
Monday, June 18, 2012

Rob Redding: Has Blacks Lives Ever Gotten Better Under The First Black President?

America's Independent Voice, Rob Redding is focused. The issues of the Black community are the focus and he's wondering what's taking President Barack Obama so long with handling our matters!

As a loyal listener to the Rob Redding News Review Radio program, I must admit Rob Redding has a point!

He was criticizing the president's political expediency towards two core groups that are shaking. The president is focusing on them and not the Black community.

The Hispanic/Latino and the LGBT community are key factors to the president's base but the most loyal is the Black community. President Barack Obama recently came in favor of endorsing gay marriage and demanding the U.S. Justice Department and Homeland Security to focus on illegal immigrants who commit crimes. It leaves the notion that the president is willing to not deport undocumented workers who are working or going to school.

These controversies became political landmines for the conservatives and a distraction away from the message of the economy. The president acknowledges that the economy will be the clear focus between the Republican nominee and himself, but these culture wars instigated by the president and the Republican Party has Rob Redding writting a book called "Where's The Change? - Why Obama Nor The GOP Can Solve America's Problems." It's a critical book focusing on issues that the president failed at doing and of course the political discourse and blatant disrespect from the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement.

For the last few years, Congress has been in gridlock. The 112th Congress has been least productive in history. It's matching close to the Republican controlled 80th Congress. The congress that President Harry Truman ran against and won his election.

President Barack Obama hasn't went to bat for the Black community as of, three years!

I have seen him attend the Congressional Black Caucus Dinner with the intentions of urging Blacks to take responsibility and stop complaining. The president understand that the needs of the Black community. But he's very cautious about it. Race is a factor to White voters. White conservative males are likely to provoke the Black community with inflammatory rhetoric that is deemed racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending, and overreaching. The president responded to the criticism from some Black members of Congress urging the president to focus on the problems of the urban districts. Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-California) was getting frustrated with the president delaying.

Unemployment in the Black community is about 20%. Has Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Black on Black crime is problematic. Every so often a young man is either dead before he reaches 25 years old. Has Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Black married families are not as popular as they used to be. More Blacks are likely having multiple sex partners and possibilities of catching a STD or HIV is higher. Has Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Black males are abandoning their children. Many single parents are struggling. Whether its a male or female, a dead beat parent could be a tax payer's burden. Many couples are having children and are struggling under a partisan Congress scared to pass a budget legislation and Republican state governors who focus on austerity cuts or intrusion tactics such as drug testing. Has Black lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

With incidents like the vigilante killing of Trayvon Martin, the police beating of Rodney King, the police shootings of Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, and many police involved shootings, have Blacks lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

Urban decay, white flight, manufacturing decline, an economic crisis overseas, partisan gridlock in Washington, states cutting back the public sector and an ongoing war in Afghanistan. Many Blacks are part of the problem we're facing as Americans. Has Black lives ever gotten better under the first Black president?

With issues that matter to the Black community, how can we get President Barack Obama to work harder for our votes?

Rob Redding explains this in his daily program. You can listen to his show on local radio stations across the country as well as SiriusXM's The Power. His program is also on Sunday. Email him at When he's on radio, you can call his toll free number 1-855-762-3080.

Weekdays 4pm and Sundays 7pm. For three hours you'll hear America's Independent Voice discuss issues with the government, the mainstream media and the Black community.

Courtesy of Rob Redding and YouTube


  1. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I try to listen to you but is finding it more difficult because you must be one of the 1percent otherwise I can't see how you keep putting the president down. I assume you prefer Mitt otherwise you wouldn't keep misleading African Americans about Obama and what he has or has not done.

    What other choice do we have? I am retired and on SSI and Medicare. With Mitt we can lose everything.

    You are so young and ignorant, you don't really get it.

  2. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I try to listen to you but is finding it more difficult because you must be one of the 1percent otherwise I can't see how you keep putting the president down. I assume you prefer Mitt otherwise you wouldn't keep misleading African Americans about Obama and what he has or has not done.

    What other choice do we have? I am retired and on SSI and Medicare. With Mitt we can lose everything.

    You are so young and ignorant, you don't really get it.
