Monday, September 07, 2020

Cardi B: Candace Owens Still A Tired A** B***h!

Cardi B and Candace Owens go into a late night Twitter feud.

Far-right agitator feuds with rapper Cardi B.

Cardi B posted on social media her sister, Hennessy Carolina and her girlfriend being accosted by white Trump supporters and it went viral. On social media, Cardi B called them "racist [MAGA] supporters" who got into it with Hennessy over a parking spot.

The entertainer shared the altercation on social media and it went viral. She directly called out Donald J. Trump for fueling the tensions in the country.

It sparked a troll by the name of Candace Owens (Farmer) to respond. It quickly became a feud when Cardi responded.

Cardi B (born Belcalis Marlenis AlmΓ‘nzar) is an rapper, singer, songwriter, actress, model, activist and podcaster. She is very active in politics and spoke favorable of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The entertainer joins a list of other personalities who crossed Candace Owens and other far-right agitators. According to the far-right, if you're an entertainer or athlete who hates Trump, you need to shut up and stay out of politics. For the far-right and Republicans, if you're a supporter of Trump, you're a patriot.
Far-right troll Candace Owens spent hours bitching about Cardi B.
The type of hypocrisy that we've come to see every election year. The right paints the left as radical and tries to hype of some kind of conspiracy as way to blame the world for "silencing" their freedoms to be total assholes.

The entertainer has spoken out against Trump numerous times on social media.

"Meanwhile not only you got racist [MAGA] supporters that are [lynching]. racist cop shootings and killing Black men all cause their leader make them feel like they could do so. My sister couldn't even park her car today without this man harassing her girlfriend soon as the camera came out they started being "sweet." [This genuinely is some] braveness is coming from their leader's energy."

Her sister posted the entire encounter on social media.

Well the post managed to grab the far right agitator's attention.

Owens in her usual trolling fashion decided to respond to Cardi B's tweet.

blockquote class="twitter-tweet">
1) Produce the clip of Trump laughing at black men getting killed, you lying fraud.
2) I turned down filming a spot for the RNC convention.
3) You encourage millions of young girls to spread their legs, & you admitted to date-raping men—so don’t even start on the bleach lie.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 7, 2020

Cardi B responded back and pretty much the two been going at it for hours.

Cardi B has been vocal about encouraging Americans to vote in this election. People are concerned about the election. If we don't get out and vote, we'll have four more years of this..... I don't know what's going to happen next!

The hypocrisy of conservatives. If an entertainer, athlete or person in the news supports Democrats over Donald J. Trump, they want them to "just shut up and stay in place." They attack entertainers who speak against Trump or Republican policies. But in the case of Kanye West, Herschel Walker, DeAnna Lorraine, Nicholas Sandmann or Marjorie Taylor Greene, the Republicans are all on board with this. The Republicans are literally are running on the kitchen sink theory.

We have over 225,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus. We have over 7.6 million people infected with the coronavirus. We have 35 million Americans out of work. We have the entertainment industry shutdown. We have companies going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in the country due to police violence and gun violence. We have a foreign country literally meddling in our elections.

And this is what Candace Owens and Black coonservatives are worried about?

An entertainer who speaks her mind.

They hate "cancel culture" only if it affects their bottom line. But they have no problem trying to silence progressives, entertainers, politicians and those who aren't die hard MAGA supporters.

Trump and the Republicans are running on a white nationalist platform. It's something that Republicans do every four years. Every time a rapper decides to get political, the right will find some way to undermine it and place all the ills of the country on Black leaders, rapper, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Democrats and now Kamala Harris.

This election matters. You can't count on white people, Black men and young voters.



Sunday, September 06, 2020

Michael Cohen: Trump Wanted To "Fire" Barack Obama!

Michael Cohen writes a memoir of his Trump years.

Donald J. Trump's former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen is still serving a four year bid for financial fraud, lying to Congress and obstruction of justice. He is currently serving the term in-house. He was released back in July to serve the remaining term of his bid at home.

While he serving his bid, he decided to pen a memoir of his time working for a man he once said he'll take a bullet for.

No longer a bullet but a scathing account on why Cohen decided to take the fall for a man who he believed was going to change the world.

Cohen wrote the book, Disloyal: A Memoir. The True Story of The Former Personal Attorney To President Donald J. Trump. It is expected to reach the New York Times bestseller's list.

It's the latest books going after Trump. Most of these books are bestsellers but they haven't dented his support among those loyal to him.

Cohen who also had done service for former Republican Party operative Elliott Broidy and Fox News' most annoying agitator Sean "Softball" Hannity details his relationship with Trump.

He said that Trump is a fraud.

Cohen wrote some damning allegations against his old boss.. He said that Donald, Jr., Ivanka and Eric Trump had warned their dad that running for president could damage their brand.

Cohen said that he was the fall guy for a deliberate attempt to sabotage the 2016 U.S. Election. He said that Trump has loyalties to Russian oligarchs and praised Federation president Vladimir Putin.

Trump had been determined to open up a Trump Tower in Moscow and even offered Putin a penthouse because he praised the leader for running Russia like a business. Trump has been fixated on Russia. He hosted Miss Universe some years ago and hoped to have Putin have a part in the pageant.
Strained relationship between Trump and Cohen.
Trump won only 8% of the Black vote. He won on the strength of Black men who were not keen on Hillary Clinton. Cohen mentioned that Trump was struggling to win Black and Hispanic votes.

"I will never get the Hispanic vote. Like "THE BLACKS," they're too stupid to vote for Trump. They're not my people."

That's why Trump has been defending white nationalists. Remember, the "very fine people on both sides" remark during the Charlottesville unrest.

