
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

The Insufferable House Passes Sanctions For The International Criminal Court!

The U.S. is going to punish a top prosecutor for the International Criminal Court. The ICC chief prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan warns U.S. officials that he will not be deterred.

You can't make this bullshit up!

Get used to me boldfacing Israel says. Anytime that regime claims something, take it with a grain of salt. Israel has killed three hostages, five soliders, international journalists and intentionally killed humanitarian aid workers. The International Criminal Court has engaged in a wave of indictments and the UN should bypass permanent members, the United States and Great Britain to issue severe sanctions to force dismantling the government.

Republicans and Democrats are so fucking stupid.

Republicans vow to strip funding from the Department of Justice, sanction world leaders for recognizing Palestinian sovereignty, sanction the ICC for holding criminals accountable and punish dissent to the status quo.

The International Criminal Court will not be deterred by President Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Congress and the Israeli regime.

The ICC takes these threats seriously and they will not tolerate intimidation from entities engaged in threats against the justice system. They will proceed its criminal charges against the regime's officials without fear or favor.

The Guardian reported that Israeli operatives have spied on prosecutors and threatened them with compromise or death.

Mary Peltola is an indigenous lawmaker and proven idiot. I guess she doesn't care about the indigenous people in Palestine. She joined the Republicans in sanctioning the ICC.

The talking points about law and order are thrown out the window with both Republican and Democratic factions. They are so full of shit.

When it comes to Donald J. Trump and Israel, the Republican Party will go down with them. The Democrats and Joe Biden, the very same.

The vote was 247-155, with nearly every Republican and a few dozen Democrats voting for it. Two Republicans, Reps. Thomas Massie of Kentucky and Warren Davidson of Ohio, voted present.

Grace Meng, Ruben Gallego, David Scott, Mary Peltola, Lucy McBath and Steven Horsford are huge disappointments. They are people of color and sided with the extremist Republicans in punishing the ICC for holding criminals accountable.

The sanctions bill is unlikely to get a vote in the Democratic-controlled Senate, however.

Though President Joe Biden called the ICC's actions "outrageous," his administration said in a statement Monday it "strongly opposes" the bill to sanction the court.

Biden's administration remains "deeply concerned about the ICC Prosecutor’s heedless rush to apply for arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials," the administration said, but it also opposes sanctioning "the ICC, its personnel, its judges, or those who assist its work. There are more effective ways to defend Israel, preserve U.S. positions on the ICC, and promote international justice and accountability, and the Administration stands ready to work with the Congress on those options."

Ruben Gallego support for Israel will hurt his chances to win the Arizona U.S. senate race.

ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan said in a statement last month that the court would issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar and other Israeli and Hamas leaders, charging leaders on both sides of the conflict with crimes against humanity and war crimes. A panel of three judges will take up the issue and ultimately decide whether to issue the warrants.

Israel has faced growing criticism of its handling of the war against Hamas, begun after the Oct. 7 attacks that Israel says killed 1,200 Israelis. At least 35,000 people in Gaza have been killed since, many of them women and children. Biden said recently its "uncertain" whether Israeli forces had committed war crimes, but acknowledged that "innocent people" in Gaza had been killed. He also said there's "every reason" to believe Netanyahu is prolonging the war for political gain.

Despite Biden's criticism of the ICC, other allies of the U.S. and Israel, including France and Belgium, have defended the court's independence. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the move toward warrants was “not helpful" as allies seek a way to end the war and assist with humanitarian aid in the region.

What was Lucy McBath thinking? She lost her son Jordan Davis to some bigot over loud music. Now this incompetent lawmaker voted to punish the ICC for doing its job to protect mothers from losing their children to the Israeli regime.

Congressional Republicans, in particular, bristled at the ICC's move, leading to Tuesday's vote in the House on the sanctions legislation from Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX). Some Democrats have joined in those criticisms of the court as well, with Rep. Josh Gottheimer, (D-NY) leading a letter of two dozen members from both parties calling on Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen to impose sanctions against the ICC.

“The charges against Israeli leaders are baseless," 24 members wrote in that letter. "They reflect the ICC’s well-documented historical bias against Israel. The evidence is clear: Hamas terrorists are responsible for wreaking havoc and sowing destruction. ... This tragic conflict could end tomorrow if Hamas would put down their weapons, free the hostages, and allow more humanitarian aid into the region. Instead of working toward peaceful, just resolution, the ICC is playing politics."

Good luck on winning your bid for U.S. Senate, Elissa Slotkin. Michigan's Arab American voters will not back her or President Joe Biden because of their support of Israel.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY), said he, too, opposes the ICC's decision but said he could not support the "partisan" House bill that is "dead on arrival in the United States Senate." Still, Jeffries said he believes there is room for bipartisan legislation on the issue.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), called the ICC's action "outrageous" and "unconscionable" in a press conference Tuesday morning before the vote.

"The ICC has to be punished for this action," he said. "We cannot allow this to stand. If the ICC was allowed to do this and go after the leaders of countries whose actions they disagree with why would they not come after America?"

Israel is still engaging in destroying Gaza. The Rafah offense is on and the U.S. is still allowing it to happen. The U.S. will likely veto the emergency session by the United Nations after the International Court of Justice ordered an immediate ceasefire to the conflict.

The ICJ ordered Israel on Friday to immediately halt its military offensive in the southern Gaza city of Rafah, but stopped short of ordering a cease-fire for the enclave. Although Israel is unlikely to comply with the order, it will ratchet up the pressure on the increasingly isolated country.

Top Republicans Mike Johnson and Elise Stefanik will bow to the alter of Trump and the apartheid ethnostate of Israel. Republicans in control is a proven disaster. They can't govern. They have no legitimate reason to hold committee hearings. All they do is constantly make noise.

