
Saturday, August 06, 2016

Tomi Lahren Acting Real Foolish!

Blonde shitkicker is gunning for Ann Coulter's spot as the most crazy bitch in the conservative media.

This chick named Tomi Lahren is bone fide....well you know!

Glenn Beck's struggling network The Blaze hired this 20-something conservative agitator to his roster and already people are calling for her cannon firing.

This blonde shitkicker had said some pretty racist shit.

Here's one episode with Charlamagne The God. Lahren getting pissed at the Beyonce performance at the Superbowl this year.

Here's another one for you. Lahren getting angry at #BlackLivesMatter. She accused the group of being responsible for the terrorist attack in Dallas killing five officers. She compares BLM to the Klan.

The Twitter universe went bananas on that one.

People called her out on her bullshit and she quickly scrubbed the tweet.

But And the latest outrage from this nut was the shooting of a woman and her five year old son.

The Raw Story reports that Lahren was blasting the victims of police shootings. One in particular was the death of Korynn Gaines, a black woman being shot and killed by the law after an armed standoff.

She posted her fatal encounter on social media and it went viral.

"Who the hell would do that?", Lahren said. "Is that the definition of your Black Lives Matter? And what about the black life of her son, she used him as a tool, a prop, in her video --- Real mother of the year there. Is this the kind of thing that Black Lives Matter wants to get behind?"

Gaines was wanted on a bench warrant for a March traffic stop.

According to the law, she made threats at the law, fired her shotgun and hid in a bathroom closet with her son. She was fatally killed and her son was injured. The officers were placed in the freezer pending an investigation.

Lahren went on to say about the death of this young woman.

"The notion that a black suspect can do no wrong and is always the victim is B.S. This doesn't end well for anyone --- anyone. All Lives Matter, so speak the hell up before this kind of thing starts happening on a regular basis. Is it worth a hashtag or a riot in your name to lose your life? If not, speak the hell up. You're killing yourselves and your communities, but you're so caught up in your victimhood and your self-righteous B.S., you don't see it. Tell me your gangs, are they worth the loss?"

Now she know she done fucked up now.

Petitions are pouring for her cannon firing. No word from The Blaze or Lahren on the concerns.

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