Cohen set up the payments for Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. He said that Trump was well-aware of the shell companies and fake names to keep the public from knowing his alleged affairs while married to Melania Trump. Stormy Daniels, the adult actress and activist have came forward with the allegations that Trump had paid her to keep quiet about an affair they had while Melania was pregnant with her son Barron.
Trump had tried to pass off a video of him "firing" Barack Obama from the job of the presidency.
Cohen shared a tidbit about Trump's longtime nemesis Barack Obama. When Trump was being mocked during the White House Correspondents Dinner, he got furious. So he asked the Republican Party to help him get a video into the convention. It was ultimately rejected.

It was Trump doing a mock evaluation of Barack Obama.

Trump had hired an Obama impersonator to sit and listen to him rant about his handling of the presidency. Trump even used his trademark, "You're Fired!" to go at Obama.

Many allegations are in this book and Cohen is slated to appear on Rachel Maddow, Anderson Cooper and Joy Reid in the coming days.

I would love to know what relationship Cohen had with "Softball" Hannity. Because that relationship hasn't been detailed enough. The softball roundly denied using Cohen as a lawyer. He said that he had brief interactions with Cohen and still maintained it was a "lawyer-client" privilege.


Jacob Blake: Thank You For The Love!

Blessed. Jacob Blake's condition is improving.

There's two versions of American justice.

A Black man can be shot multiple times if he enters his vehicle after fleeing a cop.

A white man can go home, sleep, call an attorney and then turn himself into the police after shooting two individuals dead in a deliberate attempt to spark unrest.

Read my wordplay. I said, "cop and police."

White people are treated by the police.

Black people are treated by cops.

Jacob Blake said he's lucky to be alive. He believes he was given a sign that day he saw his world flash before his eyes. Jacob was the man who was shot seven fucking times by a Kenosha, Wisconsin cop who tried to restrain him from getting into his vehicle. The cop who shot him is in the freezer pending an investigation into whether use of force was justified.

The cops are trying to make the shooting justified by claiming that he had a knife inside the vehicle.

Jacob didn't attack the cop with the knife. Matter of fact, Jacob had his children inside the vehicle when he was shot.

Rusten Sheskey was the cop who shot Jacob. He was part of the bicycle patrol and had a seven year running with the Kenosha Police.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris contacted Jacob Blake and his family. Donald Trump and Mike Pence did call but they offered no sympathy to him or his family.
Dispatch records indicate that Sheskey and other officers responded to a complaint from a woman saying that Blake was not supposed to be at her residence and would not leave. She also said he had taken her keys and would not give them back.

At a press conference Wednesday, Wisconsin Attorney General Josh Kaul said officers fired a Taser at Blake before the shooting, but that it was "not successful." Kaul said Blake admitted possessing a knife and officers recovered one from the floor of the car he was leaning into when Sheskey opened fire. Kaul did not say if Blake had brandished the weapon or what precise reason Sheskey gave for firing multiple shots.

Why on earth would a man want to be shot in front of his children?

Anyway, he was being served for criminal charges involving a woman who claimed he sexually assaulted her in a domestic dispute.

While from his hospital bed, Blake appeared in Wisconsin criminal court via teleconference. He plead not guilty to the charges.

Appearing on Zoom, Blake raised his hand to great the Kenosha County judicial court commissioner Loren Keating. As the judge was reading the charges, Blake waived his right to a preliminary hearing and plead not guilty to all the charges.

The charges were third-degree sexual assault, misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct.

His lawyer for the criminal charges Patrick Cafferty, sitting in a chair beside him, noted that Blake had been working as a painter and had no criminal history prior to the shooting. He has no other criminal history in the state of Wisconsin.

Keating explaining his rights to Blake and bound him over for trial. Jury selection is expected to get under way in November.

Blake did not speak during the appearance beyond uttering, "Yes, sir," in response to the commissioner's questions concerning his understanding of the proceedings.

Blake's appearance shows that he's alive and trying to cope with the shooting.
The junk food media paint a glaring profile of a bad cop who shot a man in the back seven fucking times.
Jacob's family wants those cops fired and criminally charged for this. Benjamin Crump, Jacob's attorney for the civil case going against Kenosha has said that there's a double standard to how cops react to incidents.

Blake's family has demanded answers, too, wondering why Sheskey decided to use a gun to resolve the situation.

"We are demanding that the prosecutor arrest the officer who shot Jacob Blake. And we are also asking that these officers who violated the policies and their training be terminated immediately," Crump said.

The victim is the mother of his three children. She claims that he broke into her home, sexually assaulted her, stole her truck and debit card.

The 29-year old is paralyzed from the waist down after being shot seven fucking times appeared to be in good spirits as he was talking to the junk food media.

Jacob Blake's shooting sparked unrest in Kenosha and the United States. The unrest led to a 17-year old white terrorist to come from Illinois to "patrol" the city.
The far-right terrorist went home after he murdered two people.
While engaging in a confrontation with protesters, the white terrorist shot a protester in the head. As the protester went down, the terrorist tried to run. He would end up tripping and another protester tried to disarm him and was shot. The third protester who was armed was shot before he could shot the terrorist.

The police reacted to the shooting by allowing the terrorist to walk past them. He had his hands up and was armed. The cops only asked the terrorist if there was any injuries nearby. The terrorist went back to Illinois. He got some sleep, contacted the lawyer who handled Nicholas Sandmann, his pastor, ate a breakfast and then turned himself into the police in Illinois. The state of Wisconsin wants him back but he's trying to not go back and is now claiming he did all that in self-defense.

The charges that Blake is facing could put him in the iron college for up to 10 years. He could face an offender tier status if the charges were serious enough for bodily injury on the victim.

The charges for the white terrorist are murder, fleeing an incident, unlawful discharge and unlawful weapon use as a minor. The charges could put the white terrorist in the iron college for 40 to LIFE.

