they didn't know about the comments.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Silentó Tries To "Love" His Girl To Death!

Mentally ill entertainer tried to slice up strangers.
What's more embarrassing than being arrested for criminal mischief?

Well there's a photo of a one-hit wonder rapper showing his anal cavity protruding out in a position.

Richard Lamar "Ricky" Hawk is known as Silentó. He is best known for the Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae) song which caught the attention of trendsters.

Well the rapper was charged last Thursday for trying to hit two people with a hatchet in their home.

Prosecutors alleged the entertainer walked into an unlocked home in Valley Village, a neighborhood in Los Angeles and swung a hatchet at the two people inside before one of them disarmed him.

The entertainer was charged with assault with a deadly weapon and is being held in the Los Angeles County Lockup pending trial. He just got out of the Orange County Lockup just a few weeks earlier for another criminal act.

The entertainer could face up to 10 years in the iron college if convicted for the incident.
Silento went bonkers after a breakup. Apparently he went even further nuts when social media shared his bussy.
TMZ also reports that a member of the household screamed for help and other people took Silento to the ground to disarm him. Silento's friend arrived at the home to tell the rapper that he was at the wrong house and they fled before cops arrived.

The "good guy" with a firearm is the most dangerous person to have a firearm or any instrument of violence. Matter of fact, the NICE GUYS are often the ones who are spurned by society. Bad relationships, losing your job, jealousy over promotions, family feuds and racism are typical NICE GUY issues.




The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

By the way, I am not sharing the image of this entertainer showing his ass. Already, the folks are questioning his sexuality because he's showing off his protruded anus in a selfie shot. It's too graphic to post here and I'm not going to do it.

Michael Cohen: Mr. Trump Will Destroy You If You Ain't Loyal!

Michael Cohen goes to MSNBC.
The White House says don't believe the words of a man who lied to Congress. Don't believe a man who literally hid documents from federal authorities.

Sean "Softball" Hannity says don't believe the words of the attorneys who stood up in front of a federal judge to announce that the defendant's on trial once did services for him.

Donald J. Trump and his allies believe that Michael Cohen is a rat and a turncoat.

The book Disloyal: A Memoir: The True Story of the Former Personal Attorney to President Donald J. Trump is expected to do reasonably well. It's already on the New York Times best seller's list.

Like Mary Trump, John Bolton and numerous others, it faced the wrath of Trump and legal challenges before its publication. Many of the allegations thrown at Trump have been dismissed as "disgruntled" workers and allies all out to get him.

These are the usual tactics of Trump and his allies.

Cohen said Trump acts like a mobster. A mobster who is obsessed with the flaws of others.

Well on MSNBC, Cohen had an opportunity to open the crates. He decided to tell his story about how his "loyalty" to "Mr. Trump" costed him his freedom, his law license, his reputation in the public and he thought about committing suicide. Cohen said that he was a man who did work on behalf of Trump, his sons Donald, Jr and Eric and those who paid unimmigated loyalty to them.

When Trump got the endorsement of the disgraced former president of Liberty University, Jerry Falwell, Jr., the rumors going around that he and his wife, Becki were swingers and slept with a man who threatened to show pictures of the two in kinky positions. Cohen helped get rid of those pictures and Falwell gave Trump a huge endorsement. It really helped with evangelicals who were really skeptical of Trump.
In an interview with Rachel Maddow, Michael Cohen tells her that Trump never believed he would be the president. He said that Trump lives for chaos.
Cohen had said that Trump has disdain for Blacks, Hispanics and disabled people. He said that he made remarks about Nelson Mandela in the 1980s. He said that the election of Mandela would turn South Africa into a shithole.

He said that his obsession with being better than Barack Obama was a publicity act. Cohen believed that Trump was angered by Obama after the former president called him a "carnival barker."

Trump wanted to mock Obama at the Republican National Convention in 2012.

Cohen believes that Trump was really determined to build a Trump Tower in Moscow. Cohen said that Trump admired Vladimir Putin, Russia's longtime leader and dictator. Cohen said that Trump wanted to get a Russian oligarch to loan him money.

