
Sunday, August 07, 2016

Facebook Ends The "OMG" Clicks!

Facebook is working on getting rid of clickbait.

Have you ever clicked on your friend's social media page with a link to a cool story?

I betcha you have! Well sometimes that link could be a trigger for malware and it's been a frequent thing that happens to come across the world's largest social media network.

And the social media giant is taking a stand. It's about to put the brakes on it.

Facebook is taking down the "OMG" clicks. In laymen's terms, the end is coming for clickbait stories.

It says it has built a technology that scans for tell-tale signs of clickbait headlines on its news feed section - phrases such as "you'll never guess why" and "his response was priceless".

So is this a good idea?

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