
Monday, August 05, 2024

Just The Bear Facts!

NYPD was investigating a dead bear in Central Park. It appears that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. deliberately placed a dead carcass in the park.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is trying to do damage control after a rather interesting issue rattled his campaign.

Kennedy who is an estranged member of the Kennedy family has about 10% of the vote.

Like Donald J. Trump, Kennedy is the definition of white privilege. He is a conspiracy theorist and an adulterer. He is literally trying to be a spoiler for Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrats.

Trump is a conspiracy theorist and dog whistler. 

When President Joe Biden dropped out the race and endorsed Harris to take the mattle and his coffers, it rocked the Trump and Kennedy campaigns. They have nothing that sticks and it appears the acts of desperation are showing.

Fred Trump III, endorsed Harris after he released a book detailing how his uncle said that an estranged grand nephew with disabilities should just die because it was a costly and tragic mistake to have him living. Fred's son is in a group home. Mary Trump, the former president's niece is the sister of Fred. She is an outspoken critic of Trump. They were kicked off the inheritance after they came out to protest Trump. Mary endorsed Harris shortly after Biden dropped out.

Kennedy is a recovering drug addict and an environmental lawyer. He is also a skeptic of vaccines and medical research. He is an advocate for marijuana use and deregulation of companies.

A washed up actress and washed up politician share weird stories.

The Kennedy family endorsed Harris for president.

His campaign is bleeding cash and is struggling to gain momentum. That 10% makes a big difference in a close election. Trump is secretly talking with Kennedy in trying to defeat Harris now that Biden is out.

The New Yorker has a piece about Kennedy intentionally leaving a maimed bear cub underneath a bicycle in Central Park in New York. It happened in 2013, shortly after Kennedy dated and later married actress Cheryl Hines.

On Roseanne Barr's podcast, the washed up actress and noted conspiracy theorist got Kennedy to explain his actions to get ahead of the controversy. Barr endorsed Trump but supports a Kennedy bid to siphon votes from Harris.

Kennedy describes the incident in a video that was posted to social media Sunday, adding it will be included in a forthcoming New Yorker article that he expects to be damaging.

It’s the latest bizarre incident in Kennedy’s quixotic campaign that has divided his famous family and left Republicans and Democrats alike concerned about his potential impact on the presidential contest. Kennedy has acknowledged a parasite that lodged in his brain and died. He denied eating a dog after a friend shared a photo with Vanity Fair magazine showing Kennedy dramatically preparing to take a bite of a charred animal; Kennedy said it was a goat.

In the video, Kennedy recounts the story to Barr. He says he was heading to a falconry excursion with friends when a woman driving ahead of him hit and killed the young bear with her vehicle. He says he put it in his own vehicle, intending to skin it and eat the meat, but the day got away from him.


Eventually, he says, he was in Manhattan and needed to get the bear carcass out of his vehicle. His friends, fueled by alcohol, concocted the Central Park plan as a prank, he said, adding he was not drunk himself. At the time, bicycle accidents were getting significant media attention, so Kennedy and his friends thought it would be funny to make it look like the bear was hit by a bicycle.

Two women walking their dogs found the dead bear and alerted authorities, touching off a mystery that captivated the city for a few days. Bears are not among the park’s known wildlife population.

The bike was dusted for prints and the animal sent to Albany for a necropsy, which determined the bear was likely hit by a vehicle and was not a victim of animal cruelty. But how the bear ended up in Central Park remained a mystery.

“I was worried because my prints were all over that bike,” Kennedy tells Barr in the video.

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