There's a video of that white terrorist attacking a young woman. No one seems to care about how violent that piece of shit is.

Anyway, the suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Can't Sing His Way Out!

Got suckered by a Latin King. The former R&B singer got sucked punched while in lockup.
The former R&B singer who is accused by numerous women of sexual abuse is facing a federal sandwich. Of those women, some were underaged at the time. The former R&B singer had groomed them luxury items and promises of a musical contract. He made promises to get them into the music industry. He would tell them that they were the future of R&B or pop music.

When the women met him, he would often engage in kissing them and inappropriate touching. He would soon tell them to refer to him as "daddy." He would sleep with them and control them.

He would also spread sexual transmitted disease to a handful of accusers.

By the time, he was going on tour, he was being called out by numerous feminist groups. It lead to the boycott of his concerts. The former R&B singer would soon lose everything when Lifetime released that controversial documentary.

It also sparked Illinois prosecutor Kim Foxx to issue an investigation into him, his bodyguards and his recording studio. The prosecutor shut down his studio.

Soon criminal charges were issues to him. He would face state charges in Illinois, California, New York, Georgia and Minnesota. Those charges were ranging from enticement and improper conduct with minors.

The feds got involved when some of the accusers claimed he took them across state lines to have sexual encounters.

He didn't like the music.
Now facing a potential of LIFE in federal time out, the former R&B singer is currently locked up facing a court trial. While awaiting the trial, he was served a knuckle style chili from a federal intern.

The federal intern is a Latin King, a domestic terrorist group. He was served in a racketeering conspiracy that involved two murders in Indiana back in 1999. The intern is facing criminal charges for attacking the former R&B singer.

According to the federal indictment, the intern claimed "the government made me attack" the former R&B singer. He also claims that he did it so "in hopes of getting spotlight attention and world news notice to shed light on" alleged corruption in the government.

XXL Magazine reported the former R&B singer is facing obstruction of justice, child pornography, racketeering and engaging with minors across state lines.

The federal intern was getting tired of hearing people protesting outside the Metropolitan. The interns can't have visitors at the facilities due to the coronavirus. Protesters are shouting daily for a release and it was driving the intern nuts.

So when the former R&B singer was in the laundry room, the intern got his ass "trapped in the closet."

The former R&B singer wasn't seriously injured but he was placed in protective custody. His lawyer Steven Greenberg is pleading with the federal judge to get his client a "get out free card."

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The charges for the knuckle style chili for the federal intern could be five more addition years.

The charges for the former R&B singer is LIFE in the iron college, establishment as a TIER III in Offender U and a hefty fine that could total over $5 million. Being served by the states will run concurrent with the federal sandwich.

Anita Hill Got Biden!

Anita Hill endorses Joe Biden. She said that given the choice between Trump and Biden, she'll take Biden. He personally called her and apologized. He said he'll work on race and gender issues.
Anita Hill, the former law clerk and professor who used to work for Clarence Thomas had to testify under oath that he sexually harassed her. One then Senator Joe Biden and the Republicans had questioned her testimony. Thomas who vehemently denied the allegation.

He would end up become a Supreme Court justice on one of the most narrowest margins.

Thomas used the race card to play upon sympathy. He said that the allegations by Hill were a "high tech lynching." Hill was vilified by the junk food media and conservative agitators. She could be considered an early increment of the #MeToo Movement.v

Hill had a strained relationship with Biden. She at first didn't support his bid for the presidency.

Given what's we're going through right now in real time, she felt the time is now to get Biden and Kamala Harris into the White House. Biden had personally made a call to Hill in 2019 during the height of the primaries.

He literally called to apologize to her and said he believed her. He said that he failed to do more to keep Thomas off the bench. He realized that Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh will leave an ugly stain on the Court and felt that if he was elected he would work on gender issues.

"Notwithstanding all of his limitations in the past, and the mistakes that he made in the past, notwithstanding those -- at this point, between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, I think Joe Biden is the person who should be elected in November," Hill told CNN's Gloria Borger. But it's not just because he's running against Donald Trump, she adds. "Its more about the survivors of gender violence. That's really what it's about."

And if that means voting for and working with Joe Biden, then "so be it."

"My commitment is to finding solutions, and I am more than willing to work with him," Hill said. She'd like to work on issues of sexual harassment, gender violence and gender discrimination.

Hill insisted this is bigger than her -- and bigger than Biden.

"What drives me is the people who have experienced [those issues] and the people who will be experiencing them, if we don't do something about it," Hill said. "That is what has opened me up to do something that I probably would not have said I would do a year ago."

As the chairman, Biden has long defended himself against complaints that he didn't take Hill's allegations seriously enough, and that he didn't step in to intervene when the hearings devolved into a circus-like atmosphere in which Hill was humiliated. The panel of all-male senators grilled her on her accusations in painful detail, and they called into question her own personal character.

"I believed her story from the very beginning," Biden told CNN in an exclusive 90-minute interview in July. "I wish I could have protected her more. ... I did get in shouting matches, as you'll remember, with some of the witnesses who were saying things that were off the wall."

Hill says she believes Biden lost control. But Biden maintains he did not allow his Republican colleagues to take over the hearings.

"I don't think I did," he said. "I wish I could have done it differently under the rules. But when it ended, I was determined to do two things. One, make sure never again would there not be women on the committee. ... And I was determined to continue and finish writing and passing the Violence Against Women Act."
Biden said that he will work on gender issues.
Biden said he has apologized to Hill. The two spoke on the phone shortly before Biden launched his presidential campaign in April 2019.

After the call, Hill told The New York Times she would not characterize it as an apology. She still hesitates to use that word to describe it.

