
Sunday, July 21, 2024

Democrats Are Their Own Worst Enemy!

It's Kamala or nothing. All in for MVP.

I'm mad.

Mad as hell and I am not going to take it.

I will do all I can to help Kamala Devi Harris win the 2024 Democratic Party nomination and the 2024 presidential election. I am not going to stand back and allow the junk food media, white Democrats and political agitators get Donald J. Trump and J.D. Vance the White House.

It's on now.

On Sunday, President Joe Biden announced he is dropping out of the race after pressure from party leaders and donors. It was the type of defeatist attitude that broke the Democratic Party in 1968. He quickly endorsed the vice president.

Herbert Humphrey was the nominee after Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. was killed. The Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War and white resentment led to a fractured Democratic National Convention in 1968. He lost to Richard Nixon.

Nixon became the poster child of corruption in the Republican Party.

Trump became the leading figure of white privilege, corruption and deplorable behavior.

Already the racial attacks and the misinformation against Harris are happening. The questioning of her Blackness is already being discussed by Black separatists and far right agitators.

Biden, 81 was capable of beating Trump. The junk food media focusing on his terrible debate performance, him catching COVID and his stuttering.

Biden’s historic endorsement — and Harris’s pledge to unite the party behind her —came Sunday after he announced that he is dropping his reelection bid following weeks of disarray within the Democratic Party. The president’s disastrous debate called into question his ability to win a second term and govern for another four years.

“My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee,” Biden said.

Still, despite the president’s backing, it remains unclear if Harris will become the nominee, or what process the Democratic Party would take to select an alternative. It will now be up to the delegates to the party’s national convention to choose their candidate. While Harris allies have sought to secure her path to the nomination, some Democrats have stopped short of backing her or explicitly called for an open nomination process.

Democratic National Committee chairman Jaime Harrison said in a statement that in the coming days the party will “undertake a transparent and orderly process to move forward as a united Democratic Party with a candidate who can defeat Donald Trump in November.”

Logistically, Harris is the natural heir to the ticket as Biden’s running mate.

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