
Friday, July 26, 2024

Anna Ayala: I Got My Finger For Trump!

Before there was Ashley Todd and Tara Reade, there is Anna Ayala. The woman who went to the iron college after putting a human finger in a Wendy's chili was interviewed by the New York Times. She plans on voting for Trump.

Winners and losers of 2024.

Back in 2005, Wendy's was in a huge public relations disaster. A woman claimed she found a portion of a human finger inside a Dave's Homestyle Chili. It rocked the nation and the world. It was inside a San Jose Wendy's restaurant. Anna Ayala tried to sue Wendy's and it literally backfired when the man who lost his finger ratted the woman, her husband and their cousin out. 

Wendy's suffered a $23 million loss due to customers refusing to eat there because of fears that the company allowed it to happen.

The U.S. Justice Department teamed up with the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the processing plant where Wendy's made their chili. They also talked to workers at the restaurant and the California state health agency did a through search of the restaurant. Workers were asked to checked their fingers and open up chili cans.

It was two weeks of a nightmare for Wendy's.

After an investigation by the Santa Clara County Medical Examiner's Office and the San Jose Police Department, it was determined that the finger did not come from a Wendy's employee, or from any employee at the facilities that provided ingredients for the chili. Though early reports suggested that the finger was "fully cooked," the Santa Clara County coroner's office initially concluded that the finger "was not consistent with an object that had been cooked in chili at 170 degrees for three hours."

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department investigated Ayala's home in Las Vegas, Nevada but did not disclose details on their investigation. Rumors spread that Ayala got the finger from a friend in her hometown who had recently lost a finger in a "work-related accident" which they later found out was the case. Ayala claimed that the police treated her and her family "like terrorists," acting against her violently, but neighbors downplayed the event. It was later discovered that she had previously filed numerous lawsuits against various retail establishments.

The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department arrested Ayala on April 21, 2005, taking her to the Clark County Detention Center. Ayala was charged with felony attempted grand larceny and grand theft. The grand theft charge was allegedly in connection with the fraudulent sale of a San Jose mobile home, between September 2002 and November 2003, that Ayala did not own; in reality, it was owned by her live-in boyfriend, according to a statement filed by San Jose Police Detective Albert Morales. The attempted grand larceny charge was connected to the Wendy's chili finger case; a penalty enhancement was issued for inflicting more than $2.5 million in losses on Wendy's as a result of plummeting sales.

Prosecutors portrayed Ayala as a scam artist with a penchant for filing lawsuits. According to court records, tests indicated that the finger had not been cooked in the chili. They did not indicate where they believed the finger came from.

At a press conference held in San Jose, on April 22, 2005, local Wendy's franchise holder Joseph Desmond urged people to "please come back to Wendy's because we do serve wonderful hamburgers, shakes and everything else." Wendy's announced that, on that weekend, it would offer a free Frosty to all Bay Area customers as a show of goodwill and commitment in the wake of its investigation. Wendy's later expanded its offer of free Frosties nationwide.

Wendy's is a company based out of the Columbus, Ohio suburb of Dublin. The company operate over 3,000 restaurants worldwide.

On May 13, 2005, police announced that they had identified the finger as belonging to Brian Paul Rossiter, an associate of Ayala's husband. Rossiter had lost his finger in an industrial accident at an asphalt company in December 2004 and had subsequently sold the finger to Ayala's husband in order to settle a debt. Police received the information from an undisclosed caller to the Wendy's hotline, later discovered to be Rossiter himself.

On September 9, 2005, in San Jose, Ayala and her husband, Jaime Plascencia, pleaded guilty to conspiring to file a false claim and attempted grand theft.[citation needed] Ayala was subsequently banned for life from all Wendy's locations.

On January 18, 2006, Ayala was sentenced to nine years in the iron college. Her husband, who supplied the finger, was sentenced to 12 years, 4 months in the iron college. The difference in their sentences' lengths was due to other unrelated criminal convictions, for which only one or the other defendant had been charged.

In her appeal to reduce her sentence, the Sixth District Court of Appeal agreed with her, saying that Judge Edward Davila's decision to impose five years for "aggravating circumstances" was based on his own fact-finding and not on a jury's conclusions.

Ayala had a history of lawsuits, filing at least 13 different civil actions in California and Nevada which involved her or her children, some of which involved out-of-court cash settlements. In 1998, Ayala brought a lawsuit against San Jose-based La Oferta Review Newspaper for sexual harassment. The case was dropped.

In 2004, she lost a suit against a San Jose car dealership, General Motors Corp. and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, claiming that a wheel fell off her car. The suit was dismissed with prejudice after she fired her attorney and failed to attend court or submit paperwork.

In 2004, Ayala claimed she had won a suit against fast-food restaurant chain El Pollo Loco in which she was awarded $30,000 in damages for medical expenses after her daughter, Genesis, contracted salmonella poisoning after eating at one of their Las Vegas-area restaurants. In mid-April 2004, El Pollo Loco spokeswoman Julie Weeks disputed this, saying that the company reviewed her claim and paid her nothing.

Finger chili lady supports the maxi pad old guy Trump.

In 2013, Ayala made international headlines again after being sentenced to two years in the iron college for being an accessory to a felony, filing a false police report and being a felon in possession of a firearm. In October 2012, her son, Guadalupe Reyes, accidentally shot himself in the ankle. Reyes was not allowed to have the gun because he was on parole. Ayala filed a false police report, telling officers that her son had been shot in the ankle by two men. According to police, Reyes eventually cracked during questioning and admitted that he had shot himself, leading to his and Ayala's arrests.

Now she is back in the news. 

I want to say Tara Reade should have taken Anna Ayala with her. Reade fled to Russia to escape possible criminal charges of failing to register as a foreign agent and the nearly $100,000 federal court ruling to pay the New York Times after she tried to sue the paper for privacy invasion.

The New York Times so eager to boast former president Donald J. Trump talked to Ayala about the election and Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party president candidate who is running in place of President Joe Biden.

In 2024, Ayala was briefly quoted by The New York Times in an election polling-related story. The Times later deleted the quotation.

Ayala was interviewed about her voting tendencies and was quoted saying she planned to vote for Trump in November, despite being a Democrat.

The section later appeared to be removed from the online piece, and the newspaper issued the following correction: “The Times removed comments from one voter in an earlier version of this article after learning that the person had been convicted in an extortion scheme in which she made fraudulent claims.”

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