
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Ohio Predator Tries To Duck His Shame!

When Brock Turner is out in the city, he likes to be called Allen.

Be warned, there will be details of sexual abuse.

Former Stanford University swimmer Brock Turner is using his middle name to avoid the publicity and try to rebuild his life. Not saying all individuals deserve a second chance, Turner is by far an unrepentant figure in the game.

White privilege kept him out of a California iron college. He now lives with the shame of being labeled a TIER III in California and Ohio where he lives.

Turner grew up in Dayton. He attended prestigious schools and was accepted into Stanford on a full ride swimming scholarship. He was hoping to be an Olympian.

But all that changed when he decided to take advantage of a woman who was too intoxicated for sexual encounters. Chanel Miller (formerly the Jane Doe) who Brock sexually assaulted was robbed of her life. Two men saw Turner drag her behind a dumpster and tried to penatrate while she was unconscious.

Two Swedish graduate students, Peter Lars Jonsson and Carl-Fredrik Arndt, were cycling on the Stanford campus at about 1:00 a.m., on January 18, 2015, when they spotted the assault taking place. According to Arndt and Jonsson, they surprised Turner behind a dumpster as he was on top of an unconscious 22-year-old Chanel Miller, whose dress had been pulled up to expose her genitals, her underwear and cell phone having been dropped beside her. Jonsson and Arndt saw Turner thrust his hips into Miller, whom the two men observed appeared to be unconscious. Jonsson testified that he confronted Turner and asked him, "What the fuck are you doing? She's unconscious." According to Jonsson, Turner quickly rose and attempted to flee the scene. As Arndt briefly went to determine whether she was breathing, Jonsson chased Turner, tripped him and held him down around 75 feet (23 m) away from the dumpster, asking "What are you smiling for?" Later, responding to the assistant District Attorney's questions during the trial, Turner testified that he was laughing because he found the situation ridiculous. Arndt then joined the chase, helping to pin Turner down while a third bystander called sheriff's deputies. When the authorities arrived, they arrested Turner on suspicion of attempted rape.

According to a deputy sheriff who described the victim as unconscious at the scene, when Miller arrived at the hospital, she did not respond to shouting and being shaken by the shoulders. She regained consciousness at 4:15 am. She later testified at Turner's trial that at the time she regained consciousness, she had pine needles in her hair and on her body, and dried blood on her hands and elbows. In an interview with police, she said she did not recall being alone with a man during the night and that she did not consent to any sexual activity. At the hospital, she was found to have abrasions and erythema (reddening) on her skin. One nurse who administered a sexual assault response team examination at the hospital determined that she had experienced significant trauma (physical injury, bruising, etc.) and penetrating trauma (piercing and cutting injuries).

Turner and Miller had attended a party at Kappa Alpha Order fraternity earlier in the night. Her sister testified in the trial that Turner, a man previously unknown to Miller, had approached her twice and attempted to kiss her, but that she pulled away. She also testified that she never saw Turner and her sister at the party. According to a police report compiled in the morning after the incident, Turner at first told police that he met Miller outside the fraternity house and left with her. He also stated he did not know her name and "stated that he would not be able to recognize her if he saw her again."

Chanel Miller.
After his arrest, Turner told police that he met Miller at the Kappa Alpha house, they "drank beer together," "walked away from the house holding hands," and that he took off her clothes and fondled her while she rubbed his back. Turner then said he got nauseous and told her he needed to vomit. Turner said he got up and started to walk away to throw up, and heard another person saying something to him which he could not understand, then heard the same person talking to another person in a foreign language. Turner initially denied but later admitted that he ran from the two Swedish graduate students before being tackled. During his trial testimony, Turner stated that he and Miller drank beer together, danced and kissed at the party, and agreed to go back to his room. Turner stated that Miller slipped on a slope behind a wooden shed, then Turner got down to the ground and started kissing her. Turner stated he then asked her if she wanted him to "finger" her, to which she said yes. He stated that he "fingered" her for a minute as they were kissing, then they started "dry humping." Turner testified that he stumbled down an incline where he was confronted by Jonsson and Arndt, who were saying things like "You're sick" and "Do you think that's OK?" Turner testified that he did not know what they were talking about. Turner stated that he fled when Jonsson tried to put him in an armlock.

Both prosecuting Attorney Alaleh Kianerci and Miller stated that Turner's narrative during trial testimony was fabricated. Kianerci argued to the jury, "He's able to write the script because she has no memory. But just because he wrote the script doesn't mean that ... knowledgeable jurors have to believe it." The victim described Turner's testimony as presenting "a strange new story, [that] almost sounded like a poorly written young adult novel."

The jury found Brock guilty and recommended a 25 year term.

The state judge, Aaron Persky decided to sentence Turner to six months in the Santa Clara County jail followed by three years of probation. After three months in jail, Turner was released on September 2, 2016. He is permanently registered as a sex offender and was obligated to participate in a sex offender rehabilitation program.

The decision was controversial. Persky was a former Stanford student and an alumni.

He called it a youthful discretion that ruined a good person's life. It led to his recall and eventual disbarment. Turner lost his scholarship and was booted from Stanford. Upon returning home, some of his allies backed him, most of the world condemned him.

Turner works at factory in Springboro and travels to his Alcoholic Anonymous and probation office. He has stayed out of the limelight. 

Until now.

Folks around Dayton seen him back in the clubs and he is using his middle name Allen to pick up women. 

Turner should just try to find women who are willing to take him. The club scene is going will put this predator in the iron college.

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