
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Paternalistic Racism of Colin Flaherty: Black Women are Victims of Rape. Why? White Racism: Colin Flaherty Concerned Trolling as Usual.(update)

All of a sudden, they're concerned about Black women.  Historically, American society didn't give a darn about Black women and girls' lives for 400 years.  Now bigots like Colin want to pretend that they care about our lives when in reality they don't and never will.  They just want to score political points.

I think Black men are punished for relationships with women of any race while white men, racist or not, aren't punished for raping women of any race. White men still have the entitlement mentality when it comes to women and they get mad when people, especially Black women, push back. Which is why Black women don't date/marry outside of our race because we still love Black men, thick and thin. Right or wrong. Plus, the legacy of slavery/Jim Crow is still fresh in the minds and hearts of Black women because we lived with the trauma of being raped or assaulted by white men.

One other thing, we Black women don't want no racist, white-knighting bigoted white man to save us from Black men. I strongly resent paternalistic commentary from white men and women who have a history of mistreating and raping Black women for centuries.

Here's a video by vlogger who pushed back against racist Flaherty's narrative regarding Black women and rape:

I'm glad someone pushed back against the racist narrative of Black rapist/White victim mythology.


  1. Thank you for this post, La Reyna. Not enough is said about white men's sexual violence against women of all colors.

  2. I agree that white men abusing Black and Indigenous women and other women of color, aren't publicly called out on white media. White male supremacy protects white men most of all. They sure don't face real charges and consequences. The video was confusing to me. I'm hearing the speaker making excuses for Black men, including Bill Cosby, who hit or rape Black women. Do I have that wrong?

  3. Julian Real, you also correct and to the point. While I agree that men of all colors need to be held accountable for violence against women, white men need to be exposed for their historical violence against women instead of projecting men of other races and not face prosecution. White men protect other white men. This needs to change. The world 🌎 is so sick and tired of White male supremacy.

    La Reyna