Also, Cohen admits that Trump wanted to keep Stormy Daniels out of the limelight. He told him to settle the matter through a hush payment.

Cohen said that Trump has disdain for Blacks and Hispanics. He believes that his Black supporters are "willing" to scarifice for him. Take Herman Cain for example.

I just want to say this in general, Cohen is a shady. But I guess the shade does shine in the light.

Watch the interview here.

The Booby Got A Nomination For The Nobel Peace Prize! 🎖

A man who relishes in chaos was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
Who did Donald J. Trump bribe to get a nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize?

We're in a pandemic because of the coronavirus. We have over 225,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus. We have over 7 million Americans who are infected with this.

We have 35 million Americans out of work. We have a struggling economy thanks to bad trade deals, the coronavirus and rollbacks of regulations.

We have civil unrest in the country. The very fabric of the country itself is being torn apart by a man who spent most of his life being a celebrity. A man who is divisive and compulsive. A man who says "We'll see what happens!" every freaking time he tries to spin a crisis.

A far-right Norwegian politician by the name of Christian Tybring-Gjedde of the Progress Party put forward Trump's name, citing the one-sided Israeli-UAE deal. A deal that left out the Palestinian government out and was done by son-in-law Jared Kushner, a political novice who has no business in handling foreign affairs.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee receives hundreds of nominations each year from lawmakers, members of government and academics. Past nominees have included Russian leader Vladimir Putin, who has been fingered as a conspirer to poisoning Alexei Navalny.

Alexei Navalny was poisoned after drinking a tea. He is currently in Germany and the doctors determined he had a form of Novichok, a deadly chemical agent.
Some far-right figure in Norwegian parliament decided to nominate Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize.
The United Arab Emirates and Israel (Abraham Accords) is a truce that was brokered in 2020. It is the third country to look the other way when it comes to the Israeli government brutal apartheid towards those living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The truce is supposed to bring tensions down between UAE and Israel.

Under the Abraham Accords, Israel agreed to stop building settlements and forced fencing in the West Bank. It doesn't stop it from blocking aid to the Gaza Strip. It doesn't acknowledge the war crimes that Israel had done towards Palestine, Lebanon, Iran, Syria and Turkey.

The Arab League has condemned the move. Trump is expected to have world leaders at the White House for a signing.

Although the odds of Trump winning a Nobel Peace Prize are low. But who knows?

Anyway, the far-right went bonkers when Barack Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize. Let's make this clear, the difference between nomination and win. Trump is in the running. Obama won.

Obama was the third sitting U.S. president to accept the prize. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were the previous winners of the prize.

In the words of that old far Rush Limbaugh: The ego has landed.

Tuesday, September 08, 2020

The Golden Girls!

Tracee Ellis Ross is considering a reboot to The Golden Girls and it will feature Regina King, Sanaa Lathan and Alfre Woodard.

Tracee Ellis Ross, Regina King, Sanaa Lathan and Alfre Woodard are doing a revived version of a 1980s hit sitcom. They have been cast in lead roles for The Golden Girls.

The Golden Girls was an iconic sitcom that ran for seven seasons featured Bea Arthur, Rue McClanahan, Estelle Getty and Betty White.

The only surviving actress from the show is Betty White who is 98 years old.

Ross had shared her homage to the Golden Girls on her social media.

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Set for 6 p.m ET/PT on Tuesday, the virtual watch party kicks off the series Zoom Where It Happens, in partnership with the popular video conferencing platform. The Old Guard director Gina Prince-Bythewood will helm the episode while Lena Waithe hosts, and the event will also spotlight the civil rights organization Color of Change. Fans can tune in for free as long as they register ahead of time.

It's not clear yet if the actresses will reenact an existing episode of the sitcom, or if they'll act out new material. Either way, it sounds more fun than any other Tuesday night plans you have during the pandemic, so get ready to grab a snack and get some of The Golden Girls' trademark snark.