"An apology, to be real and sincere, has to take responsibility for harm," Hill told CNN. That's not what she heard when she spoke to him at the time. She wanted to hear him acknowledge the harm done to victims of sexual harassment. "He didn't take responsibility. He didn't hold himself accountable in any way, except that he was sorry that I felt I wasn't treated fairly. He didn't take ownership of his own role as chair of the committee."

She called the conversation "unsatisfying." After that call, Biden told ABC's Good Morning America that he acknowledged his role as chairman in her treatment.

"As the committee chairman, I take responsibility that she did not get treated well. I take responsibility for that," Biden told ABC in April 2019.

Hill was listening. She now says she believes he's evolved.

"There was a statement about 'I take accountability; I hold myself responsible for the way the hearing was run,'" Hill said. "And so that, I think, is as close as we've gotten, you know, and that's good. That's an opening."

And that is something Hill says she's willing to work with.

"I want the next president to be somebody that I can go to and talk about the real issues that women, men, and non-binary people are experiencing with violence in this country, that's directed to them because of their gender," Hill said. "I believe that Joe Biden would be that person. I do not believe that Donald Trump would be the person who would hear me."

Saturday, September 05, 2020

We're All Losers Now!

Trump considered serving in the military a move for suckers.
The world needs leadership.....!

Donald J. Trump has been rocked by the story coming out of The Atlantic saying he disrespected the American troops. Anonymous sources confirm to Jeffrey Goldberg that America's commander-in-chief has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of the military parades.

Goldberg wrote that Trump canceled a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in France in 2018. The White House told the junk food media it was because of the rain. Sources dispute that claim saying that Trump didn't want to get his hair disheveled in the rain and said he didn't believe it was important to honor the American war dead. Four people with firsthand knowledge confirmed to Goldberg that Trump wasn't interested. So they created this excuse.

"The helicopter couldn't fly."

That was not true.

Trump complained about the visit.

"Why should I got that cemetery? It's filled with losers."

He also referred to the 1,800 marines lost in the war at Belleau Wood as "suckers" for being killed.

Belleau Wood was a battle in the first World War where Americans and the allies stopped a German advance towards Paris in the spring of 1918. Trump said in the matter:

"Who were the good guys in this war?"

He didn't understand why the U.S. would intervene on the side of the allies.

You may remember we talked about Trump disrespecting the military service of John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee and former Arizona senator who died in 2018.

When Trump was running for the nomination dogged on McCain who suffered torture at the hands of the North Vietnamese troops.

"He's not a war hero," Trump said to Frank Luntz. "I like people who weren't captured."

When McCain died from cancer, Trump didn't want to honor his passing.Trump didn't want to lower the flags for John McCain, John Lewis, Barbara Bush, Elijah Cummings and George H.W. Bush.

The McCain family didn't want to invite Trump because of the rhetoric towards him.

Trump didn't seem to care about it.

"We're not going to support that loser's funeral .... What the fuck are we doing that for? Guy was a fucking loser."

Trump's understanding of heroism has not evolved since he took office. Goldberg's sources say that he's pretty much clueless to the genuine sacrifices men and women make when they join the military.

He mocked George H.W. Bush's service as well. He referred the 41st President of the United States as a loser as well. He avoided capture and torture from the Japanese when he served as a Navy pilot for in World War II.

He mocked then chief of staff John Kelly who lost his son in Afghanistan in 2010. Trump made the remark about his death in a snark.

"I don't get it. What was in it for them?"

He said that skipping the draft was the smartest thing he's ever done. He had medical deferments from the draft and he said in the 1990s on Howard Stern that his efforts to avoid contracting sexually transmitted diseases was his "personal Vietnam."

This story rattled the nation. Especially given that Trump has relied on the support of the military and veterans.

Trump a pathological liar and bullshit artist had denied the story and called The Atlantic "trash."

Even Fox News had gotten confirmation about it. Jennifer Griffin said that the sources are true.

Blame Game: Michael Forest Reinoehl!

Man sandals wearing white terrorist killed in Washington.

Tensions are rising in the United States and Donald J. Trump is busy blaming Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for everything happening under his watch.

If Trump wins reelection, we will expect chaos and violent unrest. Folks will die.


The white terrorist who shot and killed a far-white agitator was killed by the feds this week. Only a few days after he was interviewed by Vice practically confessing to the deadly shooting in Portland, Oregon.

On Thursday, the left wing terrorist shot a far-right terrorist during a clash in Portland. The city has seen many nights of unrest. It's been nearly 100 days of unrest since the tragic killing of people of color by the police.

The U.S. Marshals said that a task force was attempting to arrest the terrorist in Washington. He was wanted by the Multnomah County Circuit Court on a charge of second-degree murder.

"[The suspect] was allegedly involved in an August 29 shooting incident in Portland, Oregon, that resulted in a death," U.S. Marshals said.

The ammunition of the same caliber used in the fatal shooting and description of the terrorist matched.

Family members said the terrorist "believed the country is going to war."

"He believed the war was here, and look at where that got him; where it got us," the terrorist's sister said. "Two men are dead. He is one of them. Two families have been thrown into the chaos, and everyone seem more up in arms than ever... I believe the peaceful majority are stronger than that. We have the strength to choose. We can still choose peace, and we can change the course of things through open communication."
Medics treat far-right terrorist shot by far-left terrorist.
Referring to threatening messages she and her family received recently, she added: "It was hard to look hatred in the eye and choose not to reflect it back when so much was directed our ways, but under all the bitterness, we are all people. People who are angry, scared, and bitter. But we are more than that. And we are stronger than the forces tearing us apart."

The terrorist was not willing to go down without a fight.

The U.S. Marshals located the terrorist in Olympia.

They tried to arrest him but he opened fire on them. A task force in search of him responded to the threat and took him out.

