
Thursday, June 06, 2024

Byron Donalds Thought Jim Crow Was Gee Golly Swell!

Florida lawmaker Byron "Jim Crow" Donalds.

Winners and losers of 2024.

Looks like Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) earned his pat on the head. He's a good boy and he knows his place. Had he lived in the South post Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) he would be at the master's table serving him supper. 

He would have been lynched if he was seen with his wife who was a white woman. They would have beat the love out of her. They would level trumped up rape charges, have in a courtroom within hours and by sundown he would have found a tree near a general store to hang on.

They would have killed his children and fed them to the alligators. The state would not prosecute because they see a Black criminal as a threat and justified death for the preservation of the master race.

Donalds, a former Democratic leaning voter became a Republican during the Tea Party Movement and went totally MAGA when Trump ran. He won the seat after Francis Rooney retired.

Born in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, Donalds was raised by his single mother. In 1996, Donalds graduated from Nazareth Regional High School in East Flatbush.

In 1997, Donalds was charged with marijuana possession, but the charges were dropped as part of a pre-trial diversion program, and he was fined $150 (equivalent to $280 in 2023). In 2000, he pleaded no contest to a felony theft charge for allegedly attempting to defraud a bank (by depositing a bad check), but his record was later sealed and expunged. According to an attorney consulted by the fact-checking site PolitiFact, "Donalds would not have been able to get his record expunged if the state considered him a convicted felon."

Donalds attended Florida A&M University and subsequently transferred. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in finance and marketing from Florida State University in 2002.

He moved to Florida and saw an opportunity to be a leader for Black Republicans.

He was a state lawmaker before a U.S. Congressman.

Donalds described himself as a "Trump supporting, gun owning, liberty loving, pro-life, politically incorrect Black man."

He stated to a group of Republicans in an attempt to court Black voters that "Jim Crow" kept Black families together.

Donalds suggested that things had gotten worse for Black people after they embraced Democrats following President Lyndon Johnson’s enactment of Great Society programs in the 1960s, including an expansion of federal food stamps, housing, welfare and Medicaid for low-income Americans.

“You see, during Jim Crow, the Black family was together. During Jim Crow, more Black people were not just conservative — Black people have always been conservative-minded — but more Black people voted conservatively,” Donalds, one of Trump’s top allies in Congress and a campaign surrogate, said in remarks first reported by The Philadelphia Inquirer. 

“And then H.E.W., Lyndon Johnson — you go down that road, and now we are where we are,” he said, a reference to what was then the Department of Health, Education and Welfare.

Leading up to those remarks, Donalds said he had more recently seen “the reinvigoration of Black families” — what he described as younger people forming nuclear family units — that is “helping to breathe the revival of a Black middle class in America,” the Inquirer said.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) the highest-ranking African American in Congress, took to the House floor Wednesday and delivered a blistering speech, giving numerous examples of how Black people had suffered under racial segregation.

“It has come to my attention that a so-called leader has made the factually inaccurate statement that Black folks were better off during Jim Crow. That’s an outlandish, outrageous and out-of-pocket observation,” Jeffries said.

“We were not better off when a young boy named Emmett Till could be brutally murdered without consequence because of Jim Crow,” he continued. “We were not better off when Black women could be sexually assaulted without consequence, because of Jim Crow. ... How dare you make such an ignorant observation? You better check yourself before you wreck yourself.”

Biden-Harris campaign spokesperson Sarafina Chitika also slammed Donalds’ remarks and the Philadelphia event in a statement: "Donald Trump spent his adult life, and then his presidency undermining the progress Black communities fought so hard for — so it actually tracks that his campaign’s ‘Black outreach’ is going to a white neighborhood and promising to take America back to Jim Crow."

Members of the Congressional Black Caucus issued a statement Wednesday evening calling Donalds a "mouthpiece who will say the quiet parts out loud that many will not say themselves" and demanding he apologize to Black Americans "for misrepresenting one of the darkest chapters in our history for his own political gain."

Donalds, who is sometimes mentioned as a possible Trump vice presidential running mate, later posted video of the full remarks in response to Democratic criticism. In a separate video, he said President Joe Biden's campaign was "lying" and "gaslighting" because "they're trying to say that I said that Black people were doing better under Jim Crow."

"I never said that. They are lying. ... What I said was that you had more Black families under Jim Crow and it was the Democrat policies under H.E.W., under the welfare state, that did help to destroy the Black family," he said in a video posted to X on Wednesday.

Rep. Wesley Hunt, a Black Republican from Texas who also spoke at the Tuesday event, came to Donalds' defense on X.

"Democrats have replaced the father in the black home with Uncle Sam and when strong black leaders point it out, Democrats come unglued," Hunt wrote. "We are trying to have a national conversation about making black families stronger, about making American families stronger, and that makes the left VERY uncomfortable."

The Black Conservative Federation, for which Donalds serves as chairman, also condemned the criticism of Donalds' statement.

“The Black Conservative Federation (BCF) condemns the attacks levied against our Chairman, Congressman Byron Donalds by Minority Leader Jeffries on the House floor,” the group said in a statement. “Calling Congressman Donalds a 'so-called leader' for his statement on the conservative black family is tasteless, insulting, and quite frankly, unbecoming of a House Minority Leader.”

Byron and Ericka Donalds would be lynched if Jim Crow existed.

Trump campaign spokesman Brian Hughes posted on his social account that Donalds was a "respected black leader" and referenced comments Biden made in 2020 that African Americans "ain’t Black" if they vote for Trump.

The Trump campaign event was billed as “Congress, Cognac and Cigars” and is part of a broader effort by the Trump campaign to make inroads with Black voters in swing states like Pennsylvania.

Donalds did damage control on Abby Phillips Tonight and The ReidOut with Joy Reid.

Phillips and Reid looked at Donalds as a "troubled Black man" who figured that his remarks don't have merit.

Black Republicans are growing. As explained in earlier postings, Trump has 23% of the Black male vote. He only has 5% of the Black woman vote.

Rep. Burgess Owens (R-UT), Rep. John James (R-MI), Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL), Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) are the current members of the 118th Congress. It is not a historic feat. But it shows a growing trend for Blacks to abandon the Democratic Party. 

Here's the thing, when the Republican Party nominates a Black man or woman to be their president or vice president, then I might stop referring them to the party of white supremacy and stupidity.

While Republicans live in revisionist history, Democrats have two African Americans to hold titles of President of the United States and Vice President of the United States.

The first African American Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall was nominated by a Democratic president.

The first African American woman to be a Supreme Court justice is Ketanji Brown Jackson and she was nominated by a Democratic president.

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