The Golden Girls is an American sitcom television series created by Susan Harris that originally aired on NBC from September 14, 1985, to May 9, 1992, with a total of 180 half-hour episodes, spanning seven seasons. The show stars Beatrice Arthur, Betty White, Rue McClanahan, and Estelle Getty as four older women who share friendship and a home in Miami, Florida. It was produced by Witt/Thomas/Harris Productions, in association with Touchstone Television. Paul Junger Witt, Tony Thomas and Harris served as the original executive producers.

The Golden Girls received critical acclaim throughout most of its run and won several awards including the Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Comedy Series twice. It also won three Golden Globe Awards for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy.

Each of the four stars received an Emmy Award, making it one of only three sitcoms in the award's history to achieve this. The series also ranked among the Nielsen ratings Top 10 for six of its seven seasons. In 2013, TV Guide ranked The Golden Girls number 54 on its list of the 60 Best Series of All Time.In 2014, the Writers Guild of America placed the sitcom at number 69 in their list of the "101 Best Written TV Series of All Time".

Kanye West's Presidential Bid Sputters Along!

Kanye West struggles on.
Joe Biden can win the popular vote and still lose the electoral college. That's the scary scenario when it comes to the general election. The electoral college is the number of electors needed to be president.

The nominee of a party must obtain 270 electoral votes to be the president.

It's reported that Donald J. Trump will not concede. If he does win, we will expect unrest in the country. If Joe Biden does win, Trump and Republicans will conjure up conspiracies about how the election was "stolen" by Democrats and the junk food media.

Kanye West, the controversial entertainer is taking money from his own account to fund his campaign. He is struggling to get on the ballots in key states. He admits that he's a spoiler and Republicans are doing their best to get him in.

As a registered Republican in Wyoming, many believe that his independent bid for president is nothing more than an op to help Trump win and appeal to his declining fan base.

The Federal Elections Committee has reported that West had loaned nearly $7 million of his own money to help his effort to win. He only raised only a mere $11,000 in outside donations.
That means he won't be able to get radio or television ads.

The report shows that West spent $5.9 million and owes more than $1.2 million in outstanding debt to consultants. Of that money spent he spent over $4.4 million trying to secure ballot spots across the country and it got him 11 states.

The campaign gave $1.3 million to Atlas Strategy Group, which is led by Republican operative Gregg Keller, a prominent Trump supporter and activist. He also paid $2.6 million to Millennial Strategies, a New York based firm that consulted Democrats.

West, a supporter of Trump said that he's not denying he's trying to hurt Biden.

West is trying to generate a presence with Black voters. He only appeals to 2% of Black voters.

It's could be a deciding factor in swing states.

The 🌹🌹 Are Falling!

The noise of the left. The so-called dirtbag left is trying to sow discourse against Joe Biden.
We are long past the primaries and the Democrats are not completed united in defeating Donald J. Trump. The Democrats are doing everything in their power to generate a strong voter turnout. But something just seem right.

We have a global pandemic, economic uncertainty, climate change, civil unrest and political partisanship that tore our society apart.

We can't count on young voters. We can't count on Black men. We can't count on white women.

So who do we need to win?

Disgruntled Republicans
Black Women

I don't trust the polls. We already seen how that went down in 2016. The electoral college will decide who becomes the president. Do not underestimate the possibility Trump loses the popular vote but wins the electoral college. If Trump wins Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida, it's over!

Joe Biden made the right choice in picking Kamala Harris. However, the junk food media is trying to taint the pick and throw out the "hiding in the basement" nonsense.
Podcaster Nicholas Cruse, aka TheSocialistMMA (formerly Progressive Martial Artist) is pushing anti-Biden propaganda to sow discourse in this election.

You are wondering why Trump and Republicans are desperate for the attention to be drawn on Biden?

You can thank those useful idiots on the "dirtbag left."

Something is going on in the world of 🌹 Twitter! It seems like they're being hit by progressives for being chaos agents and distractions. This isn't about Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). This is about trying to sow discourse and force Americans not to vote in the general election.

