
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

France May End Sex Tourism!

Prostitution is legal in France. It's illegal for the selling in the brothels, sex trade and the pimping game.

Prostitution is illegal in the United States with exception of regulated areas in the state of Nevada. It's ranges from a Class A misdemeanor to Felony 5. It would be Felony 3 if the prostitute is tested positive for HIV/AIDS or Hepatitis B.

Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world. Many women (and transgender women) sell their bodies for drugs or a debt.

Crack/cocaine, bath salts, methamphetamine and heroin are the biggest problems in the United States. Those who are arrested for solicitation for prostitution are likely drug users. The clients who are busted are often married men.

With sex tourism on high demand in Europe, the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and the possibility of human trafficking are often thought of when legislators are working on passing laws.

France is pretty much lax on the rules of prostitution.

Sorry men, it's going to be a boring vacation if France decides to pass a law that targets prostitution.

The French parliament is considering imposing heavy fines on people caught paying for sex.

Opponents say the measures will only serve to force France's sex trade further underground.

There's a rise of North African and Asian women in most of France's largest cities.

Most men travel to Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia for sex tourism. The women and children in those countries are often vulnerable to sex trafficking.

The U.S. Justice Department and Interpol are working to stop pimps and their clients from engaging in child prostitution.

This is spoken in French. It doesn't have subtitles. This video may contains disturbing images. Viewer discretion is advised.

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