
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Joseph Paul Franklin Gets The Gas Chamber!

White supremacist who caused a nationwide killing spree was put down.

"Former" White extremist was a brutal serial killer. He could not stand watching Black men date White women. He would roam up and down the East Coast looking for chances to "cleanse the world" of people he considered inferior, especially "THE BLACKS AND THE JEWS".

Originally known as James Clayton Vaughn in Mobile, Alabama, Joseph Paul Franklin was born to a poor family. He suffered severe physical abuse as a child.

As early as high school, he was a picked on boy. He was taunted by the classmates and was shunned by girls. So in order to get back at his enemies, he would turn up as a Neo-Nazi.

Larry Flynt survived shooting by Joseph Paul Franklin.
He had an interested first in radical Christianity, then Nazism, and later held memberships in both the National Socialist White People's Party and the Ku Klux Klan.

Being spurn by White women really drove him to hate Black men. He thought that Black men were taking away the White women. So he's reading his hate pamphlet think about a master plan. I'll shoot as many as they come and thus the serial killing begins. In a span of three years, he killed numerous individuals. Most of them were Black men.

In his mind, he believed that Black men and White women together as bestiality. See Romeo Rose for more information.

He also targeted Larry Flynt, the founder of Hustler Magazine. He is paralyzed from the waist down due to injuries sustained in a 1978 assassination attempt.

Flynt was sort-of forgiving to the nutjob and plead to the Missouri state governor Jay Nixon that the fool should rot away in the iron college. Nixon said "Hell no, he's got to go!"

Last chance pleas came form his trial lawyers.

The U.S. Supreme Court vacated two stays of execution Wednesday morning for convicted murderer Joseph Paul Franklin, clearing the way for Missouri to put him to death.

A 63-year-old death row inmate who targeted blacks and Jews was granted a stay of execution Tuesday evening, just hours away from his scheduled death via lethal injection.
Nutjob white supremacist looks like Don Imus.
The St. Louis Press-Dispatch reported that Franklin’s request was granted by U.S. District Judge Nanette K. Laughrey, thus allowing for the resolution of a lawsuit filed by him and 20 other inmates against the state Department of Corrections for changing the formula used in the injection.

Franklin was executed in Missouri at 8:50 AM (EST). His execution was the first lethal injection in Missouri to use pentobarbital alone instead of the conventional three drug cocktail.

Franklin was scheduled to be executed at 12:01 AM for shooting and killing 42-year-old Gerald Gordon outside a St. Louis synagogue in 1977. Franklin was convicted of seven other murders and is blamed for committing 20 killings between 1977 and 1980.

The U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling about 5 a.m., and Franklin was put to death a short time later.

“I think it was a terrible thing to do and a terrible crime to commit against some people at a house of worship,” Franklin told local news in an interview filmed last week. “I've got no excuse for it. All I can say is, I was mentally ill. It was just a really bad thing to do to somebody.”

Basically he said he has no regrets. No amount of sorry could replace the lives he taken away because of his hatred of interracial couples.

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