
Thursday, June 20, 2024

RFK, Jr.'s Campaign Dwindling Down!

Kennedy may be out of campaign cash.

Winners and losers of 2024.

The independent candidate for president failed to meet the requirements to debate on CNN and his fundraising is drying up. The Republicans and Democrats are siding with their nominees.

President Joe Biden and former president Donald J. Trump will debate next Thursday in what may be their only time [depending on Trump's reactions] on CNN.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. will not be on the stage. 

Biden will only have one conspiracy theorist to debate not two. 

The deadline to qualify for the debate was 12 a.m. EST Thursday. To qualify, candidates must “appear on a sufficient number of state ballots to reach the 270 electoral vote thresholds to win the presidency” and receive at least 15% in four qualifying national polls prior to the eligibility deadline, according to a CNN news release.

Kennedy had received at least 15% in three qualifying polls and was on the ballot in six states, making him eligible for only 89 electoral college votes, according to CNN.

Kennedy filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission in May claiming that CNN was making “prohibited corporate contributions” to the Biden and Trump campaigns violating federal campaign finance law and negotiated with the two campaigns to exclude other candidates, including him, from the debate stage.

Kennedy and his wife actress Cheryl Hines.

He asked that the FEC take actions no later than Thursday and keep CNN, Biden and Trump from holding the debate “until the parties have come into compliance with the Federal Election Campaign Act,” according to the complaint.

Kennedy and running mate Nicole Shanahan have so far managed garnish 8% of the vote.

Kennedy is denounced by his family. His own children and cousins support Biden.

Last month, Biden and Trump agreed to the CNN debate and a second on Sept. 10 hosted by ABC, bypassing the nonpartisan commission that has organized debates for nearly four decades.

After winning a coin toss, Biden's campaign chose the right podium position, meaning that he will be on the right side of viewers' screens, with Trump on the left, according to CNN. Trump's campaign then opted to deliver his closing statement after Biden.

Both campaigns have agreed to appear at podiums, and microphones will be muted except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

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