Criticism of Israel’s conduct in the war in Gaza has been growing, particularly since it turned its focus to Rafah. Three European countries announced they would recognize a Palestinian state, and the chief prosecutor for another international court requested arrest warrants for Israeli leaders, along with Hamas officials.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is also under some pressure at home to end the war, which was triggered when Hamas stormed into Israel. Israel says Hamas killed 1,200 people, most civilians, and taking some 250 hostage. Thousands of Israelis have joined weekly demonstrations calling on the government to reach a deal to bring the hostages home, fearing time is running out.

Grace Meng is an Asian American lawmaker and vocal progressive. What the hell she doing voting with the extremist Republicans? She is incompetent as many other Democrats voting to sanction the ICC. So disappointed in her.

Although the ruling by the International Court of Justice is a blow to Israel’s international standing, the court doesn’t have a police force to enforce its orders. In another case on its docket, Russia has ignored the court’s 2022 order to halt its full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Netanyahu is expected to personally address both chambers of Congress in the coming weeks. He recently accepted an invitation from the top four leaders in Congress — Johnson, Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — to speak to a joint session of Congress. A date has not been set for that speech.

Netanyahu has also called the ICC's decision "outrageous," suggesting that the court was creating a "false moral equivalence between the leaders of Israel and the henchmen of Hamas" akin to putting President George W. Bush and Osama Bin Laden on the same moral level after the Sept. 11 attacks.

The arrest warrants, Netanyahu said, are "a moral outrage of historic proportions" that will "cast an everlasting mark of shame on the international court."

Chip Roy, a white nationalist lawmaker from Texas introduced the punish ICC bill.

It pisses me off that Ruben Gallego has the audacity to complain about Kyrsten Sinema not doing her job when it comes to the progressive agenda. He pretty much showed his true colors. When the progressives demanded a call for a ceasefire, he ignores them.

Ruben Gallego and Elisa Slotkin are running for U.S. Senate. They will find it difficult if young voters, Arab American and Muslim voters fail to turn out. 

Let me get this straight: You are more upset over words than actions. You are upset over a criminal court recognized by 93% of the world issuing indictments on Israeli regime officials. You are upset someone using their freedom of speech to criticize a foreign country engaged in a propaganda campaign to shield itself from war crimes and impunity. You are upset over people using their voices, their wallets and their time to protest an injustice. Well, get upset over your taxpayer money aiding foreign nations. Get upset over foreign nations killing Americans in a war funded by our taxpayer money. Get upset over the deaths of thousands in Haiti, Chad, Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria, Venezuela, Myanmar, Mexico, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine and Palestine. Get upset at your president, your senator, your representative, your governor, your state leader, your mayor and your local junk food media for bowing to the evil regime of Israel.

Could you name one damn thing Israel's done for the United States?

The Israeli government through its proxies are trying to sway American lawmakers into criminalizing criticism of its actions to antisemitism.

Israel's latest excuses to justify the genocide:
  • They claimed that Hamas wants to kill as many Jews as possible.
  • They claim that Hamas has underground tunnels under schools, hospitals and refugee camps.
  • They claim that Hamas was planning on building a dirty bomb.
  • They claim that Hamas are using civilians as human shields.
  • They claim that Hamas is ISIS.
  • They claim that Hamas had a copy of Mein Kampf inside a base in a children's bedroom.
  • They claim that Hamas was beheading 40 babies.
  • They claim that Hamas misfired a rocket at a hospital.
  • They claim that Hamas wants a regional war.
  • They claim that Hamas had top secret plans to attack the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas has a calendar that showed the shifts of who was watching the hostages.
  • They claim that Hamas shot female soliders in the buttocks and breasts.
  • They claim that Hamas shot dead a civilian and raped the victim's corpse,
  • They claim that Hamas has placed explosive devices on corpses.
  • They claim that Hamas has infiltrated college campuses in the U.S. and Great Britain.
  • They claim that Hamas support from individuals amounts to being a terrorist sympathizer.
  • They claim the International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice, the World Health Organization, United Nations and Human Rights Watch are antisemitic and are rewarding Hamas.

Hamas is not raping women and there is no proof they done such a horrible act. It is part of the dehumanizing campaign Israel is promoting to influencers in the West. You see it when they are constantly deflecting from the images of Gaza being destroyed by American and European sponsored Israeli weapons. In their minds, they are justifying the brutal slaughter of children, men, women, journalists and doctors as collateral damage. 

Hamas stated the reasons for the attack on occupation forces. It has nothing to do with the Jewish religion or Iran. 

The IDF has the weapons to destroy everything. All on the American taxpayer, Israel has killed civilians, their own citizens and the status quo.

Biden, Donald J. Trump and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., most of Congress as well as the junk food media will suck the cock of Israel. They will spin tall tales about how Israel is constantly under attack and it's our mission to protect it. It is a taxpayer's burden and a testament of how American lawmakers still have this notion to dehumanize those who oppose the status quo.

This is the IDF. A bunch of terrorists acting like action heroes.

Let me be clear:


Israel will be a 2024 issue. Once this pass, I get the feeling that Biden will be the last U.S. president to support Israel. 

Presidents after Biden (hopefully Trump never wins a second presidency) will come to realize that Israel was the bad guy all along.

Keep pressure on them with Israel. 

Israel must be held accountable for war crimes and the U.S. must end its aid. Our taxpayer money should help Israel any further.

They are feeling it. Democrats know the risk of supporters being turned off by their policies. They know that Biden is under extreme pressure to do something. Arab Americans, Muslim and young voters have vowed to never back Biden putting his reelection chances in danger.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

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