Nina Turner, Michael Moore, Jimmy Dore, Marianne Williamson, Kyle Kulinski, Krystal Ball, Katie Halper, Ryan Grim, Matt Taibbi, Cornel West, Nicholas Cruse, Ryan Knight, Jeffrey Shaun King and Briahna Joy Gray are chaos agents and distractions.

These self-appointed leftists are trying to sway progressives to sit the election out. They are willingly falling into the trap of deception and despair to settle matters that we've already settled through the primaries.

Biden had went as far as he could to adopt some of the proposals of Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). He picked Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as his running mate. He is raising money through small donors. He is making concessions to settle with the middle. He said he's going to start actively campaign despite the coronavirus pandemic.

What more can Biden do?

I mean he's pretty much allowing Trump to self-destruct but it's not enough.

These leftists are conspiring with far-right agitators to defeat Biden. They're using foreign operatives as another tactic to win this election.

They are spreading Russian Active Measures and pushing narratives that could impact the general election.

The Internet Research Agency (Glavset) is a Kremlin-backed group of hackers and trolls who often masquerade as "concerned" Americans who feel the need to express their desires to discredit Biden's presidential campaign.

They often use objectives like "Biden Cognitive Decline", "Hidin' Biden," "Tara Reade" and "Kamala is a Cop" as narratives as a way to spam. This nonsense about "corporate Democrats" is also a known theme of the leftists and state actors.

Facebook and Twitter have confirmed to the FBI that there are foreign actors on social media literally trying to help Trump win reelection.

The so-called "left" is actively trying to give Trump another four years.

The dirtbag left refers to a mode of left-wing politics that eschews civility in order to convey a socialist or left-wing populist message using subversive vulgarity. It is most closely associated with American left-wing media that emerged in the mid-2010s, most notably the podcast Chapo Trap House. Despite the term's connotations, its use is not typically considered derogatory.

They held their People's Party National Convention last week. Did you hear anything that mattered?

Monday, September 07, 2020

They Attacked My Daughter After She Defends Her Color!

Kansas City girl gets attacked by a white boy.



White boy attacks a Black girl in Kansas.

Where's Colin Flaherty, Andy Ngo and Candace Owens?

I bet they're not one bit concerned that our Black girls are being attacked by racism.

Oh, I forgot! Where's Jeffrey Shaun King and Tariq Nasheed?

They're too busy bashing Black women and trying to flex their griftting asses.

I am reminded that we're dealing with a pandemic in the United States. We have over 225,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus. We have 7.3 million people infected with the disease.

We have over 35 million Americans out of work. The pandemic has affected jobs and the economy.

We have unrest in the country. People of color are being killed by police and white vigilantes. The names are being said, the hashtags are being formed. We protest, we shout and we demand.

We watch white people infiltrate the protests and create havoc for Donald J. Trump and far-right agitators like those mentioned. We watch white terrorist be treated with respect while Black men and women are shot and killed. Threatened with tasers, dogs and physical violence.

We record these incidents online and watch in real time people get killed by law enforcement. The police unions and far-right agitators continue to tell us "not to rush to judgement" and talk about the dead body's past encounters with police. It's enough to drive you insane.

When it comes to racial attacks, why do the far-right often want "proof" it happened?

And when it happened, why do they often believe it's a hoax?

There's two systems of justice in the country. One for White people, Asian people and elites. But for Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans, you're fucked by the system.

A 11-year old Black girl was hospitalized in Shawnee, Kansas back in August after a white boy hurled racist insults at her and struck her with a metal pole.

Nevaeh Thomas was playing with friends at Park 67 Apartments when the boy, who lives in the complex, allegedly began yelling out racial slurs at the girls, who all were Black.

Nevaeh never met the boy before. She responded with the words:


It angered the boy. He would return moments later with a knife and began threatening Nevaeh and the girls. He left again and returned with a steel pole. He swung the pole at Nevaeh and striking her in the head. The blow knocked her unconscious and left her bleeding with a deep laceration on her face.

The girl's family said it took two hours and numerous pleas to get the Shawnee Police to take the boy into custody.

