
Monday, June 18, 2012

Is Disrespecting President Obama Patriotism In The Mind Of Tea Party?


Talking Points Memo got another one for the Tea Party to defend. It's another one of those lovely patriots who share their complaints about that socialist, Kenyan, racist, tax and spend, Muslim occupier in the White House.

What goes on behind closed doors, in the workplace or in the public, is the reactionary, condescending bigoted outrage from conservatives and the first African American president. The blantant disrespect of President Barack Obama is practically racial.

From the recent outburst from a reporter from conservative agitating website The Daily Caller to what I will discuss here on Journal de la Reyna, I want to share a thought of understanding to how one man can drive conservatives mad with extremism.

I would say that pictures with the president near firearms is dog whistle for a threat! I don't know what I could tell you but if you're posting pictures of firearms near the president, it gives a deranged person the notion to assassinate the president.

This year an Arizona police officer, his son and friends shoots up a tee shirt with the president's famous Hope design. This got the United States Secret Service investigating the incident and the police officer to nearly be fired for the incident.

Congressman Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina) shouted "You Lie" during the President's Address to the Nation.

Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) made the comment that the president was a "tar baby".

Former presidential candidate, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) channeled Doug Lamborn's infamous statement.

Congressman Paul Broun (R-Georgia) allowed a constituent to make an assassination comment

Congressman Lynn Westmoreland (R-Georgia) called the president "uppity".

Ted Nugent, an aging rocker and gun activist warned people attending the NRA Annual Conference that if President Barack Obama was to win a second term, he'll either be in jail or killed by that evil government. That comment about either being in jail resemble the echos of "assassination". Nugent was visited by the U.S. Secret Service and it was determined that it didn't pose a threat. But he did lose his civilian credentials when performing on the military bases since the rant.

Last year, country redneck singer Hank Williams, Jr. goes on that conservative network with the Three Stooges of morning news to declare that President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Ohio  Republican governor John Kasich were the Three Stooges themselves. He even went on calling the president, "Hitler" for his policies. The singer appeared to be drunk and that tirade cost him a spot on ESPN as their official opening act for NFL football.

Many Republican officials emailed their friends offensive jokes painting the president, First Lady Michelle Obama and Trayvon Martin in racial coded language. A federal judge by the name of Richard Cebull is under investigation and possible removal after he sent a racial themed email disparaging the president.

Former presidential candidate Newt Gingrich called Barack Obama the most successful "food stamp president" in an attempt to play to the extremist wing of the Republican Party.

Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum told an audience he doesn't want to make Americans lives better for Black (Blah) people. Some claimed that Santorum called the president a "government nigger" but he stopped short of saying the racial slur.

Former presidential candidate, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) has a known history associating with far right extremist. Some of his supporters called the president a "monkey". Jules Manson, a perennial libertarian candidate from California went to Facebook to rant about how the president's signing of the National Defense Authorization Act was treason and the monkey and his family should be taken out! Of course the U.S. Secret Service investigated him and found that he didn't threaten the president. Of course, his son Senator Rand Paul called President Barack Obama a "whole lot gayer" now that he supports the equal rights of the LGBT community. Paul also was involved with the infamous Ron Paul newsletters that offered a devoted White nationalist view of America.

The dog whistles are blowing!

Rush Limbaugh calls the president either Imam Hussein Obama, or Barack Kardashian.

Glenn Beck say that the president has a deep seeded hatred of white people or the white race in general and he thought the president was a racist.

Sean Hannity calls the president the "anointed one" and obsesses over the New Black Panthers, Jeremiah Wright and Van Jones in his daily commentaries.

Bill O'Reilly interrupts the president during his one-on-one interview.

Brett Beier interrupts the president during his one-on-one interviews. The second time Beier interviewed the president, they got into a heated debate in which President Barack Obama told the reporter to let me finish my sentence.
Arizona governor Jan Brewer put her finger in the face of President Barack Obama. The press photo shows the governor in a heated exchange with the president. Brewer wrote a book calling the president condescending and claimed that the president disrespected her by suing the state over its controversial immigration law. President Barack Obama has a somewhat cordial relationship with Governor Brewer but the tense criticism led to them getting into it. Many figured that the governor stepped out of line when she put her finger in his face.

