
Thursday, August 08, 2024

Israel Kicked Out Of Japanese Honor Ceremony! U.S. Skips In Protest!

Rombo won't honor victims of Nagasaki because they don't want Israeli regime officials there.

The Biden Administration continues its downward spiral. It is so disappointing that President Joe Biden will certainly make this a very close election. His staunch support for the evil apartheid ethnostate of Israel will hurt Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Rahm Emanuel, former Chicago mayor and current U.S. Ambassador to Japan has confirmed he will not attend the event to honor the victims of the American dropping of the atomic bomb in our genocide of Nagasaki, Hiroshima and Koyoto. 

Emanuel was a U.S. House Member and former chief of staff to Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States.

Emanuel will not attend the event because it was “politicized” by Nagasaki’s decision not to invite Israel, the embassy said.

He will instead honor the victims of the Nagasaki atomic bombing at a ceremony at a Buddhist temple in Tokyo, it said.

An atomic bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima on Aug. 6, 1945, destroyed the city, killing 140,000 people. A second bomb dropped three days later on Nagasaki killed 70,000 more. Japan surrendered on Aug. 15, 1945, ending World War II and the country’s nearly half-century of aggression in Asia.

Nagasaki Mayor Shiro Suzuki on Thursday said his decision not to invite Israel is unchanged despite announcements by the U.S. and five other Group of Seven countries and the European Union that they will send lower-ranked envoys instead of ambassadors to the ceremony.

“We only want to hold the ceremony in a peaceful and solemn atmosphere” to honor the atomic bomb victims, Suzuki said. “It is absolutely not because of political reasons.”

“It is unfortunate that ambassadors won’t be able to join us this year, but I hope they will attend from next year,” Suzuki added.

Suzuki had indicated his reluctance in June to invite Israel, noting the escalating conflict in the Middle East. He announced last week that Israel was not invited because of concern over “possible unforeseen situations” such as protests, sabotage or attacks on attendees.

Suzuki said he made the decision based on “various developments in the international community in response to the ongoing situation in the Middle East” that suggested a possible risk that the ceremony would be disturbed. “Aug. 9 is the most important day for Nagasaki City ... and we must not let the ceremony be affected,” he said.

In contrast, Hiroshima invited the Israeli ambassador to Japan to its memorial ceremony on Tuesday, which was attended by 50,000 people including Emanuel and other envoys, though Palestinian representatives were not invited.

Nagasaki officials said they were told that an official of the U.S. Consulate in Fukuoka will represent the United States at Friday’s ceremony.

The U.S. skips events because countries ain't bowing to Israel.

Envoys from the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy and the U.K. and the European Union signed a joint letter expressing their shared concern about Israel’s exclusion, saying that treating the country on the same level as Russia and Belarus — the only other countries not invited — would be misleading.

The envoys urged Nagasaki to reverse the decision and invite Israel to preserve the universal message of the city’s ceremony. The exclusion of Israel would make their “high-level participation” difficult, they said.

I am starting to believe that Israeli operatives are infiltrating the White House.

Obama had Emanuel, Pete Rouse, Bill Daley, Jack Lew and Denis McDonough.

Donald J. Trump had Reince Priebus, John Kelly, Mick Mulvaney and Mark Meadows.

Biden had Ron Klein and now Jeff Zients.

He claims it was "politicized" by Japan's decision to not invite Israel.

Fuck Emanuel.

He was Chicago's most crappiest mayor by far. 

His father was a colonialist Zionist.

His brother is co-owner of Endavor Entertainment which is part of TKO Holdings. Ari Emanuel is a Trump supporter and is invested in Dana White's UFC and Vince McMahon's WWE.

In the U.S., $3,800,000,000 to Israel's weapons could instead fund:
  • 451,735

    Households with public housing for a year

  • 1,322,199

    Children receiving free or low-cost healthcare

  • 41,490

    Elementary school teachers

  • 10,818,505

    Households with solar electricity produced for a year

  • 100,563

    Students with their loan debt cancelled

  • >3 billion

    N95 respirator masks

Let me get this straight: You are more upset over words than actions. You are upset someone using their freedom of speech to criticize a foreign country engaged in a propaganda campaign to shield itself from war crimes and impunity. You are upset over people using their voices, their wallets and their time to protest an injustice. Well, get upset over your taxpayer money aiding foreign nations. You upset other countries deciding to ban or boycott Israel for its actions. Get upset over foreign nations killing Americans in a war funded by our taxpayer money. Get upset over the deaths of thousands in Haiti, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine and Palestine. Get upset at your president, your senator, your representative, your governor, your state leader, your mayor and your local junk food media for bowing to the evil regime of Israel.

The Congress has less work than most Americans. It is infuriating that the average worker works more 50 hours a week while 435 House members, 6 non voting House delegates and 100 senators work on average of 25 hours a week.

Holding these lawmakers accountable is not just a pledge, but a promise. You need to learn who represents your community. Your local community member, your school board member, your mayor, your state representative, your state senator, your governor, your U.S. Representative, your U.S. Senator and the president need to be held accountable for their actions. 

We need to put pressure on Republicans and Democrats to do something to improve everyone's lives.

Keep pressure on them with Israel. 

Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and the U.S. must end its aid. Our taxpayer money should not help Israel any further.

They are feeling it. Democrats know the risk of supporters being turned off by their policies. They know that Biden is under extreme pressure to do something. Arab Americans, Muslim and young voters have vowed to never back Biden. In turn it puts the Harris-Walz ticket election chances in danger.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of private equity firms getting away with destroying small businesses and long established companies. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. 

We have bigger issues at home and our tax dollars should solve the housing crisis, lowering food prices, fixing roads, bridges, helping reinvest in struggling urban and rural communities. We have hospitals closing, big box retailers leaving communities and television programs dying. 

There are bigger issues in the country than Israel. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

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