The boy wasn't named in the incident but he has been charged with one felony count of aggravated battery and has been place on in-house.

Nevaeh had to spend a few nights in the hospital and had eight stitches in her fae. She also lost a tooth and still recovering from a concussion.

Just days after the attack, the girl held a press conference to call for unity against racism. Speaking from the Empowerment Temple of Kansas City with her family and lawyer present.

"It's wrong and it's wrong to hurt people with words and weapons. It's okay to be different or have difference of opinions but it's not okay to hate and judge each other on their color and their skin. I think we should start talking about these things before another kid gets hurt because they have the wrong skin color."

Nevaeh's lawyer LaRonna Lessiter Saunders said that the family wants full prosecution.

"It's time to start talking about racism. Our kids should be able to play in a park without being attacked because of the color of their skin."

Nevaeh's mother Brandi Stewart, grandparents Kandra Dean and Malcolm X Martin said that the incident should be regarded like an adult hitting a child. They are pushing for the child to be criminally charged as an adult.
Black girl gets attacked by a racist white boy. She got hit with a metal pole and got her teeth knocked out.
They also want the boy's father to be criminally charged as well. It seems like the father was trying to protect his son despite the children witnessing the incident on Nevaeh.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. As a juvie, he could be sent to a military school or a troubled youth center. He could face up to five years in juvie. His family will be responsible for the medical bills. They will have no contact with Nevaeh or her family. The suspect will have to have anti-bias work studies and human culture lessons. He will have this on his record if he doesn't find a way to apologize and pay for his actions.

There are websites that are devoted to trashing Blacks. I won't mention them because I don't want to give them any more recognition. If they are shut down by companies that sponsor them, I'll mention it.

You Fit The Description Of A Burglary Suspect!


Joseph Griffin was on a jog when a Florida sheriff's deputy from Volusia County detained him.

The former military policeman was seen speaking to deputies who stopped him because according to their traffic, he matched a burglary suspect's description.

They were looking for a Black male with a white tank top, dark shorts and a beard.

It appears that Griffin fits that description.

So he gets stopped. The first thing the deputy says that we're not racist towards Joseph.

Footage shows that the deputy talk to him.

"Just bare with me, because you fit the description. I'm not saying you're guilty, but my sergeant is telling me to detain you."

By this point, Griffin saw how these encounters turned out decided to post this on social media.

The deputy demands him to put down his phone and they handcuff him.

Before he put down the camera, he said that "If something happens to me, y'all better raise hell."

The deputy repeatedly told him, "Again, buddy, you're not under arrest, it's just that you just fit the description."
You're not being arrested. You are simply detained because you match the description of a suspect. This is what a deputy said to a Black jogger in Florida.
"It's just a lot going on today," Griffin said. He was mentioning the Jacob Blake, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and other numerous shootings of people of color.

In the 13 minute video, the deputies release Griffin and also apologized for the discomfort.

They thanked him for keeping calm throughout the encounter.

The Volusia Sheriff Mike Chitwood released a statement praising his deputies for handling the encounter in a professional matter and also Griffin for being cooperative.
The cops mistaken a Black jogger for a burglary suspect.
They would later arrest the suspect who was accused of burglary. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

For his cooperation, Chitwood offered Griffin a job if he wanted to join the sheriff's department.

You got to be fucking kidding me?

What if he wasn't a military veteran who worked on base as a police officer?

What if he was just some random Black man running in his neighborhood and decided to not comply to an officer even if he didn't do anything wrong?

Would the scenario been different if he wasn't a Black man who was a lawman?

Griffin is a registered nurse in Florida and is a financial consultant.

In the video he even mentions that he's a new dad and he didn't want to be another hashtag.

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Everytime a person of color is shot and killed by the police, the far-right wants to look up the criminal history of the suspect.


Again, why do police believe a fleeing suspect is a "threat on their lives?"

If you fear for you're life, then you shouldn't be a cop!

They Called The Law On My Son Because He Played With A Nerf Gun!

Boy gets cops called on him when he showed off his Nerf guns.

