
Sunday, September 22, 2024

Most Of The World Doesn't See Hamas As Terrorists!

Terrorism only applies to Brown and Black people. Israel and the U.S. credibility is ruined because of the regime's relentless attacks in the Middle East.

Terrorism only applies to countries who hate Israel.

Republicans place the blame of the Los Angeles/Rodney King riots, the Minneapolis/George Floyd riots, every war that doesn't go as planned, every mass shooting, every government shutdown, every man made disaster on the Democrats. Every wildfire, volcano, earthquake, tornado, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy and Hurricane Maria is blamed the Democrats. They blame Democrats for crime and gun violence. They claim it was the Democrats most responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, mask mandates and closing businesses when it was a Republican president and most Republican governors who ordered shutdowns. 

In the minds of Republicans, George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump never done anything wrong!

Now as Israel is committing war crimes, an active genocide and literally meddling in the 2024 U.S. presidential election, I fear we could experience more events like this.

The U.S. and its support for Israel has made our country less credible. We cannot claim the world's stage with excuses of foreign countries committing international criminal acts when the U.S. is running cover for Israel. 

White countries like Israel, the United States, Canada, France, Great Britain, Germany, Poland, Italy, Greece, Australia, Ireland, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands see the Islamic Resistance Movement (aka Hamas) as a terrorist group.

Hamas has not killed any Americans. If you count the Israeli settler who was born in America but actually died by Israeli airstrikes and the regime blamed Hamas. The Israelis have alleged launched the Hannibal Directive, a controversial war strategy which says "sweep the floor." Basically, Israel said it's best to save the troops if they kill them all.

Hamas is a resistance to Israeli occupation and they are political organization that tried to work with the U.S. to end the genocide. 

President Joe Biden has no interest in ending this. If he did, he would have called for Congress to stop aiding Israel. It would have generated controversy and allegations ranging from:

  • Abandoning our allies.
  • Showing weakness on the global scale.
  • Antisemitic.
  • Hate towards the Jews.
  • Caving to the left.
  • Supporting the terrorists.
A stupid bunch of word vomit from a bunch of racist Zionists who have no disregard for human lives, the aftermath of actions and consequences of actions.

The terrorist attack in Beirut was unprecedented. It almost equates to 9/11.

I remember Richard Reid, the British man who tried to blow up his shoes on an international flight to the United States.

I remember Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian man who tried blow up his pants on an international flight to the United States.

I remember the Russian Federation shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine.

The U.S. rightfully condemned these aggressions as terrorism. 

Why the fuck the U.S. refuses to condemn Israel for this terrorist attack?

Because they were either involved or not willing to condemn this because of their alliance with the "Jewish State."

I am getting tired of our taxpayer dollars going to aiding Israel. That country has been nothing more than a plague on the world stage.

They make the world less safe for anyone who is Jewish or Muslim.

It also makes Americans less likely to support Vice President Kamala Harris or former president Donald J. Trump in their bids to be the 47th President of the United States.

Hamas didn't have the means to eliminate vehicles and passerbys. Israel had used the Hannibal Directive to indiscriminately kill the settlers. The U.S. is being fed censored information to push this narrative that Israel had no responsibility for the Oct. 7 attacks.

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