Conservative agitators such as Michelle Malkin, Matt Drudge and the late Andrew Breitbart spent most of the president's term going after his core base. The young voters. Matt Drudge post reactionary stories about the president, black crime, Obama endorsed celebrities in trouble and bad economic news to rile up conservatives. Before his death, Andrew Breitbart brought down Shirley Sherrod over a controversial statement she made while attending the NAACP forum on race relations. Sherrod's statements weren't controversial and the Breitbart team misled the public. But the damage was done. Not only did Mrs. Sherrod get death threats from deranged supporters of Breitbart, but the pink slip from the USDA under pressure from the White House. Michelle Malkin post information of allies of the president on her website to urge them to jam their pages with spamming responses and sometimes death threats. Malkin wasted no time calling First Lady Michelle Obama's healthy food initiatives, Marxism.

Tea Party signs with the president with a bone in nose, snide comments about a Black criminal being one of "Obama's" sons, or the clear threat of firearms in the protest corral near the president's caravan.

These are signs of the extremism within the Republican Party. Faux outrage over things that doesn't affect the general public. Slow growth in the economy has White voters more pessimistic over the policies of the president.

The president makes executive orders to jump start the economy and Republicans are crowing about the move being a violation of the U.S. Constitution.

Okay, I've explained enough. Lets get back on the subject.

                         Obama library Montana GOP Memorial Day

Montana Republican Party goes to the fair with a out house with Obama stickers and bullet holes.

This is certainly got to be the most bizarre and downright disrespectful crap you've come to expect from those in the Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement.

The out house had dog whistles and political flares. It not only took a dig at race by revising the birth certificate but offered a healthy dose of sexism against the First Lady, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and former First Lady, now Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

It was stamped “Bull——.” A graffito advised “For a Good Time call 800-Michelle (crossed out), Hillary (crossed out) and Pelosi (circled in red.)”
 I am going to say this clearly. 

Race is a factor!

The Republicans deny they're racist! So why does the political party's allies have examples such as this one here? They'll refuse to see where the problem lies! They'll think it's a plot by the so-called "liberal media" to point out fallacies about the Tea Party being racist. The conservatives will claim that the Occupy Wall Street movement is actually racist and President Barack Obama endorses extremists.

I want you to understand this! I didn't vote for division and divisiveness! I didn't vote for an obstructionist political party determined to ruin the economy just to get back in power. I didn't vote for the candidate based on race. I can tell you at least fifteen laws that President Barack Obama signed and you'll still call me the one misinformed because you don't like the answer or you're out of things to rant about!

You can't tell me that White males aren't the most dissatisfied voters.

You can't me that a few members of the New Black Panthers are more dangerous then the hundreds if not thousands of members of right wing extremist groups. Many such as the KKK or Aryan Nations actively recruiting the next would be domestic terrorist.

You can't tell me that it's always people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton screaming out racism. The White conservative male is likely to agitate the Black community, the president and others who don't toll the line of the Republican Party. Jackson and Sharpton never scream racism, they scream justice!

So I just want to get this off my chest, I am getting tired of it and I think it's time for conservatives to be served! I don't call for violence among these people! I call for recruitment of voters. I want voters to go to the polls and help the president win reelection.

We can't allow the Republicans to win this election. They have the potential to lay economic destruction with their plans of austerity cuts in the domestic sector. The public sector and the poor are going to suffer and the middle class will struggle.

We can't allow this. I urge the American people to vote against the Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The perennial candidate Mitt Romney endorses extremist such as Donald Trump, The Drudge Report, Karl Rove and Fox News.

We can't allow this to fall into the Republican Party's hands! I will help out as much as I can this election year!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:46 PM

    “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiency or otherwise he fails in his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else.”

    ― Theodore Roosevelt
