
Wednesday, July 17, 2024


The exit ramp is a few more miles.

President Joe Biden has the coronavirus and is off the campaign trail. It is mild and he said he is "good." This is the latest and it has only strengthen the concerns. 

The Democrats leaders are now telling the president that if he continues, they may lose everything. They want him out now.

If he drops out, they lose regardless.

The Republicans are willing to back a rapist, convicted felon, instigator of political violence, a wannabe dictator, a moron and a piece of shit.

The pro-Israel Democratic lawmakers, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) and white Democrats are the loudest.

Biden met with Hollywood executive and top Democratic donor Jeffrey Katezenberg in Las Vegas on Wednesday to discuss strategy, according to the report. Katezenberg allegedly told Biden that donors’ patience is getting thin and that the cash flow could stop.

Biden has faced renewed criticism following his poorly received debate against Trump. And after helping Biden rake in a record-breaking amount of money for his campaign, actor George Clooney has now called for the president to drop out of the race.

Instead of focusing on unity, Democrats work on dysfunction. 

Let me be clear, when Black voters turn on Biden, then it is over.

Jonathan Karl reports that the Pro-Israel lawmakers are demanding he steps down.

As one person who has been defending Biden publicly since his debate performance said Wednesday, "Biden is going to see the whole house of cards come down soon."

The meeting didn't get much attention as it happened shortly before the assassination attempt later that day on former President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania.

A knowledgeable source close to both men tells me Schumer had a blunt conversation with Biden, making the case it would be best if Biden dropped out of the 2024 presidential race.

Focus on issues not the noise.

When asked about this, Schumer's spokesperson declined to comment on specifics of the meeting, saying only that "Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus."

Later, the leader's spokesperson added: "Unless ABC's source is Chuck Schumer or President Joe Biden the reporting is idle speculation. Leader Schumer conveyed the views of his caucus directly to President Biden on Saturday."

A source familiar with the matter tells ABC News that House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries has expressed similar views directly to Biden, suggesting he should drop out of the race.

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