
Friday, June 14, 2024

Egging An Ex-Boyfriend's Home Led To A Woman Crashing Into A Car!

Cause and effect.

A person's attempt to vandalize a former lover's home backfired badly.

You can't fix stupid.

Sometimes, you just want to walk away from abusive relationships. Me, I am like that because sometimes I feel that I could lose it when I am pushed to my limits with women.

I rather be single for now.

Anyway, in Detroit a viral video shows a group of teens vandalize a home and then speed off in a SUV running a stop sign. They ended up getting sideswiped by a car that had the right of way.

A woman who filmed it told Detroit local junk food media that she never saw something like this in her life.

"It was eggs, jiffy mix, flour water," said Nisha Anderson, whose house near Puritan and Schaefer was targeted. 

Anderson's 17-year-old brother had dated one of the girls who threw the cake ingredients at their home; she was joined by other teens.

"I guess she got mad because he broke up with her because he had a female friend, and she had a guy friend – it was basically a relationship problem," Anderson said.

The teens hopped into an SUV to flee, ignoring a stop sign and crashing into another vehicle.

"I was a little frustrated because you just put somebody else in something that had nothing to do with anything," Anderson said.

A woman driving the other car suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was taken to a hospital. 

The teens fled the scene but did not make it far. 

"Cops caught up with them. Only thing the cops did was give them a ticket and send them home with their parents," Anderson said.

The crash was captured by a neighbor who was sitting on his porch – Jordan Powers. The video went viral on social media.

"I usually see stuff like that on social media not in real life," said Powers.

The driver at fault will be cited. The Detroit Metro Police will also charge the individuals who vandalized the home and victim's vehicles. 

I see why the boy broke up with her. This childish, reckless and ignorant behavior would have cost him his reputation, his freedom, his finances and possibly his life.

All kidding aside, we have to think about consequences to actions. To be that upset over a break up shows how dangerous it is to be in an abusive relationship. We must have a sense of calm and understanding.

I been through heartbreak and frustration with women. At the end of the day, why waste my time chasing it. I rather stay in my lane. I been through enough. Work two jobs and being a single dad with little time to see my son is frustrating. 

I was robbed of a lot of things. Being a father was the most. Had I known the situation, I wish never met the woman. I am blessed to be a father but forever angry at the woman for hiding the fact she had my son without me knowing. 

Forgiving her is easy. Erasing it is hard.

Nonetheless, we have to settle with the future.

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