Thurston County Sheriff's Lt. Ray Brady said that four officers fired on the terrorist. They were placed in the freezer pending an investigation into whether they were justified in the shooting.

They saw the terrorist leave an apartment and tried to confront him. The terrorist got into a vehicle before trying to flee again. They said that shoots were fired at the terrorist.
Medics treat far-left terrorist after a gun battle in Olympia.
Donald J. Trump decided to react to the terrorist. In an interview with Vice, the terrorist claimed that he and other members of antifa were being attacked.

The status quo of the gun culture. Now is not the time to talk about gun violence!

If there were more security guards and more civilians (aka the good guy) with a gun.......

They learn how to use firearms from watching (or listening) to gangsta rap.

They watch violent movies.

They don't have fathers or mothers in their lives and it results in them committing criminal acts.

Look at his history with police....

Blah, blah, blah...

Moments of silence, street memorials, naming of public places, saying "Your heart goes out to...," lowering of flags and hashtags are platitudes. They are a huge waste of time. It's a man-made crisis created by a lazy ass government. They are enabling this. Donald J. Trump, Congress and the National Rifle Association are a bunch of lily-livered cowards. They are numb to gun violence.

The "good guy" with a firearm is the most dangerous person to have a firearm. Matter of fact, the NICE GUYS are often the ones who are spurned by society. Bad relationships, losing your job, jealousy over promotions, family feuds and racism are typical NICE GUY issues.




Don't you just want to scream!?

Scream in the faces of these damn lawmakers whenever they offer their "thoughts and prayers" to every fucking mass shooting in the United States. They will offer their condolences and say a word vomit how they sympathize with the deceased. Some here will tell us that "now isn't the time to talk." Others will say that "the NRA has too much influence on gun laws."
White agitators are killing one another.
We will talk about this for a few days and then we're off to another controversy. The next controversy would either be something done by Trump, a politician, an entertainer or we will experience another mass shooting. The next mass shooting will be even worse than the last one.

I repeat myself over and over again! I use the same old copy and paste. I hear the same trolls saying that there's nothing we can do. I keep hearing "concern" trolls telling us that it's their own fault for their own deaths. I hear the same old talking points about "good guys with guns" and "god's given rights."

Trump and lawmakers elected to federal office made politics extremely toxic. It's not just the fault of our dear leader and lawmakers, but relentless agitators on the 24/7 cable news channels. They are profiting off division and divisiveness. The internet is also a problem. It's is a breeding ground for potential mass shooters. Facebook, Twitter, Google and other social media outlets have been "ground zero" for disinformation, partisan threats and social activism. Incels and social outcasts find their outlets on sites that inspire them to cause harm to their fellow human beings.

It never happens in your community.......! Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. A mass shooting will affect your town, your family and your life. So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.






We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

We haven't forgotten the countless other shootings in the United States that haven't made into the junk food media or this blog.

Friday, September 04, 2020

Mom Without Mom!

Anna Faris (left) departs Mom. It shocks the junk food media.
Anna Faris is out on Chuck Lorre's sitcom.

The sitcom Mom features Faris and Allison Janney is slated to premiere for an eighth season in October (if the COVID-19 pandemic doesn't push it back further).

Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the show's production was delayed. Filming was supposed to start on September 14.

Faris who played Christy Plunkett, a single mother struggling with alcoholism. Her mother, Bonnie, is played by Janney. The show has been nominated for 10 Emmy Awards, Variety reports.

Janney won back-to-back Emmys for best supporting actress in the series.

Faris and Warner Bros. Television confirm the news and released statements in regards to the departure.
Mom without mom. Anna Faris is out.
"The past seven years on 'Mom' have been some of the most fulfilling and rewarding of my career," Faris said in her statement. "I'm so thankful to Chuck (Lorre), the writers, and my amazing castmates for creating a truly wonderful work experience."

Faris said that she wants to pursue other interests outside the sitcom.

"From the inception of Mom, Anna was the first and only choice for the role of Christy," Warner Bros Television said in a statement. "We are so proud of the stories we have been able to tell during Anna's seven years with us. We wish Anna all the best, and we thank her for her beautiful portrayal."

The seventh season featured Faris' character continuing law school while going through a series of romantic episodes said The Hollywood Reporter.
Chuck Lorre had made hit sitcoms on CBS. Mom was one of them. Now it's uncertain whether the series will survive the eighth season without Anna Faris. Faris and Allison Janney starred on Mom since its start.
Mom also has Kristen Johnson, Jaime Pressly, Beth Hall, William Fichtner and Mimi Kennedy.

In the beginning, it starred Faris, Janney, Sadie Calvano, Nate Corddry, Matt Jones and Blake Garrett Rosenthal as the main cast. It went through a series of write-off and recasting.

The series is slated to be a part of the Thursday lineup. It automatically puts CBS in a spot where they'll have to place the sitcom on the bubble of cancellation.

Lorre hasn't made any arrangements for the show post Faris. This wasn't the first time, a main character was written out of Lorre's hit sitcoms.

We remember the Charlie Sheen fiasco. At the peak of Two and a Half Men, Sheen went into a meltdown and berated the cast and Lorre. He was promptly fired out the cannon and written out by a cinematic death. The reasons for why Sheen went crazy was the fact he found out he had tested positive for HIV and completely went insane. Sheen was once the highest paid entertainer on television. He made over $140 million through that show.

During the final seasons of Two and a Half Men, they cast Ashton Kutcher as Walden and had Jon Cryer bumped up to main star. Angus T. Jones would eventually lose his mind as well and departed from the show during 11th season. He would end up making a guest appearance in the final episode.

Detroit 2!

Big Sean put out Detroit 2.
Big Sean release his long awaited album, Detroit 2 on GOOD Music and Def Jam Recordings.