We are reminded that a white terrorist who shot and killed two protesters in Wisconsin came from Illinois. He shot and killed two protesters for no fucking reason. The police didn't detain him immediately. He calmly walked past them went back home, got a few hours of sleep, ate him a breakfast, called his pastor and a lawyer. He turned himself into the police in another state. He claimed he used "self-defense" in the matter despite him being underage terrorist carrying a firearm across state lines. The white terrorist is getting glaring profiles of him painting walls and considering himself to join law enforcement.

A man was shot seven fucking times in the back. He is paralyzed from the waist down. He walks away from police and tries to get into his vehicle. The cop grabbed his shirt and shot him seven fucking times in the back. He is in the hospital lucky to be alive. The cop who shot him isn't criminally charged. He is getting praised for being a bicycle cop who does holiday work for the community.

The man shot in his back is the guy who had a knife in his car. The man shot in his back is accused of a criminal act against his ex-girlfriend who is the mother of his children. He has no criminal history but to the junk food media, he's guilty as sin because he didn't comply and he had a knife. Didn't even use it on a cop so I don't get why he was shot seven fucking times. Matter of fact, he was shot seven fucking times in front his ex-girlfriend and his children.

You tell me, if this is not fucked up!

There's something not right about America's justice system. If we reelect Donald J. Trump, we will continue to see the status quo of politics. The United States is the catalyst of American imperialism, racism, tribalism and social indecency.

Okay, we're in Colorado where a young Black boy had gotten suspended and the law called on him for showing a Nerf toy gun during a virtual class.

Seventh grader Isaiah Elliott who is a student at Grand Mountain School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He was attending his virtual art class on August 27, when he briefly held the toy gun in his hand.

His mother, Dani Elliot told Buzzfeed News that her son had picked up the neon green toy gun and move it from one side of his computer screen to the other. It wasn't until after the class that Dani received an email from her son's art teacher.
Grand Mountain School called the law on a boy playing with Nerf guns during his virtual classes.
In an interview with Buzzfeed, Isaiah's mom was told by the teacher that he was "extremely distracted" and that there had been "a very serious issue with waving around a toy gun."

The teacher informed Dani that she had reported the incident to the school's vice principal Keri Lindaman.

Lindaman then called Dani to inform her that the school resource officers will be visiting the home.

The El Paso County Sheriff's office would be visiting her home to conduct a health and wellness check.

The deputies did come to the home. Isaiah's father Chris Elliott, said that their son "was in tears when the cops came."

Police said in a report that they advised Isaiah that if his behavior continued, he could "potentially face criminal charges for interference with staff, faculty, or students of educational institutions."

Isaiah, who has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and has learning disabilities, was left traumatized.

"I definitely feel they cross the line. They were extreme with their punishment, especially sending the police out and traumatizing my son and my family," said Dani Elliott.

Buzzfeed obtained the suspension notice. The school administration said that Isaiah "violated district or building policies or procedures." He was also guilty of "behavior on and off school property which is detrimental to the welfare, safety, or morals of other pupils or school personnel."

"This could potentially impact his future... look at everything that's going on in the world today," Dani said. "God forbid something happens to my son down the road, people could look at this and decide he doesn't deserve justice. I know that sounds extreme... it's a very real reality for us."

After the suspension was lifted, the family opted out of the school and decided to no longer enroll Isaiah in the school.

The school responded to the incident.
Isaiah's family didn't expect the cops to come to their home because he played with a Nerf gun while doing schoolwork online during virtual session.
"We understand there are many questions regarding an incident that took place during distance learning. There are also several inaccuracies being spread on social media. While we cannot get into details due to privacy laws, we want to clear up a few misconceptions."

"We never have or ever will condone any form of racism or discrimination. Safety will always be number one for our students and staff. We follow board policies and safety protocols consistently, whether we are in-person or distance learning."

The family said that the boy will no longer be at that school. Dani said that she will find a charter school.

"Having toys in my house is something I thought I never had to think of," she said. "It never crossed my mind that toys could be seen as a threat."



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