
Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Kroger Bans Armed Shoppers!

Kroger is the latest company to ban armed white privilege.
Is there going to be a place where the NRA members shop?

Cause they're losing their discounts on cars, plane tickets, Amazon delivery, FedEx shipping, home security devices and Visa credit cards.

Now they won't shop at Walmart and Dick's Sporting Goods because they banned armed shoppers and will eventually faze out firearms and ammo.

The NRA came out against Walmart.

NRA members will have to find another grocery store to shop at. The Kroger Company has decided to follow Walmart in banning armed shoppers from entering their stores and affiliates.

Kroger was the location where a white extremist opened fire on two shoppers in Louisville. He was intended on massacring as many people of color. He was caught without a bullet fired and he is facing state charges and a federal sandwich. He could face the DEATH card for this. He murdered two Black shoppers. This happened this year. Already forgotten.

On Tuesday, Kroger announced they will no longer allow shoppers to enter their stores with firearms.

"Kroger is respectfully asking that customers no longer openly carry firearms into our stores, other than authorized law enforcement officers," Jessica Adelman, group vice president of corporate affairs, said in a statement.

The Cincinnati-based grocery superstore joined Walmart as many companies are facing pressure to do something about gun violence.

Kroger and Walmart are "encouraging our elected leaders to pass laws that will strengthen background checks and remove weapons from those who have been found to pose a risk for violence."

In the wake of mass shootings in Gilroy, El Paso, Dayton, Philadelphia, Chicago, Mobile and Odessa, we are seeing companies placing pressure on lawmakers in Washington to get their acts together.

Mind you that Republicans are slow walking. It's been a month since El Paso and Dayton and the Senate hasn't taken up the issue since the House passed gun reform.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), the inept Majority Leader is waiting on Trump and The White House to draw out plans on how to pass legislation. That means deflect from the issue and hope that the next controversy will drive Americans away from the issue.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers won't heal the wounded or bring back the dead. It's just meaningless platitudes and I am getting sick and tired of folks posting on social media saying they have their condolences for those killed by gun violence.




The website Officer Down is a memorial to those who were killed in the line of duty. Those who don't get their names mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence.

I am really, really getting tired discussing these senseless mass shootings in the United States.

People should not ever live like this.

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