Before we get into the album, we want to talk about his boss Kanye Omari West having setbacks in two key states. West was rejected from Virginia and Arizona ballots this week. The entertainer who is running as an independent is a registered Republican in Wyoming and it seems like that clashes with many states rules. Many Republicans are trying to get West on the ballot to siphon off votes that normally would support Democrats. West is facing legal challenges and a pending federal investigation into fraudulent behavior.

West so far is on the ballot in Minnesota, Idaho, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Vermont, Utah, Arkansas, Louisiana, Iowa and Colorado.

The swing states that Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden need are Minnesota, Iowa and Colorado.

Detroit 2 was supposed to be released on 3/13 (March 13, 2020) to pay homage to the area code 313.

It was pushed back due to the coronavirus pandemic. The single that was released Deep Reverence featured a vocal from the late Nipsey Hussle who was killed in March 2019.
Big Sean shares a personal tragedy. He and Jhene Aiko wanted to have a child together but ended up in a miscarriage.
The album has a list of producers and featured guests. The album is follow-up to the Detroit mixtape that Sean released in 2012.

Listen to the album here.

The album production includes, Big Sean (himself), No I.D., Hit-Boy, Chahayed, DJ Dahi, Teddy Walton, Audio Anthem, Johan Lenox, Samuel Austin, Key Wane, Jay John Henry, Mike WILL Made-It, DJ Khalil, A. Johnson, Take a Daytrip, Rominiecki, Cool & Dre, Spanish Josh, Corbett, G Dav, DJ Mustard, Boi-1da, Capron, TT Audi, Kahre, Helluva and Camper.

The features include vocals from Nipsey Hussle, Eminem, Stevie Wonder, Lil Wayne, Post Malone, Ty Dolla $ign, Jhene Aiko, Dwele, Anderson Paak, Earlly Mac, Wale, Young Thug, Hit-Boy, Travis Scott, Sean "Puffy" Combs (aka Diddy), Key Wane, Tee Grizzley, Kash Doll, Cash Kidd, Payroll, 42 Dugg, Boldy James, Drego, Sada Baby, Royce Da 5'9'' and Dom Kennedy.

Big Sean paid homage to "THE D" in the lyrics of  Friday Night Cypher.

[Intro: Tee Grizzley]
Ayy, ayy, ayy
Ayy, ayy, ayy
Ayy, this that Clipse sample, ayy (G. Ry got me)
Fuck that talkin', let the clip slam 'em

[Verse 1: Tee Grizzley]
Yellow bands around them hundreds, you know how much that is (Tens)
Too much to give me cash, they had to wire me the backend (Send it)
Niggas in here lookin' tough, you know that I got mag in (What?)
Ask me am I only rappin', you know I got that bag in (You see it)
Bandman like Lonnie (Lonnie), want my head? Come find me (Come get it)
Lil' bro in that bitch chillin', he ain't tryna come home cocky (He chillin')
He comin' home to a dollar (Dollar), and a mansion and a chopper (What else?)
In the desert on a dirt bike (Skrrt), VLONE shirt and the Pradas (Fresh)
Big nigga fresher than you, fuck you and your stylist (Woah)
Paid ninety for my grill, then lost it, that's why I ain't smilin' (Damn)
You got Sean, you got Hit, you got Grizz
Kash Doll'll paint you red, throw you in the water, they gon' think you a lobster, nigga (Gang)

[Verse 2: Kash Doll]
I just dropped a kit, you dropped out of school
These hoes wanna be famous 'til they make the news
All my bitches winnin', how it feel to lose?
Nigga tryna get the box like he finna move
Bitch, I'm at my pinnacle, I used to shop at Pinnacle
Your nigga still drink Pinnacle, bitch, your taste is pitiful
I talk cash shit, you ain't cash shit
Call up Baby Choppa, Cash Kidd, and spend my cash, kid
You stay back like adlibs, I buy, I don't ask shit
I pop shit and pop tags, bitch, this new era be cappin', uh
Me, Sean, Tee off that Pusha T, ain't no pushin' me
Bro might put you on a tee, dot my I's and cross my T's
Bro might put you six feet or bro gon' put you on your feet
But bro can't put you onto me
A-plus pussy worth a B, nigga, uh
You niggas ain't worth no B, fuck outta here

[Verse 3: Cash Kidd]
I keep dyin' in my dreams, but life's great when I stay woke
Bet you love dreamin', that's the only time you ain't broke
Try me, 40 make you back up off me like DeJ Loaf and Big Sean
Get triggered down, JhenΓ© Aiko
Gotta keep Glock in the fanny
Nigga, you not finna ham me, huh
Put a body on a ratchet, I feel like Dr. Miami
Niggas tryna ride my wave like they stoppin' a taxi
On a six in a Lam', but I'm not that bitch Mary (Helluva made this beat, baby)

[Verse 4: Payroll Giovanni]
They counted me out, I came back with a vengeance
In back-to-back Benzes, back-to-back winnin'
Rap failed, oh well, give me back my scale
And a burn-out cell, I'll grow clientele (Yup)
Four-One P, I don't sell dreams, I wholesale P's (Uh)
Want halves, nigga, don't call me, don't insult me (Boy)
Wrist frosty, 'bout eighty what this shit cost me
Don't worry, I'll make it back before you sip coffee
I run with hustlers and bosses, bosses and hustlers (Yeah)
Had to find my hustle, I was lost in the gutter
Got out that jam, now it's foreigns with the seats peanut butter
Bitch, it's BYLUG for life, never crossin' my brothers

(Let's go)
(Helluva made this beat, baby)

[Verse 5: 42 Dugg]
I fuck with 6 Mile, not too much the 7, they freed the 4s
That's your bitch, huh? Well, get her together, she fuckin' bro
You know them road trips still bring a dub in, sub in
Even if the party was seven, the strip club ten
I'm all in this bitch on the tether, I'm throwin' dubs still
I put her in the Bentley mansion rent-free
Told 'em keep the G-Wagen plain, don't even tint these
Can't be fuckin' with a lame, dog, you got her head big
Three hundred a line for the Wock', I'm sippin' red still
I know how the feds feel, I make it hard to catch me
Cuz sellin' corn still, codeword for reggies
I ain't signed a deal yet, fuck it, I don't need 'em
Everybody with me eatin', free my niggas 'til I see 'em
He ain't dead, we ain't even, Jet back, ante up, bitch
Free them boys

(Shit hard)
(Where you at, Bo?)

