
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Police Confiscate Zimmerman's Guns!

The nation's most hated man loses his gun. The one that he used to kill Trayvon Martin. And the one that he used when he threatened his girlfriend

Been over four months since the verdict and he's still in the news for all the wrong reasons. 

Being released on bail at a measly $9,000 bail, he was told to be on electronic monitoring and not to have firearms.

The firearm that was used to kill Trayvon Martin, the unarmed teenager was given back to him after the verdict. Now he will lose it. He can not be around his girlfriend Samantha Schiebe.

This is quite ironic, that before George Zimmerman shot and killed Martin, he was arguing with his wife.

His wife and girlfriend both confirmed that he had anger issues.

And yet the jury didn't hear this and it wasn't used in the trial.

What he had in his girlfriend's home at the time of confiscation were three handguns, one 12-gauge shotgun,
one AR-15 rifle, 106 rounds of ammunition including two AR-15 magazines.

Yesterday, I listened to his best buddy, That Guy Who Helped Obama Win (best known as Sean Hannity).

A Black phone caller was asking the conservative agitator about the latest controversy Zimmerman got himself into. The agitator told him that "he didn't know what he was talking about."

He finally admitted after he hung up on the caller that Zimmerman "needs help" and the rush to judgement isn't warranted.

I wish Trayvon Martin would have dialed 911 to report that "creepy ass cracker" was following him. That would have the evidence needed to send this asshole to the iron college.

But we'll just wait for him to finally do something that may land his ass in the iron college.

He is a dangerous individual and the state of Florida allowed him to walk free after he killed a kid who was minding his business.

Why the Black community hates the Republican Party? 

In the minds of most African American people, the racist right will say "Obama's son" for every incident that involves Black men. They believe that's the condescending rhetoric that makes the narrative that "us Black folk" are "natural born criminals".

This knockout game is the racist right's newest obsession. The racist right claim they've found an equivalent to Zimmerman's downward spiral.

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