
Saturday, June 01, 2024

The Conway Shell Game!

It either Trump or me?

Family matters.

Kellyanne Conway is a former Trump adviser who is now a Fox contributor again.

She is engaged in an open feud with her estranged husband and her daughter.

Conway like many Republicans reacted to the Donald J. Trump verdict in New York. 

Many Republicans are abandoning the "law and order" mantra for "we don't care if he is a criminal, we still voting for him" mantra. The neverending hypocrisy of MAGA.

The "Lock Her Up" and "Lock Him Up" crowd who supported jailing Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden now are upset that Trump was convicted in a court for falsifying documents to keep a story from impacting his 2016 presidential campaign.

MAGA is claiming that Biden, George Soros, Democrat radicals and the junk food media are corrupt and they vow revenge. Even Tara Reade, the Russian operative chimed in to say that Trump being convicted is wrong and she still wants Congress to investigate her sexual assault allegations. Reade is seeking asylum in Russia and if they were investigating her claims, she would have to return to the U.S., hire a lawyer and swear under oath her claims in front of Congress. She won't do it because if she perjured herself, she could be criminally charged. Besides, I believe she may face a failure to register under FARA Act.

Biden should be criminally liable for his role in giving aid and comfort to Israel.

His stance on Israel has seriously placed American influence in danger.

Trump, the so called "America First" former president is willing to shelve billions to Israel. He was the president who gave Israel full immunity and declared Jerusalem as the Israeli capital. He said he would deport any protesters who opposed Israel. Republicans are insufferable when it comes to political extremism. They claim that Biden is driving America in decline. They just literally ignore Trump's role in the Jan. 6 insurrection which gave world leaders the opportunity to ignore American influence.

Biden fell victim to the status quo. He said he wants to save the soul of the nation.

Claudia Conway is tired of her parents embarrassing themselves.

The soul of the nation is telling President Joe Biden that he needs to abandon Israel or suffer the consequences. Democrats are rightfully panicking about poll numbers.

Young voters, Black voters, Arab voters and Muslims view Biden very negatively.

Some are willing to allow Trump back in despite the potential threats he pose.

He said he wants to be a dictator on day one. Believe him.

Conway is estranged from George Conway and their daughter is no longer living with them. George and Kellyanne are considering divorce. Claudia Conway is angry with her parents because they are putting politics among her and her siblings future. She despises Trump and is not happy with Biden signing off the TikTok ban. 

This week, the former Republican power couple showed little chance of reconciliation, at least politically, after Kellyanne Conway reacted to Thursday’s guilty verdict in Trump’s hush money trial by doing some whataboutism toward those danged Democrats — in particular, President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

“This Verdict Won’t Change One Fundamental Thing,” she wrote Friday on social media, echoing remarks she’d also made on Fox News. “It won’t make @JoeBiden any less 81 years old. [It] won’t make @KamalaHarris smarter. [It] won’t excuse the fact that @JoeBiden crushed the American Dream for so many. [It] won’t excuse the millions, including terrorists and Chinese nationals, Biden has let walk into our country.”

George Conway was one of many people who mocked her spin on Trump’s verdict, and the attorney responded with one snarky sentence: “maybe his lawyers should put these points in their pre-sentencing memo.”

Then Claudia chimed in. 

"I think you forgot to add felon." 

Claudia deleted her original post and stated that disagreements with her parents are normal and she still loves them. 

She seriously believe her parents needs to stop helping Trump. For the sake of their family, her blossoming career and her sanity.

Claudia revealed that she wanted to emancipate herself and her sister from the home.

She said that her mom's devotion to Trump has made her a pariah among social gatherings. 

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