[Verse 6: Boldy James]
We gon' make it off the ave, get a half, then I shake it
Somethin' like a bad habit, we ain't have it, we gon' take it
Came up off a fifty slab, now my bag big as yappers
Workers beggin' me for time off, askin' me for raises
Took me six hours to count it, bubble wrap it up, and tape it
All my bitches want allowance, plug askin' me for favors
I been out of town so long, had to get reacquainted with the neighbors on the block
All this cash we been rakin'

[Verse 7: Drego & Big Sean]
Way before the rap when I was writin' verses
We was beatin' up the Ike like I was Tina Turner
We was loadin' up the Glock and fillin' up the hearses
Now I'm preachin' like it's Sunday, tryna teach the sermon
Tryna teach 'em how to get it, fill up they mamas' purses
So they ain't standin' front the judge, listen to the verdicts
'Cause we was standin' on the block, thuggin' with the serpents (Yeah)
Get caught with Curtis Blow on me and they gon' close the curtains

[Verse 8: Big Sean]
Million-dollar calls you can't merge in, BasedGod how I got my curse lift
She gon' play her part so well, you thought that she rehearsed it
Don life worship
Holy temple, synagogue, tabernacle, churches

[Interlude: Big Sean]
Yeah (Hit-Boy)
Big Sean releases his fifth album after numerous delays.

[Verse 9: Big Sean]
I can't even chill, I get active
Overdoin' everythin' my best and worst habit
Shit be impossible 'til it happens
I never thought I'd see Kobe go before Magic
That taught me first, no seconds to waste
Only waist I like is her legs wrapped around my face
Fuck you think she doin' over here? Watchin' Netflix?
Beard game, might just let it grow down to my necklace, uh
I don't hope for wins, I expect it, uh
Adrenaline in me like it got injected
My girl say I got communication issues, no, I don't
I just don't like sharin' all my problems more than the results
I bring the plan back to my team, tell 'em go wild
Godbody my physique and my profile
I did every single goal that I wrote down
Checked it off, it's old now
And that shit give me chills, fuck I gotta take yours?
I'm the originator, make it, then I make more
Written in stone, you can't forge
You ain't on my level even if we in the same buildin' on the same floor
Old boy black out
Dough boy cash out, payroll, contract maxed out
Cash kid, cash cow
Tapped in, I can't tap out
Bitch, keep thinkin' I'm sleepin' in
Tony on the monitor, I see your ass creepin' in
Lil' bitch, if it weren't for me, you wouldn't exist, you get the gist?
Fuck a cease and desist, they shootin' up seats and exits
Throwin' plays to my bros, I'm leadin' the league in assists
Hopscotch, blacktop, I ain't been skippin' a step since
Real estate, Zillow every day, bitch, I might just change my profession
Dodged so many rainy days, it changed my complexion
Hang up on your ass and say I lost the connection
I turned out to be the man that I manifested

[Interlude: Big Sean]
(Let's go then)

[Verse 10: Sada Baby]
Hmm, fuck the bullshit
I ain't here to make no friends, can't get bool with me
Since an adolescent, I was ignorant, up in school trippin'
Pistol at my desk, I was sittin' up in school with it
Put your bitch hand in my corner pocket, play pool with it
She gon' eat the dick, both balls licked, and do it to me
Ain't go to college, I ain't want no pussy nigga roomin' with me
Still could've went to college, Sada ain't no fool, nigga
Every clip we got extended, yellow Perkies look like minions
Put Church's Chicken on your niggas, scrape them boys for half a biscuit
Know I like the burner, but I'll beat your ass, this shit personal, huh
Hit a nigga in his shit with this fifty or thirty, duh

[Interlude: Big Sean]
(Let's go, Royce)

[Verse 11: Royce da 5'9"]
Name a nigga out of the D as solid as me
I unlocked a lot of dollars, nigga, knowledge is key
I did it all without a college degree
I went from hottest signed artists, don dada, to G
Street lord, rock bottom, Godfather, and P
D-Boy, Rottweiler, Sean, Sada, and Tee
Standin' on the corner three days
Phone is on Motorola prepaid
Diadora or gold Ellesses
These are ordered from the older East Bays
She either rollin' with the owners or the lessees
A kind man knows a blind man holds grudges
A wise man knows a wise man knows nothin'
I thought I told you motherfuckers I ain't need a budget
I ride with them guys that society begrudges
We been thuggin' worldwide, got arenas buzzin'
We survived gettin' fronted by Ilina cousin
Before you could sell that Cole and Adele
Or go NFL, be Kobe or Kells
The plight of the rich is to throw you in jail
The fight has been fixed since the openin' bell
And you know who postin' your bail? Who promotin' your L?
Who be hopin' you fail? Nigga, Oprah and Gayle
Ignore the hate, show the world that we love the opps
Call Lyor great while they make rape Russell docs

(Okay, yeah)
(G. Ry got me)

