
Thursday, May 02, 2019

Facebook Puts The Trolls To Bed!

Facebook puts a ban on controversial agitators.
It's amazing that white people often attack Louis Farrakhan for being critically honest about Amerikkka. He is often regarded as an anti-Semitic for his criticism of Israel and the government that justifies murder of people of color.

He joins Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Laura Loomer, Paul Joseph Watson and Paul Nahlen as folks permanently banned from 1 Hackers Way. The social media giant Facebook called them "dangerous and too extreme" for the site.

If Facebook wanted to a purge of hateful individuals, why not stop there!

Pam Geller, Michael Savage, Brigitte Gabriel, Scott Kassler, Tomi Lahren, Candace Owens, Robert Spencer, John Hagee, Pat Robertson, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Breitbart News, Wayne Allan Root, Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin, Malik Zulu Shabazz, Ben Shapiro, R. Kelly, Bill Cosby, Bill O'Reilly, Paul Mooney, Jacob Wohl and Fox News itself could be banned from Facebook.

"We've always banned individuals or organizations that promote or engage in violence and hate, regardless or ideology," a Facebook spokesperson said.

Some questioned why Facebook would do this in one fell swoop.

Well anyway, here's a poll.

Was it a good idea for Facebook to ban Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan, Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, and Joseph Paul Watson? (Expect the dumbest answers to be picked by far-right trolls)

Yes. They were individuals who profited off of divisiveness. This is a step in the right direction. If they could get rid of Tomi Lahren, Michael Savage, Pam Geller, Pat Hagee, Brigitte Gabriel, Westboro Baptist Church and other hatemongers, then Facebook could be a better website.
No. They would have to police everyone on the left and the right. It's simply impossible. Cause if you can stop Alex Jones and Inforwars from Facebook, why can't they stop sites like World Net Daily, The Daily Caller, The Drudge Report, Raw Story, Think Progress, Daily Kos and other sites from pushing hateful rhetoric as well. It's not going to work. Facebook is caving to political correctness and pressure from advertisers who want to silence controversial opinion.
Yes. Facebook is a private business. They have every right to delete profiles of controversial figures such as Louis Farrakhan, Alex Jones and Laura Loomer. They need to eliminate folks who use racial, homophobic , anti-Islamic, anti-Jewish and anti-women rhetoric online as well. But it's a work in progress. I am glad Facebook took these steps.
No. I am not saying that Facebook was wrong in doing this but I believe it will open the door to call out individuals who often say controversial things to get away while those who don't are punished. If you can allow Michelle Malkin, Pam Geller and Malik Zulu Shabazz, continue to promote their hateful rhetoric, then it should be fair for others to do the same.

Do you believe Facebook needs to continue its purge on controversial figures?

Because if they could get rid of a handful of bigots and kookspiracy nuts, it's only going to open the door to many more.

Facebook has been in the business of promoting jealousy, racism, materialism, depression and suicide. I don't get on it as much as I used to.

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