[Verse 12: Eminem]
Bitch, you have never said a clever line ever
You murdering in the booth is the furthest thing from the truth
Rest assured, I'ma treat this roof like I'm peelin' off
The plastic on a pill bottle, I'm tearin' the ceilin' off, yeah
Ripping rappers like they were wrapped in Saran, bitch
And I'm strapped up with ammunition
And single-handedly takin' over the game like I had an actual hand missing
But I only need one to clap
Animal ambition
The only butt-fuckin' way that you're strapped is for cash
Wish you could slap in the damn clip in that motherfuckin' imaginary little handgun you're brandishin'
Bitch, if you pull up with the stick
It's a car with a manual transmission
The chances are low to none that I will overcome my bipolar one
Voodoo dolls, I'm just pokin' fun, pins to me are like loaded guns
When I'm holdin' one, if I'm just fiddlin' with it
This motherfucker discharges like me checkin' myself out of the fucking mental hospital
And I get off like an acquittal, I spit it, you critique it
It feels like I'm bein' belittled by midgets
It's like holding a nuke or a damn bazooka
And walkin' right up in the middle of a little kids' fuckin' pillow fight with it
You want smoke? I'm like hookah
Man, I remember back when I used to get jumped for my fucking Pumas
Run home and go fuck my room up
These streets will try to vacuum you up
That's why the avenue where I grew up was 8 Mile and Hoover (What?)
'Cause it sucked like a Roomba
But even if I would've went the indie route
I don't have any doubt
I would still get blown like it's windy out
Shoot 'til the clip is emptied out
This is the beginning of the ending, but I'll put another clip in and spit these rounds
If I dig deep down when I'm in my bag like Fendi
Who am I offending now?
Got so many fucking detractors, feels like I'm gettin' plowed
Had to put my money on a diet, I got too many pounds
You would think I'm turnin' pages the way that I'm flippin' paper
Middle fingers, them bitches get to wavin' like friendly neighbors
I'm talkin' loot like I'm rioting
Dick is so big, I can't fit the entire thing through a tire swing
I don't think it would be logic for me to say that I'm retirin'
But I should say bye-bye, earthlings
'Cause I'm back on Uranus fuckin' up this "Grindin'" beat, yeah
I took the pain and learned how to put that shit into a song
You listen for flaws and strip it and try to pick it apart
So when I'm rippin', it's hard to tell whether if it is really because
Of how offensive I am, or just what a bitch that you are
Like I never had to get my clothes at fucking St. Vincent de Paul
Like I don't make sure every sentence and bar with a pencil is sharp, and I'm quick on the draw
Yeah, so when I pull it, surprise (Pull it, surprise), like Kendrick Lamar
You need to walk the Yellow Brick Road and find the chick with the dog
'Cause y'all are missing a heart
Plus your bitch is giving out brain like the Wizard of Oz
This shit is like sitting in the principal's office getting scolded for skipping
Y'all got detention tomorrow
I'm severe like Benzo withdrawal
Bitch, your skin's gonna crawl
I'm invincible, I've been through it all
Like I never thought about just ending it 'til I got pissed off and put a fist through the wall
My back was against
Now I rap like I'm possessed, that's nine-tenths of the law
Oh, fuck it

Sean Michael Leonard Anderson is known as Big Sean. He is an American rapper, singer and songwriter. He's been signed to Kanye West's GOOD Music since 2007 and signed on to Roc Nation in 2014.

Big Sean, Jack Dorsey, Eminem and Rihanna have donated over $5 million to assist with the coronavirus pandemic in Detroit and Flint. Sean has been supportive of revitalizing Detroit and trying to clean up the city.

I noticed that Revolt is still pissed at Eminem after he dissed the network for being a bunch of sellouts in regards to having Joe Budden on. Ironic that Diddy and Eminem appear on Big Sean's album even though they're on bad terms.

Nonetheless, this isn't about Kanye West, Eminem or Sean "Puffy" Combs. It's about Big Sean and his long awaited album premiere. We got to give him the love.

Hopefully he'll broker a peace treaty.

Jessica A. Krug Is Rachel Dolezal On Shaun King!

Another white woman masquerades as a Black woman.
George Washington University's associate professor got caught faking the funk.

It was revealed that Professor Jessica A. Krug had claimed throughout her life, she posed as a Black woman to gain sympathy and a tenure in African studies. It was shocking to the students and people who once relied on her for spiritual advice on how to be Black in America.

This is another Rachel Dolezal or maybe a Jeffrey Shaun King.

The newest theme of culture stealing is "Transracial."

In a Medium post, Krug claim to be a Afro-Latina woman but actually she is White and Jewish.

"To an escalating degree over my adult life, I have eschewed my lived experience as a white Jewish child in suburban Kansas City under various assumed identities within a Blackness that I had no right to claim: first North African Blackness, then US rooted Blackness, then Caribbean rooted Bronx Blackness," she wrote.
White woman posed for years as a Black Latina.
Krug acknowledged in her post that she had no right to claim these identities, saying that "doing so is the very epitome of violence, of thievery and appropriation, of the myriad ways in which non-Black people continue to use and abuse Black identities and cultures."

She apologized for what she calls her "continued appropriation of a Black Caribbean identity," saying she was wrong, unethical, immoral, anti-Black and colonial.

"I am not a culture vulture," she wrote. "I am a culture leech."

Krug tried to come ahead of the story. A student who is Afro-Latina called into question her Blackness and her heritage. It appeared that some of the questioning her credentials for years.

You don't see coonservatives pretend to be white. They act just like themselves whenever they speak on behalf of white nationalism.

Candace Owens doesn't pretend to be a white woman. She is a Black far-right agitator who appeals to white nationalists. Terrence K. Williams doesn't pretend to be a white gay agitator. He's Donald J. Trump's Blacks for Trump surrogate. He acts like a gay white guy whenever he rants on about how Democrats are bad for the world. They're proud Black people who support white nationalism.


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